name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Facade
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Drain Punch
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Flame Orb
ability: Guts
nature: Adamant
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Def / 184 Spe
tera type: Ghost
Ursaluna takes advantage of Guts and Flame Orb to launch off nuclear damage with a STAB-Boosted Facade, crushing even defensive Zapdos, Tornadus-T, and Slowking. Earthquake smashes Normal-type resists like Cobalion, Rhyperior, and Scizor. Drain Punch lets it heal off Flame Orb damage and complements Ursaluna’s near perfect STAB coverage, nailing Air Balloon Excadrill and Tera Steel Latios. Ice Punch rips through Hydrapple after slight chip. Trailblaze can be used boost speed over Ice Punch to get the jump on Mandibuzz, Azumarill and Mamoswine, but its low Speed even at +1 makes it not worth it most of the time. 184 Speed EVs lets it outrun paralyzed Tornadus-T. Tera Ghost makes it immune to Fighting-type moves from Cobalion, Okidogi, and Mienshao while also acting as a spinblocker against Excadrill.
Paragraph 2: (3-4 lines approximately)
Ursaluna greatly appreciates the help of pivots
What teams does this Pokemon fit on? Comment on important teammates for the Pokemon. Some things that may be relevant to bring up here are Pivot supports, Hazard setters, Defoggers or Rapid spinners, Pokemon with strong defensive synergy, Pokemon that can help overwhelm shared checks. Note that not all of these things will be relevant to every example.
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