SM OU First Post: My First Offensive Trick Room Team

So far, I found this team to be a pretty good team to begin with in the current Pokebank OU (before the Genesect Suspect Test...) It is pretty nice to think that Trick Room got a huge Pokemon to test on... and so far, these are the 'mons that I've been able to assemble to help me ladder to 1200 (before I went down when experimenting on other team archetypes...)
Back then, people have been so focus on Offense that things that have to counter it are a must... and these are the ones that made it to the cut...
I'm a pretty average player, and I'm willing to share this because I believe this team has a potential on more capable hands... and I think the concept actually really works well.
The team revolves around a type of a Volt-Turn in Trick Room, which enable it to pivot between 'mons to achieve offensive presence. Usually, when I create teams, I have 3 mons that are Physical attackers and three that are Special attackers, and the logic behind is that I have an equal chance of having a good match-up when the need arises.


Magearna @ Leftovers
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Trick Room
- Fleur Cannon
- Aura Sphere/Focus Blast
This is the Pokemon that inspired me to create a Trick Room Team... With a very Good Typing of Steel and Fairy, it is a staple offensive Trick Room setter that Trick Room has longed for that it finally got. Volt Switch is there as a Pivoting move for momentum after setting Trick Room, and Fleur Cannon is for STAB, which enables her to kill some Fairy-Weak threats and to dent some walls. Aura Sphere and Focus Blast are there for coverage, mainly against Steel-Types that wall her. Many prefer Aura Sphere, but I once used Focus Blast due to pure power, which helps her kill the likes of Scizor and M-Metagross.
I chose Leftovers because it's role as a Volt-Turn Trick Room Setter requires longevity... that's my only reason for such a move.


Victini @ Leftovers
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Bolt Strike
- U-turn
- V-create
My Secondary (Albeit the most used) Trick Room Setter I have chosen, although it is odd considering that it appears to be too fast for Trick Room... I chose him because of the Sheer Damage Input that it could put into the scene. It can work wonders against Amoonguss, Bronzong, or anything that is weak against fire, or is neutral against it. The decreased Speed from V-create also helps it outslow several mons it can't otherwise out-slow in Trick Room normally. Bolt Strike helps it destroy or weaken my mortal enemy Toxapex, Tapu Fini, and other water types, and is the nightmare of any Swift Swift based Teams to face under Trick Room. U-turn is simply there for momentum, and to escape and damage Dark-Types that threatens him.
As previously mentioned, Leftovers is for longevity and to help solidify my Volt-Turn TR setter core.


Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 60 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Toxic
- Recover
- Ice Beam/ Tri Attack
My Third TR setter, and is my go-to wall when I know that my Volt-Turn core will not survive a hit from a ridiculously strong Pokemon. Porygon2 is the generic Porygon2 TR version, although I decided to tweak it a bit to have the same bulk on both sides of the spectrum. Trick Room/ Toxic/ Recover is generic and is used to out-stall mons that are weak to Toxic Damage, and Ice Beam is mainly used for Gliscor, although I had general success using Tri-Attack occasionally.


Wishiwashi-School @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Schooling
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk/ 0 Spe
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- U-turn
It now comes to the hard-hitters of my team. Usually, I would resort to the likes of M-Ampharos when it comes to my first Special TR Sweeper... but since those are unavailable, I have to use him instead.
I would have chosen Vikavolt, but seeing the bulk of this monster and its decent 140 Sp Attack back upped with a very good bulk made me decide to use him. Designed to take a hit after setting TR, Wishiwashi is the primary Dragon Killer of my team, and performs well in the purpose assigned for him.
Hydro Pump is there to be the main STAB move, and is there to deal with Heatran, and Ice Beam are there for Dragons, HP Fire are there for steels and to help dent Ferrothorn and Scizor (which outright KOs offensive oriented sets) and U-turn, oddly enough, is a pivot, so as I could switch in when I predict the opponent to switch in to their walls (The little damage actually helps). This tactic won me so many games simply because so many are expecting a Specs that a few realize that this is actually a pivot.
Sitrus Berry is simply there for longevity, and to stay very long in the School Form as long as possible. It also turns a lot of 2HKO into 3HKO, and helps it sponge a hit and act as a revenge killer. It also adds Flexibility to the team, and helps the team function a bit outside of Trick Room.


Marowak-Alola @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Bone
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake/ Bonemerang
The Bread-And-Butter of any TR Team, A-Marowak is the very first go-to sweeper in Trick Room. Capable of Out-slowing a lot of 'mons, A-Marowak is simply a very good 'mon, due to its typing and STAB options. Shadow Bone/Flare Blitz/Earthquake or Bonemerang are good coverage options, and could cover a lot of 'mons that are used in offense like Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, etc. in Trick Room. Swords Dance is there to break walls like Toxapex, Ferrothorn, etc., and Rock Head is there for longevity and to be able to wreck havok longer than it is capable of. I prefer it over Lightningrod since I have one more Pokemon capable of absorbing Electric Attacks, and longevity, especially vs. Rocks, are a must.
Thick Club is there for Obvious reasons, as it is essentially a lock-free Choice Band, and Earthquake can be changed to Bonemerang to avoid Grassy Terrain.


Lurantis @ Grassium Z
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Defog
- Aromatherapy
The most unusual TR cleric and perhaps my team's MVP... Without her, my entire team would have been smashed aside by Electric types and Stall. It is because Lurantis has access to the coveted Aromatherapy, which helps the team to actually not be worried against Will-o's and Toxics, is immune to Spore and Sleep Powder (which are the common sleep moves in OU), has access to Defog to clear the rocks, and can hit the opponent hard.
At first glance, Lurantis has so few options as an offensive cleric, with a mediocre movepool, until you realized it has Contrary, and has access to Leaf Storm. However, it has only TWO moves to abuse Contrary... and that is what is amazing for her... as those two moves are enough.
Leaf Storm is there to be spammed... and that is where Grassium Z comes in. It is there to dent or outright kill some steels like M-Metagross after a +2, and HP Fire is there for steels. It also heavily checks Toxapex, and can deal several 'mons that otherwise trouble my team like Quagsire.

Team Weaknesses:

Focusing too much on Toxapex meant that I forgot that this guy actually exists. My Team generally struggles against him simply because I lack coverage. Usually, a well-set Marowak is enough to deal with it, but once Marowak is gone, it would be hard to take him down.


I hate him... I hate him so much. Nothing is much more annoying than seeing THIS thing on the roster. Despite having so much coverage against it, Sucker Punch and Knock Off always meant that my team will struggle no matter what outside of Trick Room. My only saving grace is Magearna, but I've seen so many Focus Sashes on this thing that it annoys me very much. At least against Weavile, I can easily U-turn out and deal a chunk, but not against this thing.


Another Pokemon that I forgot to account for... especially the Specially Defensive Variant. Rotom is such a pain to deal with, as it can kill Marowak, weaken Wishiwashi, and threaten both of my TR setter cores with a burn and Hydro Pump. However, thanks to Lurantis, he is a bit manageable.

Anyways, I really wanted Feedback for this team, as I really want it to improve :)
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I'll try Life Orb next time... If ever it feels that I needed more power than life (although as it stands, Magearna is very powerful)
I think I would pass HP Electric on Wishiwashi as I have no trouble against Pelipper since Magearna and Victini holds moves that can dent with it very well... However, maybe I could try to use it next time :)
HP Flying or even HP Psychic for Wishiwashi to hit M-Venusaur? HP psychic can even be used against Toxapex, else your Wishiwashi will be walled by it.

Also I think Bisharp doesn't take Hydro Pump really well, his usual set is OHKOed by Wishi's Hydro Pump. Focus Sash + Knock Off + Sucker Punch is deadly though, as it will put Wishi in its non-school form.

252+ SpA Wishiwashi-School Hydro Pump vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 280-330 (102.9 - 121.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I never thought of HP Psychic or Flying... Thanks for the Idea :)
Regarding Bisharp... the reason why it annoys is because of Taunt, STAB Pursuit or Sucker Punch, and Knock Off... which disrupts my entire core so much. Being Taunted meant that my Trick Room Setters cannot work wonders, and Sucker Punch or Pursuit picks off Victini and Marowak, and Knock Off weakens Porygon2 very significantly.
Edit: HP Psychic really works wonders... Wishiwashi can now check M-Venusaur with ease...
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I see, I might have something to remedy that. I have encountered some TR teams, win some, lose some, but one particular team struck me as frightening. I spotted that his team has TR setter, sent my Taunt lead against it, and you know what? It has Mental Herb. Yes, Mental Herb, which makes my Taunt useless and he proceed to destroy my team after that.

Or maybe you can have pokemon that is immune to Taunt, like Oblivious Slowbro for example. Though I dunno if it's a good idea to forgo Regenerator.

For Pursuit... Eh, I dunno, I love to use them but I dunno how to handle them hahaha.
Taunt is a bit easy to play around though... I mean, if you predict a taunt, just attack with your best move... once a Taunt user is out, you can proceed on sweeping...
Mental Herb would be a nice addition... I've seen Bronzongs using the item.