Fullmetal Trade Thread (2020 Reopening)


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Winry's Trade Thread

Hi! I know I haven't been too active in the Wi-Fi part of Smogon before but I hope to change that! I've been trading Pokemon since generation 4 and I hope to expand my collection!

Rules & Info
  • You don't need to have a trade thread on Smogon to trade with me. However, I would prefer if you have some sort of (good) reputation on Smogon or PS.
  • Provide as much information as possible when offering any Pokemon. If a Pokemon has been Hyper Trained or minted, you must make that clear. I do not care what generation a Pokemon is from, but you must make it clear.
    • Any redis rights are fine with me, this is mostly for my collection, but just make sure that the rights are clear so I don't accidentally offer it if I'm not supposed to!
  • I am not interested in Pokemon that cannot be traced back to their original owner.
  • DO NOT PM OR POST ON MY PROFILE when making an offer. ONLY post in this thread. This helps be be as organized as possible. Once we have decided on a trade, feel free to message me on Discord or PS if you see me online.
  • My Pokemon are full-redis as long as I am credited, ex. "Winry's PC Mimikyu"
  • All of my Pokemon are cloned using backing up + Pokemon Bank, Powersaves, PKMN-NTR, or bots (in gen 8). I will not clone for you unless I offer first, though, sorry. If you are offering cloned Pokemon I do not have a preference for what method you use.
  • Everything listed here was obtained by me or by the user listed next to the Pokemon. I do my best to only offer legit and authentic Pokemon; however, if a Pokemon is different than described please let me know so I can fix the situation the best I can.
    • The parents were obtained on /r/pokemontrades, giveaways on SVExchange, from friends, or caught and bred myself or my brother. My 6IV Ditto was RNG'd by a friend on another site, and my HP Dittos were RNG'd myself on my White game (I breed Pokemon with HP spread on my Japanese Moon file so that Masuda Method applies). I do my best to make sure that the egg moves and ball combination is legal before offering it here.
    • If you need proof of a TSV hatch please let me know, it should all be on /r/SVExchange.
  • All of my Pokemon are still in the game, or at the very least, generation of origin, so if you want a nickname, let me know and I can probably change it.
    • The above point also means that I will accept Generation 6- or 7-only trades if that works for both of us.
  • I am a little lazy so I will not take RNG or breeding requests, as well as IOUs, unless I offer.
    • Related to this, I will give you my UT Pokemon for free if you return me a copy that is EV trained (see, lazy).
  • All of my Pokemon are UT unless stated otherwise, such as being EV trained. Likewise, if I have an EV trained version and you prefer a UT version, please let me know. My Pokemon aren't Hyper Trained or minted unless I specifically state so.
Save Files (FC: 2964-8599-6139)
:zamazenta: Lily 430204 (Shield)
:zacian: Anna (Sword)
:necrozma-dawn-wings: Reina 246129 (Ultra Moon | TSV: 3379)
:solgaleo: Winry 507130 (Sun | TSV: 0518)
:lunala: ゆうた 195209 (Moon | TSV: 0515) [JPN]
:kyogre-primal: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire | TSV: 1634)
:groudon-primal: Daniel 14443 (Omega Ruby | TSV: 0416)
:xerneas: Lucy 23739 (X | TSV: 3144)
:yveltal: Hugo 04630 (Y | TSV: 0420) [SPA]
:zekrom: Joss 44049 (White)
:lugia: WINRY 04440 (SoulSilver)
:ho-oh: JUNIPER 49268 (HeartGold)

Cheats used:
  • IV/EV checking (generations 4/5 only)
  • 999x Medicine Items (For rare candies in generations 4/5 only)
  • 999x Items (for Kurt's Pokeballs in HGSS only)
  • Cloning (generation 6 only)
  • Safari/Beast/Kurt's Pokeball injections (SM and SwSh)
Software/tools used:
  • DS Lite, Original 3DS with CFW, New 3DS stock, Switch with CFW
  • PPRNG / RNG Reporter + EonTimer (HGSSBW RNG)
  • Powersaves backups + KeySAV (TSV/ESV checking on XYORAS)
  • SMEncounterRNG Tool / PokemonSunMoonRNGTool (SM RNG)
  • JK's Save Manager (save states for RNG and to have multiple files)
  • PKMN-NTR with plugins (for bots and to view current seeds, frames, and exact IVs on 3DS)
  • SysBot/PKHeX (for breeding and giving items)

Wants List... nicknamed or nicknameable stuff is always a plus :)
  • Shiny Celebi, Zygarde, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma
  • Zacian & Zamazenta
  • Gigantamax RNGs
Other stuff:
  • Meltan & Melmetal
  • JUNGLE Vivillon

Eyan good friend :] but mentioned here because he always helps me with set advice since I'm trash at playing
GeoffBruedly for always making me breed him things then never actually getting them

Nickname - Pokemon -> Specified Evolution
OT: Trainer Name ##### (Game of Origin) - Language Tag (if not ENG)
Nature | Hidden Ability (italics if HA) | IVs: HP.Atk.Def.SpAtk.SpDef.Spe (Hidden Power) | Gender (if applicable)
Moves: Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4 (italics if egg move)
EVs when applicable
Redis rights if different than full-redis.
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Trophy Case / NFT

Giveaway Pokemon
Pokemon received for free, mostly so I can keep track of them

Ekans (#023)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Adamant | Intimidate | | ♀
Moves: Switcheroo, Beat Up, Sucker Punch, Pursuit
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Cleffa (#173)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Calm | Friend Guard | | ♂
Moves: Misty Terrain, Wish, Stored Power, Heal Pulse
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Magby (#240)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Jolly | Vital Spirit | | ♂
Moves: Belly Drum, Focus Energy, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Max. Optimizer's "Tsunami" - Lugia (#249)
OT: Chris 64053 (Virtual Console)
Bold | Multiscale | 13(HT).31.31.23(HT).31.11(HT)
Moves: Substitute, Toxic, Whirlwind, Roost
248 HP / 168 Def / 92 Spe

Max. Optimizer's "Fenikkusu" - Ho-Oh (#250)
OT: Chris 64053 (Virtual Console)
Adamant | Regenerator | 31.30(HT).31.7(HT).31.23(HT)
Moves: Sacred Fire, Brave Bird, Recover, Curse
104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe

Lileep (#345)
OT: Lucy 23739 (X)
Careful | Storm Drain | | ♂
Moves: Barrier, Stealth Rock, Curse, Recover
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Buneary (#427)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Jolly | Limber | | ♀
Moves: Cosmic Power, Switcheroo, Encore, Fake Out
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Glameow (#431)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Jolly | Keen Eye | | ♀
Moves: Fake Tears, Flail, Wake-Up Slap, Quick Attack
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

"Jelly" - Solosis (#577)
OT: Lucy 23739 (X)
Bold | Magic Guard | | ♀
Moves: Psywave
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.

Amaura (#698)
OT: Lucy 23739 (X)
Modest | Snow Warning | | ♀
Moves: Discharge, Mirror Coat, Haze, Barrier
Received from a giveaway on /v/SVExchange.
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Charizard (#003) -> Mega Charizard Y (#006)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Solar Power | | ♀
Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power, Outrage
Moves: Solar Beam, Focus Blast, Roost, Flamethrower
6 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Natsu" - Charizard (#003) -> Mega Charizard X (#006)
OT: Whitney 60829 (Alpha Sapphire)
Adamant | Blaze | | ♂
Moves: Flare Blitz, Dragon Dance, Roost, Outrage
252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Bred using standard Masuda Method + Shiny Charm.
I hatched 3 or 4 other shiny Charmanders while hunting for one with -Sp. Atk!
Someday I will get all the ribbons on him!

"Shellshocker" - Blastoise (#009)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Modest | Rain Dish | 31.x. | ♂
Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Aqua Ring, Water Spout
Moves: Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Rapid Spin, Ice Beam
4 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Petra" - Sandslash (#028)
OT: Sausage 26690 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Sand Veil | | ♀
Egg Moves: Night Slash, Rock Climb, Flail, Counter
Moves: Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, Earthquake
252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Ophiuchus" - Gyarados (#130)
OT: Solomon 52650 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Intimidate | | ♂
Moves: Waterfall, Bounce, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Simurgh" - Articuno (#144)
OT: WINRY 04440 (SoulSilver)
Modest | Pressure |
Moves: Ancient Power, Agility, Ice Beam, Reflect
RNG'd using RNG Reporter + EonTimer.

"Kiun" - Zapdos (#145)
OT: WINRY 04440 (SoulSilver)
Calm | Pressure |
Moves: Ancient Power, Charge, Agility, Discharge
RNG'd using RNG Reporter + EonTimer.

"Pele" - Moltres (#145)
OT: WINRY 04440 (SoulSilver)
Modest | Pressure |
Moves: Ancient Power, Flamethrower, Safeguard, Air Slash
RNG'd using RNG Reporter + EonTimer.

"Nowi" - Dragonite (#149)
OT: Jamie 65200 (Gen 7)
Adamant | Multiscale | 31.x. | ♀
Egg Moves: Aqua Jet, Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed, Water Pulse
Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Outrage
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 7.
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Donphan (#232)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Impish | Pickup | | ♀
Moves: Head Smash, Counter, Fissure, Ice Shard
RNG breed.

"Beep" - Ampharos (#181)
OT: Ana 13328 (Gen 6)
Modest | Plus | 31.x. | ♂
Moves: Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch
4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Mei" - Azumarill (#184)
OT: Tacanacy OR (Gen 6)
Adamant | Thick Fat | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Knock Off, Play Rough, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Ujurak" - Ursaring (#217)
OT: Fantasia 09849
Adamant | Quick Feet | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Swords Dance, Close Combat, Crunch, Facade
4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

"Hazard" - Treecko (#252)
OT: ゆうた 195209 (Moon) - JPN
Timid | Unburden | (HP Fire) | ♂
Moves: Leech Seed, Synthesis, Leaf Storm, Crunch
RNG breed.

Blaziken (#257)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Speed Boost | | ♂
Egg Moves: Baton Pass, Featherdance, Low Kick, Night Slash
Moves: Baton Pass, Swords Dance, Flare Blitz, Knock Off
252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Swampert (#260)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Damp | | ♂
Egg Moves: Wide Guard, Curse, Counter, Mirror Coat
Moves: Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Stealth Rock
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Nincada (#290)
OT: Hugo 04630 (Y) - SPA
Adamant | Compoundeyes | | ♂
Moves: Bug Buzz, Bug Bite, Endure, Final Gambit
Bred using standard Masuda Method + Shiny Charm on accident.

Minun (#312)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Minus | 31.x. | ♂
Egg Moves: Lucky Chant, Sweet Kiss, Wish, Sing
Moves: Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, Substitute
252 Sp. Atk / 6 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Riptide" - Sharpedo (#319)
OT: May 44662 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Speed Boost | | ♂
Moves: Crunch, Protect, Earthquake, Ice Fang
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Namazu" - Whiscash (#340)
OT: Josue 06861 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Hydration | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Waterfall, Bounce
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Grima" - Salamence (#373)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Intimidate | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Double-Edge, Roost, Dragon Dance, Facade
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Caelum" - Metang (#375) - Lv. 55 (UT)
OT: Joss 44049 (White)
Jolly | Clear Body | 31.31.31.x.31.31
Moves: Iron Defense, Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt
RNG capture using PPRNG.

"Masotan" - Latios (#381)
OT: Olivia XXXXX (Ultra Sun)
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR + 3DS RNG Tool.

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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Empoleon (#395)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Calm | Torrent | | ♂
Egg Moves: Yawn, Agility, Feather Dance, Icy Wind
Moves: Scald, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Roar
252 HP/ 76 Def / 180 Sp. Def
RNG breed.

"Skybeak" - Staraptor (#398)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Reckless | | ♂
Moves: Double-Edge, U-turn, Brave Bird, Close Combat
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Geode" - Rampardos (#409)
OT: Cheria 52883 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Mold Breaker | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Egg Moves: Leer, Crunch, Hammer Arm, Iron Head
Moves: Head Smash, Crunch, Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Spritz" - Floatzel (#419)
OT: Shareef 64013 (Gen 6)
Jolly | Swift Swim | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Liquidation, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet, Switcheroo
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

"Sidon" - Garchomp (#445)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Rough Skin | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Palkia (#484)
OT: Daniel 14443 (Omega Ruby)
Modest | Pressure |
Moves: Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Spacial Rend, Hydro Pump
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR + 3DS RNG Tool.

PsIana's Arceus (#493)
OT: GF 08016 - GER
Jolly | Multitype |
Judgement, Recover, Hyper Beam, Perish Song
Proof of RNG
I have semi-redis rights.

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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

"Suyin" - Excadrill (#530)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Mold Breaker | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Earthquake, Iron Head, Swords Dance, Rapid Spin
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Ton" - Carracosta (#565)
OT: Adam 46497 (Gen 6)
Adamant | Sturdy | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Shell Smash, Stone Edge, Superpower, Aqua Jet
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
TSV hatch in gen 6.

Vanillite (#582)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Modest | Weak Armor | 31.x. | ♀
Moves: Imprison, Iron Defense, Autotomize, Powder Snow
RNG breed.

"Eyan" - Hydreigon (#635)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Modest | Levitate | 31.x. | ♂
Moves: U-turn, Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse
252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Ieyasu" - Cobalion (#638)
OT: Joss 44049 (White)
Jolly | Justified |
Moves: Helping Hand, Retaliate, Iron Head, Sacred Sword
RNG'd using PPRNG.

Cobalion (#638)
OT: Daniel 14443 (Omega Ruby)
Jolly | Justified |
Moves: Retaliate, Iron Head, Sacred Sword, Swords Dance
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR + 3DS RNG Tool.
Was trying for Reshiram when this spread came up with only 6 mins of waiting,
so I quickly flew over to the closest island that had a legendary that could make use of this spread.

"Bane" - Terrakion (#639)
OT: Joss 44049 (White)
Jolly | Justified |
Moves: Stone Edge, Close Combat, Rock Slide, Earthquake
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG'd using PPRNG.

"Flora" - Virizion (#640)
OT: Joss 44049 (White)
Timid | Justified | (HP Ice)
Moves: Helping Hand, Retaliate, Giga Drain, Sacred Sword
RNG'd using PPRNG.

Reshiram (#643)
OT: Daniel 14443 (Omega Ruby)
Timid | Turboblaze |
Moves: Dragon Breath, Slash, Extrasensory, Fusion Flare
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR + 3DS RNG Tool.

Zekrom (#644)
OT: Reina 246129 (Ultra Moon)
Adamant | Teravolt |
Moves: Slash, Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt, Dragon Claw
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR + 3DS RNG Tool.
No Friend/Nest ball for me since I forgot to bring a Harvest Pokemon...
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Delphox (#655)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Blaze | 31.x. | ♂
Moves: Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam
252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Azula" - Talonflame (#663)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Gale Wings | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Flare Blitz, Roost, Swords Dance, Brave Bird
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Zircon" - Tyrantrum (#697)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Sturdy | | ♂
Moves: Crunch, Earthquake, Head Smash, Dragon Claw
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Blueforce's "Ghirahim" - Yveltal (#717)
OT: Blueforce 08001
Timid | Dark Aura |
Moves: Taunt, Toxic, Dark Pulse, Oblivion Wing
6 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

"Shirayuki" - Ninetales-Alola (#037)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Snow Warning | | ♀
Moves: Aurora Veil, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Hail
248 HP / 8 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Grimer-Alola (#088)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant| Poison Touch | | ♂
Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Shadow Sneak, Curse
RNG breed.

"Soren" - Rowlet (#722)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Overgrow | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Confuse Ray, Defog, Baton Pass, Haze
RNG breed.

"Azura" - Primarina (#731)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Modest | Torrent | | ♀
Moves: Hydro Pump, Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Psychic
40 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Narik" - Toucannon (#733)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Sheer Force | | ♀
Moves: U-turn, Brave Bird, Beak Blast, Bullet Seed
RNG breed.

Cutiefly (#742)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Shield Dust | 31.x. | ♂
Moves: Baton Pass, Speed Swap, Bestow, Moonblast
RNG breed.

"Nymeria" - Lycanroc (#745)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Vital Spirit | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Thrash, Sucker Punch
Moves: Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Accelerock, Brick Break
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Toxapex (#748)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Bold | Regenerator | 31.x. | ♂
Moves: Haze, Scald, Recover, Baneful Bunker
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp. Def
RNG breed.

"Spirit" - Mudsdale (#750)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Stamina | | ♂
Moves: Close Combat, Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, Earthquake
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

"Kindle" - Salazzle (#758)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Corrosion | 31.x. | ♀
Moves: Substitute, Toxic, Protect, Flamethrower
4 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
RNG breed.

Bounsweet (#761)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Oblivious | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Splash, Synthesis, Play Rough, Charm
RNG breed.

Wimpod (#767)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Adamant | Wimp Out | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♂
Moves: Metal Claw, Spikes, Wide Guard, Aqua Jet
RNG breed.

Type: Null (#772) -> Silvally (#773)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Battle Armor |
Moves: Crush Claw, Scary Face, X-Scissor, Take Down
252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and SMEncounterRNGTool.

Togedemaru (#777)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Jolly | Sturdy | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | ♀
Moves: Fake Out, Reversal, Flail, Encore
RNG breed.

Mimikyu (#778)
OT: ポケセン 170922
Adamant | Disguise |
Moves: Astonish, Play Rough, Copycat, Substitute
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and 3DSRNGTool.
Pokemon Center Halloween Shiny Mimikyu. Self obtained (yes I was in Japan).
RNG Proof (username not listed because I have like 5 over different sites..)
No direct proof for this EXACT Mimikyu, because the PC staff member took my DS,
but I have proof for a JPN-language tagged Mimikyu (not this RNG'd one!) that I got at the same time.

Tapu Koko (#785)
OT: Melemele 170714
Timid | Electric Surge | (HP Ice)
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Hidden Power (Ice)
252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and 3DSRNGTool.

Lunala (#792)
OT: ゆうた 195209 (Moon) - JPN
Modest | Shadow Shield |
Moves: Moongeist Beam, Cosmic Power, Night Daze, Shadow Ball
Soft reset using PKMN-NTR SR bot.

"Yoko" - Magearna (#801)
OT: Winry 507130 (Sun)
Timid | Soul-Heart |
Moves: Fleur Cannon, Shift Gear, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
Soft reset using PKMN-NTR SR bot.

"Stitch" - Poipole (#803)
OT: Reina 246129 (Ultra Moon)
Timid | Beast Boost |
Moves: Charm, Venom Drench, Nasty Plot, Poison Jab
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and 3DSRNGTool.

OPBreloom's "Leono" - Zeraora (#807)
OT: Fula City 100118
Jolly | Volt Absorb |
Moves: Plasma Fists, Close Combat, Knock Off, Iron Tail
252 Atk / 6 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

"Ambrosia" - Applin (#840)
OT: Lily 430204 (Shield)
Bold | Ripen | | ♀
Moves: Sucker Punch, Defense Curl, Recycle, Rollout
Bred using SysBot. I tried for weeks to get one by traditional methods, I swear...
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Breedables - all 4-5IV spitbacks
These are also still scattered across all my generation 6-7 games, so please forgive me if I accidentally lost one x_x

Removed cos I'm lazy
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Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Upcoming Projects
  • Actually organize my files
  • SRs:
    • USUM Rainbow Rocket (:nidoking: :crobat: :mightyena: :honchkrow: :cofagrigus: :mienshao:)
    • USUM PC Birthday (:pikachu: :eevee: :comfey:)
    • 7: :marshadow: :greninja-ash:
    • 8: :articuno-galar: :zapdos-galar: :moltres-galar: :regieleki: :magearna-original: :dracozolt: :dracovish:
  • Breeds:
    • 8: :dragapult: :duraludon: :flapple:
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Hey id be interested in a friend ball poliwag bold with encore any chance you can do one with swift swim?


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hey id be interested in a friend ball poliwag bold with encore any chance you can do one with swift swim?
Hi, I saw your post in the questions thread and was going to offer you one! Do you have a preference of ball? I have a DBHA Poliwag with Encore already.

However, unless you can trade tonight, you would have to wait until July 14th, as I will be on a trip until then.
Hey, I am interested in a bunch of your breedables being:

All Sports Ball Pokémon
Level Ball Pidgey
Fast Ball Combee
Safari Ball Bagon
Nest Ball Skiddo
Safari Ball Zigzagoon

Please CMT for them, hope you find something (:


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hi guys! I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently out of the country and won't be back until July 24th. If that's okay I can let you know what I'm interested in!

Hey, I am interested in a bunch of your breedables being:

All Sports Ball Pokémon
Level Ball Pidgey
Fast Ball Combee
Safari Ball Bagon
Nest Ball Skiddo
Safari Ball Zigzagoon

Please CMT for them, hope you find something (:
Hello, I'm interested in these-

Nest HA patrat
Safari Mr. Mime
Premier winter deerling

Feel free to CMT
Hi guys! I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently out of the country and won't be back until July 24th. If that's okay I can let you know what I'm interested in!
That's definitely ok for me, let me know what you would like ! ;)
Hi, i'm interested in your dive ball charmander. Could you CMT? I only have Shinies on there so in case you are interested in anything, would you be willing to do a 2:1?


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hello, I'm interested in these-

Nest HA patrat
Safari Mr. Mime
Premier winter deerling

Feel free to CMT
Hi, i'm interested in your dive ball charmander. Could you CMT? I only have Shinies on there so in case you are interested in anything, would you be willing to do a 2:1?
That's definitely ok for me, let me know what you would like ! ;)
Hey, really sorry, I completely forgot about this thread when I was busy with work after I came home the summer. I know you probably don't need the exact mons you said you were interested in anymore, but if you do happen to be interested, please let me know!

Adding an event section, including:

Tapu Koko (#785)
OT: Melemele 170714
Timid | Electric Surge | (HP Ice)
Moves: Nature's Madness, Discharge, Agility, Electro Ball
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and 3DSRNGTool.
Hey, really sorry, I completely forgot about this thread when I was busy with work after I came home the summer. I know you probably don't need the exact mons you said you were interested in anymore, but if you do happen to be interested, please let me know!

Adding an event section, including:

Tapu Koko (#785)
OT: Melemele 170714
Timid | Electric Surge | (HP Ice)
Moves: Nature's Madness, Discharge, Agility, Electro Ball
RNG'd using pokecalcNTR and 3DSRNGTool.
Trade completed, a pleasure to do business with you :)


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Added 31/31/31/14/31/31 PC Mimikyu!

Hi Winry,

Anything you'd like for a spitback of your friend ball shroomish?
Hey, Level Ball Buneary would be cool!

I am gonna breed the friend shroomish with the DBHA one to get a Friend HA 4EM Shroomish, that's cool right?


Buriallusion: Phantomic Killer in Night Mist
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Hey Winry,

Would I be able to negotiate for a breedject of the Heal Ball HA Piplup? Also, might you have any of the following in Dream Balls (with HA): Nidoran M/F, Cleffa, Murkrow, Meditite, Feebas, Shellos, Buneary, Chimchar, Spiritomb, Gothita?

My trade sheet (not thread, sorry) is in the signature. Apologies if it is a little sparse; it's been hellish tracking down where all my 'mons are...

Thanks in advance!

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