FUCK weather a non weather Ou team.



Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Heatproof
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SDef
Ivs 31/31/31/31/31/2
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock

Bronzong is a great lead in my opinion. I can't even begin to explain how many dragonite and Salamences I have killed with HP ice because they try to set up for an early sweep. I'm a firm believer in setting up stealth for me its mandatory. The 2 Speed Iv is for HP ice and making Gyro Ball powerful. I run heatproof because MOST people assume that when they see a Bronzong it's Levitate so they won't go for Earthquake. Putting Heatproof has only came back to bite me in the ass twice when they figured out how shitty thier fire move was both times it was Tyranitar.
Earthquake just on for coverage it does decent damage but not insane worthy.


Sexy (Milotic) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Recover
- Toxic
- Scald
- Ice Beam

Milotic is probably my favorite wall. Toxic is a nessecity in my opinion as it is how I take on Bulky waters. MIlotic takes physical hits surprisingly well for its 79 base DEF. Scald over surf anyday as it has a 30% chance to burn whitch will stop most physical attacker from switching in on it. Recover is very nice as it is a garunteed 50% recovery everytime. Milotic also when i have a predicted status coming in i send out Milotic for Marvel Scale boost which makes it BEASTLY. Ice beam to hit dragons. Sadly this set is completley stopped by BLISSEY, and CM Latios.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 228 Def / 32 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Roost
- Discharge
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]

My Physical wall on my team. Takes physical hits like a beast. This is just the standard Physically defensive 4th Gen set recycled. I like to slip in a few UU's every once in a while so I don't get labeled as an OU whore XD.
Roost for a recovery . I run discharge over T-bolt because of the 30% chance to par. Paralysis can absoltley cripple anything. Heat wave is on there for those pesky steel types. Surprisingly, even though he has no sp att EVs it still is an offensive force.


Lucario (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP 252 att 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch

Lucario is ok I guess. I really wouldn't mind changing him I just can't think of a new physical sweeper. Anyways just a standard swords dance set. Not much to say. :/ I would like to switch him with a ground type becauses my team is electric weak.


Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam

Starmie is my spinner :). Other than that it's a fierce late game sweeper. I like to run timid over modest because better safe then sorry I always say. With that set you can pretty much hit anything for atleast neutral damage. Rapid Spin to get rid of rocks/spikes because I switch a lot. For here I like surf over scald because starmie needs all the power it can get with its mediocre 299 sp att stat.

Scizwhore (Scizor) (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Superpower
- Bullet Punch
- Quick Attack
- U-turn

CB scizor is boss. With practicly max HP it is surprisingly bulky U-turn to scout or just absolutley put a whole in something for scouting reasons. Choice band is basicly steroids but scizor was already on roids so this is like super steroids. BUT, there is one flaw :( he gets RAPED by magnezone with HP fire.

Thats the team :). Pokmone names in ORANGE I wouldnt mind changing. PEACE

Heatran (M) @ Leftovers


Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power

Don't replace Bronzong, that's about your only resemblance of an actual Excadrill counter.

What I'd be extremely worried about is also Rotom-W, or any Electric for that matter. Just spamming Electric moves all day will be a huge hassle for you.

I think you should replace Milotic for Quagsire first of all. It helps extremely well with the ever threatening Thundurus, and it acts as a good switch in to Excadrill if you predict the SD or if it just killed something. Quagsire can also help with any stat boosters you might have initial issue with, such as CM Latias.

The next step IMO is to replace Zapdos with Celebi. You get the same fighting resist, you don't have ground immunity but a resist is still nice, but now you absolutely wall the living shit out of Rotom-W, one of the hugest issues you had. You can always run the NP sweeper set, or just a support set, as long as HP Fire is on it.

And if you don't like Lucario, though I think you should keep it since priority helps out a long way on weatherless teams, you can try the Double Dance Terrakion. All it has to do is survive one hit from a Sun team and RP up and you can normally rape the opponent pretty hard. Volcarona hates Terrakion.
Don't replace Bronzong, that's about your only resemblance of an actual Excadrill counter.

What I'd be extremely worried about is also Rotom-W, or any Electric for that matter. Just spamming Electric moves all day will be a huge hassle for you.

I think you should replace Milotic for Quagsire first of all. It helps extremely well with the ever threatening Thundurus, and it acts as a good switch in to Excadrill if you predict the SD or if it just killed something. Quagsire can also help with any stat boosters you might have initial issue with, such as CM Latias.

The next step IMO is to replace Zapdos with Celebi. You get the same fighting resist, you don't have ground immunity but a resist is still nice, but now you absolutely wall the living shit out of Rotom-W, one of the hugest issues you had. You can always run the NP sweeper set, or just a support set, as long as HP Fire is on it.

And if you don't like Lucario, though I think you should keep it since priority helps out a long way on weatherless teams, you can try the Double Dance Terrakion. All it has to do is survive one hit from a Sun team and RP up and you can normally rape the opponent pretty hard. Volcarona hates Terrakion.

Celebi is a nice pokemon I have used on in the past but, it has a BUNCH of weaknesses as well as many resistances. I will give it a try. Which set do you reccomend like the Support set or Nasty Plot?
I don't understand the need for quick attack on the scisor. I think you should run with Pursuit so you could hit latios and latias when if their switching. If you have a reason for quick attack you should keep it and put it in the description but if not I would get rid of it for pursuit, which also gets the technichian boost. Also If you want to have a boss excadrill counter and a good physical sweeper on thats ground over Lucario you could try this landorus.

Frosto (Landorus) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Sand Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

This set works wonders. It has enough speed to outspeed volcanora with +1 quiver dance and all the dd users with a +1. In which you should kill volcanora with stonedge or kill the dragon with hp ice. Earthquake is for tyranitars and excadrills with a popped balloon. There is nothing excadril can do to come relitively close to OHKO this guy plus if your vs an excadril you will probably get the sand force boost. I would also run with the heatran over bronzong but change the set a little. I would run with this set. It almost the same as yours.

Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Protect / HP Grass
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power

Hp grass is for pokemon like politoad who like to switch in on this guy. In my opinion Fire blast is better than flamethrower and only has 15 percent less accuracy. And Air balloon makes this guy another excadrill counter. He cannot OHKO you when you have an air balloon plus you can proceed to fire blast him even if he has an air balloon.
I would run a very bulky Celebi spread although with the standard set of Nasty Plot, Hidden Power, Giga Drain and Recover.

And I insist that you ignore people requesting to replace Bronzong with a ground weak Pokemon. The Excadrill weakness is far too huge to rely on popping it's own balloon and keeping yours.
For milotic, it should be running haze or dragon tail to prevent getting set up by the likes of things like reuniclus, substitute calm mind latias etc. For a bold nature, you are running way too much sp. def evs. Milotic has enough at base to wall on the special side. Investments in defense is actually more helpful for it.

If you want to invest in the sp. def side, then maybe you can give mirror coat a try. Rotom-w in the rain will be an absolute menace. If not, then maybe you should go for another bulky water.

Bronzong really needs levitate or else..excadrill in the sand can ruin this team. If not, you might want to give gliscor a shot..it's, in my opinion, the best excadrill counter ever. Milotic with max defense and marvel scale activated stands a chance too though that's very situational.
Great team, really nice.

You have a big weakness to sand sweepers Excadril, and Volcorona.
Excadril straight up sets up on Scizor locked into some weak move, and proceeds to eq/rock slide everything. Zong, your only check gets demolished in case your opponent finds out you are not a levitate user.

Volcorona is a bigger problem. He sets up on zong and scizor very easily, while both can't do much in return. While you do have fireproof on zong, the STAB factor on moth cancels it out.

To remedy these problems, I suggest replaceing Zapdos with a physically defensive Gliscor. Gliscor takes hits like a boss and also allows you to not sacrifice a poke to take out terrakion or Landourus, both of whom walk all over your Zapdos. For Volcorona, you can try Haze over Ice Beam and maybe try tran somewhere. A SR lead with roar would easily beat any moth not carrying HP Ground.

Gliscor's set is:
Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang / Facade
- Taunt / Protect

In a nutshell:
Gliscor over Zapdos (let's you change up Lucario too since he's a ground type!)
Haze over Ice Beam on Milotic
Try a roar tran somewhere.

Great team!


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate ( Heatproof doesn't Take the damage )
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SDef
Ivs 31/31/31/31/31/2
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock

Bronzong is a great lead in my opinion. I can't even begin to explain how many dragonite and Salamences I have killed with HP ice because they try to set up for an early sweep. I'm a firm believer in setting up stealth for me its mandatory. The 2 Speed Iv is for HP ice and making Gyro Ball powerful. I run heatproof because MOST people assume that when they see a Bronzong it's Levitate so they won't go for Earthquake. Putting Heatproof has only came back to bite me in the ass twice when they figured out how shitty thier fire move was both times it was Tyranitar.
Earthquake just on for coverage it does decent damage but not insane worthy.


Sexy (Milotic) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Recover
- Toxic
- Scald
- Ice Beam

Milotic is probably my favorite wall. Toxic is a nessecity in my opinion as it is how I take on Bulky waters. MIlotic takes physical hits surprisingly well for its 79 base DEF. Scald over surf anyday as it has a 30% chance to burn whitch will stop most physical attacker from switching in on it. Recover is very nice as it is a garunteed 50% recovery everytime. Milotic also when i have a predicted status coming in i send out Milotic for Marvel Scale boost which makes it BEASTLY. Ice beam to hit dragons. Sadly this set is completley stopped by BLISSEY, and CM Latios.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 228 Def / 32 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Roost
- Discharge
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]

My Physical wall on my team. Takes physical hits like a beast. This is just the standard Physically defensive 4th Gen set recycled. I like to slip in a few UU's every once in a while so I don't get labeled as an OU whore XD.
Roost for a recovery . I run discharge over T-bolt because of the 30% chance to par. Paralysis can absoltley cripple anything. Heat wave is on there for those pesky steel types. Surprisingly, even though he has no sp att EVs it still is an offensive force.


Lucario (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP 252 att 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch

Lucario is ok I guess. I really wouldn't mind changing him I just can't think of a new physical sweeper. Anyways just a standard swords dance set. Not much to say. :/ I would like to switch him with a ground type becauses my team is electric weak.


Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam

Starmie is my spinner :). Other than that it's a fierce late game sweeper. I like to run timid over modest because better safe then sorry I always say. With that set you can pretty much hit anything for atleast neutral damage. Rapid Spin to get rid of rocks/spikes because I switch a lot. For here I like surf over scald because starmie needs all the power it can get with its mediocre 299 sp att stat.

Scizwhore (Scizor) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Superpower
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- U-turn

CB scizor is boss. With practicly max HP it is surprisingly bulky U-turn to scout or just absolutley put a whole in something for scouting reasons. Choice band is basicly steroids but scizor was already on roids so this is like super steroids. BUT, there is one flaw :( he gets RAPED by magnezone with HP fire.

Thats the team :). Pokmone names in ORANGE I wouldnt mind changing. PEACE

Heatran (M) @ Leftovers


Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power


I hope you like my suggestions ^_^