* Garganacl is a powerful IronPress sweeper with its great bulk and Terastallization options; Iron Defense turns Body Press into a weapon and makes it incredibly difficult to take down. Salt Cure is an amazing complement to IronPress, as it can wear down Pokemon immune or resistant to Body Press like Annihilape, Ceruledge, and Pelipper.
* Garganacl dislikes Haze and Clear Smog users like Murkrow and Amoonguss, which can reset its Defense boosts. Armarouge checks Amoonguss and can set Trick Room for Garganacl. Murkrow is easily taken advantage of by Sylveon. Powerful special attackers like Armarouge, Hydreigon, and Sylveon can overpower Garganacl with some help, especially if it's the last Pokemon standing; this situation will often happen, since Garganacl is slow to set up and gives the opponent freedom in beating down teammates.
* A moveset of Body Press, Wide Guard, Salt Cure, and Recover with Rocky Helmet does very well against Lycanroc + Tyranitar teams. Wide Guard prevents Lycanroc and Tyranitar from repeatedly using Rock Slide with impunity, and Rocky Helmet can break Lycanroc's Focus Sash, leaving it likely KOed by Body Press. Wide Guard can also be helpful against Trick Room teams, as it blocks Torkoal's Eruption and Armarouge's spread Expanding Force.
name: IronPress Sweeper
move 1: Salt Cure
move 2: Body Press
move 3: Iron Defense
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Purifying Salt
nature: Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpD
tera type: Ghost / Grass / Steel
ivs: 0 Spe
* Purifying Salt protects Garganacl from status moves like Amoonguss's Spore and Rotom-W's Will-O-Wisp.
* The EV spread slightly optimizes Special Defense and helps Garganacl against special attackers like Armarouge and Hydreigon. Garganacl isn't outspeeding much of anything, so it might as well aim to underspeed opposing Trick Room Pokemon; minimum Speed lets Garganacl Speed tie Mudsdale while easily underspeeding Kingambit and Hariyama.
* Tera Ghost gives Garganacl an immunity to Fighting and leaves it with effectively just one weakness, since Purifying Salt halves the power of Ghost-type attacks. Tera Grass prevents Amoonguss from redirecting Garganacl's Body Press via Rage Powder, and its Water and Electric resistances are helpful against Rotom-W. Tera Steel gives Garganacl a plethora of resistances like Dragon, Grass, Fairy, and Steel, which are helpful against Pokemon like Hydreigon, Meowscarada, Gholdengo, and Sylveon, and it makes Garganacl immune to Amoonguss's Clear Smog.
- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[Sole Survivor, 518634]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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