FT: Many Shinies (Kalos Born)

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castform doesn't have memories as stated :)

interested in:
absol, naive justified
honedge relaxed

riolu hasty

wynaut shadow tag

I'm also interested in ducklett. choose two please :P

I can do my wynaut for youre wynaut. Which one did you want?
let's do riolu hasty for makuhita :) i also just updated my list :) I am still interested in pancham and honedge relaxed :) and also machop..
but mostly hasty riolu :)

I can do that :P I'm going out right now but i'll be back in like 2 hours is that okay with you?
but we need to do the trade tomorrow :) I don't have time to clone before tomorrow, since it's almost 00.00 here now and I need to sleep xD

That's fine I'm out for work when I get back.

I also checked and my riolu is level 3 iono if you want to choose something else.

I'm also interested in grimer and minum :)
That's fine I'm out for work when I get back.

I also checked and my riolu is level 3 iono if you want to choose something else.

I'm also interested in grimer and minum :)
I'd like the riolu anyways ;D then machop for grimer and honedge for minun :)
I'm done as well. I didnt get your fc/ign :P

Sorry for late request but i'm also interested in wingull and stantler if youre interested in two more

Oh and just to make sure. My shadow tag wynaut is the same as yours. You were talking about my 6iv telepathy one?
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