eternal damnation of the mildly sinful


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
im not talking if you did a murder or a racism or anything of that nature. but if you didn't help an old lady cross the street, or if you took the last of the cockles for yourself instead of sharing, then what kind of eternal punishments can you expect in the afterlife?
  • you are sleepy and in a nice comfy bed, and its just the right temperature, BUT you hear the sound of a mosquito buzzing near your ear
  • you are stuck in traffic and you can see your exit which is totally clear, but there is no way to get there, and you feel a poo coming on
  • you are playing a game of pokemon and something unfortunate happens (this one is just to pre-empt the low effort monsposting to which this forum is prone)