Monotype Duraludon (Dragon)


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Duraludon @ Leftovers
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave

Duraludon acts as a stalwart wall that valiantly checks threats such as Dragapult, Weavile, and Scizor, which otherwise sweep Dragon teams! Flash Cannon threatens Ice- and Fairy-types such as Weavile and Hatterene. Foul Play punishes setup sweepers such as Dragapult, Dragonite, and Scizor. Thunder Wave slows down the opposing team, enabling wallbreakers with lackluster Speed such as Hydreigon, Latios, and Kyurem. Hydreigon provides a Ground immunity with Levitate and deals with walls such as Ferrothorn, Celesteela, and Toxapex, which take advantage of Duraludon's passivity. Choice Scarf Dragapult helps cover Duraludon's poor Speed, checking threats such as Swift Swim Kingdra and Volcarona, and also provides an immunity to Fighting. Dragalge is a specially defensive wall that deals with Tapu Fini, which uses Duraludon as setup fodder, and forms an entry hazard stacking core with Toxic Spikes. Kyurem deals with Toxapex and Nidoking and pressures types such as Flying, Water, and Poison, which Duraludon struggles against.

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Duraludon @ Leftovers
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave

Duraludon acts as a stalwart wall that valiantly checks threats such as Dragapult, Weavile, and Scizor which sweep Dragon teams! *I would shortly mention that it helps in mirrors as well as it's a really helpful thing on Dragons as usually u always want a scarf user for that, and altho u mention that scarf Dpult is cool, there is no real mention about the mirror MU where it can take dragon moves and slow down or eliminate faster mons such as Scarf Lati@s and Pult. Flash Cannon threatens Ice- and Fairy-types such as Weavile and Clefable. (I would rather mention Bulu>Clef as Clef can actually just start set uping CM in front of Duraludon but as it can also run defensive sets and it doesn't really switch-on it, you can keep it, it's up to you.) Foul Play punishes setup sweepers such as Dragapult, Dragonite, and Scizor. Thunder Wave slows down the opposing team, enabling breakers such as Hydreigon, Latios, and Kyurem which have lackluster Speed. Hydreigon provides a Ground-type immunity with Levitate, and deals with walls such as Ferrothorn, Celesteela, and Toxapex which take advantage of Duraludon's passivity. Choice Scarf Dragapult helps with Duraludon's poor Speed, checking threats such as Swift Swim Kingdra and Volcarona, and is a Fighting-type immunity. Dragalge is a specially defensive wall that deals with Tapu Fini, which turns Duraludon into setup fodder, and forms an entry hazard stacking core with Toxic Spikes. Kyurem deals with Toxapex and Nidoking, and pressures types such as Flying, Ground Water(Duraludon can still get some useful paras and chip damage vs Water teams by surviving things like Skewda's banded CC or just by paralyzing mons such as Pex and Volcanion, while against Ground it isn't useful at all if not as a sack piece), and Poison which Duraludon struggles against.

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Well done, tag when implemented so i can retake a look at it :blobthumbsup:
> *I would shortly mention that it helps in mirrors as well as it's a really helpful thing on Dragons as usually u always want a scarf user for that, and altho u mention that scarf Dpult is cool, there is no real mention about the mirror MU where it can take dragon moves and slow down or eliminate faster mons such as Scarf Lati@s and Pult.

You can't take Scarf Latias' Draco meteor btw, you should only be mainly switching in to pult. 50 SpDef isnt doing it any favors

(I would rather mention Bulu>Clef as Clef can actually just start set uping CM in front of Duraludon but as it can also run defensive sets and it doesn't really switch-on it, you can keep it, it's up to you.)

Bulu has CC and is of least concern to Dragon tbh, but oki Ig, I'd swap it. Thoughts on Hatterene though?

r(Duraludon can still get some useful paras and chip damage vs Water teams by surviving things like Skewda's banded CC or just by paralyzing mons such as Pex and Volcanion, while against Ground it isn't useful at all if not as a sack piece),

Duraludon prevents band exca from spamming Iron Head, its definitely not a sack piece

AtraX Madara thoughts before we edit it though, thankiee in andvance
> *I would shortly mention that it helps in mirrors as well as it's a really helpful thing on Dragons as usually u always want a scarf user for that, and altho u mention that scarf Dpult is cool, there is no real mention about the mirror MU where it can take dragon moves and slow down or eliminate faster mons such as Scarf Lati@s and Pult.

You can't take Scarf Latias' Draco meteor btw, you should only be mainly switching in to pult. 50 SpDef isnt doing it any favors

(I would rather mention Bulu>Clef as Clef can actually just start set uping CM in front of Duraludon but as it can also run defensive sets and it doesn't really switch-on it, you can keep it, it's up to you.)

Bulu has CC and is of least concern to Dragon tbh, but oki Ig, I'd swap it. Thoughts on Hatterene though?

r(Duraludon can still get some useful paras and chip damage vs Water teams by surviving things like Skewda's banded CC or just by paralyzing mons such as Pex and Volcanion, while against Ground it isn't useful at all if not as a sack piece),

Duraludon prevents band exca from spamming Iron Head, its definitely not a sack piece

AtraX Madara thoughts before we edit it though, thankiee in andvance
I was going to sleep but ill answer fast
Scarf Lati has high roll to ohko but Dura still can be able to take it at -2 which some mons usually dont after 1 or 2 entries on rocks, helps vs dd kyurem or Scarf kyurem (choice ep u probably have free sub with hydre) and as u said with pult, so it can really make the difference in mirrors.

Bulu can actually be a problem as kyu is basically the only real good answer (or def dnite) and for the rest it can usually go to claim a kill altho that's the only change i said i wasn't too sure as flash cannon barely 2hkoes clef while it doesn't even ohko bulu, but clef can just start and setup cm while bulu doea like 80 with cc so usually dura can be fine as a back switch on fairy moves or eventually can help checking lele with dragalge.

Preventing band drill from using iron head freely can be good but this just opens up other switches that can claim a kill / if we don't count this then u always prefer to Sack dragalge and duraludon on revenge killers such as Scarf mamo/lando/drill or to scout sets such as mamos one + water can get really annoyed by twave spam, especially having paraflinch with hydre in the back and with pert being the most used immunity that allows sub users such as kyu and hydre to basically come in freely and win
Scarf Lati has high roll to ohko but Dura still can be able to take it at -2 which some mons usually dont after 1 or 2 entries on rocks, helps vs dd kyurem or Scarf kyurem (choice ep u probably have free sub with hydre) and as u said with pult, so it can really make the difference in mirrors.
I think the best way to deal with Scarf Latias is just outspeeding it with scarf Pult, as taking unnecessary damage on Dura means DD Pult (often paired with Scarf Latias) will sweep you later. Its really just DDPult/Kyu (DD Kyu being super rare). I'd just add something refencing Dragon, but not reference latias

Bulu can actually be a problem as kyu is basically the only real good answer (or def dnite) and for the rest it can usually go to claim a kill altho that's the only change i said i wasn't too sure as flash cannon barely 2hkoes clef while it doesn't even ohko bulu, but clef can just start and setup cm while bulu doea like 80 with cc so usually dura can be fine as a back switch on fairy moves or eventually can help checking lele with dragalge.
Hydrei is also an answer to Bulu, esp if its the BU/HHP/HornLeech/Sub variant. Dura can only eat 1 Moonblast from Lele, making Hatt the closest possible Fairy-type it could check

I agree with Clef now tho, just checked calcs

Preventing band drill from using iron head freely can be good but this just opens up other switches that can claim a kill
if they go Gastro / Nido which kinda messes on Duraludon, then thats a free Kyurem switchin though. Mamo / Garchomp cant come in on Dura because Foul Play does a ton and Draco Meteor may be utilized

water can get really annoyed by twave spam, especially having paraflinch with hydre in the back and with pert being the most used immunity that allows sub users such as kyu and hydre to basically come in freely and win
Volcanion, Pex are already harmed by kyurem, and are slower. Paraflinch barely matters as Water teams have fini which handles Hydrei, while them having to deal with Kyurem too
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(also, on adding the matchups it helps, its awkward to just say, "massively helping matchups such as (only Dragon)". Its more on the targets it walls. We can't say helps in Dark as Weevil isnt always in Dark, Ice matchup feels too obvious and you technically lose to G.Darm and the rest of the ice team that isnt Scarf Weevil, Steel doesn't always have Scizor, etc.)

Edit: We can continue this tomorro, sorry for bothering your sleep ;w;
I think the best way to deal with Scarf Latias is just outspeeding it with scarf Pult, as taking unnecessary damage on Dura means DD Pult (often paired with Latias) will sweep you later. Its really just DDPult/Kyu (DD Kyu being super rare). I'd just add something refencing Dragon, but not reference latias

Hydrei is also an answer to Bulu, esp if its the BU/HHP/Leech/Sub variant. Dura can only eat 1 Moonblast from Lele, making Hatt the closest possible Fairy-type it could check

I agree with Clef now tho, just checked calcs

if they go Gastro / Nido which kinda messes on Duraludon, then thats a free Kyurem switchin though. Mamo / Garchomp cant come in on Dura because Foul Play does a ton and Draco Meteor may be utilized

Volcanion, Pex are already harmed by kyurem, and are slower. Paraflinch barely matters as Water teams have fini which handles Hydrei, while them having to deal with Kyurem too
Of course Scarf pult is the best check for Scarf lati, i just told u to mention that dura can help in the dragon mirror as having it usually makes u win as it helps dealing with the dragon stab.

Dura helps vs lele with psyshock, not with mb, dragalge is the best switch in for mb but it dies to psyshock and here is where duraludon is helpful

Hydre can be cool for some sets of bulu as slower + cc means it will die to ft but there aren't many other examples, as i said 2 times clef is fine but i don't really love the fairy examples here as u are almost giving free cm setup to clef which is just losing

Pex can actually be annoying and carry light screen to then stall out with slowking or other mons kyurem, which always appreciates help vs water and overall duraludon provides more utility than against ground where it almost always can be good to scout some sets or hope to get rocks early on, while vs water it just can use twave on half of the team, help with rocks and deal chip with foul play
this can move to GP Neko I don't think a competent player would allow opportunities for such a thing to happen in water esp with swampert and fini existing. all i see duraludon doing is clicking stealth rocks and baiting in fini/swampert/gastro for a double switch into kyurem/etc but alone that dude is a momentum drain. something like nidokingless poison is an amazing example or just poison in general because well that mu shifts tremendously with hydreigon flinch + thunder wave paralyses.
this can move to GP Neko I don't think a competent player would allow opportunities for such a thing to happen in water esp with swampert and fini existing. all i see duraludon doing is clicking stealth rocks and baiting in fini/swampert/gastro for a double switch into kyurem/etc but alone that dude is a momentum drain. something like nidokingless poison is an amazing example or just poison in general because well that mu shifts tremendously with hydreigon flinch + thunder wave paralyses.
Dis ready for GP GP Team
Thankiee Madara and Roxie :blobnom:
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Duraludon @ Leftovers
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave

Duraludon acts as a stalwart wall that valiantly checks threats such as Dragapult, Weavile, and Scizor, (comma) which otherwise sweep Dragon teams! Flash Cannon threatens Ice- and Fairy-types such as Weavile and Hatterene. Foul Play punishes setup sweepers such as Dragapult, Dragonite, and Scizor. Thunder Wave slows down the opposing team, enabling wallbreakers with lackluster Speed such as Hydreigon, Latios, and Kyurem which have lackluster Speed. Hydreigon provides a Ground-type immunity with Levitate, (comma) and deals with walls such as Ferrothorn, Celesteela, and Toxapex, (comma) which take advantage of Duraludon's passivity. Choice Scarf Dragapult helps with cover Duraludon's poor Speed, checking threats such as Swift Swim Kingdra and Volcarona, and is a Fighting-type immunity and also provides an immunity to Fighting. Dragalge is a specially defensive wall that deals with Tapu Fini turns Duraludon into setup fodder, Fini, which uses Duraludon as setup fodder, and forms an entry hazard stacking core with Toxic Spikes. Kyurem deals with Toxapex and Nidoking, (comma) and pressures types such as Flying, Water, and Poison, (comma) which Duraludon struggles against.
GP 1/1!


GP Team done
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Duraludon @ Leftovers
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave

Duraludon acts as a stalwart wall that valiantly checks threats such as Dragapult, Weavile, and Scizor, (comma) which otherwise sweep Dragon teams! Flash Cannon threatens Ice- and Fairy-types such as Weavile and Hatterene. Foul Play punishes setup sweepers such as Dragapult, Dragonite, and Scizor. Thunder Wave slows down the opposing team, enabling wallbreakers with lackluster Speed such as Hydreigon, Latios, and Kyurem which have lackluster Speed. Hydreigon provides a Ground-type immunity with Levitate, (comma) and deals with walls such as Ferrothorn, Celesteela, and Toxapex, (comma) which take advantage of Duraludon's passivity. Choice Scarf Dragapult helps with cover Duraludon's poor Speed, checking threats such as Swift Swim Kingdra and Volcarona, and is a Fighting-type immunity and also provides an immunity to Fighting. Dragalge is a specially defensive wall that deals with Tapu Fini turns Duraludon into setup fodder, Fini, which uses Duraludon as setup fodder, and forms an entry hazard stacking core with Toxic Spikes. Kyurem deals with Toxapex and Nidoking, (comma) and pressures types such as Flying, Water, and Poison, (comma) which Duraludon struggles against.
GP 1/1!


GP Team done
Dis implemented, thank you so much UT :blobnom: