Fluke's Trading Temple - Updated 21/02/2016

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No they arent. I hacked them into my game. I would like to report myself to an admin or something if that's possible.
If you want to report yourself try the Wi-Fi Blacklist. Or contact Nexus, Agonist, .com or another Wi-Fi moderator.

More importantly, can I have my Pokemon back? Shame you didn't read the rules before you started trading here. Not only is it a rule in my thread, it's also a Smogon-wide rule.
I'm sorry for this, I just wanted to be honest. Can I please keep the Pokémon you sent me? I really really need them, like really..
I'm sorry for this, I just wanted to be honest. Can I please keep the Pokémon you sent me? I really really need them, like really..
No you cannot. I'm sorry (I don't even know why I'm apologizing here) but if you can't even take time to read the rules and then trade hacked Pokemon like it's nothing, you don't deserve them.
Eh, I'm actually not really interested in that. As you can see in my Hoenn section, I already have Beldum like that.

Hmm..............is there anything I can do? Getting that right Clefable would be a really annoying quest lol. Any EM pokemon I could get for you in special balls? That I don't mind doing.
Can you get your hands on a Fast Ball Hoothoot? And Friend Ball Mareep? Stats and egg moves do not matter.

Just in case you forgot, I sadly don't have access to HGSS-made poke balls. This includes a Fast Ball and Friend Ball. I have no access to Dream Balls as well. XY and ORAS balls I can use.
Yeah, stats do not matter. So those two for your requested Pokemon?


Correct. This is the proposed trade:

You get: Repeat Ball Natu & Heal Ball Delibird
I get: The non-shiny Cleffa you have advertised in your Johto section

Did they need to be females or no?
Preferably female yes. Otherwise the special ball would be useless.

Doy!!!! Common sense right? lmao, stupid question apart. I'll get started right away. This shouldn't take any longer than 30 mins to be honest. I'll post when ready to trade. Sound good?
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