NU Gallade


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Gallade sets itself apart from other Fighting-types in the metagame like Toxicroak and Passimian due to its part-Psychic typing, allowing it to threaten the tier's bulky Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor. It is an equally, if not even more, dangerous wallbreaker thanks to Knock Off and Swords Dance, letting it cripple and eventually muscle past common physically defensive Pokemon like Mudsdale and Quagsire. However, it matches up poorly against the tier's common offensive threats: Gallade's Speed tier is average at best and, considering its frailty, makes it very vulnerable to getting revenge killed by faster threats like Talonflame, Tauros, Aerodactyl, and Indeedee-F. It also faces tough competition from the aforementioned Toxicroak and Passimian, which have better defensive profiles and viable set diversity.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Psycho Cut
move 4: Knock Off
item: Protective Pads / Lum Berry / Life Orb
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off targets Psychic-types like Xatu and Galarian Articuno; cripples walls like Quagsire, Sylveon, and Mudsdale; and reliably hits Ghost-types like Dhelmise, Decidueye, and Golurk without risking a Zen Headbutt miss. Protective Pads keeps Gallade safe from contact effects like Talonflame's Flame Body, Vileplume's Effect Spore, Weezing's Rocky Helmet, and Garbodor's Aftermath. Alternatively, Lum Berry lets it ignore Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore once while enabling it to safely set up against status inducers like Vaporeon and Mudsdale. Life Orb allows +2 Gallade to OHKO Vaporeon and potentially 2HKO Mudsdale, as well as Quagsire, which would otherwise ignore any of its Swords Dance boosts with Unaware. If running Life Orb, Psycho Cut should be used over Zen Headbutt to give Gallade a non-contact attack for Vileplume and Weezing that still nails the OHKO at +2. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Tsareena, Tyrantrum, and Decidueye.

Gallade fits well on offensive teams that appreciate its wallbreaking prowess. Pivots like Rotom-C, Tsareena, and Talonflame can bring Gallade into the field safely on their switch-ins like Vileplume, Weezing, and Stakataka. Talonflame in particular can also switch into faster threats like Tauros that would otherwise revenge kill Gallade. Swords Dance Silvally-Ground is a potent setup sweeper that can help threaten Talonflame with Rock Slide and enjoys Gallade pressuring Weezing and overwhelming shared checks in Mudsdale and Quagsire. Silvally-Ground can also run U-turn to bring Gallade in safely on Weezing. Choice Scarf Indeedee-F can also clean up late-game after Gallade's wallbreaking early-game; particularly, Gallade threatens Dark- and Steel-types like Guzzlord, Stakataka, and Copperajah for Indeedee-F to freely use Expanding Force. In return, Indeedee-F can support Gallade with Healing Wish and provides Psychic Terrain to improve its offensive presence, letting it OHKO Mantine and potentially Sylveon at +2 and preventing it from being revenge killed by Decidueye's Shadow Sneak.

Other Options

Choice Band gives Gallade the immediate power to cleanly 2HKO Quagsire; however, being Choice locked makes it easier to play around. Choice Scarf lets Gallade outspeed and revenge kill faster threats such as Salazzle, Toxicroak, and Tauros; however, it is generally outclassed by Passimian in this role due to it having U-turn. Assault Vest can make use of Gallade's solid special bulk to soft check special attackers like Salazzle, Rotom-C, and Heliolisk; Swords Dance is then dropped for Drain Punch to give Gallade a source of recovery, making more use of its added bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its middling Speed tier, Gallade is outsped and OHKOed by faster threats like Aerodactyl, Talonflame, and Tauros. Even though Talonflame hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots removed, it has the bulk and typing to withstand any attacks thrown by Gallade, punish non-Protective Pads variants with a Flame Body burn, and gain momentum afterwards via U-turn.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Without a boosting item, Mudsdale, Quagsire, and Sylveon can comfortably tank a +2 attack from Gallade and retaliate with Toxic or, in the latter's case, a Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice. Moreover, thanks to Unaware, Quagsire ignores any Swords Dance boosts Gallade tries to accumulate.

**Contact Effects**: Non-Protective Pads variants can be extremely crippled by Talonflame's Flame Body, one of Gallade's best switch-ins. Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor that would otherwise lose to Gallade are more free to switch in on a predicted Fighting-type attack just to punish it with Effect Spore or Rocky Helmet and subsequently switch out to a Psychic-resistant teammate. The accumulated damage from Rocky Helmet and even Garbodor's Aftermath can easily put Gallade in range of being revenge killed, especially with the chip damage from Life Orb.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [Togkey, 400664]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
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Gallade sets itself apart from other Fighting-types in the metagame like Toxicroak and Passimian due to its part-Psychic typing, granting it a STAB attack to threaten the tier's bulky Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor, which are usually tasked as the team's sole Fighting resistance (I've seen enough Poison + other Fighting-type check to feel this isn't worth keeping). It is an even more dangerous wallbreaker thanks to Knock Off and Swords Dance, letting it cripple and eventually muscle past common physically defensive Pokemon like Mudsdale and Quagsire. However, it matches up poorly against the tier's common offensive threats: Gallade's Speed tier is average at best, and, considering its frailty, makes it very vulnerable in getting revenge killed by faster threats like Talonflame, Tauros, Aerodactyl, and Indeedee-F. (I'd also address the competition from Toxicroak and Passimian; they're better defensively, have more viable set diversity, etc)

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Zen Headbutt
move 4: Knock Off
item: Protective Pads
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off targets Psychic-types like Xatu and Galarian Articuno, cripples defensive walls like Quagsire, Sylveon, and Mudsdale, and reliably hits Ghost-types like Dhelmise, Decidueye, and Golurk without risking a Zen Headbutt miss. Protective Pads keeps it healthy from contact effects like Talonflame's Flame Body, Vileplume's Effect Spore, Weezing's Rocky Helmet, and Garbodor's Aftermath. Life Orb can be used to improve Gallade's damage output, notably OHKOing Vaporeon and potentially Mudsdale at +2 and has significant odds to 2HKO Quagsire, which would otherwise ignore any of Gallade's Swords Dance boosts with Unaware. If running Life Orb, Psycho Cut should be used over Zen Headbutt to give Gallade a non-contact attack for Vileplume and Weezing but still nails the OHKO at +2. Lum Berry is another option to ignore Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore once and also allows Gallade to set up against passive foes such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale by shrugging off their Scald and Toxic, respectively. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Tsareena, Tyrantrum, and Decidueye.

Gallade fits well on offensive teams that appreciate its wallbreaking prowess. Pivots like Rotom-C, Tsareena, and Talonflame can bring Gallade into the field safely on their switchins like Vileplume, Weezing, and Stakataka, respectively. Talonflame in particular can also switch in to faster threats like Tauros that would otherwise revenge kill Gallade. Swords Dance Silvally-Ground is a potent setup sweeper that can help threaten Talonflame with Rock Slide and enjoys Gallade pressuring Weezing and overwhelming shared checks in Mudsdale and Quagsire. (could even specify U-turn variants because those can bring Gallade in on Weezing) Choice Scarf Indeedee-F can also clean up late-game after Gallade's wallbreaking early-game; particularly, Gallade threatens Dark- and Steel-types like Guzzlord, Stakataka, and Copperajah for Indeedee-F to use Expanding Force freely. In return, Indeedee-F can support Gallade with Healing Wish and provides Psychic Terrain to improve its offensive presence, letting it OHKO Mantine and potentially Sylveon at +2, and prevents it from being revenge killed by Decidueye's Shadow Sneak.

Other Options

Choice Band gives Gallade with an immediate power to cleanly 2HKO Quagsire; however, being Choice-locked makes it easier to play around. Choice Scarf lets Gallade outspeed and revenge kill faster threats such as Salazzle, Toxicroak, and Tauros; however, it is generally outclassed by Passimian in this role due to having U-turn. Assault Vest can make use of its solid special bulk to soft check special attackers like Salazzle, Rotom-C, and Heliolisk; Swords Dance is then dropped for Drain Punch to give Gallade a source of recovery, making more use of its added bulk. Bulk Up is a an alternative setup option, but is generally too slow and is outclassed by Scrafty, which possesses a better defensive profile to keep setting up. (Bulk Up is definitely not worth mentioning; you're better off running Scrafty at that point like you said. I'd even say Assault Vest is probably not worth it because the only Assault Vest Gallade that gets used is by xbossarux on the ladder :D, but I won't press to remove it)

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its middling Speed tier, Gallade is outsped and threatened OHKOed by faster threats like Aerodactyl, Talonflame, and Tauros, which can comfortably OHKO it with their STAB attacks. Even though Talonflame hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots removed, it has the bulk and typing to withstand any attacks thrown by Gallade, punish non-Protective Pads variants with a Flame Body burn, and gain momentum afterwards via U-turn.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Without a boosting item, Mudsdale, Quagsire, and Sylveon can comfortably tank a +2 boosted attack from Gallade and retaliate with Toxic or, in the latter's case, a Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice. Moreover, thanks to Unaware, Quagsire ignores any Swords Dance boosts Gallade tries to accumulate. However, all of them have to be wary of Choice item + Trick variants. (stuff in OO not worth mentioning outside of OO imo)

**Contact Effects**: Non-Protective Pads variants can be extremely crippled by Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore, preventing Gallade from wallbreaking effectively. Rocky Helmet from Weezing, Xatu, and Aftermath Garbodor and Togedemaru's Spiky Shield can easily put it in range of being revenge killed, especially with the chip damage from Life Orb.

Quite a lot of talk about non-Protective Pads variants despite it being the only item actually listed on the set. You should consider changing that.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

QC 1/2 when done, good work


now I am become eepy, taker of naps.
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Gallade sets itself apart from other Fighting-types in the metagame like Toxicroak and Passimian due to its part-Psychic typing, granting it a STAB attack to threaten the tier's bulky Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor. It is an even more dangerous wallbreaker thanks to Knock Off and Swords Dance, letting it cripple and eventually muscle past common physically defensive Pokemon like Mudsdale and Quagsire. However, it matches up poorly against the tier's common offensive threats: Gallade's Speed tier is average at best, and, considering its frailty, makes it very vulnerable in getting revenge killed by faster threats like Talonflame, Tauros, Aerodactyl, and Indeedee-F. It also faces tough competition from the aforementioned Toxicroak and Passimian, which have better defensive profile and viable set diversity.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Psycho Cut
move 4: Knock Off
item: Protective Pads / Life Orb
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off targets Psychic-types like Xatu and Galarian Articuno, cripples walls like Quagsire, Sylveon, and Mudsdale, and reliably hits Ghost-types like Dhelmise, Decidueye, and Golurk without risking a Zen Headbutt miss. Protective Pads keeps it healthy from contact effects like Talonflame's Flame Body, Vileplume's Effect Spore, Weezing's Rocky Helmet, and Garbodor's Aftermath. Life Orb can be used to improve Gallade's damage output, notably OHKOing Vaporeon and potentially Mudsdale at +2 and has significant odds to 2HKO Quagsire, which would otherwise ignore any of Gallade's Swords Dance boosts with Unaware. If running Life Orb, Psycho Cut should be used over Zen Headbutt to give Gallade a non-contact attack for Vileplume and Weezing but still nails the OHKO at +2. Lum Berry is another option to ignore Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore once and also allows Gallade to set up against passive foes such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale by shrugging off their Scald and Toxic, respectively. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Tsareena, Tyrantrum, and Decidueye.

Gallade fits well on offensive teams that appreciate its wallbreaking prowess. Pivots like Rotom-C, Tsareena, and Talonflame can bring Gallade into the field safely on their switchins like Vileplume, Weezing, and Stakataka, respectively. Talonflame in particular can also switch into faster threats like Tauros that would otherwise revenge kill Gallade. Swords Dance Silvally-Ground is a potent setup sweeper that can help threaten Talonflame with Rock Slide and enjoys Gallade pressuring Weezing and overwhelming shared checks in Mudsdale and Quagsire. Silvally-Ground can also run U-turn to bring Gallade in safely on Weezing. Choice Scarf Indeedee-F can also clean up late-game after Gallade's wallbreaking early-game; particularly, Gallade threatens Dark- and Steel-types like Guzzlord, Stakataka, and Copperajah for Indeedee-F to use Expanding Force freely. In return, Indeedee-F can support Gallade with Healing Wish and provides Psychic Terrain to improve its offensive presence, letting it OHKO Mantine and potentially Sylveon at +2, and prevents it from being revenge killed by Decidueye's Shadow Sneak.

Other Options

Choice Band gives Gallade with an immediate power to cleanly 2HKO Quagsire; however, being Choice-locked makes it easier to play around. Choice Scarf lets Gallade outspeed and revenge kill faster threats such as Salazzle, Toxicroak, and Tauros; however, it is generally outclassed by Passimian in this role due to having U-turn. Assault Vest can make use of its solid special bulk to soft check special attackers like Salazzle, Rotom-C, and Heliolisk; Swords Dance is then dropped for Drain Punch to give Gallade a source of recovery, making more use of its added bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its middling Speed tier, Gallade is outsped and OHKOed by faster threats like Aerodactyl, Talonflame, and Tauros. Even though Talonflame hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots removed, it has the bulk and typing to withstand any attacks thrown by Gallade, punish non-Protective Pads variants with a Flame Body burn, and gain momentum afterwards via U-turn.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Without a boosting item, Mudsdale, Quagsire, and Sylveon can comfortably tank a +2 boosted attack from Gallade and retaliate with Toxic or, in the latter's case, a Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice. Moreover, thanks to Unaware, Quagsire ignores any Swords Dance boosts Gallade tries to accumulate.

**Contact Effects**: Non-Protective Pads variants can be extremely crippled by Talonflame's Flame Body, one of Gallade's best switchins. Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor that would otherwise lose to Gallade are more free to switch in on a predicted Fighting-type attack just to punish it with Effect Spore or Rocky Helmet, and subsequently switch out to a Psychic-resistant teammate. The accumulated damage from Rocky Helmet and even Garbodor's Aftermath can easily put Gallade in range of being revenge killed, especially with the chip damage from Life Orb.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
sorry for a delayed response, I QC'd a lot of this on discord and after Rabia's check this looks good to move onto the GP stage :blobthumbsup:


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Gallade sets itself apart from other Fighting-types in the metagame like Toxicroak and Passimian due to its part-Psychic typing, granting it a STAB attack to allowing it to threaten the tier's bulky Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor. It is an equally, if not even more,(comma, this addition I think is necessary because I would not definitively rate Gallade above Toxicroak) dangerous wallbreaker thanks to Knock Off and Swords Dance, letting it cripple and eventually muscle past common physically defensive Pokemon like Mudsdale and Quagsire. However, it matches up poorly against the tier's common offensive threats: Gallade's Speed tier is average at best (remove comma) and, considering its frailty, makes it very vulnerable in to getting revenge killed by faster threats like Talonflame, Tauros, Aerodactyl, and Indeedee-F. It also faces tough competition from the aforementioned Toxicroak and Passimian, which have better defensive profile profiles and viable set diversity.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Zen Headbutt / Psycho Cut
move 4: Knock Off
item: Protective Pads / Lum Berry / Life Orb
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off targets Psychic-types like Xatu and Galarian Articuno;(comma -> semicolon) cripples walls like Quagsire, Sylveon, and Mudsdale;(comma -> semicolon) and reliably hits Ghost-types like Dhelmise, Decidueye, and Golurk without risking a Zen Headbutt miss. Protective Pads keeps it healthy Gallade safe from contact effects like Talonflame's Flame Body, Vileplume's Effect Spore, Weezing's Rocky Helmet, and Garbodor's Aftermath. Alternatively, Lum Berry lets it ignore Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore once while enabling it to safely set up against status inducers like Vaporeon and Mudsdale. Life Orb can be used to improve Gallade's damage output, notably OHKOing Vaporeon and potentially Mudsdale at +2 and has significant odds to 2HKO allows +2 Gallade to OHKO Vaporeon and potentially 2HKO Mudsdale, as well as Quagsire, which would otherwise ignore any of Gallade's its Swords Dance boosts with Unaware. If running Life Orb, Psycho Cut should be used over Zen Headbutt to give Gallade a non-contact attack for Vileplume and Weezing but that still nails the OHKO at +2. Lum Berry is another option to ignore Talonflame's Flame Body and Vileplume's Effect Spore once and also allows Gallade to set up against passive foes such as Vaporeon and Mudsdale by shrugging off their Scald and Toxic, respectively. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Tsareena, Tyrantrum, and Decidueye.

Gallade fits well on offensive teams that appreciate its wallbreaking prowess. Pivots like Rotom-C, Tsareena, and Talonflame can bring Gallade into the field safely on their switch-ins(hyphen) like Vileplume, Weezing, and Stakataka, respectively. Talonflame in particular can also switch into faster threats like Tauros that would otherwise revenge kill Gallade. Swords Dance Silvally-Ground is a potent setup sweeper that can help threaten Talonflame with Rock Slide and enjoys Gallade pressuring Weezing and overwhelming shared checks in Mudsdale and Quagsire. Silvally-Ground can also run U-turn to bring Gallade in safely on Weezing. Choice Scarf Indeedee-F can also clean up late-game after Gallade's wallbreaking early-game; particularly, Gallade threatens Dark- and Steel-types like Guzzlord, Stakataka, and Copperajah for Indeedee-F to freely use Expanding Force freely. In return, Indeedee-F can support Gallade with Healing Wish and provides Psychic Terrain to improve its offensive presence, letting it OHKO Mantine and potentially Sylveon at +2,(remove comma) and prevents preventing it from being revenge killed by Decidueye's Shadow Sneak.

Other Options

Choice Band gives Gallade the immediate power to cleanly 2HKO Quagsire; however, being Choice locked(remove hyphen) makes it easier to play around. Choice Scarf lets Gallade outspeed and revenge kill faster threats such as Salazzle, Toxicroak, and Tauros; however, it is generally outclassed by Passimian in this role due to it having U-turn. Assault Vest can make use of its Gallade's solid special bulk to soft check special attackers like Salazzle, Rotom-C, and Heliolisk; Swords Dance is then dropped for Drain Punch to give Gallade a source of recovery, making more use of its added bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its middling Speed tier, Gallade is outsped and OHKOed by faster threats like Aerodactyl, Talonflame, and Tauros. Even though Talonflame hates getting its Heavy-Duty Boots removed, it has the bulk and typing to withstand any attacks thrown by Gallade, punish non-Protective Pads variants with a Flame Body burn, and gain momentum afterwards via U-turn.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Without a boosting item, Mudsdale, Quagsire, and Sylveon can comfortably tank a +2 boosted attack from Gallade and retaliate with Toxic or, in the latter's case, a Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice. Moreover, thanks to Unaware, Quagsire ignores any Swords Dance boosts Gallade tries to accumulate.

**Contact Effects**: Non-Protective Pads variants can be extremely crippled by Talonflame's Flame Body, one of Gallade's best switch-ins(hyphen). Poison-types like Vileplume, Weezing, and Garbodor that would otherwise lose to Gallade are more free to switch in on a predicted Fighting-type attack just to punish it with Effect Spore or Rocky Helmet (remove comma) and subsequently switch out to a Psychic-resistant teammate. The accumulated damage from Rocky Helmet and even Garbodor's Aftermath can easily put Gallade in range of being revenge killed, especially with the chip damage from Life Orb.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rabia, 336073], [Togkey, 400664]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

GP 1/1 when done

GP Team done

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