SV OU Frozen Magma. A Frosmoth Hyper Offense [2112, Peaked Number 2]

Espathra Dreaming

formerly pinecoishot
is a Tiering Contributor


Recently in OU, there has been a metagame shift from the early Hyper Offense invested metagame to a more balanced and bulky offense metagame. Looking through recent wcop games and popular teams of these playstyles, I noticed something from watching Baxcalibur winning game after game. These teams struggle with answering ice+ground coverage in any kind. The catch is there is very few good pokemon with ice+ground coverage with only Baxcalibur seeing popular usage. I had also known and wanted to build around this Frosmoth set since pre home. With Volcarona banned and the general metagame being favorable for it, Frosmoth was looking really good with proper support.



The Team


Abomasnow @ Focus Sash
Ability: Snow Warning
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Rock Slide/ Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Aurora Veil​

Just like most of my games, I start here with Abomasnow. Normally the lead for the team it either does 2 things depending on Matchup or Opposing lead. 1. Set up veil then die or 2. trade for a 1v1. Abomasnow supports frosmoth in multiple ways of boosting it Defense due to snow and boosting both Defense and Special Defense with aurora veil. It also can bait Heatran, Moltres, and Garganacl who all can annoy Frosmoth. Wood hammer while adding a strong stab allows it to also self ohko after its Focus Sash has been used to give more veil and snow turns in case they try to stall them. Earthquake is just good coverage for steels and fire types while rock slide is an anti moltres tech. Ice shard allows to ko a sash samurott in 2 turns, weaken u turn meow or sash lead and is good into glimmora too. Tera ground is never clicked but can be good incase you need extra power late game. Focus sash is to guarantee a 1v1 or veil. Adamant is to maximize damage because of how slow this is anyways. and max speed outspeeds jolly Kingambit.


Frosmoth @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Scales
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Quiver Dance
- Tera Blast
- Ice Beam​

The star of the team and main tera user. Normally want to come in early under snow+veil and try to break teams. Under Snow+Veil this is nearly unkillable even taking very little from moltres flamethrower after Quiver dance without tera. While vs more offensive teams, it usually can abuse this to go for 2-4 kills on average with tera before dying, vs balance teams this normally gets 4-6 kills due to just snowballing. 95% of games involve tera on Frosmoth which allows it to hit Glowking, Toxapex, Skeledirge, Volcanion, Kingambit, Cinderace, Garganacl, and more. It can also use this defensively to take salt cures with sub, take any previously super effective hits and become immune to twave from hex Dragapult. The only common Pokemon this is not very effective into is Rotom-Wash who is set up bait. Sub Leftovers at first seems like i am asking for stealth rocks to destroy this idea, but Frosmoth wants Leftovers to make this not just get chipped over time and prevent playing around it. This of course means that a very good hazard removal is needed.


Cinderace @ Life Orb
Ability: Libero
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- Low Kick
- Sucker Punch
- Court Change

The hazard controller and a priority user. When focusing on hazard control, I wanted something consistent, this meant no defog or rapid spin/mortal spin. This means Cinderace or Maushold. While both are good Pokemon, Cinderace adds a fairy/fire resist, gives me priority, and a better speed tier. Went for a more interesting set than Bulky wisp because I wanted to keep damage up. Life orb is just for damage purposed and Low kick is because I am paranoid of hjk missing though both are fine options. Tera Fight is just incase I need to get stab for late game Ting Lu, Baxcalibur, Garganacl, etc. It was not really that good of a fit for this team but I tried both maus and Cinderace and just found Cinderace more useful. A lot of games it didn't come in due to Frosmoth Breaking early before rocks came up.


Armarouge @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock
- Armor Cannon
- Calm Mind​

I wanted two things from this slot. Another Pokemon that abused no hazards and a good secondary balance breaker and stall breaker. Calm Mind Armarouge ended up being the Pokemon mostly due to being decent vs offense too which I wanted to focus on. Focus Sash should hopefully stay intact all game due to ace+natural pressure and these 3 moves is perfect coverage into stall. Usually they have to tera Clodsire which you can scout by switching into balloon Kingambit or tera dark Blissey which loses assuming you hit focus blast. Balance struggles vs it due to just good coverage and boosting with strong moves and offense vs any focus sash strong mon is annoying for them. Tera Fighting is for damage boost+ Gambit Sucker. I do think Armarouge is underrated on HO even outside sash with like shuca berry sets or dbond sets so would suggest using it more.

Iron Valiant @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball​

Unfortunately, I ran out of creative juice and relapsed into using something standard. This is mainly speed control and is Good into every playstyle because It is iron Valiant. Went with Calm Mind 3 attacks because it is a very hard set to check lategame after Frosmoth has put all your defensive Pokemon in a grave. While Ghost allows you to boost Shadow Ball, It also provides defensive use into Glowking. While dropping encore, If Psyshock is not revealed you can bait it for an extra attack or Calm Mind.


Kingambit @ Air Balloon
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Kowtow Cleave
- Swords Dance
- Low Kick​

If there is a Kingambit addiction I have it. Just a free slot to HO teams adding a late game cleaner, Ghost resist, and Dark answer with Low Kick. He also is my ground immunity Because he has a balloon and can become a bird somehow adding a nice way to get +3 attack and non fight move tusk which then allows fallen 4-5 Sucker Punch to ohko any resist. Jolly just because other Kingambit are also using it so a 50% chance to beat them is better than 0%. For the first time known to man, Kingambit has not lived up to my expectations, Not any fault of his own because Frosmoth has put up unholy numbers. But despite that still an amazing skilless pokemon to make this team even more annoying to face.

Match Up Metagame Reminder
Tera Water Curse :Garganacl: - If curse gets going eq/salt can easily sweep.

Rain :Pelipper: - Rain hits hard and is fast.

Sun :Torkoal: - Same as Rain

:Azumarill: - Both belly drum or AV are bad

:Dondozo: - manageable but very annoying.

:Hoopa-Unbound: - Bulky with av and strong.

Encore :Iron Valiant: - Normally want to bait encore booster early and force out with ace/armar

While not the most serious of teams, I found that Frosmoth has a very good niche in the meta. Even without the support I gave it to be optimized fully, I can see it being useful with hdb on screens or on other HO variants. I found surprise factor played a role. Wanted to limit replays where my opponent massively choked or I haxed all game but those are common when facing more unique teams. I found Armarouge very good too, It does its role perfectly and never feels like dead weight. Surprisingly Kingambit felt very underwhelming but that might just be due to it having limited opportunities. I also found Abomasnow to be pretty bad, but it can help another nu friend be good so that was fun. I always love using more underappreciated Pokemon and to see this team having such success despite using slow ice types that are generally considered bad by OU standards. Also s/o all the cool people who watched the battles as Frosmoth kept sweeping.
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Bro whoever let you cook should be given a Medal of Honor. One thing that you could try is hoopa over armourage, I feel like it’s a much better stallbreaker, but I’m not sure if it fits on the team. Really cool though, frosmoth is sick
That Frosmoth is demonic. It can switch into every special attacks no matter what form of coverage they have and qd into oblivion. And then if it substitutes then not a single physical attacker can touch it sans priority. And even then on your team with the snow boost and Aurora Veil it's truly untouchable. Another great Pinecoishot team.
This is a sick team - only question I have is why Armarouge? It creates more weaknesses since it’s another Fire-type alongside Cinderace. Would Baxcalibur be a good alternative, seeing as it also gets the defense boost from snow?