Doubles Garchomp

QC APPROVALS 3/3: Mizuhime, Lolkomori, Laga
GP APPROVALS 2/2: Electrolyte, Redew


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Garchomp's unique typing not only gives it resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but is also amazing offensively, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack stats, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control—Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp—making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves, two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Despite these flaws, Garchomp still remains the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

Physical Attacker
name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Garchomp's high Attack and Speed stats, along with its excellent typing, enable it to run a very efficient physical attacking set. Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB move due to its high base power, spread effect, and all around great coverage. Dragon Claw is Garchomp's secondary STAB move and finds its utility in defeating bulky Dragon-types such as Salamence and Zygarde, as well as having decent base power and not hitting Garchomp's partner. However, if Dragon Claw's low base power is unappealing, Substitute can be used in its place to protect Garchomp from Will-O-Wisp and Intimidate, giving Garchomp a better chance to beat Pokemon such as Hitmontop and Rotom-W. Garchomp's excellent bulk and typing make it relatively easy for it to set up multiple Substitutes. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are primarily used to hit Flying-types for super effective damage. Rock Slide is preferred for its spread effect, though Stone Edge may be more useful in certain scenarios due to its higher base power, as well as its ability to go through Wide Guard. Both moves also receive perfect coverage with Earthquake. Finally, Protect is used because it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, Will-O-Wisp, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Rough Skin is chosen as the main ability, as it is a more reliable ability than Sand Veil and deters physical attackers from using contact moves. The item of choice depends on your personal preferences. Life Orb allows Garchomp to hit as hard as possible and makes up for the mediocre Base Power of Dragon Claw and Rock Slide. Rocky Helmet, on the other hand, works well in conjunction with Rough Skin and makes Garchomp a decent check to priority users and Pokemon carrying contact moves, most notably Mega Kangaskhan. Leftovers is an option if using Substitute, increasing the amount of times Garchomp can make Substitutes.

Garchomp has several options that can be considered on this set. An Adamant nature can be used to further increase Garchomp's power, but it is inferior to a Jolly nature, as the latter allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y. A Lum Berry can also be used to protect Garchomp from status moves, though it is rather redundant with Substitute. Finally, Garchomp can use Fire Blast to defeat Pokemon such as Bronzong and Skarmory.

Usage Tips
Due to Garchomp's high speed and powerful attacks, it is advised that it be used mid- to late-game, once Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp are eliminated. Garchomp can be used early game too, as Garchomp's spread attacks and Rough Skin ability weaken threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Tyranitar, making it easier for other Pokemon to clean up the foe's team later in the match.

Garchomp's decent defensive typing also allows it to switch into moves from Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y's Fire Blast, Heatran's Heat Wave, and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Due to the threat of Earthquake and Rock Slide, Garchomp can force these threats out and receive a free turn to either use its powerful coverage moves or set up a Substitute. Garchomp's vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp makes it a wise idea to switch out from a Will-O-Wisp user that it cannot OHKO or immediately use Substitute if the Will-O-Wisp user is slower. If Garchomp has not set up a Substitute, Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T, will give Garchomp trouble and should be removed before attempting to clean up the foe's team.

Team Options
Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble, and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it deters Pokemon with the Intimidate ability from switching in with its own ability, Defiant. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble. However, it should be noted that all of these Pokemon take large amounts of damage from Garchomp's Earthquake. Garchomp also appreciates any form of speed control, as it allows Garchomp to outspeed and OHKO threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion, as well as threaten the opposing team even more with its powerful spread attacks. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with speed control include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks. Mega Charizard Y is another excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam; defeat Pokemon with the ability Intimidate, such as Non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Hitmontop; is immune to Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without repercussion; and can even provide speed Control with Tailwind. Venusaur is also a good partner, as it can defeat bulky Water- and Fairy-types with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, respectively.

Sand Sweeper
name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

Mega Garchomp's increased attacking stats and ability, Sand Force, allow it to take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently than regular Garchomp and surprise some of its checks and counters. Earthquake remains as Garchomp's main STAB move thanks to its excellent coverage, spread effect, and power, while also receiving a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Draco Meteor takes the role as Garchomp's secondary STAB attack, as it deals a massive amount of damage to several of Garchomp's usual counters such as Landorus-T, Hitmontop, and Rotom-W, is unaffected by Will-O-Wisp, and still hits Dragon-types for super effective damage. However, if you would rather have Garchomp clean up the foe's team later in the the game, Swords Dance is the recommended option over Draco Meteor to bolster Garchomp's attack power. Stone Edge and Rock Slide are both used to defeat Flying-types immune to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. Stone Edge is the recommended choice if using Draco Meteor, as the combination of a -1 Stone Edge and Draco Meteor is able to KO Landorus-T. Rock Slide, on the other hand, is the better choice if using Swords Dance, as its spread effect is more useful than Stone Edge's greater power in this scenario. Finally, Protect is used in the fourth slot, as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Garchompite is the only viable item on this set, as it allows Garchomp to run special attacks such as Draco Meteor and take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently. Fire Blast can be used on this set, as it hits Bronzong and bulky Grass-types such as Trevenant for super effective damage, but it has little use beyond this. An Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if speed Control is provided. However, the ability to outspeed threats such as Jolly Landorus-T, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y if Garchomp has not Mega-Evolved is rarely worth passing up for a small amount of extra power.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance variations of Mega Garchomp are better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high-powered spread attacks. Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp are better used early-game to lure and defeat its common checks such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W, making it easier for Pokemon such as Swords Dance Scizor and Choice Scarf Tyranitar to clean up the foe's team later in the match. Although this set does better against Will-O-Wisp users, Garchomp should still switch out in such a matchup, as Garchomp does not like taking residual damage and having its main STAB move weakened.

It should be noted that Garchomp does not have to Mega Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher speed is more useful than Mega Garchomp's increased power against some specific threats such as Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
Tyranitar is a mandatory partner for this set, as the Sandstorm it provides bolsters Mega Garchomp's power to incredible levels due to Mega Garchomp's ability, Sand Force. Tyranitar can also defeat Flying-types such as Togekiss with Rock Slide and can put Cresselia in a checkmate position with Crunch. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat Steel-types that genuinely give Tyranitar trouble, such as Bisharp, non-Wide Guard Aegislash, and Heatran. Garchomp also enjoys any form of speed control, even more so than the previous set due to Mega Garchomp's lowered Speed stat. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with speed control include Cresselia, Togekiss, Zapdos, and Jirachi. Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor, and Bisharp are also great partners, as they have nearly flawless defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves, and are able to defeat Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are also good partners, as they allow Garchomp to use Earthquake without any repercussion.

Other Options

Due to Garchomp's excellent movepool, it has many alternative options to choose from. A Choice Band or Choice Scarf can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack and Speed stats, respectively. However, Garchomp's STAB attacks are risky moves to be locked into, making Choice sets rather gimmicky. Garchomp also has access to a wide range of physical coverage moves, such as Fire Fang, Aqua Tail, Iron Head, and Crunch, but many of these moves do not get any notable coverage or are simply too weak to be of any use. Garchomp can also use a Yache or Haban Berry to avoid an OHKO from super effective Ice- and Dragon-type attacks, respectively. However, strong attackers such as Latios and Genesect still have a chance to OHKO Garchomp with their super effective attacks, so a bulkier EV spread would be needed to properly utilize these berries.

A fully specially based set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Fire Blast, and Protect can be used because of Mega Garchomp's high base Special Attack. While such a set is outclassed by faster and more powerful specially based Dragons such as Hydreigon, Kyurem, and Latios, Mega Garchomp's surprise factor allows it to defeat many of its physically defensive checks and counters.

Checks & Counters
**Attack Control**: Attack control is the best overall method of countering Garchomp, as Garchomp can do very little to common Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp unless it is using Draco Meteor and becomes noticeably weaker once affected by Attack Control. Good Pokemon for this role include Hitmontop, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Gyarados. All of the previously mentioned Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Ground-type STAB, or, in Hitmontop's case, bypass it completely with Wide Guard and take neutral damage from its Dragon-type STAB. However, Rotom-W and Landorus-T must watch out for Substitute and Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp, respectively, as Rotom-W cannot burn Garchomp behind a Substitute and takes massive damage from Stone Edge, while Landorus-T loses to the combination of a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Draco Meteor from Mega Garchomp.

**Offensive Typing Advantage**: Bulky Fairy-types, such as Azumarill and Togekiss, are able to switch into Garchomp's Dragon STAB and deal a massive amount of damage in return with their respective Fairy-type STAB attacks. However, a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Earthquake deal a massive amount of damage to Togekiss and Azumarill, respectively. Cresselia, on the other hand, completely counters Garchomp due to her impressive bulk and Levitate. Cresselia can also threaten Garchomp with either Icy Wind or Ice Beam.

**Speed Control**: Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making speed control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its Speed stat, making Pokemon that utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed stat a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Utility**: Due to a majority of Garchomp's attacks being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop make solid checks. A fast Encore from Pokemon such as Whimsicott and Sableye also threaten Garchomp if it used Substitute, Swords Dance, or Protect in the previous turn.

  • High Speed and Attack
  • Great typing, both offensively and defensively
  • Great movepool, with moves such as Rock Slide, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, and Fire Blast
  • Mega evolution has increased attacking stats, allowing it to run a more efficient mixed set than regular Garchomp, and can abuse Sand more efficiently thanks to Sand Force
  • Vulnerable to Will-O-wisp and Intimidate
  • Weak to Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type moves, which are relatively common in Doubles
  • Gets massacred by Togekiss unless it runs Rock Slide
  • Lowered Speed stat in its mega form, which can be detrimental in certain scenarios

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


  • With this set, Garchomp attempts to provide its team with powerful and fast offensive support
  • Earthquake and Dragon Claw function as Garchomp's obligatory STAB moves and have near-perfect neutral coverage together
  • Due to Dragon Claw's low Base Power, Substitute is an option over it, as it protects Garchomp from status, Intimidate, and super effective attacks, as well as giving it a better chance at defeating the Rotom forms
  • Rock Slide hits Flying-types, such as Togekiss and Charizard, for super effective damage and has a high Flinch rate. Stone Edge is an option for more power. Both moves get perfect coverage with Earthquake.
  • Protect allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out

Set Details

  • The given EV spread maximizes Garchomp's damage output and speed
  • The Life Orb allows Garchomp to maintain its high speed stat and hit as hard as possible
  • Rocky Helmet works well in combination with Rough Skin, as physical attackers lose around 30% of their health by attacking Garchomp. It particularly works well against Mega-Kangaskhan, who loses roughly 60% of her health due to Parental Bond
  • Leftovers can be used if using Substitute, allowing Garchomp to play a similar role as SubProtect Heatran
  • An Adamant nature is an option for maximum power, but in most cases, a Jolly nature is superior as it allows Garchomp to outspeed Jolly Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y
  • A Lum Berry can be a viable option, as it protects Garchomp from status moves, although it is rather redundant with substitute
  • Garchompite can be used to give Garchomp a major power boost while not giving recoil like the LO does, but it is not recommended as this set prefers regular Garchomp's greater Speed

Usage Tips

  • Garchomp is best used mid- to late-game once all of its checks and counters are eliminated to abuse its high speed stat and powerful STAB attacks to easily defeat weakened teams
  • It can be used early game too as Garchomp's Spread attacks are enough to weaken threats such as Kangaskhan, making it easier for other Pokemon to pick them off later in the match
  • Life Orb variations can be used early game to heavily damage the opposing team
  • Can switch into common Fire-type moves such as Charizard's Fire Blast, and Heatran's Heat Wave
  • Garchomp is very vulnerable to Will-O-wisp, so it is best to switch out against a Will-O-wisp user that Garchomp cannot OHKO, such as Rotom-W unless Garchomp runs Substitute
  • Intimidate users such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T also give Garchomp a large amount of trouble and should be removed before Garchomp attempts to clean up the foe's team. Substitute does remedy this somewhat
Team Options

  • Scizor and Genesect, as both have perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp and are able to defeat nearly all Fairy-, Dragon, and Ice-Types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Both also do well against Cresselia. Bisharp also defeats Cresselia while also pressuring intimidate users with Intimidate
  • Mega Charizard Y is an excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam, putting it at a range where Garchomp's Dragon Claw can OHKO it. It also defeats common Intimidate Pokemon such as Landorus-T and is able to defeat ice types with little to no trouble
  • Venusaur is also a great partner in this scenario, as it can defeat bulky Water-Types with Giga Drain, while also dealing a respectible amount of damage to Fairy-types with Sludge Bomb
  • If using the Garchompite, then Tyranitar makes an excellent partner, as it is able to boost the power of Garchomp's Earthquake and Rock Slide thanks to the Sand Force boost and deals respectable damage to Cresselia and Togekiss with Crunch and Rock Slide respectively
  • Tailwind support aids Garchomp, as it no longer worries about Pokemon such as Latios and can Spam its high powered spread moves

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly


  • Thanks to Mega Garchomp's new ability, Sand Force, it can run a different set to abuse Sandstorm.
  • Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB attack thanks to its high Base Power and can receive a potential boost from Sandstorm
  • Draco Meteor allows Garchomp to lure some of its checks, as it deals a large amount of damage to common Intimidate Pokemon such as Landorus-T and is unaffected by Will-O-Wisp
  • Swords Dance can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack
  • Protect allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out
  • Rock Slide hits Flying-types, such as Togekiss and Charizard, for super effective damage, has a high Flinch rate, and can receive a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Stone Edge is an alternate move for more power..
Set Details
  • Garchompite is required on this set, as it allows Garchomp to break through threats more easily with a potential Sand Force boost and run special moves like Draco Meteor
  • Use a Jolly nature if using Swords Dance and a Naive nature if using Draco meteor
  • Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if Speed Control is provided
  • Fire Blast is an option to hit Breloom and Bronzong for super effective damage

Usage Tips
  • This variation of Garchomp is better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high powered attack moves
  • Speed Control and Helping Hand support greatly help Garchomp in luring its checks
  • Although this variation of Garchomp does better against Will-O-wisp users, it is still best to switch out of them, as Garchomp does not like having its main STAB move weakened
  • It may not always be the wisest choice to Mega Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher Speed may be more appealing in certain scenarios

Team Options

  • Tyranitar is a great partner, as it is able to provide Sandstorm support, increasing the power of Garchomp's Earthquake and Rock Slide
  • Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor, and Jirachi have perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp. Genesect and Scizor are able to defeat Cresselia with their respective Bug-type STAB attacks, while jirachi is able to redirect super effective attacks from Garchomp with Follow Me, provide Helping Hand support, and Speed Control with Thunder Wave/Icy Wind

Other Options

  • Choice Scarf/Band
  • Swords Dance
  • Crunch to hit Cresselia for super effective damage
  • Aqua Tail
  • Fire Fang
  • Fire Blast
  • Yache Berry
  • Fully special set with Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, and Earth Power to surprise its counters.

Checks & Counters

  • **Attack Control**: Although these Pokemon do not like taking a STAB Draco Meteor from the mixed set, Landorus-T and Rotom-W are immune to Earthquake and can cripple Garchomp with Intimidate and Will-O-wisp respectively. However, it should be noted that Landorus-T does get 2HKOed by the combination of Stone Edge and Draco Meteor if it does not have an investment in defense.
  • **Offensive Typing Advantage**: Cresselia takes little to nothing from Garchomp's commonly used attacks and can threaten it with Icy Wind. Togekiss functions in a relatively similar manner, although it must watch out for Rock Slide. Bulky Fairy-types in general, such as Azumarill, do well against Garchomp.
  • **Speed**: Latios, Choice Scarf Genesect, Abomnasnow, Deoxys-A and Mamoswine are able to threaten Garchomp with Speedy super effective attack / priority move
  • **Speed Control**: Due to Garchomp's high speed and weakness to Icy Wind, Pokemon such as Cresselia and to the lesser extent, Bronzong can greatly threaten Garchomp with Trick Room and in Cresselia's Case, Icy Wind
  • **Utility**: Due to a majority of Garchomp's moves being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop give it trouble. Encore also gives Garchomp trouble if it used a move such as Substitute or Protect before.
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You might wanna mention how sub lets you have a much better chance to beat rotom formes (especially wash)
You can dodge the will-o with sub
Then you force rotom-(wash in particular) to attempt to hit you with 80% acc. hydro to break your sub. Or in the case of cut, you can perhaps force a -2 with leaf storm.
Also, I don't think lum chomp should run sub also because they are redundant status blockers.
Just my two cents :)
put rocky helmet in oo. it sounds cheesy as all hell, but goes a long way in checking kangaskhan, who takes a little over half health every time she attacks chomper, assuming it lives both hits.
Made the above changes. This is ready for QC checks.
That being said, I found it to be very difficult to find the proper material to be added onto the Set Details, Usage Tips, and Team Options in the second set, as well as an efficient EV spread. I also had problems writing proper material for the Checks and Counters section, as well as finding the proper formatting for the C&C section, as nearly every user formats it differently in their Doubles analyses.
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i think rocky helmet is better than OO, tbh, whereas yache should be OO and so should life orb, with haban or leftovers on the main set.

I think there should simply be a mega and a non-mega set, with the non-mega set as follows and put first:

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Haban Berry / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

and the other being:

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor
move 3: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: Pending
nature: Mild

unfortunately, I don't know EVs for mega chomp either ;_;

also since these are pretty major changes i'm going to not comment further and instead wait for suggestions or confirmations from other QC members Laga Nollan Mizuhime lucariojr
Well, Life Orb is what kingofkongs used in his team, and Garchomp really appreciates the extra 30% boost on its spread moves and Dragon Claw with its mediocre base power. I wouldn't use Haban Berry without a bulkier spread, since LO Latios can easily OHKO Garchomp after a bit of chip damage (31% chance to OHKO at max health). I have no experience with Sub Chomp, so can't help you there (is it really worth a slash over Dragon Claw?)

I personally prefer max Speed on my Mega Garchomp, since there are times where I end up not mega evolving in order to ensure that I can check threats like Charizard and Kangaskhan reliably. Pwnemon's moveset for the mega form is nice, except I would use Stone Edge > Fire Blast to take fully advantage of the Sand Force boost and Garchomp's sexy 170 base Attack. Draco Meteor is still nice to blow a big hole in Landorus-T's health; after eating a -1 Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge, a min SpA Draco Meteor KOs min HP Landorus-T!

This is what I suggest:

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Same as Pwnemon's recommendation, except for Life Orb > Haban Berry.

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

I re-named the set to Sand Sweeper, since that is a more accurate reason for using its Mega form. Added Jolly Nature, since Draco Meteor is not mandatory. I slashed Swords Dance on the set, since this is more of a sweeper than its regular form. With its increased bulk, it has better chance of setting up, too. Fire Blast is removed, since Mega Garchomp should be abusing its banging base 170 Atk and Sand Force as much as possible.

Mention that a -1 Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge followed by Draco Meteor finishes off 4 HP Landorus-T.
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Set Details (Set 1):

Mention that Jolly is superior to Adamant because it allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kanga and Charizard. If you are looking for a wallbreaker use the mega evolution.

Usage Tips (Set 1):

  • Garchomp is very vulnerable to Will-O-wisp, so it is best to switch out against a Will-O-wisp user that Garchomp cannot OHKO, such as Rotom-W
  • Intimidate users such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T also give Garchomp a large amount of trouble and should be removed before Garchomp attempts to clean up the foe's team
Mention that it is only vulnerable to Will-O-Wisp if it doesn't run Substitute or switch into it, and repeat the mention that Substitute also can prevent Intimidate spam.

Team Options (Set 1):
If you are not using the Garchompite, then Mega Charizard Y is an excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam, putting it at a range where Garchomp's Dragon Claw can OHKO it even with the Yache berry.

wut. :o . And add Bisharp to the Steel-type partners because it can punish the Intimidate users switching into Garchomp. Also mention Tailwind partners since Garchomp highly enjoys the Speed boost so it can spam its spread attacks.

Other Options:

Take out Surf since it is far too weak.

Mention a full Mega-Special attacking set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, and Fire Blast. It has the stats for it and a cool surprise factor and an invested Draco Meteor kills lots.

Checks and Counters:

You mention Togekiss but in **Offensive Typing Advantage** mention bulky Fairy-types in general can take a Spread Earthquake and retaliate with their STAB attacks.

add that Trick Room cripples Garchomp to **Speed Control**

also add a **Utility** tab and put Wide Guard users (particularly Aegislash) that stop its spread spam. Encore could also go here to nab Protect, Swords Dance, or Substutute.

This is good Magcargo 2 :)
i'll take a good long look at this tomorrow Magcargo 2 and i'll letchu know :]

edit: after looking at this i don't notice anything that stands out, being the person that wrote chomper in bw I think this is good


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I would also mention in Usage Tips how Garchomp can work well early game because it can dent most of the team with its spread attacks well. The accumulated damage Garchomp inflicts makes it much easier to pick off threats late game.

QC 2/3 :) Write it up.
As requested here is your check n_n

nice and fast writer you are :o

Sorry for checking the overview GP style, I just really like doing that since the Overview is first impression for readers and very important. It is also (imo) the hardest section to write.
Despite many changes occurring to Garchomp in the transition to XY, it still remains an excellent Pokemon in the metagame. If you want to include this sentence please explain which "changes" occered. Also you kind of repeat yourself in the final sentence, so I would just cut it out completely. Its Garchomp's unique typing not only give it a resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but also an amazing offensive typing, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack, as well as its great respectable / decent overall bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Swords Dance Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to abuse utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws holding back its true potential. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves; two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Landorus-I Genesect - better example. Regardless of these flaws, Garchomp still remains much of the monster that it was in DPP BW Doubles. <— there was no official Smogon Doubles tier in DPP.
Garchomp's unique typing not only give it a resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but also an amazing offensive typing, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws holding back its true potential. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves; two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Regardless of these flaws, Garchomp still remains much of the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

- When mentioning Rock Slide / Stone Edge in Moves, you say it is chomp's main coverage option?? It definitely is not its main coverage move; you should just mention that it is there for hitting Flying-types immune to EQ hard. Stone Edge is mostly used to play around Wide Guard btw, not always for its higher BP, so fix the bottom part of your Moves section to fit all this.

- In Team Options I see no mention of Flying-types or levitators in general. Floating mons are immune to chomp's EQ which is huge; you even listed a bunch of them without mentioning their immunity. Put a mention of this in there after you mention all the floaters, and when mentioning Steel-types, remind people that they are unfortunately weak to their own EQ.

- again, I see the word abuse in there (Moves section on megachomp). This is basically against the law in wording (maybe GP job idk), but abuse is just the wrong wording, since it literally means "to use it wrong". Utilize, exploit, take advantage of are all much better options when you want to say "this mon uses this weather / ability / item very well." I have had my fair share of GP checkers facepalm when I have written it :p

- I see abuse again lol, just try using ctrl+f and search for the word abuse, and then change all occurrences of it.

- Attack control is the best overall method of checking countering Garchomp ;) seriously will-o-wisp and intimidate just poop on its life.

Other than that, this is well written. Get it to GP =]

QC Approved 3/3
edit: almost forgot
Amateur check.



Garchomp's unique typing not only give it a resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but is also an amazing offensively typing, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws holding back its true potential. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves; two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Regardless of these flaws, Garchomp still remains much of the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Garchomp's high Attack, Speed, and excellent typing enable it to run a very efficient physical set. Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB move due to its high base power, spread effect, and all around great coverage. Dragon Claw is Garchomp's secondary STAB move and finds its utility in defeating bulky Dragon-types such as Salamence and Zygarde, as well as having decent base power and not hitting Garchomp's partner. However, if Dragon Claw's low base power is unappealing, then Substitute can be used in its place to protect Garchomp from Will-O-wWisp and Intimidate, giving Garchomp a better chance to beat Pokemon such as Hitmontop and Rotom-W. Garchomp's excellent bulk and typing make it relatively easy (You have an extra space here, so you might want to fix that) for it to set(You need a space here)up multiple Substitutes. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are primarily used to hit Flying-types for super effective damage. Rock Slide is preferred for its spread effect, although Stone Edge may be more useful in certain scenarios due to its higher base power and ability to go(I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but you might want to add something here). Both moves also receive perfect coverage with Earthquake. Finally, Protect is used, as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, Will-O-wWisp, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Rough Skin is chosen as the main ability, as it is a more reliable ability than Sand Veil and pressures physical attackers from using contact moves. The choice of item depends on your personal preferences. Life Orb allows Garchomp to hit as hard as possible and makes up for the mediocre base power of Dragon Claw and Rock Slide. Rocky Helmet, on the other hand, works well in conjunction with Rough Skin and makes Garchomp a decent check to priority users and Pokemon carrying contact moves, most notably Mega Kangaskhan. Leftovers is an option if using Substitute, increasing the amount of times Garchomp can make Substitutes.

Garchomp has several options that can be considered on this set. An Adamant nature can be used to further increase Garchomp's power, but it is inferior to a Jolly nature as it the latter allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y. A Lum Berry can also be used to protect Garchomp from status moves, although it is rather redundant with Substitute. Finally, Garchomp can use Fire Blast to defeat Pokemon such as Bronzong and Skarmory.

Usage Tips
Due to Garchomp high speed and powerful spread attacks, it is better used mid- to late-game once Pokemon with the Intimidate ability and Will-O-wWisp users are eliminated. Garchomp can be used early game too, as Garchomp's spread attacks and Rough Skin ability weakens threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Tyranitar, making it easier for other Pokemon to clean up the foe's team later in the match.

Garchomp's decent defensive typing also allows it to switch into moves such as Mega-(You need a space here, not a hyphen)Charizard Y's Fire Blast, Heatran's Heat Wave, and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Due to the threat of Earthquake and Rock Slide, Garchomp can force these threats out and receive a free turn to either use its powerful coverage moves, or set(Add a space here)up a Substitute. Garchomp's vulnerability to Will-O-wWisp makes it a wise idea to switch out of a Will-O-wWisp user that it cannot OHKO or immediately use Substitute if the Will-O-wWisp user is slower. If Garchomp has not set(Add a space)up a Substitute, then Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T, give Garchomp trouble and should be removed before attempting to clean up the foe's team.

Team Options
Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it pressures Pokemon with the Intimidate ability with Defiant. iIn return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble. However, it should be noted that all of these Pokemon take large amounts of damage from Garchomp's Earthquake. Garchomp also appreciates any form of Speed control, as it allows Garchomp to outspeed and OHKO threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion, as well as threaten the opposing team even more with its powerful spread attacks.. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed control include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate in general are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks. Mega Charizard Y is another excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam, defeats Pokemon with the ability Intimidate, such as Non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Hitmontop, is immune to Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without repercussion and can even provide Speed control with Tailwind. Venusaur is also a good partner, as it can defeat bulky Water- and Fairy-types with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, respectively.

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

Mega Garchomp's increased attacking stats and new ability, Sand Force, allow it to take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently than regular Garchomp and surprise some of its checks and counters. Earthquake remains as Garchomp's main STAB move thanks to its excellent coverage, spread effect, and power,(Add a space)while also receiving a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Draco Meteor takes the role as Garchomp's secondary STAB attack, as it deals a massive amount of damage to several of Garchomp's counters such as Landorus-T, Hitmontop, and Rotom-W, is unaffected by Will-O-wWisp, and still hits Dragon-types for super effective damage. However, if you would rather have Garchomp clean up the foe's team later in the the game, then Swords Dance is the recommended option over Draco Meteor to bolster Garchomp's attack. Stone Edge and Rock Slide are both used to defeat Flying-types immune to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. Stone Edge is the recommended choice if using Draco Meteor, as the combination of a -1 Stone Edge and Draco Meteor is able to KO Landorus-T. Rock Slide, on the other hand(I assume this is what you were trying to say), is the better choice if using Swords Dance, as its spread effect is more useful than Stone Edge's greater power in this scenario. Finally, Protect is used as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out.(AC)

Set Details
The Garchompite is the only viable item on this set, as it allows Garchomp to run special attacks such as Draco Meteor and take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently. Fire Blast can be used on this set, as it hits Bronzong and bulky Grass-types such as Trevenant for super effective damage, but it has little use beyond this. An Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if Speed Control is provided. However, the ability to outspeed threats such as Jolly Landorus-T, as well as Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y if Garchomp has not Mega-Evolved is rarely worth passing up for a small amount of extra power.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance variations of Mega Garchomp are better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high-powered spread attacks. Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp are better used early-game to lure and defeat its common checks such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W, making it easier for Pokemon such as Swords Dance Scizor and Choice Scarf Tyranitar to clean up the foe's team later in the match. Although this set does better against Will-O-wWisp users, Garchomp should still switch out in this match-up, as Garchomp does not like taking residual damage and having its main STAB move weakened.

It should be noted that Garchomp does not have to Mega-(You need a space here instead of a hyphen)Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher speed is more useful than Mega Garchomp's increased power against threats such as Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
Tyranitar is a mandatory partner for this set, as the Sandstorm it provides bolster's Mega Garchomp's power to incredible levels due to Mega Garchomp's ability,(AC) Sand Force. Tyranitar can also defeat Flying-types such as Togekiss with Rock Slide and can put Cresselia in a checkmate position with Crunch. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat Steel-types that genuinely give Tyranitar trouble, such as Bisharp, non-Wide Guard Aegislash, and Heatran. Garchomp also enjoys any form of Speed control, even more so than the previous set due to Mega Garchomp's lowered Speed. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed control include Cresselia, Togekiss, Zapdos, and Jirachi. Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor and Bisharp are also great partners, as they have nearly flawless defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves, and are able to defeat Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are also good partners, as they allow Garchomp to use Earthquake without any repercussion.

Other Options

Due to Garchomp's excellent movepool, it has many alternative options to choose from. A Choice Band or Choice Scarf can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack and Speed respectively. However, Garchomp's STAB attacks are risky moves to be locked into, making Choice sets rather gimmicky. Garchomp also has access to a Wwide range of physical coverage moves, such as Fire Fang, Aqua Tail, Iron Head,(AC) and Crunch, but many of these moves do not get any notable coverage or are simply too weak to be of any use. Garchomp can also use a Yache or Haban Berry to avoid an OHKO from super effective Ice- and Dragon-type attacks, respectively. However, strong attackers such as Latios and Genesect still have a chance to OHKO Garchomp with their super effective attacks, so a bulkier EV spread would be needed to properly utilize these berries.

Due to Mega Garchomp's high base sSpecial aAttack, a fully specially based set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, (You have an extra space here) Fire Blast, and Protect can be used. While such a set is outclassed by faster and more powerful specially based Dragons such as Hydreigon, Kyurem, and Latios, Mega Garchomp's surprise factor allows it to defeat many of its physically defensive checks and counters.

Checks & Counters
**Attack Control**. Attack control is the best overall method of countering Garchomp, as Garchomp can do very little to common Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-wWisp unless it is using Draco Meteor and becomes noticeably weaker once affected by Attack control. Good Pokemon for this role include Hitmontop, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Gyarados. All of the previously mentioned Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Ground-type STAB, or in Hitmontop's case, bypass it completely with Wide Guard, and take neutral damage from its Dragon-type STAB. However Rotom-W and Landorus-T must watch out for Substitute and Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp, respectively, as Rotom-W cannot burn Garchomp behind a Substitute and takes massive damage from Stone Edge, while Landorus-T loses to the combination of a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Draco Meteor from Mega Garchomp.

**Offensive Typing Advantage**. Bulky Fairy-types, such as Azumarill and Togekiss,(AC) are able to switch into Garchomp's Dragon STAB and deal a massive amount of damage in return with their respective Fairy-type STAB attacks. However, a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Earthquake and Stone Edge(I think you had that backwards) deal a massive amount of damage to Togekiss and Azumarill, respectively. Cresselia on the other hand, completely counters Garchomp due to her impressive bulk and Levitate. Cresselia can also threaten Garchomp with either Icy Wind or Ice Beam.

**Speed**. Despite Garchomp's high Speed, it is still susceptible to common methods of revenge killing. Pokemon such as Weavile, Mamoswine, and Abomnasnow can bypass Garchomp's excellent Speed with their STAB priority move in Ice Shard. Naturally faster Pokemon such as Darkrai, Deoxys-A, Latios,(AC) and Choice Scarf Genesect can threaten Garchomp with a super effective coverage move.

**Speed Control**. Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making Speed control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its speed, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness,(AC) making Garchomp's excellent Speed a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Utility**. Due to a majority of Garchomp's attacks being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop make solid checks. A fast Encore from Pokemon such as Whimsicott and Sableye (You have an extra space here, so you might want to fix that) also threatens Garchomp if it used Substitute, Swords Dance, or Protect in the previous turn.
Doing this



Garchomp's unique typing not only gives it a resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but is also amazing offensively, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack stats, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws holding back its true potential. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves,(AC);(-Semi) two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Regardless of Despite these flaws, Garchomp still remains much of the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Garchomp's high Attack,(RC) and Speed stats,(RC) and along with its excellent typing enable it to run a very efficient physical attacking set. Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB move due to its high base power, spread effect, and all around great coverage. Dragon Claw is Garchomp's secondary STAB move and finds its utility in defeating bulky Dragon-types such as Salamence and Zygarde, as well as having decent base power and not hitting Garchomp's partner. However, if Dragon Claw's low base power is unappealing, then Substitute can be used in its place to protect Garchomp from Will-O-Wisp and Intimidate, giving Garchomp a better chance to beat Pokemon such as Hitmontop and Rotom-W. Garchomp's excellent bulk and typing make it relatively easy for it to set(+Space)up multiple Substitutes. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are primarily used to hit Flying-types for super effective damage. Rock Slide is preferred for its spread effect, although Stone Edge may be more useful in certain scenarios due to its higher base power, as well as its ability to go through Wide Guard. Both moves also receive perfect coverage with Earthquake. Finally, Protect is used, as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, Will-O-Wisp, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Rough Skin is chosen as the main ability, as it is a more reliable ability than Sand Veil and pressures deters physical attackers from using contact moves. The choice of item of choice depends on your personal preferences. Life Orb allows Garchomp to hit as hard as possible and makes up for the mediocre base power of Dragon Claw and Rock Slide. Rocky Helmet, on the other hand, works well in conjunction with Rough Skin and makes Garchomp a decent check to priority users and Pokemon carrying contact moves, most notably Mega Kangaskhan. Leftovers is an option if using Substitute, increasing the amount of times Garchomp can make Substitutes.

Garchomp has several options that can be considered on this set. An Adamant nature can be used to further increase Garchomp's power, but it is inferior to a Jolly nature as the latter allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y. A Lum Berry can also be used to protect Garchomp from status moves, although it is rather redundant with Substitute. Finally, Garchomp can use Fire Blast to defeat Pokemon such as Bronzong and Skarmory.

Usage Tips
Due to Garchomp's high speed and powerful spread attacks, it is advised that it be better used mid- to late-game,(AC) once Pokemon with the Intimidate or ability and Will-O-Wisp users are eliminated. Garchomp can be used early game too, as Garchomp's spread attacks and Rough Skin ability weakens threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Tyranitar, making it easier for other Pokemon to clean up the foe's team later in the match.

Garchomp's decent defensive typing also allows it to switch into moves such as Mega Charizard Y's Fire Blast, Heatran's Heat Wave, and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Due to the threat of Earthquake and Rock Slide, Garchomp can force these threats out and receive a free turn to either use its powerful coverage moves, or set up a Substitute. Garchomp's vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp makes it a wise idea to switch out from of a Will-O-Wisp user that it cannot OHKO or immediately use Substitute if the Will-O-Wisp user is slower. If Garchomp has not set up a Substitute, then Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T, will give Garchomp trouble and should be removed before attempting to clean up the foe's team.

Team Options
Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it deters pressures Pokemon with the Intimidate ability from switching in with its own ability, Defiant. in return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble. However, it should be noted that all of these Pokemon take large amounts of damage from Garchomp's Earthquake. Garchomp also appreciates any form of Speed Control, as it allows Garchomp to outspeed and OHKO threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion, as well as threaten the opposing team even more with its powerful spread attacks..(RP) Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed Control include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks. Mega Charizard Y is another excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam, defeats Pokemon with the ability Intimidate, such as Non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Hitmontop, is immune to Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without repercussion,(AC) and can even provide Speed Control with Tailwind. Venusaur is also a good partner, as it can defeat bulky Water- and Fairy-types with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, respectively.

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

Mega Garchomp's increased attacking stats and new ability, Sand Force, (Sand Force is not a "new" ability for Mega Garchomp.) allow it to take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently than regular Garchomp and surprise some of its checks and counters. Earthquake remains as Garchomp's main STAB move thanks to its excellent coverage, spread effect, and power, while also receiving a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Draco Meteor takes the role as Garchomp's secondary STAB attack, as it deals a massive amount of damage to several of Garchomp's usual counters such as Landorus-T, Hitmontop, and Rotom-W, is unaffected by Will-O-Wisp, and still hits Dragon-types for super effective damage. However, if you would rather have Garchomp clean up the foe's team later in the the game, then Swords Dance is the recommended option over Draco Meteor to bolster Garchomp's attack power. Stone Edge and Rock Slide are both used to defeat Flying-types immune to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. Stone Edge is the recommended choice if using Draco Meteor, as the combination of a -1 Stone Edge and Draco Meteor is able to KO Landorus-T. Rock Slide, on the other hand, is the better choice if using Swords Dance, as its spread effect is more useful than Stone Edge's greater power in this scenario. Finally, Protect is used as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Garchompite is the only viable item on this set, as it allows Garchomp to run special attacks such as Draco Meteor and take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently. Fire Blast can be used on this set, as it hits Bronzong and bulky Grass-types such as Trevenant for super effective damage, but it has little use beyond this. An Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if Speed Control is provided. However, the ability to outspeed threats such as Jolly Landorus-T, as well as Mega Kangaskhan,(AC) and Mega Charizard Y if Garchomp has not Mega-Evolved is rarely worth passing up for a small amount of extra power.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance variations of Mega Garchomp are better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high-powered spread attacks. Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp are better used early-game to lure and defeat its common checks such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W, making it easier for Pokemon such as Swords Dance Scizor and Choice Scarf Tyranitar to clean up the foe's team later in the match. Although this set does better against Will-O-Wisp users, Garchomp should still switch out in this such a match-(RH)up, as Garchomp does not like taking residual damage and having its main STAB move weakened.

It should be noted that Garchomp does not have to Mega Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher speed is more useful than Mega Garchomp's increased power against some specific threats such as Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
Tyranitar is a mandatory partner for this set, as the Sandstorm it provides bolster'(RA)s Mega Garchomp's power to incredible levels due to Mega Garchomp's ability, Sand Force. Tyranitar can also defeat Flying-types such as Togekiss with Rock Slide and can put Cresselia in a checkmate position with Crunch. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat Steel-types that genuinely give Tyranitar trouble, such as Bisharp, non-Wide Guard Aegislash, and Heatran. Garchomp also enjoys any form of Speed Control, even more so than the previous set due to Mega Garchomp's lowered Speed stat. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed Control include Cresselia, Togekiss, Zapdos, and Jirachi. Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor,(AC) and Bisharp are also great partners, as they have nearly flawless defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves, and are able to defeat Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are also good partners, as they allow Garchomp to use Earthquake without any repercussion.

Other Options

Due to Garchomp's excellent movepool, it has many alternative options to choose from. A Choice Band or Choice Scarf can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack and Speed stats respectively. However, Garchomp's STAB attacks are risky moves to be locked into, making Choice sets rather gimmicky. Garchomp also has access to a wide range of physical coverage moves, such as Fire Fang, Aqua Tail, Iron Head, and Crunch, but many of these moves do not get any notable coverage or are simply too weak to be of any use. Garchomp can also use a Yache or Haban Berry to avoid an OHKO from super effective Ice- and Dragon-type attacks, respectively. However, strong attackers such as Latios and Genesect still have a chance to OHKO Garchomp with their super effective attacks, so a bulkier EV spread would be needed to properly utilize these berries.

Due to Mega Garchomp's high base Special Attack, a fully specially based set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Fire Blast, and Protect can be used. While such a set is outclassed by faster and more powerful specially based Dragons such as Hydreigon, Kyurem, and Latios, Mega Garchomp's surprise factor allows it to defeat many of its physically defensive checks and counters.

Checks & Counters
**Attack Control**. Attack Control is the best overall method of countering Garchomp, as Garchomp can do very little to common Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp unless it is using Draco Meteor and becomes noticeably weaker once affected by Attack Control. Good Pokemon for this role include Hitmontop, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Gyarados. All of the previously mentioned Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Ground-type STAB, or in Hitmontop's case, bypass it completely with Wide Guard, and take neutral damage from its Dragon-type STAB. However,(AC) Rotom-W and Landorus-T must watch out for Substitute and Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp, respectively, as Rotom-W cannot burn Garchomp behind a Substitute and takes massive damage from Stone Edge, while Landorus-T loses to the combination of a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Draco Meteor from Mega Garchomp.

**Offensive Typing Advantage**. Bulky Fairy-types, such as Azumarill and Togekiss, are able to switch into Garchomp's Dragon STAB and deal a massive amount of damage in return with their respective Fairy-type STAB attacks. However, a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Earthquake deal a massive amount of damage to Togekiss and Azumarill, respectively. Cresselia,(AC) on the other hand, completely counters Garchomp due to her impressive bulk and Levitate. Cresselia can also threaten Garchomp with either Icy Wind or Ice Beam.

**Faster Pokemon Speed**. Despite Garchomp's high Speed stat, it is still susceptible to common methods of revenge killing. Pokemon such as Weavile, Mamoswine, and Abomnasnow can bypass Garchomp's excellent Speed stat with their STAB priority move,(AC) in Ice Shard. Naturally faster Pokemon such as Darkrai, Deoxys-A, Latios, and Choice Scarf Genesect can also threaten Garchomp with a super effective coverage move.

**Speed Control**. Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making Speed Control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its Speed stat, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed stat a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Utility**. Due to a majority of Garchomp's attacks being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop make solid checks. A fast Encore from Pokemon such as Whimsicott and Sableye also threatens Garchomp if it used Substitute, Swords Dance, or Protect in the previous turn.

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Garchomp's unique typing not only gives it resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but is also amazing offensively, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack stats, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws holding back its true potential. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&amp;mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&amp;mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves, two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Despite these flaws, Garchomp still remains the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Garchomp's high Attack and Speed stats, along with its excellent typing, enable it to run a very efficient physical attacking set. Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB move due to its high base power, spread effect, and all around great coverage. Dragon Claw is Garchomp's secondary STAB move and finds its utility in defeating bulky Dragon-types such as Salamence and Zygarde, as well as having decent base power and not hitting Garchomp's partner. However, if Dragon Claw's low base power is unappealing, Substitute can be used in its place to protect Garchomp from Will-O-Wisp and Intimidate, giving Garchomp a better chance to beat Pokemon such as Hitmontop and Rotom-W. Garchomp's excellent bulk and typing make it relatively easy for it to set up multiple Substitutes. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are primarily used to hit Flying-types for super effective damage. Rock Slide is preferred for its spread effect, though Stone Edge may be more useful in certain scenarios due to its higher base power, as well as its ability to go through Wide Guard. Both moves also receive perfect coverage with Earthquake. Finally, Protect is used, because it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, Will-O-Wisp, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Rough Skin is chosen as the main ability, as it is a more reliable ability than Sand Veil and deters physical attackers from using contact moves. The item of choice depends on your personal preferences. Life Orb allows Garchomp to hit as hard as possible and makes up for the mediocre bBase pPower of Dragon Claw and Rock Slide. Rocky Helmet, on the other hand, works well in conjunction with Rough Skin and makes Garchomp a decent check to priority users and Pokemon carrying contact moves, most notably Mega Kangaskhan. Leftovers is an option if using Substitute, increasing the amount of times Garchomp can make Substitutes.

Garchomp has several options that can be considered on this set. An Adamant nature can be used to further increase Garchomp's power, but it is inferior to a Jolly nature, as the latter allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y. A Lum Berry can also be used to protect Garchomp from status moves, though it is rather redundant with Substitute. Finally, Garchomp can use Fire Blast to defeat Pokemon such as Bronzong and Skarmory.

Usage Tips
Due to Garchomp's high speed and powerful spread attacks, it is advised that it be used mid- to late-game, once Pokemon with the Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp are eliminated. Garchomp can be used early game too, as Garchomp's spread attacks and Rough Skin ability weakens threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Tyranitar, making it easier for other Pokemon to clean up the foe's team later in the match.

Garchomp's decent defensive typing also allows it to switch into moves from Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y's Fire Blast, Heatran's Heat Wave, and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Due to the threat of Earthquake and Rock Slide, Garchomp can force these threats out and receive a free turn to either use its powerful coverage moves, or set up a Substitute. Garchomp's vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp makes it a wise idea to switch out from a Will-O-Wisp user that it cannot OHKO or immediately use Substitute if the Will-O-Wisp user is slower. If Garchomp has not set up a Substitute, Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T, will give Garchomp trouble and should be removed before attempting to clean up the foe's team.

Team Options
Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble, and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it deters Pokemon with the Intimidate ability from switching in with its own ability, Defiant. iIn return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble. However, it should be noted that all of these Pokemon take large amounts of damage from Garchomp's Earthquake. Garchomp also appreciates any form of Speed Ccontrol, as it allows Garchomp to outspeed and OHKO threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion, as well as threaten the opposing team even more with its powerful spread attacks. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed Ccontrol include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks. Mega Charizard Y is another excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam,; defeats Pokemon with the ability Intimidate, such as Non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Hitmontop,; is immune to Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without repercussion,; and can even provide Speed Control with Tailwind. Venusaur is also a good partner, as it can defeat bulky Water- and Fairy-types with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, respectively.

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

Mega Garchomp's increased attacking stats and ability, Sand Force, allow it to take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently than regular Garchomp and surprise some of its checks and counters. Earthquake remains as Garchomp's main STAB move thanks to its excellent coverage, spread effect, and power, while also receiving a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Draco Meteor takes the role as Garchomp's secondary STAB attack, as it deals a massive amount of damage to several of Garchomp's usual counters such as Landorus-T, Hitmontop, and Rotom-W, is unaffected by Will-O-Wisp, and still hits Dragon-types for super effective damage. However, if you would rather have Garchomp clean up the foe's team later in the the game, Swords Dance is the recommended option over Draco Meteor to bolster Garchomp's attack power. Stone Edge and Rock Slide are both used to defeat Flying-types immune to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. Stone Edge is the recommended choice if using Draco Meteor, as the combination of a -1 Stone Edge and Draco Meteor is able to KO Landorus-T. Rock Slide, on the other hand, is the better choice if using Swords Dance, as its spread effect is more useful than Stone Edge's greater power in this scenario. Finally, Protect is used in the fourth slot, as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Garchompite is the only viable item on this set, as it allows Garchomp to run special attacks such as Draco Meteor and take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently. Fire Blast can be used on this set, as it hits Bronzong and bulky Grass-types such as Trevenant for super effective damage, but it has little use beyond this. An Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if Speed Control is provided. However, the ability to outspeed threats such as Jolly Landorus-T, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y if Garchomp has not Mega-Evolved is rarely worth passing up for a small amount of extra power.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance variations of Mega Garchomp are better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high-powered spread attacks. Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp are better used early-game to lure and defeat its common checks such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W, making it easier for Pokemon such as Swords Dance Scizor and Choice Scarf Tyranitar to clean up the foe's team later in the match. Although this set does better against Will-O-Wisp users, Garchomp should still switch out in such a matchup, as Garchomp does not like taking residual damage and having its main STAB move weakened.

It should be noted that Garchomp does not have to Mega Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher speed is more useful than Mega Garchomp's increased power against some specific threats such as Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
Tyranitar is a mandatory partner for this set, as the Sandstorm it provides bolsters Mega Garchomp's power to incredible levels due to Mega Garchomp's ability, Sand Force. Tyranitar can also defeat Flying-types such as Togekiss with Rock Slide and can put Cresselia in a checkmate position with Crunch. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat Steel-types that genuinely give Tyranitar trouble, such as Bisharp, non-Wide Guard Aegislash, and Heatran. Garchomp also enjoys any form of Speed Ccontrol, even more so than the previous set due to Mega Garchomp's lowered Speed stat. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed Ccontrol include Cresselia, Togekiss, Zapdos, and Jirachi. Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor, and Bisharp are also great partners, as they have nearly flawless defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves, and are able to defeat Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are also good partners, as they allow Garchomp to use Earthquake without any repercussion.

Other Options

Due to Garchomp's excellent movepool, it has many alternative options to choose from. A Choice Band or Choice Scarf can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack and Speed stats, respectively. However, Garchomp's STAB attacks are risky moves to be locked into, making Choice sets rather gimmicky. Garchomp also has access to a wide range of physical coverage moves, such as Fire Fang, Aqua Tail, Iron Head, and Crunch, but many of these moves do not get any notable coverage or are simply too weak to be of any use. Garchomp can also use a Yache or Haban Berry to avoid an OHKO from super effective Ice- and Dragon-type attacks, respectively. However, strong attackers such as Latios and Genesect still have a chance to OHKO Garchomp with their super effective attacks, so a bulkier EV spread would be needed to properly utilize these berries.

Due to Mega Garchomp's high base Special Attack, a fully specially based set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Fire Blast, and Protect can be used because of Mega Garchomp's high base Special Attack. You started off the first sentence with "Due to," already, so I changed it to sound better. While such a set is outclassed by faster and more powerful specially based Dragons such as Hydreigon, Kyurem, and Latios, Mega Garchomp's surprise factor allows it to defeat many of its physically defensive checks and counters.

Checks &amp; Counters
**Attack Control**.: Attack Ccontrol is the best overall method of countering Garchomp, as Garchomp can do very little to common Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp unless it is using Draco Meteor and becomes noticeably weaker once affected by Attack Control. Good Pokemon for this role include Hitmontop, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Gyarados. All of the previously mentioned Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Ground-type STAB, or, in Hitmontop's case, bypass it completely with Wide Guard, and take neutral damage from its Dragon-type STAB. However, Rotom-W and Landorus-T must watch out for Substitute and Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp, respectively, as Rotom-W cannot burn Garchomp behind a Substitute and takes massive damage from Stone Edge, while Landorus-T loses to the combination of a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Draco Meteor from Mega Garchomp.

**Offensive Typing Advantage**.: Bulky Fairy-types, such as Azumarill and Togekiss, are able to switch into Garchomp's Dragon STAB and deal a massive amount of damage in return with their respective Fairy-type STAB attacks. However, a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Earthquake deal a massive amount of damage to Togekiss and Azumarill, respectively. Cresselia, on the other hand, completely counters Garchomp due to her impressive bulk and Levitate. Cresselia can also threaten Garchomp with either Icy Wind or Ice Beam.

**Speed Control**.: Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making Sspeed Ccontrol a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its Speed stat, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed stat a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Speed Control**.: Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making Sspeed control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its speed, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Utility**.: Due to a majority of Garchomp's attacks being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop make solid checks. A fast Encore from Pokemon such as Whimsicott and Sableye also threatens Garchomp if it used Substitute, Swords Dance, or Protect in the previous turn.


Garchomp's unique typing not only gives it resistances to common Fire- and Rock-type moves, but is also amazing offensively, giving nearly perfect neutral coverage with its STAB attacks alone. This is further complemented by Garchomp's excellent Speed and Attack stats, as well as its respectable bulk, allowing it to withstand powerful attacks and retaliate equally hard. Garchomp's movepool contains a wide variety of powerful attacks, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and Dragon Claw, limiting its number of potential checks and counters. Garchomp is also one of the few Pokemon blessed with a Mega Evolution, which not only has attacking stats comparable to Kyurem-B, but an excellent ability in Sand Force, allowing Mega Garchomp to utilize Sandstorm more efficiently.

Unfortunately, Garchomp has several flaws. Like many other physical attackers, Garchomp is susceptible to common methods of Attack control&mdash;Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp&mdash;making it vulnerable to threats such as Rotom-W and Landorus-T. The newly introduced Fairy-types also limit Garchomp's success in Doubles, as they are not only immune to Garchomp's Dragon STAB, but can threaten Garchomp with their super effective STAB attacks. Garchomp's typing also gives it a weakness to Dragon- and Ice-type moves, two very common attacking types in the metagame. Mega Garchomp also has a lowered Speed stat, which can be detrimental against Pokemon such as Salamence and Genesect. Despite these flaws, Garchomp still remains the monster that it was in BW Doubles.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Substitute
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Life Orb / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Garchomp's high Attack and Speed stats, along with its excellent typing, enable it to run a very efficient physical attacking set. Earthquake is Garchomp's main STAB move due to its high base power, spread effect, and all around great coverage. Dragon Claw is Garchomp's secondary STAB move and finds its utility in defeating bulky Dragon-types such as Salamence and Zygarde, as well as having decent base power and not hitting Garchomp's partner. However, if Dragon Claw's low base power is unappealing, Substitute can be used in its place to protect Garchomp from Will-O-Wisp and Intimidate, giving Garchomp a better chance to beat Pokemon such as Hitmontop and Rotom-W. Garchomp's excellent bulk and typing make it relatively easy for it to set up multiple Substitutes. Rock Slide and Stone Edge are primarily used to hit Flying-types for super effective damage. Rock Slide is preferred for its spread effect, though Stone Edge may be more useful in certain scenarios due to its higher base power, as well as its ability to go through Wide Guard. Both moves also receive perfect coverage with Earthquake. Finally, Protect is used because it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, Will-O-Wisp, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Rough Skin is chosen as the main ability, as it is a more reliable ability than Sand Veil and deters physical attackers from using contact moves. The item of choice depends on your personal preferences. Life Orb allows Garchomp to hit as hard as possible and makes up for the mediocre Base Power of Dragon Claw and Rock Slide. Rocky Helmet, on the other hand, works well in conjunction with Rough Skin and makes Garchomp a decent check to priority users and Pokemon carrying contact moves, most notably Mega Kangaskhan. Leftovers is an option if using Substitute, increasing the amount of times Garchomp can make Substitutes.

Garchomp has several options that can be considered on this set. An Adamant nature can be used to further increase Garchomp's power, but it is inferior to a Jolly nature, as the latter allows Garchomp to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Charizard Y. A Lum Berry can also be used to protect Garchomp from status moves, though it is rather redundant with Substitute. Finally, Garchomp can use Fire Blast to defeat Pokemon such as Bronzong and Skarmory.

Usage Tips
Due to Garchomp's high speed and powerful attacks, it is advised that it be used mid- to late-game, once Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp are eliminated. Garchomp can be used early game too, as Garchomp's spread attacks and Rough Skin ability weaken threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Tyranitar, making it easier for other Pokemon to clean up the foe's team later in the match.

Garchomp's decent defensive typing also allows it to switch into moves from Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y's Fire Blast, Heatran's Heat Wave, and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Due to the threat of Earthquake and Rock Slide, Garchomp can force these threats out and receive a free turn to either use its powerful coverage moves or set up a Substitute. Garchomp's vulnerability to Will-O-Wisp makes it a wise idea to switch out from a Will-O-Wisp user that it cannot OHKO or immediately use Substitute if the Will-O-Wisp user is slower. If Garchomp has not set up a Substitute, Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Hitmontop and Landorus-T, will give Garchomp trouble and should be removed before attempting to clean up the foe's team.

Team Options
Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble, and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it deters Pokemon with the Intimidate ability from switching in with its own ability, Defiant. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble. However, it should be noted that all of these Pokemon take large amounts of damage from Garchomp's Earthquake. Garchomp also appreciates any form of Speed control, as it allows Garchomp to outspeed and OHKO threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion, as well as threaten the opposing team even more with its powerful spread attacks. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed control include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks. Mega Charizard Y is another excellent partner, as it can deal a massive amount of damage to Rotom-W with Solar Beam; defeat Pokemon with the ability Intimidate, such as Non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Hitmontop; is immune to Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without repercussion; and can even provide Speed Control with Tailwind. Venusaur is also a good partner, as it can defeat bulky Water- and Fairy-types with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, respectively.

name: Sand Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Draco Meteor / Swords Dance
move 3: Stone Edge / Rock Slide
move 4: Protect
ability: Rough Skin
item: Garchompite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Naive / Jolly

Mega Garchomp's increased attacking stats and ability, Sand Force, allow it to take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently than regular Garchomp and surprise some of its checks and counters. Earthquake remains as Garchomp's main STAB move thanks to its excellent coverage, spread effect, and power, while also receiving a potential power boost from Sandstorm. Draco Meteor takes the role as Garchomp's secondary STAB attack, as it deals a massive amount of damage to several of Garchomp's usual counters such as Landorus-T, Hitmontop, and Rotom-W, is unaffected by Will-O-Wisp, and still hits Dragon-types for super effective damage. However, if you would rather have Garchomp clean up the foe's team later in the the game, Swords Dance is the recommended option over Draco Meteor to bolster Garchomp's attack power. Stone Edge and Rock Slide are both used to defeat Flying-types immune to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. Stone Edge is the recommended choice if using Draco Meteor, as the combination of a -1 Stone Edge and Draco Meteor is able to KO Landorus-T. Rock Slide, on the other hand, is the better choice if using Swords Dance, as its spread effect is more useful than Stone Edge's greater power in this scenario. Finally, Protect is used in the fourth slot, as it allows Garchomp to scout for super effective coverage attacks, status moves, and Fake Out.

Set Details
Garchompite is the only viable item on this set, as it allows Garchomp to run special attacks such as Draco Meteor and take advantage of Sandstorm more efficiently. Fire Blast can be used on this set, as it hits Bronzong and bulky Grass-types such as Trevenant for super effective damage, but it has little use beyond this. An Adamant or Naughty nature can be used if Speed Control is provided. However, the ability to outspeed threats such as Jolly Landorus-T, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y if Garchomp has not Mega-Evolved is rarely worth passing up for a small amount of extra power.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance variations of Mega Garchomp are better used late-game to clean up the foe's team with its high-powered spread attacks. Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp are better used early-game to lure and defeat its common checks such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W, making it easier for Pokemon such as Swords Dance Scizor and Choice Scarf Tyranitar to clean up the foe's team later in the match. Although this set does better against Will-O-Wisp users, Garchomp should still switch out in such a matchup, as Garchomp does not like taking residual damage and having its main STAB move weakened.

It should be noted that Garchomp does not have to Mega Evolve immediately, as regular Garchomp's higher speed is more useful than Mega Garchomp's increased power against some specific threats such as Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
Tyranitar is a mandatory partner for this set, as the Sandstorm it provides bolsters Mega Garchomp's power to incredible levels due to Mega Garchomp's ability, Sand Force. Tyranitar can also defeat Flying-types such as Togekiss with Rock Slide and can put Cresselia in a checkmate position with Crunch. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat Steel-types that genuinely give Tyranitar trouble, such as Bisharp, non-Wide Guard Aegislash, and Heatran. Garchomp also enjoys any form of Speed control, even more so than the previous set due to Mega Garchomp's lowered Speed stat. Good partners that can provide Garchomp with Speed control include Cresselia, Togekiss, Zapdos, and Jirachi. Steel-types such as Genesect, Scizor, and Bisharp are also great partners, as they have nearly flawless defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves, and are able to defeat Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-types that Garchomp dislikes facing. Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are also good partners, as they allow Garchomp to use Earthquake without any repercussion.

Other Options

Due to Garchomp's excellent movepool, it has many alternative options to choose from. A Choice Band or Choice Scarf can be used to greatly increase Garchomp's Attack and Speed stats, respectively. However, Garchomp's STAB attacks are risky moves to be locked into, making Choice sets rather gimmicky. Garchomp also has access to a wide range of physical coverage moves, such as Fire Fang, Aqua Tail, Iron Head, and Crunch, but many of these moves do not get any notable coverage or are simply too weak to be of any use. Garchomp can also use a Yache or Haban Berry to avoid an OHKO from super effective Ice- and Dragon-type attacks, respectively. However, strong attackers such as Latios and Genesect still have a chance to OHKO Garchomp with their super effective attacks, so a bulkier EV spread would be needed to properly utilize these berries.

A fully specially based set with Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Fire Blast, and Protect can be used because of Mega Garchomp's high base Special Attack. While such a set is outclassed by faster and more powerful specially based Dragons such as Hydreigon, Kyurem, and Latios, Mega Garchomp's surprise factor allows it to defeat many of its physically defensive checks and counters.

Checks & Counters
**Attack Control**: Attack control is the best overall method of countering Garchomp, as Garchomp can do very little to common Pokemon with Intimidate or Will-O-Wisp unless it is using Draco Meteor and becomes noticeably weaker once affected by Attack Control. Good Pokemon for this role include Hitmontop, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Gyarados. All of the previously mentioned Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Ground-type STAB, or, in Hitmontop's case, bypass it completely with Wide Guard and take neutral damage from its Dragon-type STAB. However, Rotom-W and Landorus-T must watch out for Substitute and Draco Meteor variations of Garchomp, respectively, as Rotom-W cannot burn Garchomp behind a Substitute and takes massive damage from Stone Edge, while Landorus-T loses to the combination of a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Draco Meteor from Mega Garchomp.

**Offensive Typing Advantage**: Bulky Fairy-types, such as Azumarill and Togekiss, are able to switch into Garchomp's Dragon STAB and deal a massive amount of damage in return with their respective Fairy-type STAB attacks. However, a Sand Force-boosted Stone Edge and Earthquake deal a massive amount of damage to Togekiss and Azumarill, respectively. Cresselia, on the other hand, completely counters Garchomp due to her impressive bulk and Levitate. Cresselia can also threaten Garchomp with either Icy Wind or Ice Beam.

**Speed Control**: Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making speed control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its Speed stat, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed stat a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Speed Control**: Garchomp mostly relies on its speed to be effective, making speed control a great way to keep it in a checkmate position. Icy Wind in particular deals a large amount of damage to Garchomp while lowering its speed, making Pokemon who utilize this move such as Cresselia great checks. Trick Room also hinders Garchomp's effectiveness, making Garchomp's excellent Speed a detriment instead of a benefit.

**Utility**: Due to a majority of Garchomp's attacks being spread moves, Wide Guard users such as Aegislash and Hitmontop make solid checks. A fast Encore from Pokemon such as Whimsicott and Sableye also threaten Garchomp if it used Substitute, Swords Dance, or Protect in the previous turn.

It was written kind of weird, but it's done now.

speed control > Speed Control
wtf is Attack Control

yeah this is done now


GP 2/2
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You shouldn't have SET NAME above the #'s on the sets. You should have the names of the sets just like in the sample Smeargle analysis:

Sample Smeargle Analysis said:
Hazard Lead
name: Entry Hazards Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Sticky Web / Spikes
move 3: Spore
move 4: Taunt / Memento / Endeavor
ability: Own Tempo
item: Focus Sash
evs: 80 HP / 96 Def / 80 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

name: Smashpass
move 1: Spore
move 2: Shell Smash
move 3: Baton Pass
move 4: Taunt / Ingrain
ability: Own Tempo
item: Focus Sash / White Herb
evs: 80 HP / 96 Def / 80 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

This is because (I think) the thing above the #'s is what is going to appear on the tab for the set when these go on-site.