Flood warning

This is my first competitive team, and I have spent a long time researching everything. In the end I came down to theses pokemon, the only second thoughts I'm having are switching in keldeo for Suicune. Other than that I'm happy with this team, yet I've never tried it out.

252hp 252 def 4spa Bold
Surf, toxic/hypnosis, perish song, protect

I know many people prefer scald over surf, and I get it, but not when your in the rain. With the rain boost and stab surf reaches 213.75 base power opposed to scalds 180. Secondly, I was wondering about using hypnosis over toxic since I plan on setting up toxic spikes with tentacruel (which would prevent scald from burning). If my toxic spikes stayed on the field there would be little need for toxic, besides flying and levitating guys, but hypnosis could hit scizor and ferrothorn who are immune to toxic and toxic spikes. Anyways as for Politoed, I like the defensive one, he is good at stalling them out, but I can't help wonder if the offense version (not the choice specs or scarf one) is better.

@Black Sludge
-Rain Dish
252hp 236def 20speed
Toxic Spikes, protect, scald, rapid spin

Tentacruel is sometimes my lead over Politoed since that is predictable, and he mainly sets up toxic spikes, rapid spins if necessary, recovers, and switches out for later use. I put scald on him because without toxic spikes inflicting status since tentacruel sets them up and they don't take effect until a switch, scald could possibly spread some status.

@Life Orb
252atk 100sp atk 156hp
Outrage, hurricane, roost, dragon dance

Although this isn't a smogon set I like this set, it provides good coverage with two good stab moves, the latter being 100% accurate in the rain. I thought about earthquake over hurricane, but with just 100evs invested in special attack hurricane is a lot more powerful and can be used for steel types and when I don't want to be locked into outrage. The first turn I usually set up, guaranteed that multiscale stops any OHKO, and roost can make further use of multiscale.

@Choice Band
252atk 248hp 8sp d
U-turn, bullet punch, superpower, bugbite

I don't think there is much to be explained here, as this is a standard scizor set and we all know that his only weakness is weakened by rain. However, i should explain why I'm using bugbite. I chose bugbite over pursuit for two reasons: one, I can't predict switch outs too well, and two, bugbite becomes scizors most powerful attack when a pokemon is high on hp and just need to go away. Bugbite also does lots of damage to grass types who threaten my team and allow scizor to stay in without switching out like u-turn.

-Life Orb
252sp atk 252speed 4hp timid
Draco meteor, surf, thunder, recover

I know some people may criticize me for having two dragons, but hear me out. Latios fits really well into this team. It resists electric and grass, two big threats on a rain team. Secondly it is fast, unlike a lot of my other pokemon. And finally Draco meteor is ridiculously powerful with life orb and stab, and there is no need for dragon pulse because surf acts like a pseudo stab in the rain, it is even more powerful than dragon pusle (I think I can't remember if dragon pusle has a 90 or 95 base power). Thunder gives me good coverage for water and flying types, and recover rounds of the set healing off recoil and other damage.

I took your advice about pursuit over bugbite, and as for the keldo thing I was about to when I came up with what I think a better alternative in vaporean.

@Life Orb
252sp atk 100hp 156 def (Modest)
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Grass

In the rain hydropump is insanely powerful, coupled with a 110 sp atk completely invested and a life orb. Hydropump plows through pokemon, even those who resists it. I have ice beam to hit dragons and grass types who resist hydropump, hp grass for other water types, especially common threats such as gastrodon and swampert. Finally I have rest to heal off any damage and hydration prevents sleep from rest. It also blocks any other statuses capable of crippling vaporean.

(Edit: Vaporean > Suicune)

And that's my team. What do you guys think? I could really use some feedback because I'm new to this stuff and I'm ready to try anything, hope you like my team!
☆Hello MilkyWay01, you have a cool rain team here.

•So as far as suggestions go, I only have but a few that I think you may find to your liking.

•To start off, I notice you have a majority of Sp.Attackers that are walled by the blobs and worn down quickly with Seismic Toss. You also seem to have a slight weakness to Scarfed Pokemon, which can also be handled by Keldeo quite nicely. A spread of HydroPump, SecretSword, HiddenPower(Electric) and IcyWind/Surf completely wreaks anything that can't take a STAB HydroPump under rain.

•Next, I suggest using Toxic on Tentacruel over Toxic Spike. Recently, opposing rain, hail, and occasional sand teams abuse Tentacruel to counter rain, meaning it'll be that much harder for your own to get t. spikes up and keep them on the field without first being absorbed. Toxic hits Levitate and Flying Pokemon, too, which could maybe prove to be more helpful.

•Next, this is more so an "in my opinion" for Dragonite. Dragonite should have DragonTail, as its current set may leave it stuck with the annoying confusion condition running Outrage(This may make it difficult to set up Roost when needed). Dragon Claw, too, is an option if you prefer to not switch the item from LifeOrb to Leftovers, as I was about to suggest. Leftovers will help against opposing weather like Sand and Hail, allowing Dragonite to occasionally keep Multiscale intact while setting up or more simply going for an attack.

•My last suggestion is for Scizor. This'll be a simple suggestion of Pursuit>BugBite to give Scizor optimum trapping potential when facing the troublesome Specs Latios after a D-Meteor or LifeOrb/FocusSash MagicGuard Alakazam. Pursuit also helps score a OHKO on fleeing Calm Blissey variants, which I previously mentioned could be annoying for your team to handle.

I hope that all of this helped you in some way. Good luck with the team! :)
I took your advice about pursuit over bugbite, and as for the keldo thing I was about to when I came up with what I think a better alternative in vaporean.

@Life Orb
252sp atk 100hp 156 def (Modest)
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Grass

In the rain hydropump is insanely powerful, coupled with a 110 sp atk completely invested and a life orb. Hydropump plows through pokemon, even those who resists it. I have ice beam to hit dragons and grass types who resist hydropump, hp grass for other water types, especially common threats such as gastrodon and swampert. Finally I have rest to heal off any damage and hydration prevents sleep from rest. It also blocks any other statuses capable of crippling vaporean.

Vaporean replaces Suicune from my original team and keldeo.
Hello MilkyWay01!Good rain team but i notice a few weakness like elecktric+ice,dragon,flying and many treaths Starmie,Gastrodon,Ferrothorn,Jirachi.Speaking of elecktric tipe Thundurus-T is a big enemy while for dragon scarfSalamence+Magnezone rapes completely your team so i suggest:
Ferrothorn>Suicune infact Ferrothorn allows you to handle easily Starmie,Gastrodon,ScarfSalamence,Dragonite,SubDDGyarados...also learn Stealth Rock this is a FONDAMENTAL move because cripple a lot of Focus Sash abuser,Multiscale Dragonite,a lot of flying so everything...also is a perfect partner for Tentacruel(combo Ferrothorn-Teantacruel)
the set:

Ferrothorn (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Power Whip
- Stealth Rock
- Leech Seed
- Protect
Now you need of a good Revengkiller and Thundurus-T is perfect for a few reason,first of all the sinergy whit all your team infact Politoed allow you to put Thunder,Tentacruel spin the SR and the volturn core whit Scizor.So Thundurus-T>Dragonite.Also this is a good switch in against SubCmindJirachi whit a lot of combo move like electric+steel,electric+water and electric+psichic...also against Tornadus and Thundurus-T outspeed ScarfSalamence,ScarfJirachi and a rare ScarfGyarados...
the set:

Thundurus-T (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
- Thunder
- Focus Blast
Now little nitpic over Scizor set infact i think you must change Choice Band whit LO set for little reason like +2 U-Turn/Superpower did Okho on SdefJirachi,Gastrodon and Ferrothorn(that is important for clean the rest of opponent team whit Thundurus-T).Also that set allow you to manteing momentum.
the set:

Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Swords Dance
Good Luck whit your team! :)
Ok I changed scizors set to yours and I like the versatility that life orb gives me. I completely agree with what you said about ferrothorn but now I run into 2 predicaments, who should I take out for ferrothorn because I already took out Suicune for vaporean! Should I take out vaporean? Secondly, I don't often use simulators because I am in a pokemon group on a website and we typically use our DSs. Because I don't have white/black2 I can't get thunderus t so who should I use instead? Would tornadus or jolteon work or should I leave the team how I have it besides the ferrothorn replacement?
Starmie is a good option and has speed which I'm lacking in general. Is putting starmie over vaporean a good move with this set? And then I would still need a place for Ferrothoen.

@Life Orb
-Natural Cure
252speed 252spa 4hp (timid)
Ice Beam

Starmie packs a punch under the rain and has a great speed stat. And it has a wide coverage hitting fire, rock, ground, water, flying, grass, dragon, fighting, and poison super effectively.

One question, what do you guys recommend for Politoeds set? Hypnosis over toxic because it can hit steel and poison types? And if toxic spikes is on the field chances are pokemon not inflicted with a status are immune to toxic in the first place. Secondly is encore better than perish song? I find a lot of leads tend to put down traps or try and set up and that could easily ruin them.