

Hi all ,

me and a friend were discussing how eevee can almost for a team with only its own evolution.
I dont know if this is in violation of species clause but i had to post it anyways because i was quite amazed when i saw the result.

So here it goes :

I started off with some kind of 'core'.
This gave me Umbreon and Vaporeon allready wich was kinda needed to have on the team

Then i knew i HAD to get a counter for spikes , stealth rock , and those things. So magic bounce espeon had to be on the team too


Now i need some sweepers. Can kinda count espeon as a special counter but i had a dualscreener in mind for him. Therefor i needed a 2nd special sweeper and a physical one atleast. Ofcourse , my eye fell on Jolteon as special. And as physicals there is Flareon , Leafeon. I decided to take them both , because flareon lacks speed a bit , but i somehow think having flash fire could be cool if vaporeon ends up dieing.


So left out glaceon , because he is a bit slow , with ice typing ... making him weak too to many things for my taste.

In depth:


Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability : Synchronise
Evs: 252 Hp , 252 Sp.Def , 6 Def
Sassy Nature (Speed - , Sp.Def+)
- Curse
- Wish
- Payback
- Toxic

So i thought with this set , having highest possible special defence from EVs. Then having curse to fill up the defense 'loss' . Also making its attack higher, wich is cool to use in addition with payback so umbreon can kill stuff too.
Heal bell i wanted to have to cure my sweepers from any hindering status effects.
Any advice for that matter is appreceated :)

Taking toxic as last move as advised by dblan , this to have something against setup sweepers. But no healing possibiltys on umbreon maybe makes it a bit less of a wall ?


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Evs: 252 Hp , 252 Def , 6 Sp.Def
Bold Nature (Atk - , Def + )
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Scald
- Protect

So here is vaporeon as a wish passer.
He is made to have acceptable defenses with EVs among with max hp.
Made him into my cleric now.
With healbell and wish , scald as stab and protect to heal himself with wish or just to scout.


Espeon @ Light Clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
Evs: 252 Hp , 252 Speed, 6 Sp.Att
Timid nature ( Att- , Speed+)
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

As i said in the teambuilding , i'm going with a dual screen set , to support the whole team as they are lacking some defensive stats on the sweepers.
Also have protect , this to scout and get some more leftover heals (because i want to keep him alive as long as possible to have magic bounce)

Changed his EV set to have more hp , also now having psychic and Hidden Power fighting , this makes for pretty good coverage. Shadow Ball was suggested but i thought it be a waste to not have STABs .

Leafeon @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
Evs: Atk 252 , Spd 252 , Hp 6
Jolly Nature (Spd+ , Sp.Att-)
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Synthesis
- Return

Leafeon doesnt have too much attacking options but with LeafBlade its quite acceptable in the end.
If some1 comes up with a weather team this one will also hurt the opposing team alot except for the fire types, for wich Return would maybe be a better option?
Next to that i have life orb and swords dance to make this a setup sweeper .
And synthesis partially as filler but also to heal off life orb dammage as well as beeing able to tank IF reflect/lightscreen is up!


Jolteon @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
Evs: 252 Sp.Att , 252 Spd , 6 Hp
Timid Nature ( Spd + , Atk -)
- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Change

Jolteon as a special sweeper. This set is i believe pretty known to u all.
TBolt as a stab move .
Signal beam mainly as fillers.
Life orb because beeing stuck with a wrong attack can be a real pain in the ass .
Ability volt absorb teams nicely with vaporeon.

Changed to hidden power Ice , this to handle some +1 dragonites as they wouldnt outspeed jolteon just yet (the bulkier type that is)
And Volt Change instead of shadow ball because i mainly dont use shadow ball too much and second of all it gives some dammage before switching wich can be nice too.
(also additional LO dammage on the other side , wich might be bad?)


Flareon @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
Evs: 252 Atk , 252 Spd , 6 Hp
Jolly Nature (Spd + , Atk-)
- Flame Charge
- Quick Attack
- Facade
- Bite

Switched this one to the guts alternative. With the additional attack boost his lower base dammage moves will still do acceptable dammage.
Now we have flame charge to boost speed again. Quick attack for priority where needed.
Facade for the obvious reasons.
And bite for ghost/psychic types.

Sooo this is the Eeveenation team at the moment.
Any advice is appreceated but only eevees =D
Also this team might not be too competitive altho i do think they suport eachother rather well.
Let me know what u think about it.
And apologies if this team is in violation of any rules , been away for quite some time.
I prefer HP Ice on Jolteon seeing how at his max speed he can do a number at +1 Dragonite which is always good.
If you're going to use Espeon as a screener, you should probably try this set:
Espeon@ Light clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
Light Screen
HP [Ice or Electric]

This set has won a ton of battles for me. Reflect and Light screen with the Light Clay boost last for 8 turns, giving you that much more support. HP Ice for dragons (or electric if you're worried about waters) and psychic as your STAB. Even without much investment in special attack, psychic hits like a truck.
If you're going to use Espeon as a screener, you should probably try this set:
Espeon@ Light clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
Light Screen
HP [Ice or Electric]

This set has won a ton of battles for me. Reflect and Light screen with the Light Clay boost last for 8 turns, giving you that much more support. HP Ice for dragons (or electric if you're worried about waters) and psychic as your STAB. Even without much investment in special attack, psychic hits like a truck.

I was considering this to be honest.
But i thought espeon might die too soon that way?
But maybe i see that wrong?
Your Umbreon is pretty much Taunt bait, since Payback isn't very reliable at times. I suggest going fully offensive in his case. Also, your Jolteon's set looks like it would work superbly with Choice Specs.
Nice team, I like the gimmick.

Umbreon: I like Heal Bell, especially since your whole team (bar Jolteon's immunity to Thunder Wave) is susceptible to status, and hates it. Try Toxic in the 4th slot, you don't have any Pokemon with status moves and it helps against setup sweepers that you claim to have trouble with.

Espeon: Don't understand that set at all. Put Light Clay over Leftovers to make your screens last longer. If you're worried about its longevity, put EVs on HP instead of special attack. Your primary goal with that Espeon should be to put up screens anyway. Protect on that moveset will do nothing but hurt it, put Hidden Power Fighting to cover Dark types. Shadow Ball in the final moveslot so you can have nearly flawless neutral coverage.

Leafeon: I like this moveset:

Swords Dance
Leaf Blade

You don't really need both a grass and a bug move on anything, doesn't provide good coverage; you'd only be hitting Dark, Psychic and Grass types super effectively, two types Grass hits for normal damage anyway.

Jolteon: I don't understand Hidden Power Fire in there. Most steel types are hit neutrally by Thunderbolt anyway. Hidden Power Ice will give you much better coverage and will hit Ground/Dragon types that T-bolt can't. I was gonna say use Shadow Ball instead of Signal Beam, but I strangely like Signal Beam on this set. It gives you the added bonus of being able to hit dark types for super effective damage. Moveset I would recommend:

Hidden Power Ice
Signal Beam or Shadow Ball, no need to have both
Volt Switch <---- Without specs, you can abuse this move much more easily, and it's one of the only other options it has really

Flareon: You did the best you could, can't think of many improvements aside from making it specially based, but that would make Leafeon your only dedicated physical attacker. Personally I'm very disappointed with Flareon's poor stat distribution. I was really hoping it would be more viable for competitive play, as it's one of my favorites.
Flash Fire Flareon is outclassed by Guts Flareon.

Flareon @ Toxic Orb
252 Attack / 6 SpD / 252Speed
-Flame Charge
-Quick Attack / Fire Fang / Rock Smash

Sure, you don't have many options, but after a Guts boost it can 2HKO most of the metagame (if not OHKO it)
OMG! I have an Eevee team too. I suggest changing heal bell to wish so as it curses it can heal itself. Then vaporeon should have a set protect, scald, heal bell, wish. With roughly the same EV's. Vaporeon will be your magir cleric and it will stop gliscors pretty well. My espeon is a calm mind stored power sweeper but that set seems to work fine. Flareon is the wink link of this team but that is expected. You might won't to try fore fang over quick attack to stop the scizors that try to pursuit bait your espeon because you send it into a ferra.
OMG! I have an Eevee team too. I suggest changing heal bell to wish so as it curses it can heal itself. Then vaporeon should have a set protect, scald, heal bell, wish. With roughly the same EV's. Vaporeon will be your magir cleric and it will stop gliscors pretty well. My espeon is a calm mind stored power sweeper but that set seems to work fine. Flareon is the wink link of this team but that is expected. You might won't to try fore fang over quick attack to stop the scizors that try to pursuit bait your espeon because you send it into a ferra.

I did this now , but noticed i wont have roar anymore.
Will this hurt me in the end ?
Do i need roar back or is it ok ?
Roar will only really help if you get some hazards up through espeon. If you feel like you really need roar get rid of protect as most people would see the wish and expect a protect and try to set up then all those boosts are lost.

Even tho probably everything is covered i'd like to see how the team is now it would be up for competitive play :)