Foul Play

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Just would like to say that I'm having great success with this move. Swagger+Foul Play is good, but it's EVEN BETTER when you have an unaware pokemon on your team to deal with hiccups. You do your foul play + swagger nonsense, then send in an Unaware Cleafable, who does PSYCH UP and then proceeds to sweep with +6 stored power and Return.
Liepard @ Normal Gem
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unburden
252 Spe/ 252 SpA

Fake Out
Foul Play
HP Flying
Shadow Ball/ Swagger/ Thunder wave/ Nasty Plot

This could be a good set
Liepard @ Normal Gem
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unburden
252 Spe/ 252 SpA

Fake Out
Foul Play
HP Flying
Shadow Ball/ Swagger/ Thunder wave/ Nasty Plot

This could be a good set

Sorry, but what? I'm pretty sure you (or someone else, idk) already posted this in the Creative Moveset thread. They didn't like it very much there either...
Not trying to offend you, so I'll give my opinion. If you're going to run an HP, run HP Fighting as it has perfect coverage with Shadow Ball. It also hits the ubiquitous TTar.
Liepard @ Normal Gem
Nature: Timid
Ability: Unburden
252 Spe/ 252 SpA

Fake Out
Foul Play
HP Flying
Shadow Ball/ Swagger/ Thunder wave/ Nasty Plot

This could be a good set

I've seen this before, and generally my comment is that the best use of Foul Play needs either to cripple the opponent's damage output with a Burn, or use Swagger and have some bulk and priority recovery/subsitute from Murkrow and Sableye to work. Defensive Foul Play with Prankster also generally works best as with Speed and Power covered, you can focus entirely on bulk.

It's a pretty nice counter against something physically powerful, I can see, but it seems most times it's just going to not work. The foe will be resistant to Dark, be using Priority, be already too fast to outspeed even with Unburden, be sweeping you Specially, etc.
Could work as a nice failsafe to getting swept in lower tiers, maybe.
I was swept by a Swagger+Foul Play Zorua once.

Never underestimate Foul Play, kids.
...I hope this was a very low tier, because the majority of physical attackers in OU resist Dark (think Tyranitar, Scizor, Excadrill, every Fighting-type...), and pretty much all of them that don't (Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Jirachi, Darmanitan, Landorus) outspeed Zorua to OHKO before it can use Swagger. I'm pretty sure this is true (the outspeeding part, at least) in almost every tier. Unless...your whole team was paralyzed?
I've been using this on Murkrow and its so good. You can beat Arceus normal 1v1 using this.

Actually I'm finding this quite good in Ubers because everything there has such high attack stats, and Dark is a much better offensive typing in Ubers.
Hmmm, in Ubers, Foul Play seem pretty good, since everything has such high Attack power there, and it doesn't use your own Attack stat, so even things like Eviolite Murkrow can use it to a great effect, hammering Ghost Arceus and Ho-oh for a shit-ton of damage.
Yeah, except that most Ubers generally use Special Attack anyway. You're only getting somewhere with Arceus, Ho-oh, Groudon and Zekrom.
In Ou (or at least the ones that'll never leave Ou) the biggest threats are all resistant to Foul Play, and the special sweepers all have low attack stats to begin with. I wouldnt use thw combo on the same guy but psych out the opponent with a WoW & swagger passer or scout into the FP user who can utilize other attacks for better coverage.

EDIT: Swagger + U-Turn / Volt Switch to a special sweeper with Foul Play would be pretty effective; most special sweepers have a lower defense stat, and after a physical type gets the +2 from the swagger scout it's an even further mind seducing gambit.
Does non-item also mean that Choice Band's boost is ignored? Or does it only refer to in-game boosting consumables?
This move beats FEAR users. Thus it should be banned to ubers.

Does non-item also mean that Choice Band's boost is ignored? Or does it only refer to in-game boosting consumables?
If the user's holding a choice band, it'll boost the move. If the target's holding a choice band, it won't boost the move.
To clarify, the Zorua I mentioned battling was on the GBU, and there was some bad hax in that battle. I'm also assuming it had Eviolite, since my Reuniclus couldn't KO it with Energy Ball, and iirc there was a decent amount of hax in that battle.
Before it used Foul Play, was the Zorua using Illusion Ability to fake someone else? Someone who couldn't learn Foul Play? Or did it really reveal itself as Zorua?
Very effective on physical sweepers. You say it won't be effective on things like Blissey. And that's true. But just don't use it against those Pokémon. I don't know if there are any that can use that move, but it would be very effective with special wall using it.
Before it used Foul Play, was the Zorua using Illusion Ability to fake someone else? Someone who couldn't learn Foul Play? Or did it really reveal itself as Zorua?
No. In hindsight, I should have attacked right away instead of trying to boost though.
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