Ubers Galarian Darmanitan


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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake / Superpower
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Gorilla Tactics combined with a Choice Scarf gives Galarian Daramanitan both immediate power and speed. This set serves best as an early-game wallbreaker or late-game cleaner. Icicle Crash is Darmanitan's main STAB move, and Flare Blitz covers the Steel-types that resist it. Earthquake rounds out Darmanitan's coverage, notably allowing it to hit Toxapex. Superpower can also be used to hit Tyranitar harder and provides an opportunity for +1 Attack while Dynamaxed. U-turn provides momentum for Darmantian's team while also dealing a considerable amount of damage to common switch-ins, like Rotom-W. Dynamax allows Galarian Darmanitan to bypass the locking effects of Gorilla Tactics and Choice Scarf, giving it the opportunity to muscle through walls like Ferrothorn and Toxapex even if it has locked itself into an inappropriate move. Doing so, however, takes away from other potential Dynamax options, so it should be used against bulkier teams. The given EV spread allows Darmanitan to hit as hard and fast as possible, and Jolly is needed in order to outspeed Zacian-C.

However, while Darmanitan is certainly not slow, its base 95 Speed does leave a bit to be desired, so it has to be wary of faster Choice Scarf users. Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian and Zamazenta. A weakness to all forms of entry hazards and recoil from Flare Blitz can limit Darmanitan's longevity, making it fairly prediction-reliant, especially after its team's Dynamax has been spent. Additionally, Darmanitan provides very little to no defensive utility outside of revenge killing, making it sometimes difficult to fit into a team.

- Written by: [[chimp, 197439]]
- Quality checked by: [[Minority, 222996], [Cynara, 224455]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
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Mention Jolly is needed so you outspeed max Zacian-C. It's also worth mentioning that the greatest challenge with putting this mon on a team is that it offers little to no defensive synergy or utility outside of RK.

Edit: make sure you are using 4 Def EVs not 4 HP EVs. Using 4 HP EVs makes Darmanitan's HP 352, which is divisible by 8, and increases the hazard / residual damage it takes.


QC: 1/2
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Looks fine, its worth noting that Darm doesnt havent great dynamax potential and is not something youd necessarily Dynamax unless it is against bulkier teams or in the end game.

Dont forget to include minority’s edit of allocating the 4 HP Evs into Defense for his stealth rock mentions.

QC 2/2
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No, that is used as a placeholder. A check isn't counted unless it has been stamped by an official member, so please be wary of this. Implement my changes and I will look over it again after, if I'm satisfied with everything I will stamp it then.


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake / Superpower
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def/ 252 Spe 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe (Spacing)

Gorilla Tactics combined with a Choice Scarf gives Darmantian-Galar Galarian Darmanitan both immediate power and speed. This set serves best as an early-(AH)game wallbreaker or as a threatening late-(AH)game cleaner. Icicle Crash is Darmanitan's main STAB move, (AC) and Flare Blitz covers the Steel-types that resist it. Earthquake rounds out Darmanitan's coverage, notably allowing it to hit Toxapex and Cinderace. Superpower can also be used to hit Tyranitar harder and provides an opportunity for +1 attack while Dynamaxed. U-turn provides momentum for Darmantian's team while also dealing a considerable amount of damage to common switch-ins, like Rotom-Wash. Dynamax allows Darmanitan-Galar Galarian Darmanitan to bypass the locking effects of Gorilla Tactics and Choice Scarf, giving it the opportunity to muscle through walls like Ferrothorn and Toxapex even if it has locked itself into an inappropriate move. Doing so, however, takes away from other potential Dynamax options, so it should be used against bulkier teams. The given EV spread allows Darmanitan to hit as hard and fast as possible and Jolly is needed in order to outspeed Zacian-C. 4 Defense EVs are used over HP in order to minimize damage from entry hazards.

However, while Darmanitan is certainly not slow, it's its base 95 Speed does leave a bit to be desired. It has to be wary of faster Choice Scarf users like Dragapult and Cinderace. Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian, Zamazenta, (AC) and Barraskewda. A weakness to all forms of entry hazards and recoil from Flare Blitz can limit Darmanitan's life span longevity, making it fairly prediction reliant, especially after its team's Dynamax has been spent. Additionally, Darmanitan provides very little to no defensive utility outside of revenge killing, making it sometimes difficult to fit into a team.
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No, that is used as a placeholder. A check isn't counted unless it has been stamped by an official member, so please be wary of this. Implement my changes and I will look over it again after, if I'm satisfied with everything I will stamp it then.


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake / Superpower
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def/ 252 Spe 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe (Spacing)

Gorilla Tactics combined with a Choice Scarf gives Darmantian-Galar Galarian Darmanitan both immediate power and speed. This set serves best as an early-(AH)game wallbreaker or as a threatening late-(AH)game cleaner. Icicle Crash is Darmanitan's main STAB move, (AC) and Flare Blitz covers the Steel-types that resist it. Earthquake rounds out Darmanitan's coverage, notably allowing it to hit Toxapex and Cinderace. Superpower can also be used to hit Tyranitar harder and provides an opportunity for +1 attack while Dynamaxed. U-turn provides momentum for Darmantian's team while also dealing a considerable amount of damage to common switch-ins, like Rotom-Wash. Dynamax allows Darmanitan-Galar Galarian Darmanitan to bypass the locking effects of Gorilla Tactics and Choice Scarf, giving it the opportunity to muscle through walls like Ferrothorn and Toxapex even if it has locked itself into an inappropriate move. Doing so, however, takes away from other potential Dynamax options, so it should be used against bulkier teams. The given EV spread allows Darmanitan to hit as hard and fast as possible and Jolly is needed in order to outspeed Zacian-C. 4 Defense EVs are used over HP in order to minimize damage from entry hazards.

However, while Darmanitan is certainly not slow, it's its base 95 Speed does leave a bit to be desired. It has to be wary of faster Choice Scarf users like Dragapult and Cinderace. Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian, Zamazenta, (AC) and Barraskewda. A weakness to all forms of entry hazards and recoil from Flare Blitz can limit Darmanitan's life span longevity, making it fairly prediction reliant, especially after its team's Dynamax has been spent. Additionally, Darmanitan provides very little to no defensive utility outside of revenge killing, making it sometimes difficult to fit into a team.

Oop, my bad. Added the changes.
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GP 1/1
- You can now consider this stamped :blobthumbsup:


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake / Superpower
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Gorilla Tactics combined with a Choice Scarf gives Galarian Daramanitan both immediate power and speed. This set serves best as an early-game wallbreaker or late-game cleaner. Icicle Crash is Darmanitan's main STAB move, and Flare Blitz covers the Steel-types that resist it. Earthquake rounds out Darmanitan's coverage, notably allowing it to hit Toxapex and Cinderace. Superpower can also be used to hit Tyranitar harder and provides an opportunity for +1 attack while Dynamaxed. U-turn provides momentum for Darmantian's team while also dealing a considerable amount of damage to common switch-ins, like Rotom-W. Dynamax allows Galarian Darmanitan to bypass the locking effects of Gorilla Tactics and Choice Scarf, giving it the opportunity to muscle through walls like Ferrothorn and Toxapex even if it has locked itself into an inappropriate move. Doing so, however, takes away from other potential Dynamax (Capitalize) options, so it should be used against bulkier teams. The given EV spread allows Darmanitan to hit as hard and fast as possible, (AC) and Jolly is needed in order to outspeed Zacian-C. 4 Defense EVs are used over HP The remaining 4 EVs are invested into Defense over HP in order to minimize damage from entry hazards.

However, while Darmanitan is certainly not slow, its base 95 Speed does leave a bit to be desired. It has to be wary of faster Choice Scarf users like Dragapult and Cinderace. Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian, Zamazenta, and Barraskewda. A weakness to all forms of entry hazards and recoil from Flare Blitz can limit Darmanitan's longevity, making it fairly prediction-(AH)reliant, especially after its team's Dynamax has been spent. Additionally, Darmanitan provides very little to no defensive utility outside of revenge killing, making it sometimes difficult to fit into a team.
apologies that this reached the finished stage before i noticed but there are some oddities id like to fix.

- this is a little bit long with some non essential statements. id cut the following lines:
The remaining 4 EVs are invested into Defense over HP in order to minimize damage from entry hazards.
if its not essential it doesnt need mentioned
It has to be wary of faster Choice Scarf users like Dragapult and Cinderace.
neither of these are common sets (ive yet to see one)
Earthquake rounds out Darmanitan's coverage, notably allowing it to hit Toxapex and Cinderace.
cinderace is mentioned too much when it probably shouldnt be at all - the mon is a very niche pick.
Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian and Zamazenta. and Barraskewda.
this hasn't been approved for a preview yet so i'd like to avoid giving mention to mons without one (confuses the reader if they look for what it does)

make sure to add credits so this can be uploaded - this is covered in the formatting guide's importable.

i aimed to make these changes so that they dont require another GP look over to be uploaded. should be good to go after the edits.
apologies that this reached the finished stage before i noticed but there are some oddities id like to fix.

- this is a little bit long with some non essential statements. id cut the following lines:

if its not essential it doesnt need mentioned

neither of these are common sets (ive yet to see one)

cinderace is mentioned too much when it probably shouldnt be at all - the mon is a very niche pick.

this hasn't been approved for a preview yet so i'd like to avoid giving mention to mons without one (confuses the reader if they look for what it does)

make sure to add credits so this can be uploaded - this is covered in the formatting guide's importable.

i aimed to make these changes so that they dont require another GP look over to be uploaded. should be good to go after the edits.

I did notice a thing or two that needed fixing.

Superpower can also be used to hit Tyranitar harder and provides an opportunity for +1 Attack (Capitalize) while Dynamaxed.

Additionally, when Dynamaxed, it is outsped and taken out by common threats like Zacian, (RC) and Zamazenta.(Add space)A weakness to all forms of entry hazards and recoil from Flare Blitz can limit Darmanitan's longevity, making it fairly prediction-reliant, especially after its team's Dynamax has been spent.
