S Rank
Best mons in the tier, insanely splashable and impossible to overlook in the builder (regarding using or prepping for them)
Pick a playstyle, it probably fits on it and is near guaranteed to make some sort of progress for a team, seen on every weather archetype, weatherless, stall and even hyper offense and its never lackluster.
This is 100% the reason Toxic Spikes has such a strangle hold on the metagame, incredibly difficult to remove unless you have some mon with absurd power or trade with explosion (can even live it from certain mons anyways lol). Scald and Knock Off are both incredibly punishing as well and the typing is stellar for the tier (very easy way to give a team an out against both sun and rain at the same time) and the broken Toxic Spikes gives it such an absurd defensive profile that you can find on any team comp not named HO.
About that mon with absurd power, yea this is it! Nearly nothing switches into this safely and it easily fits on 2 of tiers most powerful and common archetypes: Sun and Rain. Use this mon if you just want to stop thinking and get free wins.
A Rank
Metagame staples for various reasons (very easy to fit on teams, versatile, capable of handling a large chunk of the metagame with little support, capable of overwhelming many of the tier's defensive staples with little support, etc).
Staple Steel in this tier and probably the best user of Explosion in the tier. Excels on Rain teams and at the same time is great for checking rain on other playstyles.
Great check to Toxapex and premier role compression due to being both a Ground and Electric immune while also setting every hazard including Toxic Spikes. Also has really good set diversity but I find myself using U-turn a lot while others prefer Swords Dance, all are great sets
Booster Energy Swords Dance and Choice Band are insanely broken lol
Stellar wallbreaker on rain teams only truely annoyed by Blissey and well played Amoonguss/Ferrothorn
Easily shreds a lot of the fat mons that rain might have issues with
For a basic sun setter, you can do a lot with Ninetales surprisingly. Wisp Encore is a good disruptor for sun, while Nasty Plot on the other hand can dish out obscene power for a mon with only 261 special attack for instance.
Staple rain setter, Knock Off and U-Turn is why you should be using this over Politoed 9/10 times
A pivot that also cancels the two most broken weathers in the tier while also absorbing Toxic Spikes and setting its own is so damn good
Incredibly powerful defensive typing to setup on a lot of mons in addition to unnerfed King's Shield, absurd power with its buffed moves and coverage to maul everything. Choice Band and Swords Dance are incredibly dumb to deal with
Err so nothing really likes switching into this and it has Explosion as icing on the cake
Swords Dance is brokey
Still has great utility as it does in standard natdex formats (or any format where its legal lol)
Only really seen this excel on Sun teams but it's never unreliable
Unburden is broken, Dire Claw is also insanely cancerous
Great offensive pivot and helps to enable a lot of the broken stuff in this tier
Very strong fatbreaker on Rain teams, also gives rain a way to run Rocks if they want more flexibility with Mega Swampert or not running it at all.
Great on those Hippo Sand Fats since the insane utility movepool trumps the shitty typing (plays like DPP Clefable)
Great role compression option for Ninetales sun teams, underperforms a little bit tho but still definitely solid
Stack this with Sneasler and you just win games on the spot lol
Hippo Sand fats are nice and you have a lot of routes to go with it, Whirlwind Spam with Skarmory is really annoying into bulkier structures if you pair that with some Knock Off users like Reuniclus
Doesn't really need Psychic Stab to be threatening, Swords Dance is insanely threatening with that speed tier
Solid Pivot on a lot of the weatherless comps
Mega Speed Mechanics fuck it over alot in addition to no Psychic Fangs or Knock Off, but still a solid choice thanks to Explosion saving it
Offensive Spikes Roserade is pretty mean since those Leaf Storms can hit really hard in addition to punishing with Sleep Powder
Priority is nice when facing Iron Valiant and Diancie-Mega
Great on a lot of fat compositions as the premier spiker and phazer, IronPress is also very strong into HO teams
B Rank
Also good mons but harder to justify on teams unless their specifc uses are needed due to being harder to fit, requiring more team support, easier to overwhelm/check, and just being more inconsistent in general.
Great abuser of Glowking and the physical special split doesn't hurt it that badly
Blissey's ranking is about where I would cap stall's viability in the metagame but it could very well be an A rank playstyle with more optimizations, the inherent matchup fishing environment doesn't do it any favors however
Powerful sweeper on Rain teams, great bulk to setup with coupled with a 100% accurate Hurricane is scary as hell
Moonblast, Draining Kiss, and Earth Power being Physical means that Contrary because very terrifying to face
There are no good dark types in this tier, legitimately a broken matchup fish and rather unfun to face off against
Gigalith sand offences are good but not fully optimized yet, we're getting closer however
Mixed Air Balloon Lead and Boots are probably its best sets and it has a weirdly high amount of longevity to dish out some nasty ass Eruptions, run Taunt or Toxic over Solar Beam if you're not playing Sun. Magma Storm also makes this insanely good into the stall matchup as you can just trap Toxapex, Blissey, and Glowking and explode on any of them
It lost Aura Sphere but Tyranitar isn't a good mon anyways so no harm no foul
Easily sits on nearly every good physical attacker in the metagame and punishes back with nasty burns, the top grass type never useing Grass moves is also great for it
The butcher of SMPL, Pelipper and Glowking Stall comps give this mon insane leg room into sand and in return Shedinja can very easily sit on a lot of common breakers like Raging Bolt and Manaphy unless they prep specifically for Shedinja
Great on Rain and Sun comps alike, Explosion and Flame Charge are two things it can add to its arsenal
Dragon Dance sets are nightmare fuel with the Fairy-type buff
Very reliable rain check in the tier, Spore is great for more offensive teams looking to get momentum fast
The iconic HO lead, very powerful explosion with taunt, what more could be asked of this?
Skarmory is just flat out better a lot of the time but U-turn is nice for some Bulky Offenses, Sub Bulk Up is also a scary wincon
Incredibly threatening sand breaker with Swords Dance, just wish it wasn't so slow at times
The only decent Pursuit trapper in the tier and it only exists on sun teams lol
Beats nearly ever steel in the tier including Aegislash because ghosts can't escape magnet pull this gen
Does exactly what it did in its standard formats just that wake being everywhere is rather annoying
Great spinblocker for fat teams since Strength Sap is good at shutting down most of the spinners
Its a side-grade option between Pex and Glowking, but side-grades are still decent
Its a funny wincon and gives offense teams outs against HO spam
Boots + Unnerfed Gale Wings is such a godsend.
Gives Rain teams Tspikes and Hazard Control
Doesn't need Ghost STAB to be scary + it can easily just run a Mixed set since Boom is great at trolling standard checks. Also I could never test this but if Mind Blown counts as an Explosion based move then this gets really interesting (forces trades vs nearly everything)
Mixed Pivot sets are alright
Can set w/e hazards it wants, punishes other explosion leads, clears their hazards, and then Explodes
Specs and Life Orb are damn near impossible to switch into safely
Clanger and Belly Drum are still dumb lol
Seems incredibly easy to revenge kill
(Referring to every Rotom-form) pretty nice spin blocker on bulker teams, very difficult to actually pressure with the spinners on hand
Unblockable Wisps, Taunts, and Encore are insanely funny
Sun breaker
Water STAB on the physical side in addition to losing Ice Punch sucks but its not terrible since it can still pivot and rock pretty well
Idk this mon just always seems to underperform even if its one of the few Pursuit trappers in the tier. Dragon Dance isn't half bad tho
C Rank
These are pretty bad mons a lot of the time but specific usage cases can justify them on teams (read: playstyle specific / 1 in 1000 chance to see mons).
Scary on certain HOs
Decent wincon for stall teams but Quag having near infinite recovers and hazards and toxic and scald makes me want to use that instead a lot of the time
Focus Blast hits on the Physical Side so its not awful, also Toxic Spikes!!!!
Apparently Perish Trap and Specs are decent
Traps and kills annoying fat mon #5 for Stall teams, particularly most of the Knock Off users, don't worry about smth like Ferro exploding on you, your whole job is to trade to enable the rest of the walls anyways
Mega Ttar except I don't want to waste the Mega Slot for some reason
Glowking + Ursaluna seems incredibly scary
Sun Sweeper
Pex is just way too good and stacking waters is hella ugly
Demon sets have to be one of the most cancer things I've ever seen, but Reuniclus is omnipresent and setting this mon up is not exactly easy when it needs Leftovers or Helmet
Lead that Spin Blocks is nice
You just maul any team lacking a Fairy
Good sweeper on Rain, Dnite is a bit better on more standard Rains imo
Untauntable Hazards
Insanely threatening sweeper on any non-skarm mu for HO teams, Lead sets with Tspikes are also probably good because Tspikes are broken
This is just a worse Slowking esp with no pivoting
Its too frail for the tier to function well defensively but it still does Spin so
Cteams Pex for Rain
Hail Setter with absurd damage output and Explosion
Choice Band....Scary...
This is a pretty shitty Spikes Lead imo but people like this I guess
Trick Room
Would rank this higher if we had actually good hazard control
Sets up Trick Room but instead of blocking hazards and clicking Healing Wish, it sets off an absurdly powerful Misty Explosion and almost always gives insane momentum to breakers like Conkeldurr and Ursaluna
It cleans on Sun and I think Koko teams
Trick Room
Azelf but it gets Spikes and Toxic Spikes
Unnerfed Disguise is cool on some HOs and Trick Rooms
This sucks as a setter, but HO Screens is probably ok enough
Nice to have on some Sun comps for some extra defensive backbone and longevity
Literal cheesemon luckmon but it just wins with Belly Drum if you get lucky rolls
Trick Room Cleaner
Sucky setter compared to Ninetales, good if you need a rocker and a spinner on the same slot (and don't want to use Great Tusk for some reason)
probably works on hyper specific Sun teams as a fat wincon
If you have a team that loses to Zoroark, even caught off guard, then you are bad at building. If you lead with this mon then you are equally bad. Shit is completely nicheless aside from being able to troll in a long game when a team is already weakened
Theoretical A
Probably great mons except for the very very tiny issue of me never seeing them do anything at all and having near zero usage for some reason.
Grouping these three together because the changes from current gen to modern gen 3 are incredibly minor and they pretty much function exactly the same as they did before. Better even with a changed landscape
Theoretical B
Same deal except just for B mons, probably like half of them shouldn't even be B but just a preliminary finding
Feels like u can maul teams with Sun as a cleaner
PhysDef with Boots can probably do something? That or straight up Choice Band
Actually can pressure Fairy-types + has Explosion
it has Unnerfed Libero and Swords Dance so broken probably
It checks rain
Its broken on Rain apperently but I have never seen it ever
Booster Energy Rocks Spin might be the best lead ever?
Lost good coverage but those STABs are probably still obscene especially since it has a more powerful typing then usual
It checks rain
Defensive sets probably still do something
Wake check and you farm Stall and Sand Balance, and Pex in general
Still a regen pivot with Knock + can't imagine the Physical / Special split hurts it that much
Theoretical C
Oh my god these mons have to be terribad, BUTTTT they probably farm a team once in a while IF THEY WERE EVER USED.
Fastest Rocks lead with Taunt in the game
It checks Raging Bolt, Koko, and Archuladon, think it soft checks Iron Valiant + its a Toxic Spikes user which automatically makes it viable of course
Unblockable Taunt and unblockable Parting Shot, with screens
I guess you're still unwallable or something
About as consistent as my actual dog is at following basic instructions, there is probably a broken comp with this so LR can finally be banned someday
Screen Setter with Spikes, Swagplay might super trolling with the Prankster buff but idr if that is legal or not and to be honest I don't care enough to find out lool
Rain is a broken playstyle and this checks rain most of the time
Clears hazards for HO while still being semi-threatening
Lead Spikes is still something I guess, Protean Nasty Plot is also probably scary
Thunder Boom rain :drool:, Screen setter with Boom :droolier:
Webs are probably ok ig?
Goofy Rain cleaner, probably can do something on weatherless offense
Ok so like surely this cheeses enough teams with SubCMTect right? Barely see any good roar mons here anyways and Haze Pex ain't that great tbh
It has Knock Off and Sleep Powder with Regenerator
Treasure trove of utility in a tier where Dark types are not that great
Calm Mind + V-Create under Sun and with its coverage is probably nasty