name: SubPunch
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Focus Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch / Shadow Sneak
move 4: Fire Punch / Ice Punch
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 232 Atk / 24 Def
<p>This set uses Dusknoir's immunities to easily switch in and Substitute, and then deal large damage to the opposition from Dusknoir's oft underestimated Attack stat and its impressive physical move pool. Focus Punch and Fire Punch hit Tyranitar (who can OHKO Dusknoir with CB Crunch) and Heracross (who appreciates a potential Burn from Will-O-Wisp), common switches into Dusknoir, for huge damage, actually OHKOing Tyranitar and nearly OHKOing Heracross.</p>
<p>Fire Punch versus Ice Punch depends on whether you want to beat Heracross, or take on Salamence. Since Heracross almost will never hesitate to switch in, Substitute + Fire Punch can be used to severely cripple it, as the Substitute will force the frequently Choiced Heracross to reveal its hand, and Fire Punch will nearly OHKO it. The choice between Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak is difficult. Despite Dusknoir not getting STAB on Sucker Punch, it is still more powerful than his Shadow Sneak. The added power allows you to OHKO opponents like Gengar and Alakazam, something Shadow Sneak will not do. However, Sucker Punch will fail if your opponent chooses not to attack you and has a mere maximum 8 PP. ThunderPunch can be considered as well, if you fear Gyarados setting up on you. Pain Split is also an option if you want to attempt to stall your opponent and can be useful to recover HP lost from creating your Substitutes.</p>
<p>323 Attack is reached to always OHKO 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey with Focus Punch and Stealth Rock, always 2HKO 252 HP / 216 Def Impish Forretress with Fire Punch and Stealth Rock, and always OHKO 4 HP / 0 Def Alakazam with Sucker Punch. It finally allows you to take on Salamence, OHKOing 216 HP / 252 Def Bold Salamence with Ice Punch followed by Shadow Sneak, provided Stealth Rock is in play, before it gets the chance to Roost. The rest of the EVs go into Defense, to provide a bit of extra bulk. One could run 84 Speed EVs to outrun minimum Speed Blissey if you desire to put up a Substitute before Blissey can use Toxic against Dusknoir.</p>
name: SubPunch
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Focus Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch / Shadow Sneak
move 4: Fire Punch / Ice Punch
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 232 Atk / 24 Def
<p>This set uses Dusknoir's immunities to easily switch in and Substitute, and then deal large damage to the opposition from Dusknoir's oft underestimated Attack stat and its impressive physical move pool. Focus Punch and Fire Punch hit Tyranitar (who can OHKO Dusknoir with CB Crunch) and Heracross (who appreciates a potential Burn from Will-O-Wisp), common switches into Dusknoir, for huge damage, actually OHKOing Tyranitar and nearly OHKOing Heracross.</p>
<p>Fire Punch versus Ice Punch depends on whether you want to beat Heracross, or take on Salamence. Since Heracross almost will never hesitate to switch in, Substitute + Fire Punch can be used to severely cripple it, as the Substitute will force the frequently Choiced Heracross to reveal its hand, and Fire Punch will nearly OHKO it. The choice between Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak is difficult. Despite Dusknoir not getting STAB on Sucker Punch, it is still more powerful than his Shadow Sneak. The added power allows you to OHKO opponents like Gengar and Alakazam, something Shadow Sneak will not do. However, Sucker Punch will fail if your opponent chooses not to attack you and has a mere maximum 8 PP. ThunderPunch can be considered as well, if you fear Gyarados setting up on you. Pain Split is also an option if you want to attempt to stall your opponent and can be useful to recover HP lost from creating your Substitutes.</p>
<p>323 Attack is reached to always OHKO 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey with Focus Punch and Stealth Rock, always 2HKO 252 HP / 216 Def Impish Forretress with Fire Punch and Stealth Rock, and always OHKO 4 HP / 0 Def Alakazam with Sucker Punch. It finally allows you to take on Salamence, OHKOing 216 HP / 252 Def Bold Salamence with Ice Punch followed by Shadow Sneak, provided Stealth Rock is in play, before it gets the chance to Roost. The rest of the EVs go into Defense, to provide a bit of extra bulk. One could run 84 Speed EVs to outrun minimum Speed Blissey if you desire to put up a Substitute before Blissey can use Toxic against Dusknoir.</p>