First Uber Team; First Uber RMT

Introduction: Well, I'm more of an OU player, but the recent surge of Uber RMTs made me create a team and "ladder" there a bit. I have no high rating to boast of, but I did get a few wins. I'm hoping to create a solid team and play there. Though it takes a while to get a battle, it's pretty damn fun.

Team at a Glance (only cuz they're so damn cool):


Team In-Depth:


Groudon @ Lum Berry
Ability: Drought
Nature: Adamant; 252 HP / 156 Atk / 32 Def / 60 SpD / 8 Spe
~ Thunder Wave
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Stealth Rock / Swords Dance

Thoughts/Comments: Groudon is my lead simply because he can set up Stealth Rocks of his own and has T-Wave to screw up Choice Scarf Darkrai. In reality, I barely ever get Stealth Rock up. And this team doesn't particularly have any Lugia or Ho-Oh problems anyways. (Rayquaza is a beast regardless) For that reason, I've been considering Swords Dance, but not having Life Orb or even Leftovers doesn't suit such a set well. Other than that, Groudon helps against Bulk Up Dialga. Thunder Wave is probably the most useful tool Groudon has though. Thunder Wave has the ability to screw up most of the Ubers. The EVs are ripped straight off the "Supporter" set on the Smogon Strategy Dex.


Dialga @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Careful; 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
~ Bulk Up
~ Outrage
~ Sleep Talk
~ Rest

Thoughts/Comments: Dialga's resistances are really useful. The special defensive investment means Dialga can take a hit from Latias, Kyogre, or Palkia and deal quite a bit of damage back. Other than that, it's the standard Bulk Up Dialga with Outrage > Dragon Claw thanks to Platinum. I guess this type of Dialga also helps against opposing Uber Stall teams that lose their Groudon early on for whatever reason. Lastly, Dialga is also useful for handling the mono-attacker Darkrai.


Kyogre @ Choice Specs
Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Timid; 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Water Spout
~ Surf
~ Thunder
~ Ice Beam

Thoughts/Comments: The most overused Uber? Kyogre deals massive damage to just about everything and is a staple on any Uber team. Not to mention that the rain allows me to abuse Thunder on Latios and abuse Palkia to the fullest. Timid > Modest so that I can deal some major damage to the opposing Modest SpecsOgres...


Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Hasty; 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Spacial Rend
~ Outrage
~ Surf
~ Thunder

Thoughts/Comments: Continuing with the extremely overused Uber pokemon. Choice Scarf Palkia is just there since I needed a useful revenge killer. I went with a mixed spread and Hasty since Outrage has the potential to 2HKO Blissey. If Blissey dies, then Latios's sweep becomes that much easier. But still, it's pretty hard to catch a Blissey and KO it easily. Palkia keeps the majority of threats checked as it's a Choice Scarfer, so yeah...standard to summarize.


Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant; 176 HP / 100 Atk / 176 SpD / 56 Spe
~ Bullet Punch
~ U-Turn
~ Superpower
~ Pursuit

Thoughts / Comments: CB Scizor with the Uber Trapper spread EVs. At first, I was reluctant in using a non-Uber in the Uber tier, but stuff like Scizor, Metagross, and Blissey are really useful. Scizor's Bullet Punch hits most Ubers hard and the steel typing helps against Rayquaza. Scizor can also Pursuit Latias and Latios making Kyogre and Palkia's job that much easier. Not to mention, Pursuit does a ton of damage to the special oriented Blisseys that usually don't even carry flamethrower in that tier (I think) Superpower is for Dialga and Blissey. Overall, Scizor is really useful, but still, standard.


Latios @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid; 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Grass Knot
~ Thunder
~ Calm Mind

Thoughts / Comments: Basically, I wanted a sweeper that not too many people used, but whose counters I had checked decently. This list included Scizor, Metagross, Tyranitar, and Blissey. Of these, this team could handle all of them decently, so I figured I'd use Latios. No Roost/Recover because Latios doesn't get too much time to use it. I always fear a Scizor switch-in. Latios is pretty deadly in the Uber tier and I'm rather disinclined to switching him. I put in Grass Knot simply because I have no Giratina/Lugia. This means Groudon is an enormous threat. If I can bring Latios in on a predicted Earthquake or after Groudon kills something, I can revenge it easily. (without having to resort to a potential speed tie with Kyogre or Palkia) Still, RP Groudon can rape this team.

Anyways, first Uber team and first Uber RMT. So any criticism is welcome.
Thanks for reading. (Comprehensive Threat List will be added in tomorrow..)
On a team like this I would really suggest changing Scizor to Life Orb, and use Roost over SuperPower. This gives you freedom with your choice of moves and it limits the amount of turns the opponent will be able to set up on Scizor (you really don't want things setting up on Pursuit). Fighting is not a hugely good offensive type in Ubers as it is mainly hitting Dialga and Blissey, and not much else. Roost is hugely useful and allows you to come in on stuff such as Spacial Rend & Dragon Pulse aimed at Latios with more ease.

I would definitely say this teams biggest weaknesses are Palkia (especialy Substitute + Focus Punch versions), Rock Polish Groudon, and late-game Rayquaza.

A Timid Choice Scarf Mewtwo with 120 Def / 212 SpA / 176 Spe can outrun +2 Adamant Groudon and deal lots of damage with Grass Knot, also surviving a +2 Rayquaza's Life Orb ExtremeSpeed 93% of the time after Stealth Rock (try to lure it into Outrage if possible). It could also provide a revenge killer and could be used over Palkia.

Otherwise, a more defensive Mewtwo could be used - 252 HP / 226 Def / 32 Spe with a Timid nature. Will-O-Wisp helps stall Rock Polish Groudon (you take 64% tops), and Ice Beam can help with Rayquaza. Recover is pretty standard, and then you have a plethora of options: Taunt to help against Blissey, Light Screen, Reflect, Grass Knot and so on. Dragon Dance Rayquaza will still be troublesome but won't like Groudon without +2 and a Life Orb. You also outspeed Palkia which don't hold a Choice Scarf.

Essentially it depends on the route you want to take. Choice Scarf Mewtwo potentially has Selfdestruct / Trick which may help break stall teams, but a more defensive Taunt user would help stop Forretress set up Spikes and is essentially more reliable. Thankfully, both can fit on this team over Palkia, as you aren't running "mega offense".

(edit: Forgot to say, Choice Scarf Mewtwo also helps with those annoying Rock Polish + Swords Dance Mew -> Groudon teams).

I also suggest Recover over Thunder on Latios. I personally find Recover more beneficial as Latios can often find the time to use it with its threatening high-powered moves. Thunder is more useful for Manaphy, Scizor, Lugia, and Ho-oh (although the paralysis is nice). Ho-oh and Manaphy are uncommon and Lugia is still losing if it doesn't have Calm Mind. Scizor is really threatening with Pursuit then, but bulky spreads actually take 30% minimum from Dragon Pulse but in my view Recover could be really useful for you (beating non-Toxic / Psych Up / Calm Mind Blissey, too). You can scout for Scizor a bit more with Mewtwo (this is where a bulky set with Will-O-Wisp would be handy), and keep Latios for late-game where it runs through teams. Recover helps take random Thunders, too.

Dialga is problematic too, but it looks as though it could be played around depending on the set to be honest..

Solid team overall though, good job.

This is...

My first good Uber team. I'm not even joking, this is my team, I just had a Latias over Latios. (Just search my threads.)

Anyway, this is a pretty nice team (XD), just a few nitpicks.

-For Scizor, I would use an EV spread of 252 HP, 56 Atk, 200 Sp. Def. The Speed EVs are to beat Shedinja, who isn't seen a lot anymore, if at all, and believe me, you'll really appreciate the extra bulk for taking boosted attacks from Lati@s and Darkrai, the former being especially important as they can cause your team a ton of headaches if Scizor dies. Or you could change it to the LO variant Twash suggested. (That might actually be better.)

-This team is also incredibly weak to ScarfChomp and RP Groudon. Chomp outruns your whole team and will O-2HKO everything bar Groudon, who will usually be near dead when Chomp shows up. Groudon can easily switch into Dialga, set up, and ravage your whole team. You could try a CM Lugia over Latios, but I know you said you didn't want to replace him. If you really want to keep Latios, try it over Dialga, but I think BU Dialga gets more opportunities to sweep on this team...See what others think.

-I second Recover on Latios if you do keep him, because he'll get a better chance at setting up.

-Mewtwo is an interesting choice, but over Palkia, I would say no, since that means you have no good switch-ins for Specs Kyogre. If you do that though, then I would switch Latios to the bulkier Latias, since it can take Kyogre's attacks more easily. You could use the same set, just with different EVs. (112 HP, 204 Sp. Atk, 192 Speed IIRC)

EDIT- Twash is probably right, though I still think you should run Latias>Latios just for extra insurance.

Again, not bad.
Thankfully though Kyogre can't really come in on much...

Lead Kyogre generally aren't using Water Spout (or are Choice Scarf). Kyogre or Dialga can scout here to be honest. Latios is threatening with an omnipresent Grass Knot, Scarf Mewtwo would likely have Grass Knot / Thunder if you ran it, and it won't like coming in on Dialga in honesty. It takes a ton from Kyogre's Surf, Water Spout, and Thunder. Stealth Rock also wears it down and you can have fun in the sun..

I honestly think Kyogre can be played around. Giving it limited switches is lovely and it can only really come in after something has fainted or a really, really well predicted switch (it faces losing a ton of HP otherwise). Keeping the sun up if something dies means Latios takes it on laughably well barring Ice Beam...which is a free invite for a free U-turn potentially (or Dialga). It still has problems with Kyogre but I think the others threats are, well, more threatening.
Awesome suggestions Twash and Fireburn. I'll try and address everything that has been said:

Substitute + Focus Punch Palkia: I actually faced a Substitute Palkia once. It came in after Scizor Bullet Punch KO'd something that I don't recall. It set up Substitute as I switched to Latios expecting any move that wasn't dragon (from Mixed or Choice'd). Surprisingly, Latios survived the Spacial Rend and 2HKO'd back. If Palkia switched out after the sub, I would have lost more. But since I really only faced it once and the rest of the Palkia sets being more "uncounterable" I don't know if I should go out of my way replacing Pokemon to cover this threat.

LO Scizor: I'm going to use him on my next few battles. But the fact that Scizor is dealing less damage as well as taking damage per hit kind of sucks. Does it miss out on any important KOs? Most of the time, I just bring in Scizor on a resist (Dark Pulse, Extremespeed, Ice Beam) and Bullet Punch to KO a weakened poke since my only source of speed is...Palkia.

ScarfMewtwo: The thing is, Mewtwo locked into most moves is Pursuit-bait. Metagross, Tyranitar, and Scizor easily destroy it. For that reason, it's not the best thing to rely on as my sole revenge killer. And as was said before, Kyogre is reason. But really, it's just a matter of taking the first few Water Spouts. Palkia does that.

Recover on Latios: The thing is, Thunder and Grass Knot are both really necessary. The team needs to check SD Groudon and Grass Knot grants that. Without Thunder, Latios is an invitation for Scizor to KO it. Latios is more of an all-out damaging tool here. Usually, the holes it opens have assisted me in winning several battles.

Latias v.s. Latios: Usually, I just play Latios off resistances. If he comes in on a Kyogre Water Spout, and they stay in, Thunder deals massive damage. Once the Kyogre faints, they usually bring in Mewtwo/Darkrai or a Scarfer. And those are handled by the rest of the team. It's a more offensive play and so Latios gets the upper-hand. The Latios set-up is probably only happening in the end game, if I'm sure I can OHKO after set-up. Really, all it needs is 1-2 Calm Mind....In any case, I'll test Latias tomorrow.

In conclusion, I'll try out all these changes and post what I think. Thanks for the awesome suggestions guys!