Resource Gen 8 1v1 Set Compendium

Just submitting a set.

Bewear @ Choice Band
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 88 HP / 240 Atk / 148 Def / 16 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Giga Impact
- Close Combat
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch

to speed creep base 60s, perhaps it could be lowered to 4 EVs and guarantee the gdarm or fini rolls.


Lives WP zygarde thousand arrows into +2 thousand arrows and ohkoes back with 2 ice punches
252 Atk Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 88 HP / 148 Def Fluffy Bewear: 273-322 (67.7 - 79.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan-Galar Flare Blitz vs. 88 HP / 148 Def Fluffy Bewear: 345-406 (85.6 - 100.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Haxorus Close Combat vs. 88 HP / 148 Def Bewear: 318-376 (78.9 - 93.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Pheromosa High Jump Kick vs. 88 HP / 148 Def Fluffy Bewear: 334-394 (82.8 - 97.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Urshifu Close Combat vs. 88 HP / 148 Def Fluffy Bewear: 327-385 (81.1 - 95.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Not great but helps.
176 SpA Tapu Fini Moonblast vs. 88 HP / 16 SpD Bewear: 344-408 (85.3 - 101.2%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
The roll on sitrus fini isn’t good (50/50) but it beats scarf fini if they don’t trick
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 80 HP / 20 Def Tapu Fini: 339-399 (112.6 - 132.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Ohkoes bulky fairies
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 152+ Def Sylveon: 408-481 (103.5 - 122%) -- guaranteed OHKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 248 HP / 160 Def Primarina: 408-481 (112.3 - 132.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Against the intimidators

Only struggles with sitrus lando, ohkoes AV
-1 240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Ice Punch vs. 192 HP / 0 Def Landorus-Therian: 380-448 (103.5 - 122%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Beats banded arcanine, a roll with AV after blitz recoil, loses to burn up arcanine.
Beats av and charcoal incin, loses to WP.

Against bulky offense

240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 40 Def Zygarde: 428-504 (101.9 - 120%) -- guaranteed OHKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 0 HP / 84 Def Regidrago: 582-685 (107.5 - 126.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 124 HP / 204+ Def Goodra: 367-433 (104.2 - 123%) -- guaranteed OHKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 373-441 (100.5 - 118.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Drain punch beats custap sawk and a roll against custap magnezone given no metal sound.
252+ SpA Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 88 HP / 16 SpD Dynamax Bewear: 238-282 (29.5 - 34.9%) -- 10.9% chance to 2HKO

Against stall

sitrus avalugg
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dynamax Avalugg: 288-338 (36.5 - 42.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 60+ Def Registeel: 380-450 (104.3 - 123.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Chople Berry Ferrothorn: 186-219 (52.8 - 62.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
240+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 705-831 (98.7 - 116.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
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I have submitted before but if you forgot my discord is deddd inside#9700
Band (Bewear) @ Choice Band
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 160 HP / 168 Atk / 176 Def / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Punch
- Giga Impact
- Close Combat
- darkestlariatdrainpunch
the hp invest is to live a single hit from sitrus fini
The defense investment +hp invest allows bewear to live a adamant band gdarm icicle crash(the strongest move they can use against bewear)
also is capable of living stuff like lorb shifus + band phero
4 spe for speedcreeping other base 60s like sylv and zone
the atk is a dump
now for the moves
ice punch is for zygarde(should 2hko and they cant kill you back even if wp)
giga impact is a strong stab move for bewear and kills scarf fini / custap sylv
cc is another stab move for mons like gdarm
lariat helps vs band pult
drain punch is meh but can help the custap magnezone mu if they are some scuffed zone set without hyper beam
1v1 Sets Compendium 3.2

-Added Choice Scarf Rotom-Heat.
-Added AV Zygarde
-Added Iron Defense Steelix.
-Added LO Volcarona
-Added Band Bewear
-Added Haban Regidrago
-Added Band Urshifu
-Split AV Regidrago in two sets, as the choice of coverage move greatly impacts its EV spread.
-Added Ninetales (LO and Specs)
-Added Ninetales-Alola
-Added Roserade
-Added Tentacruel
-Added Vileplume
-Added Toxtricity (that's right every single poison type is gonna get ranked)
-Added Celebi (Scarf and Subseed)
-Added Escavalier (AV and ID)
-Added Specs Spectrier
-Added AV Registeel
-Added Scarf Metagross

-Removed SubPetaya Volcarona.
-Removed Shelmet.
-Removed SubLiechi Urshifu.

-Slashed Rock Blast on Band Tyranitar.
-Made all magnezones max speed instead of max spa.
-Slashed Rest on ID Urshifu-Rapid (yw deg).
-Edited type null's EVs slightly so it actually beat dracozolt.
-Minimized custap aggron's defense for maximal metal burst damage.
-Slashed Flamethrower over Fire Fang on Dracozolt, as it doesn't get the Hustle miss chance and beats the same things.
-Updated the stall jellicent spread, as it could beat band aggron more cheaply by investing in speed rather than bulk.
-Slashed Darkest Lariat on Incineroar, as it helps in the Bulk Up Zeraora matchup.
-Updated the Ferrothorn spread to always have Gyro Ball, slashed Leech Seed and Power Whip.
-Slashed Leech Life (gives odds vs zarude) and Rock Tomb (beats scarf darmG) on scarf dracovish.
-Gave Specs Volcanion Fling as a slash option to beat mirror coat avalugg.
-Slightly tweaked scarf Volcanion's EVs.
-Slashed bulldoze on quagsire to beat power herb nihilego and a few faster taunt users.
-Tweaked scarf urshifu's moves, notably giving it zen headbutt over fire punch (both beat pheromosa but zen has some better side matchups).
-Slashed Knock Off on scarf archeops for a better spectrier matchup.
-Tweaked Power Herb Nihilego's EVs slightly.
-Updated Band Regirock's move options.
-Reworked Zeraora's slash options.
-Updated Specs Nihilego's move options, giving it Psychic for Urshifu-R and Zapdos-G and Psyshock for the mirror.
-Slashed Adamant on scarf darmG, which loses to pheromosa and scarf PZ but ohkos bulky heatran.
-Reworked some of fini's slash options.
-Gave Tapu Koko max speed.
-Slashed Giga Impact on Custap Tyranitar, which lets it reliably beat Sawk.
-Slashed Specs Dragapult natures.
-Changed the Specs Slowking-Galar spread some, it now has a few more coverage moves and better EVs.
-Slashed Freeze-Dry on Articuno.
-Slashed Superpower on Azumarill.
-Replaced Fire Blast on Nidoking with Flamethrower, which hits the same targets more reliably.
-Improved Yawn Sylveon's EVs.
-Updated AV goodra EVs.
-Updated Raboot's EVs.
-Slashed Earthquake on Aggron.
-Switched Scarf Garchomp's nature.
-Gave Dracozolt 4 spa.
-Slashed Electroweb on Specs Magnezone.
-Slashed Close Combat on LO Zeroara, as it helps in the heatran matchup.

-Fixed a typo in the band regidrago entry ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ v

By default, Pokemon Showdown sets the attack IVs of a Pokemon without physical attacks to 0. This serves to minimize damage from Foul Play, as well as Confusion-induced selfhits. However, in the 1v1 metagame as it stands now, these reasons are unconvincing. Foul Play barely has any users, and Confusion only rarely comes into play through Hurricane or the occasional Swagger set (or outrage, but those mons aren't dumping attack IVs). Meanwhile, Encore and Disable have taken a flight, which means that many Pokemon regularly find themselves forced to Struggle.

After debating the matter, the setbuilders found that the disadvantages of a higher attack stat (more confusion damage, more foul play damage) were more than offset by the increase in Struggle damage.

The changes will be as follows:
-Pokemon will no longer have their attack IVs reduced to 0, unless the extra confusion damage is found to make their matchup against some hurricane user notably worse, or unless the foul play damage is found to harm some other matchup.
-Pokemon who use neither attack nor special attack (like chansey and registeel) will have their nature shifted to reduce special attack instead of attack.

This should minimally change gameplay, but provide the same kind of slight advantages that the attack minimization was originally meant to give. This section is mostly here to explain the change and our reasoning behind it. Thanks for reading!
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Pokemon Set:
Crystal (Necrozma) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 224 HP / 252 SpA / 32 Spe
Modest Nature
- Photon Geyser
- Prismatic Laser
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse

EV Explanation:
Max Spa with a modest nature to maximize it's attacking power. The hp evs on Necrozma allow it to survive and hit back against Regieleki's specs thunderbolt/hyperbeam/electroball, Dragapult banded outrage and shadow force, Dragapult's specs draco meteor and shadowball, Zeraora's knock off, Rotom heat's specs overheat, Chandelure's scarf set shadow ball/overheat, Tapu Fini's trick scarf set, jolly Haxorus' outrage, Life orb Rillaboom's fake out, grassy glide combination, banded Landorus therian's knock off/ earthquake, aggron's fast band head smash and Kartana's knock off/giga impact. Necrozma's hp ev's also makes its hp total odd numbered for any nature madness strats. This set could also defeat magnezone's specs set with dark pulse doing more than half to zone but at the same time, zone cannot KO it even with mirror coat or thunderbolt.

The hp evs also allow it to have a chance of surviving and threatening an OHKO or a 2HKO against darmanitan's sheer force lifeorb flare blitz, Darmanitan galar's Flareblitz/icicle crash, Latios specs draco meteor.

The speed evs are there for certain specs Sylveons that run 176 evs in speed, 0 speed ev necrozmas, and banded adamant max speed aggron.

This set counters Avalugg, Sawk, lvl 1 Togedemaru, Urshifu rapid strike, Buzzwole, Toxicroak, Vileplume, Ferrothorn, and to an extent other necrozmas.

Discord ID:


Pokemon Set:
Crystal (Necrozma) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 224 HP / 252 SpA / 32 Spe
Modest Nature
- Photon Geyser
- Prismatic Laser
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse

EV Explanation:
Max Spa with a modest nature to maximize it's attacking power. The hp evs on Necrozma allow it to survive and hit back against Regieleki's specs thunderbolt/hyperbeam/electroball, Dragapult banded outrage and shadow force, Dragapult's specs draco meteor and shadowball, Zeraora's knock off, Rotom heat's specs overheat, Chandelure's scarf set shadow ball/overheat, Tapu Fini's trick scarf set, jolly Haxorus' outrage, Life orb Rillaboom's fake out, grassy glide combination, banded Landorus therian's knock off/ earthquake, aggron's fast band head smash and Kartana's knock off/giga impact. Necrozma's hp ev's also makes its hp total odd numbered for any nature madness strats. This set could also defeat magnezone's specs set with dark pulse doing more than half to zone but at the same time, zone cannot KO it even with mirror coat or thunderbolt.

The hp evs also allow it to have a chance of surviving and threatening an OHKO or a 2HKO against darmanitan's sheer force lifeorb flare blitz, Darmanitan galar's Flareblitz/icicle crash, Latios specs draco meteor.

The speed evs are there for certain specs Sylveons that run 176 evs in speed, 0 speed ev necrozmas, and banded adamant max speed aggron.

This set counters Avalugg, Sawk, lvl 1 Togedemaru, Urshifu rapid strike, Buzzwole, Toxicroak, Vileplume, Ferrothorn, and to an extent other necrozmas.

Discord ID:

Hi! Thank you for your interest in the setbuilder project. That said, I have a few small questions about this spread.

You say the speed EVs are for adamant aggron and 176 speed sylveon. The former of those two is a fine benchmark (the latter isn't, because nothing is stopping sylveon from running a bit more speed if your set catches on). You also don't have the right amount for this benchmark: aggron hits 199 and the specified sylveon hits 200, but your EVs give you 202 speed total, which is one more than you'd need to outspeed here.

Also, the bulk EVs seem questionable. Usually, if you're tanking both physical and special moves, you look up what the strongest physical and the strongest special hit are, then you invest in HP until you tank one of the two, and then you invest in the relevant defense until you tank the other. Unless 224 HP is exactly enough on both sides (sceptical), it's not the optimal distribution.

A few of the specific attack benchmarks you name are also odd. Regieleki will be clicking Thunder versus necrozma. Rillaboom won't be clicking Fake Out into Grassy Glide, because they're faster than necrozma and should click Wood Hammer instead (something that your spread does not reliably live). Aggron's Band Head Smash actually kills you a fair amount of the time, contrary to what your description claims. You say this Necrozma beats Specs Magnezone, when it's actually outsped and 2hkod. Lastly, while Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar is indeed not guaranteed to KO you with icicle crash or flare blitz, it simply kills you with Giga Impact instead.

Finally, it'd help if you showed a specific calc for the specific attack you are EVing for, instead of giving a list of things you tank. It's very hard for me to see which of those calcs I should actually compare your EVs against.

You could resubmit a set that avoids these pitfalls (creeping arbitrary speed values, not having the correct amount of investment for your benchmarks, large chunks of leftover EVs dumped in HP, calcing for mons that beat you anyway). If you need a better idea of what a good application looks like, I think this one is an extremely good example to emulate.

(okay it's been brought to my attention that you put a lot of calcs in the pdf attachment; thank you for putting calcs, however, please do not put calcs in a pdf attachment)

252+ Atk Life Orb Rillaboom Fake Out vs. 224 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 61-73 (15.6 - 18.6%) -- possible 8HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
252+ Atk Life Orb Rillaboom Wood Hammer vs. 224 HP / 0 Def Necrozma in Grassy Terrain: 351-413 (89.7 - 105.6%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 224 HP / 0 SpD Necrozma: 333-393 (85.1 - 100.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunder vs. 224 HP / 0 SpD Necrozma: 408-480 (104.3 - 122.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Aggron Head Smash vs. 224 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 355-418 (90.7 - 106.9%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

244+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 224 HP / 0 SpD Necrozma: 265-313 (67.7 - 80%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 224 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 358-423 (91.5 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan-Galar Giga Impact vs. 224 HP / 0 Def Necrozma: 422-497 (107.9 - 127.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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Articuno @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 232 HP / 8 Def / 212 SpA / 56 SpD
Modest Nature
- Freeze-Dry
- Mirror Coat
- Hurricane
- Ice Shard

:articuno: :articuno: Hello i am here to submit an articuno set. :articuno: :articuno:

EV Explanation: HP and spdef are there to tank many special attacks and some physical attacks, as seen below

108+ SpA Choice Specs Primarina Hydro Cannon vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 186-220 (49 - 58%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 222-262 (58.5 - 69.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 226-267 (59.6 - 70.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Heatran Overheat vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 224-266 (59.1 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 290-342 (76.5 - 90.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragapult Fire Blast vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 174-206 (45.9 - 54.3%) -- 47.7% chance to 2HKO

64+ SpA Choice Specs Volcanion Overheat vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 320-378 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Naganadel Fire Blast vs. 232 HP / 56 SpD Assault Vest Articuno: 204-242 (53.8 - 63.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Urshifu Wicked Blow vs. 232 HP / 8 Def Articuno on a critical hit: 321-378 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Urshifu Close Combat vs. 232 HP / 8 Def Articuno: 321-378 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Articuno cannot use mirror coat against urshifu but hurricane OHKOs

The remaining evs are dumped into special attack for as much damage as possible to other pokemon,

Moves Explanation: Mirror Coat for strong special attackers, Hurricane for fighting types like :urshifu:, freeze dry for :zygarde:

212+ SpA Articuno Freeze-Dry vs. 144 HP / 0 SpD Zygarde: 408-484 (103.8 - 123.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
ice shard for custap mons
discord: PokeOtter#1021
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Kyurem @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 144 Def / 180 SpA / 28 SpD / 156 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Glaciate
- Freeze-Dry
- Earth Power

Ev explanation
144 defense allows us to survive outrage from and jolly band zerraora
28 special defense allows us to survive opposing scarf kyurems draco meteor
156 timid allows us to outspeed opposing scarf kyurems and jolly zerraoras after a glaciate
Discord id

Hi, and thanks for your interest in this project. Unfortunately, the current EV distribution is suboptimal for hitting all those benchmarks: investing in two defenses but not in HP usually is suboptimal (unless you're a mon like drifblim or wailord with a giant HP stat). Please fix that and everything should be fine.

edit: I accidentally a word
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Compendium 3.3 is out!

-Added Thunder Punch Blaziken.
-Added Specs Hydreigon. (dw stable there's altspreads that beat AV drago in the doc)
-Added Custap Ferrothorn.
-Added AV Tentacruel.
-Added AV Articuno.
-Added WP Endure Terrakion.
-Added Yache Kommo-O.
-Added Scarf Kyurem.
-Added AV Thundurus-Therian.

-Removed Krookodile
-Removed Mandibuzz
-Removed Regirock
-Removed Sudowoodo
-Removed Toxicroak
-Removed Tsareena
-Removed Tyrantrum

-Slashed Adamant on Scarf Haxorus.
-Slashed Counter on Scarf Haxorus.
-Slashed Gunk Shot on Diggersby because Bulu is relevant now.
-Fixed Aegislash's speed IVs.
-Slashed Magic Guard on Scarf Clefable, as Unaware is less useful on this set and this other option beats Whimsicott.
-Put Breaking Swipe over Outrage on AV Zygarde, as it beats Zeraora in addition to custap/scarf dracovish.
-Slashed Core Enforcer on Helmet Zygarde, which beats ID urshifu-rapid and helps in the mirror.
-Slashed Endure on WP Zygarde to generally beat Pheromosa and 50-50 Sylveon.
-Overhauled the AV Entei set, it now beats gdarm reliably and has the option to run dual fire stab.
-Fixed the Volcanion spreads bc all this while they've been dying to Rilla 6% of the time.
-Slashed Head Smash on Scarf Hydreigon.
-Maxed out the speed on subseed Celesteela.
-Slashed Rain Dance on Custap Dracovish.
-Slashed Worry Seed on Subseed Celebi.
-Tweaked the specs necrozma sets.
-Updated Raboot's EVs.
-Slashed Smack Down on Landorus-I.
-Slashed Poison Jab on Toxapex.

-Fixed a number of grammar inconsistencies in set names which I'm sure are very interesting to y'all.
The Flash (Tapu Koko) @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 92 HP / 100 SpA / 184 SpD / 132 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt/Wild Charge
- Charge
- Protect

Tapu Koko is a very underrated pokemon that sadly only has 1 set in the comp which is stall.
The speed is to outspeed darm-g and urshifu. Charge gives it a roll against modest specs necrozma, it also allows it to beat non specs magnezone unless they use mirror coat. Thunderbolt can be changed to Wild Charge as well as changing Tapu Koko to adamant nature 72 atk 28 Spa. Doing this gives it a winning match-up against Sylveon and a 44% chance if they are specs. Wild Charge also only has a 75% chance to ohko necrozma after charge. Also beats Mirror Coat avalugg, but if they are band just protect t1 and if they use bulldoze/heavy slam just double dazzling gleam. Overall great coverage with protect to stop custap, and Charge for the SpD raise and electric boost. Beats most every top tier besides Zygarde, Scarf Darm-g with EQ or Giga Impact, Zeraora, Metagross, Lando and Porygon-Z.
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charge tapu koko is interesting but I think you are trying to make koko beat too many things and thus every matchup is unreliable currently.
The current koko set beats defensive specs necrozma but loses to fast specs and stall.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. +1 92 HP / 184 SpD Tapu Koko: 288-339 (94.7 - 111.5%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

I don't think life orb koko is ever beating avalugg reliably unfortunately without wild investment.
252+ Atk Choice Band Avalugg Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 382-450 (111 - 130.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

also currently tapu koko even with wild charge won't beat specs sylveon
252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. +1 92 HP / 184 SpD Tapu Koko: 292-345 (96 - 113.4%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 176 HP / 104 SpA / 228 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Charge
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt

252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. +1 176 HP / 228 SpD Tapu Koko: 274-324 (84.3 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 104+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 56 SpD Necrozma in Electric Terrain: 398-468 (100 - 117.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Haxorus Earthquake vs. 176 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 274-324 (84.3 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 176 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko on a critical hit: 282-330 (86.7 - 101.5%) -- approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO

koko vs sylveon is inherently unreliable as if you carry protect you lose to yawn sylv as you can't ohko them with your charged wild charge and if you carry taunt it's a 50/50 between charge and taunt and you lose the necrozma matchup.
Taunt into charge into wild charge beats non specs sylv, and charge t1 for specs. If koko has protect over taunt yawn sylv wins due to recoil.

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 168 HP / 76 Atk / 16 Def / 248 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Charge
- Wild Charge
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt

252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. +1 168 HP / 248 SpD Tapu Koko: 273-322 (84.5 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 76+ Atk Life Orb Tapu Koko Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 232 Def Sylveon in Electric Terrain: 456-538 (115.7 - 136.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 168 HP / 16 Def Tapu Koko on a critical hit: 270-321 (83.5 - 99.3%) -- approx. 2HKO
not sure whats wrong with your calc but its not a 93.8% chance for necrozma to ohko
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. +1 92 HP / 184 SpD Tapu Koko: 288-339 (94.7 - 111.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
and as i mention before its a roll.

I also said against bulldoze/heavy slam, which is what almost every banded avalugg runs.
252+ Atk Choice Band Avalugg Bulldoze vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 230-272 (75.6 - 89.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Avalugg Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 229-270 (75.3 - 88.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

also I said the chance of beating specs is not 100%, but it should beat most every other sylveon set
252+ SpA Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. +1 92 HP / 184 SpD Tapu Koko: 195-231 (64.1 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after charge Wild Charge will just ohko
the only way that they survive is if they are max hp max def
+2 72+ Atk Life Orb Tapu Koko Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sylveon in Electric Terrain: 363-426 (92.1 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO and no one is running that sylveon, and even if they live you still win because you just wild charge a second time (you don't die from recoil after the first hit if they hyperbeam unless they are specs.
Even if they are the yawn set so they have protect they only attacking move is going to be hyper voice with fake tears and that won't kill
252 SpA Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Voice vs. -1 92 HP / 184 SpD Tapu Koko: 240-283 (78.9 - 93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
But, you will lose after rocoil and life orb unless they have no SpA investment and if they do its a roll depending on how much investment

taunt would literally only be to stop protect and if you got rid of dazzling gleam you lose to banded urshifu dark which is just sad.

but if you want you can completely ignore the sylveon match up and just have thunderbolt instead like i said in my post for a better necrozma match up just in case.
Anyways, thanks for the feedback, i know Tapu Koko is spread a little thin but i think its pretty good. I'm currently using it on an alt I made with 26 wins 7 losses and a gxe of 71%. I know theres other pokemon in that team, but Tapu Koko has had a big part in it, and should really have more than just one set in the comp. (the alt is Sample Team Test, so if you want to see my gxe later on you can)
Gum Drop (Regidrago) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Hp / 148 Atk / 120 Def / 76 SpA / 160 SpD
Naughty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Scale Shot
- Outrage
- Breaking Swipe

120 Def and 4 Hp to survive wicked blow from adamant banded Urshifu, 76 SpA to ohko with Draco Meteor. 160 SpD and Assault to survive Draco Meteor from modest scarf Naganadel. Naughty Nature so you out Speed Necrozma's with no speed investment. Breaking Swipe to survive Avalanche from Avalugg, 75% chance against non adamant with band. Scale Shot for the extra speed when needed, but it can be changed to fire fang for Ferrothorn and Scizor, but Scale Shot is probably better.

I know this moveset is common on Regidrago but i think the EV's are better than other sets I've seen.
Gum Drop (Regidrago) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Hp / 148 Atk / 120 Def / 76 SpA / 160 SpD
Naughty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Scale Shot
- Outrage
- Breaking Swipe

120 Def and 4 Hp to survive wicked blow from adamant banded Urshifu, 76 SpA to ohko with Draco Meteor. 160 SpD and Assault to survive Draco Meteor from modest scarf Naganadel. Naughty Nature so you out Speed Necrozma's with no speed investment. Breaking Swipe to survive Avalanche from Avalugg, 75% chance against non adamant with band. Scale Shot for the extra speed when needed, but it can be changed to fire fang for Ferrothorn and Scizor, but Scale Shot is probably better.

I know this moveset is common on Regidrago but i think the EV's are better than other sets I've seen.

Unlike other AV regidrago sets, this loses to fast necrozma (pretty common on ladder) and is forced to run a very suboptimal nature to beat bulky sets. It also has much worse physical defense, which worsens its matchup against several urshifu sets that aren't band, and prevents it from being a reliable avalugg answer (adamant band with avalanche definitely exists, so your team will need a second lugg counter, in spite of running the drago set supposed to lure that in).

You have only explained what those EVs do: you haven't explained why you think they're better. The current AV sets can tank scarf naganadel equally well, actually run the bulk to handle all avaluggs, and tank not just band urshifu but other sets too. Your set mostly sets itself apart by running a lot of attack, at the expense of all other stats, but you haven't told us what all this attack is useful for.
I haven't actually did the calc for the attack, so you're probably right, I've just done really well with this draco and it still beats all the normal things except it has more attack (besides banded avalugg, and fast necrozma). I'll try to do more research into these things before I post next time, but thanks for the feedback.
Suicune @ Choice Specs
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 144 SpA / 104 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Surf
- Mirror Coat
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam

Ev explanaition: 104 Spdf and 252 Hp allows suicune to survive a specs porygon-z hyper beam and hit it back with a mirror coat, 8 Def and 252 Hp allows for us to survive a banded archeops headsmash. All leftover evs are in Spa

pz can learn nasty plot (which is used) so its not really a reliable pz answer, the only thing the EVs are actually good for is archeops........
i really dont get why u would use this over the compendium set
Mirror coat can be used to counter porygon-z, but doesn't double surf just kill unless you're trying to mirror coat thunderbolt? You make some really cool sets, but i think you messed up on the calcs for this one
128+ SpA Choice Specs Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 104 SpD Suicune: 408-482 (100.9 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
128 SpA Choice Specs Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 104 SpD Suicune: 374-440 (92.5 - 108.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

Maybe you meant necrozma because you perfectly live it
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. 252 HP / 104 SpD Suicune: 342-403 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Just strolling by. Decided to optimize some of the unoptimized stuff I noticed on the compendium for fun. Here are the improved sets:

WP (Zapdos-Galar) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 72 HP / 120 Atk / 244 SpD / 72 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Thunderous Kick
- Taunt
- Bulk Up
change: 64 hp 252 spd to 72 hp 244 spd
252 SpA Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 72 HP / 244 SpD Zapdos-Galar: 286-338 (84.3 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO same net Spdef, better def

Belly Drum (Azumarill) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Atk / 12 Def
Impish Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Belly Drum
- Liquidation/Superpower/Knock Off
change: 168 atk 88 Def Adamant to 244 Atk 12 Def Impish. You have 2 more Attack now (base 50 Moment)

Specs (Blacephalon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 16 HP / 244 SpA / 24 SpD / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
- Mind Blown/Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
- Psyshock / Rest
change: 40 SpD to 16 Hp 24 SpD
252 SpA Porygon-Z Dark Pulse vs. 16 HP / 24 SpD Blacephalon: 212-250 (84.4 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Scarf (Blacephalon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 32 HP / 188 SpA / 72 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Mind Blown/Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
- Rest / Psyshock
change: 104 SpD to 32 HP 72 SpD
0 SpA Spectrier Hex (65 BP) vs. 32 HP / 72 SpD Blacephalon: 216-254 (84.7 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (imagine running 0 spa spectrier cringe)

Band (Buzzwole) @ Choice Band
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 24 HP / 236 Atk / 24 Def / 224 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earthquake/Outrage
- Ice Punch/Outrage
change: 232 Atk 52 Def to 24 HP 236 atk 24 Def, adding 1 base attack
252 Atk Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan-Galar Flare Blitz vs. 24 HP / 24 Def Buzzwole: 306-360 (84.7 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Specs (Celesteela) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 112 HP / 236 Def / 160 SpA
Bold Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Giga Drain
change: 252 def 144 spa to 236 def 160 spa, 4 more spa
252+ Atk Urshifu Wicked Blow vs. 112 HP / 252+ Def Celesteela on a critical hit: 153-181 (42.1 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Urshifu Wicked Blow vs. 112 HP / 236+ Def Celesteela on a critical hit: 153-181 (42.1 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
calc moment lmao

Custap (Chandelure) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 156 HP / 232 Def / 120 SpA
Modest Nature
- Overheat
- Shadow Ball
- Endure
- Taunt / Energy Ball
change: 136 HP 252 def to 156 HP 232 Def
252+ Atk Life Orb Rillaboom Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 156 HP / 232 Def Chandelure: 252-299 (84 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery

AV (Copperajah) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Heavy Metal
EVs: 96 HP / 248 Atk / 140 Def / 24 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Power Whip
- Heat Crash / Outrage
change: just simply maximized hp for like seismic tosses idk old one had 4 hp which is bad
252+ SpA Torrent Primarina Hydro Cannon vs. 96 HP / 24 SpD Assault Vest Copperajah: 346-408 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Zeraora Close Combat vs. 96 HP / 140 Def Copperajah: 346-408 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

ToxicTrain (Durant) @ Leftovers
Ability: Truant
EVs: 216 HP / 84 Def / 208 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Entrainment
- Toxic
- Protect
- Stomping Tantrum
change: made it actually work lmao
252+ Atk Choice Band Sawk Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 48 Def Durant: 271-321 (84.6 - 100.3%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Sawk Close Combat vs. 216 HP / 84 Def Durant: 262-310 (84.2 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
unless more than 216 Hp is important for some weak spdef mon, this is better.

AV (Entei) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 8 HP / 76 Atk / 208 Def / 216 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Bulldoze
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge / Flare Blitz
change: 216 def to 8 hp 208 def
252 Atk Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan-Galar Earthquake vs. 8 HP / 208 Def Entei: 316-372 (84.7 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
the pressure set's evs are sussy baka but I'm sure the HP is for some unnamed special mon.

AV (Garchomp) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 32 HP / 152 Atk / 204 SpD / 120 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab
- Fire Fang/Breaking Swipe/Stone Edge
change: 16 hp 220 spD to 32 Hp 204 spD
252 SpA Tapu Fini Moonblast vs. 32 HP / 204 SpD Assault Vest Garchomp: 152-182 (41.6 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Bulk Up (Grimmsnarl) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 104 HP / 164 Atk / 240 Def
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Bulk Up
- Taunt
change: 92 Hp 252 def to 104 hp 240 def
I'm just assuming by 'best chance against band haxorus' they mean adamant, since you ez live jolly
252+ Atk Choice Band Haxorus Poison Jab vs. 92 HP / 252 Def Grimmsnarl: 326-384 (92 - 108.4%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Haxorus Poison Jab vs. 104 HP / 240 Def Grimmsnarl: 328-388 (91.8 - 108.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
better spdef, can't get lower than 50% without losing attack
in fact, if you don't care about spdef at all, you could even run 88 HP / 172 Atk / 248 Def which gives more attack and 252+ Atk Choice Band Haxorus Poison Jab vs. 88 HP / 248 Def Grimmsnarl: 326-384 (92.3 - 108.7%) -- 50% chance to OHKO this roll

Spedef Specs (Kyurem) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 8 HP / 164 SpA / 184 SpD / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Freeze-Dry
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power/Focus Blast
change: just shifted 8 EVs from spD to Hp
252+ SpA Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 8 HP / 184 SpD Kyurem: 332-392 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

AV (Kyurem) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 128 HP / 140 SpA / 240 SpD
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Freeze-Dry
- Glaciate
- Earth Power
change: 8 from SpD to HP, 4 from SpD to SpA (gaining 1 spa base power)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Naganadel Draco Meteor vs. 128 HP / 240+ SpD Assault Vest Kyurem: 356-422 (84.1 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Chople (Kyurem) @ Chople Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 228 HP / 240 Def / 40 SpA
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Freeze-Dry
- Glaciate
- Focus Blast / Earth Power
changes: 8 from def to HP, 4 from def to Spa (extra 1 base spa)
252+ Atk Life Orb Urshifu Wicked Blow vs. 228 HP / 240 Def Kyurem on a critical hit: 239-282 (53.3 - 62.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Urshifu Sucker Punch vs. 228 HP / 240 Def Kyurem: 140-165 (31.2 - 36.8%) -- 72.4% chance to 3HKO
99.7 max

this was fun, I'll do L-Z when i have more spare time. I deleted discord, so I'm just posting this here. Smely Socks should have dmed the Regidrago fixes to the discord channel but if those were missed just lmk
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part 2

Mixed Offense (Silvally-Fairy) @ Fairy Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 8 HP / 172 Atk / 152 Def / 176 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Multi-Attack
- Icy Wind
- Swords Dance
- Flamethrower / Laser Focus
change: 160 def to 8 hp 152 def
252+ Atk Choice Band Haxorus Poison Jab vs. 8 HP / 152 Def Silvally-Fairy: 282-332 (84.6 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Also this isn't optimizing the Spectrier set but can u PLS just run better evs instead:

Spectrier @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Grim Neigh
EVs: 96 HP / 84 Def / 64 SpA / 80 SpD / 184 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Calm Mind
- Hex
- Taunt

The old set (212 HP / 96 Def / 16 SpD / 184 Spe) is wayyyyy overbulked, and in return you lose out on critical rolls vs Urshifu-R, Darm, Haxorus.

this bulks two burned Banded Landorus-T eqs and lets you 2hko it in return, whereas my old set is a roll, while still living Specs Necrozma after CM
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Prismatic Laser vs. +1 96 HP / 80 SpD Spectrier: 309-364 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band burned Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 96 HP / 84 Def Spectrier: 194-228 (53.1 - 62.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
100-62.4=37.6+25=62.6, ergo you live two.

The Spa this set has still lets you beat haxorus and darm almost every time after burn
64 SpA Spectrier Hex (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Haxorus: 271-321 (92.4 - 109.5%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
64 SpA Spectrier Hex (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Darmanitan-Galar: 327-385 (93.1 - 109.6%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
or at least more than the current set compendium set.
Also, For Urshifu-R, it has enough bulk to live 2 banded Surging Strikes after burn, so which will let you beat both bulky offensive and speedy offensive banded (even though we all know thats not optimal, we also all know we can be sure to find that laddering). For Life Orb, you would OHKO it after both burn and LO recoil, and survive Surging Strikes into Jet
64 SpA Spectrier Hex (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: 306-361 (89.7 - 105.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
and if you're not running band/LO then you're probs too weak to threaten this set after a burn

You can also choose to creep the chances on both band Lando-T and Urshifu-R and run 152 HP / 40 Def / 84 SpA / 48 SpD / 184 Spe, which gives the necessary Spa needed to 100% OHKO Darm-G and Haxorus instead of 93.8% and still live Necrozma after CM.

pls Here Comes Team Charm! replace the old Spect set with at least one, if not both, of these. The original's bulk isn't doing anything except losing ppl matchups. I honestly prefer the 1st one bc its the best of both worlds, but you do you

Also I mentioned the regidrago sets but since I figured it'll take a lull to update the set compendium I'll post them here so everyone else can see

Outrage AV (Regidrago) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 48 HP / 248 Def / 32 SpA / 172 SpD / 8 Spe
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Scale Shot
- Dragon Energy
- Outrage

optimized bulk and increased spa by 3 points from 265 to 268
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Photon Geyser vs. 48 HP / 172 SpD Assault Vest Regidrago: 234-276 (42.3 - 49.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Urshifu Wicked Blow vs. 48 HP / 248 Def Regidrago on a critical hit: 234-276 (42.3 - 49.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Swipe AV (Regidrago) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 8 HP / 204 Def / 184 SpD / 112 Spe
Bold Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Scale Shot
- Dragon Energy
- Breaking Swipe

optimized the defense which also guaranteed the necrozma MU, where previously it was a roll
-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Avalugg Avalanche vs. 8 HP / 204+ Def Regidrago: 458-542 (84.3 - 99.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Necrozma Photon Geyser vs. 8 HP / 184 SpD Assault Vest Regidrago: 229-271 (42.1 - 49.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO


WP (Zygarde) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 144 HP / 96 Atk / 248 Def / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Extreme Speed
- Skitter Smack
- Breaking Swipe / Endure
change: took 4 evs from def and put into attack
252+ Atk Choice Band Sawk Ice Punch vs. 144 HP / 248+ Def Zygarde: 332-392 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

done now. There were a few other things i noticed but they weren't so important.
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Requesting a fix for the AV Landorus-Therian set

Pokemon Set:

AV (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 76 HP / 132 Atk / 20 Def / 176 SpD / 104 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Knock Off
- Smack Down

EV Explanation:

The prior set with 36 speed EVs doesn't outspeed occa Celesteela and loses the matchup because of it. Being able to beat Celesteela reliably is extremely important for Lando-T in this meta and lets it compete with Zygarde as a relevant ground type in 1v1. The prior set also lost to scarf cresselia, which it was supposed to beat due to being slower after a knock off. This new set speed creeps max speed Celesteela as well as outspeeds cresselia after a knock off. The physical bulk ensures you live banded Regidrago's outrage while the special bulk ensures you live 2 Draco Meteors from custap Regidrago, specs hyper beam from Sylveon, and essentially always live 2 ice beams from scarf Cresselia (2% chance to not get 2hkod). Banded Regidrago is a notable matchup as the previous spread did not outspeed Drago and lost the matchup. Being able to beat Band Drago makes Lando-T an all around counter to the compendium Regidrago sets, which is impressive for a non fairy type.

44 SpA Cresselia Ice Beam vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 144-172 (42.6 - 50.8%) -- 2% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 282-333 (83.4 - 98.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

(Custap) 252+ SpA Dragon's Maw Regidrago Draco Meteor vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 192-226 (56.8 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Dragon's Maw Regidrago Outrage vs. 76 HP / 20 Def Landorus-Therian: 286-337 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Discord Username: Torterra#0001
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Requesting a fix for the AV Landorus-Therian set

Pokemon Set:

AV (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 76 HP / 132 Atk / 20 Def / 176 SpD / 104 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Knock Off
- Smack Down

EV Explanation:

The prior set with 36 speed EVs doesn't outspeed occa Celesteela and loses the matchup because of it. Being able to beat Celesteela reliably is extremely important for Lando-T in this meta and lets it compete with Zygarde as a relevant ground type in 1v1. The prior set also lost to scarf cresselia, which it was supposed to beat due to being slower after a knock off. This new set speed creeps max speed Celesteela as well as outspeeds cresselia after a knock off. The physical bulk ensures you live banded Regidrago's outrage while the special bulk ensures you live 2 Draco Meteors from custap Regidrago, specs hyper beam from Sylveon, and essentially always live 2 ice beams from scarf Cresselia (2% chance to not get 2hkod). Banded Regidrago is a notable matchup as the previous spread did not outspeed Drago and lost the matchup. Being able to beat Band Drago makes Lando-T an all around counter to the compendium Regidrago sets, which is impressive for a non fairy type.

44 SpA Cresselia Ice Beam vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 144-172 (42.6 - 50.8%) -- 2% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 282-333 (83.4 - 98.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

(Custap) 252+ SpA Dragon's Maw Regidrago Draco Meteor vs. 76 HP / 176 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 192-226 (56.8 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Dragon's Maw Regidrago Outrage vs. 76 HP / 20 Def Landorus-Therian: 286-337 (84.6 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Discord Username: Torterra#0001

Hi Torterra! Glad to see your interest in the sets compendium.

You'll be happy to know people within the discord already pointed out the current AV lando-T set is suboptimal and should be updated, and a set with similar benchmarks was presented a while ago (and will be included in the next release). Obviously, this doesn't invalidate your submission, and I'll add you to the channel.
Sets compendium, release 3.4!

-Added Custap Volcarona
-Added Scarf Naganadel
-Added Specs Diancie no wait come back i swear it's good it beats ferro and zera
-Added Scarf Arcanine (lures scarf vish somehow so that's gonna be fun in roomtours)
-Added offensive Tapu Koko.
-Added LO dracovish.
-Added LO dracozolt.
-Added Occa metagross.
-Added Chople incineroar.
-Added LO roserade
-Added specs lando-I.
-Added liechi carracosta.
-Added WP regidrago (hide your kids, hide your horse)
-Added LO dragon dance gyarados
-Added Boltbeam Silvally Electric.
-Added a new balloon heatran set.
-Added two nidoking sets to replace the old one.
-Added slurpuff.
-Added reuniclus.
-Added shedinja.

-Removed band arcanine.
-Removed band dracovish
-Removed band dracozolt
-Removed Charcoal incineroar. "hctc why was charcoal incineroar in the compendium to begin with" blame either me or stable idk
-Removed both of the balloon heatran sets we had before
-Removed the old nidoking set and split it into two.
-Removed copperajah (rip funny elephant)

-Removed the 0 attack IVs mistakenly listed for AV Tentacruel.
-Reworked LO Aegislash.
-Overhauled stall arcanine to make it faster.
-Listed Seismic Toss before Scald on stall Azumarill because beating zarude is kinda neat.
-Gave Occa Buzzwole defense investment instead of attack investment for a better garchomp matchup.
-Reworked Chansey's slash options, Charm was removed as its main target (Aggron) has been dropping off.
-Slashed Fire Blast on scarf clefable as an anti-ferrothorn/aegislash tech, also changed the listed order of the abilities.
-Updated EVs on corsola-galar to improve its dracozolt matchup.
-Gave Darmanitan SpD instead of Def investment for the occasional P2 matchup.
-Updated the whimsicott sets so they always get 4 substitutes from full (matters when missfishing).
-Slashed Earthquake on Chople Tyranitar for zeraora reliability.
-Changed Custap Aggron's nature to Brave for optimal Metal Burst underspeeding.
-Altered Curse Dragapult's EVs for maximum physical bulk, to maximize aggron odds.
-Put Snarl over Surf on Specs Hydreigon, as Surf wasn't actually necessary for beating Heatran and Snarl improves matchups vs dragapult.
-Gave Roserade Technician for Stronger Struggles :sparkle:
-Altered quagsire to have max physical bulk by default as beating band darmG is more important than anything special defense gets you. The old spread remains available in the doc.
-Removed Thunderbolt from Regieleki.
-Made scarf togekiss 252/252.
-Removed Stone Edge as an option on AV tyranitar, as Crunch is required for the reliable band dragapult matchup.
-Made magnezone 252/252.
-Made band regidrago 252/252.
-Overhauled the Haban Goodra set.
-Overhauled Scarf Heatran, it's a regidrago counter now.
-Reworked WP and AV incineroar.
-Reworked Specs PZ's moves.
-Updated stall entei so it has max speed now.
-Reworked moltres-galar bc i could no longer pretend specs rotom was a legitimate target.
-Slashed brave bird on regular moltres.
-Slashed Dig on weavile as an anti-magnezone option that still has some use in the Aggron matchup too.
-Reordered toxapex's moves because Haze is far superior to its other options.
-Overhauled Sawk's moves and EVs a bit.
-Overhauled the rillaboom sets.
-Made scarf salamence 252/252.
-Made defensive specs necrozma slightly more offensive for the volcanion matchup.
-Slashed Icy Wind on wacan prim (gives okay odds vs zone).
-Tweaked AV metagross, it has dropped rock tomb as it no longer beats the new heatran sets.
-Slashed Endure on WP metagross as an anti-gdarm (and marowak-a) tech, slashed the nature because it might be able to dump spa now.
-Reworked the mess of slashes that was LO zapdos.
-Slashed Psychic on LO landorus for venu and bulky ursh-rapid.
-Edited Haban stall Kyurem's evs which were wrong all this time?
-Gave custap prim an actual special benchmark and four whole extra spa evs.
-Updated stall koko because 50-50ing spectrier isn't great as far as benchmarks go.
-Custap chomp was super weirdly evd, that is fixed now and it's kommo-o matchup is better now.
-Slashed Scale Shot on Haban Zygarde for a better haban regidrago matchup.

And most importantly:
-Optimized lots of EV spreads using Alakazam 's advice, tysm!
(Optimized spreads include WP zapdos-galar, belly drum azu, specs blaceph, scarf blaceph, band buzzwole, specs celesteela, custap chandelure, toxic durant, AV entei, AV garchomp, LO grimmsnarl, spd specs kyurem, AV kyurem, chople kyurem, silvally-fairy, both AV regidrago sets, and WP zygarde).
-Also reworked the entire spectrier spread, again thanks to Alakazam.