General Doge Thread (Including Pokemon Factory, Creepypasta, Art, And More!)

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OFFLINE (My cartridge was stolen... :( Thanks for being a part of this thread... It may come back in about 2-6 Months..)

Hi Guys! This is my General Thread! This is a place where I show everything I have to offer that has to do with Pokemon! I understand this is not all wifi related, but this is mostly wifi oriented, and I just don't want to make 50 separate threads. Each section has its own rules. If you wish to participate in a part of this thread, read the rules of that part before posting. Thanks, and have fun!


Hail Magikarp

Trophy Case:

Coming Soon

Pokemon Factory:

This is my Pokemon Factory! I can make Custom Pokemon via. Breeding, or Caught in the wild. With your post specify what you would like your IV's, Nature, etc. Format shown below is what you will use for your request, or you will be IGNORED. People who used the slightly different old format will not be ignored. But from here on, use the new format. Also offer some Pokemon using the format below. You can list many Pokemon and if I like one, I will ask for the details. Enjoy!



Rules For Pokemon Factory:
  • No Hacked Pokemon On This Thread! (Or Babies Of Hacked Pokemon.)
  • No Random Chat On This Thread!
  • Have Fun!

My Wants:

Starly (Or Anything From The Line)
Caterpie (Or Anything From The Line)
Spearow (Or Fearow)
Ekans (Or Arbok)
Nidoran (Male Or Female)
Bellsprout (Or Anything From The Line)
Shelder (Or Cloyster)
Exeggcute (Or Exeggutor)
Cubone (Or Marowak)
Mr. Mime (Or Mime Jr.)
Jynx (Or Smoochum)
Dratini (Or Anything From The Line)
Sentret (Or Furret)
Hoothoot (Or Noctowl)
Ledyba (Or Ledian)
Sudowoodo (Or Bonsly)
Hoppip (Or Anything From The Line)
Snubbull (Or Granbull)
Teddiursa (Or Ursaring)
Houndoom (Or Houndour)
Bidoof (Or Bibarel)
Burmy (Or Mothim Or Wormadam Cause You Probably Forgot Who Mothim Is)
Stunky (Or Skuntank)
Hippopotas (Or Hippowdon)
Abomasnow (Or Snover)
Pansage (Or Simisage)
Pansear (Or Simisear)
Panpour (Or Simipour)
Swanna (Or Ducklett)
Ferrothorn (Or Ferroseed)
Accelgor (I Know It Evolves From Shelmet)
Mienfoo (Or Mienshao)
Bisharp (Or Pawniard)
Chespin (Or Anything From Line)
Scatterbug (Or Anything From Line)
Litleo (Or Pyroar)
Flabebe (Or Anything From Line)
Skiddo (Or Gogoat)
Pangoro (Or Pancham)
Espurr (Or Meowstic)
Spritzee (Or Aromatisse)
Swirlix (Or Slurpuff)
Malamar (Or Inkay)
Tyrunt (Or Tyrantrum)
Amaura (Or Aurorus)
Pumpkaboo (Or Gorgeist)
Bergmite (Or Avalugg)
Shiny Weedle (Or Anything From Line)
(Offer What You Want This Is My Most Wanted)

My wants, (Shown Above) are only for breeding, Pokedex, etc. But below are my competitive wants, for battles.

My Competitive Wants:

Ball:Dusk Ball
Moves:X-Scissor/Knock Off/Drill Run/Toxic
Level:50 (Or Higher)
Gender:I Don't Care
OT:I Don't Care
EV's:252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe

Ball:Ultra Ball
Moves:Shadow Ball/Future Sight/Focus Blast/Psychic
Level:50 (Or Higher)
Gender:I Don't Care
OT:I Don't Care
EV's:4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe


Coming Soon

Creepypasta's Explained:

Coming Soon

My Creepypasta's:

Coming Soon

My Art:

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Hey dude, I'm not a mod or anything but since you asked me for some feedback I'll give you some points I've noticed. (mostly subjective)
-list your info somewhere (FC, IGN, TID,...). I also suggest looking over the rules again so you don't miss anything
-word the title different. "I make costum pokemon" may lead people into thinking you hack your pokemon.
-the general format is ok imo
-maybe specify your wants. Do you want the pokes in special balls or anything or just for dex filler. I know you you wrote "My wants don't have any specification, cause I don't care." but people don't usually trade random IV pokemon here
-I don't know how successful this trade thread concept will be since most people have flawless dittos these days so they might as well breed it themselves if they have to provide the parents for you. Also, don't expect people to throw flawless legendaries at you for which they've spent weeks or even months for when you offer breedables which probably only take maybe 3-4 hours to breed.
Hey dude, I'm not a mod or anything but since you asked me for some feedback I'll give you some points I've noticed. (mostly subjective)
-list your info somewhere (FC, IGN, TID,...). I also suggest looking over the rules again so you don't miss anything
-word the title different. "I make costum pokemon" may lead people into thinking you hack your pokemon.
-the general format is ok imo
-maybe specify your wants. Do you want the pokes in special balls or anything or just for dex filler. I know you you wrote "My wants don't have any specification, cause I don't care." but people don't usually trade random IV pokemon here
-I don't know how successful this trade thread concept will be since most people have flawless dittos these days so they might as well breed it themselves if they have to provide the parents for you. Also, don't expect people to throw flawless legendaries at you for which they've spent weeks or even months for when you offer breedables which probably only take maybe 3-4 hours to breed.
Thanks for the feedback man. I will change it up a little.
Yay I'm first ;) Anyways wanna request this bad boy


(Couldn't get another sprite to work lol)
Ball: Poke Ball
IVS: 31/31/×/31/31/31
Moves: No egg moves needed
Level: 1
Gender: ???
Shiny: Yes

Think you can do it, I can get you some stuff(shiny mons, multiple perfects)
Just tell me if u can or not ;)

Offer Down Below

Shiny Skarm
Shiny Gible
Shiny Swablu
Skrelp (HA)
Shellder (HA)
Snyvi (HA)
Totodile (HA)
Tepig (HA)
Roselia (HA)
Froakie (HA)
Carvahna (HA)

I think that's all, might have missed some mons with HA and stuff, all if these are 5 IV with a beneficial nature, most of these are sadly in regular pokeballs but quite a few are in matching /nicer ones(all shinys have matching) I can trade 1-1 (shiny) or 2-1 (others) if u don't want anything from the list I could dig up some other stuff
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Sure I can! Do you not want specific moves? Or no moves at all? And list all 6 IV's please. I will start tommorow. You can find ORAS sprites here. Btw (3rd edit) what will you offer? You have a thread you can refer me to?
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Hey there, exactly what is your service? Something like custom breeding?
If so, do you do 4EM breeding projects?
Also, since you ask for feedback, I suggest making your wants more clear, going over your rules and put your trainer information some place on the thread, including your IGN, ID No., FC and if possibly, your TSV.
Good luck also, by the way. ^^


bad clarinet music
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
hey good luck on the thread! just an fyi theres a man in the pokemon center at the battle resort in oras that will tell you the ivs of your pokemon, if you have xy he is in kiloude city, no need to level them up to 5. also, for hidden power pokes to check the ivs, its best to use the "battle test" which can be found in mauville city.
are looking for competitive Pokémon, or serve you normal?
Both. I have a spot for "Wants" and "Competitive Wants"

Hey there, exactly what is your service? Something like custom breeding?
If so, do you do 4EM breeding projects?
Also, since you ask for feedback, I suggest making your wants more clear, going over your rules and put your trainer information some place on the thread, including your IGN, ID No., FC and if possibly, your TSV.
Good luck also, by the way. ^^
Custom Breeding, Custom caught Pokemon. And yes, I do 4EM. (4 egg moves correct?)

Edited the post and no I don't have a trade thread atm
I want the Kanghaskhan, and the Rotom if possible. Can you specify the info on these 2?

hey good luck on the thread! just an fyi theres a man in the pokemon center at the battle resort in oras that will tell you the ivs of your pokemon, if you have xy he is in kiloude city, no need to level them up to 5. also, for hidden power pokes to check the ivs, its best to use the "battle test" which can be found in mauville city.
I know about the IV checker in ORAS. And thanks man!

Moderator edit: Turns out quadruple posting wasn't necessary... Go figure.
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I want the Kanghaskhan, and the Rotom if possible. Can you specify the info on these 2?
Kangaskhan is 5 IV, jolly, scrappy in a ultra ball, no egg moves tough but if u want some I can breed it onto it. The rotom is 5 IV, i have a bold in stock but I can breed another nature if u want, in a regular ball.
If there is a problem with the post do let me know and I'll remove it. DogeForRealMC your a cool guy and I like the effort you made into making a second thread and also I like that you keep messaging me trying to learn a few new things. Hey dude it's tough trying to jump in the competitive pokemon world when your new to things. It's like throwing yourself into a sport you never played and joining a team it requires time and practice.
I am good... still haven't got a shiny beldum... already have about 50 spitbacks...
There is no need to breed this many beldum spitbacks let alone by masuda method plus the IV's you get in the end results aren't guaranteed to be perfect.

If you read that guide for two minutes you should be able to know how to get flawless shiny pokemon which will probably help you a lot rather then digging through 50 spitbacks and eating through tons of unnecessary box space.


....Yeah....You kinda have to list your IV's to your pokemon. If you don't have a flawless Pikachu and you only have spitbacks that should be fine. Just say then I have spitbacks of this pikachu and I would think that would be fine. I also whenever I like to breed like to breed one flawless pokemon and breed until I get a flawless pokemon. Something like this for a pikachu would be good 31/x/31/31/31/31. I used to put X/X/X/X/X/X a lot to in my very first trade thread. You should list your IV's though because people know what there trading for.

I also found this cool list of terms you should read
CMT = Check My Thread. This should be used when User 1 is interested in User 2's Pokemon and wants User 2 person to check User 1's thread for another Pokemon of interest. There's no limit to a CMT but it's unlikely that you can obtain all of a user's Pokemon all in one CMT. When you do a CMT, label what specific Pokemon you want. Also, if there is more then one person involved in the trade thread make sure to specify who you are asking. This can be done just by copy and pasting the Pokemon from the thread you're at onto your post or just by typing out the Pokemon simply. Beware though, because if you simply type the Pokemon, you may need to be more specific. For example, User 1 saying "CMT for Azelf" when User 2 has a Jolly and a Timid shiny Azelf is not clear. Instead, saying "CMT for the UT Timid shiny Azelf" would be better as we now know what exactly you want.

"Wow, awesome thread you got there! CMT for your Timid flawless UT Azelf and Mild HP Ice EVed Charizard please."

CYT = Check Your Thread. This isn't very often used because one really just needs to say "CMT" and a trade is created. Mostly, this term should be used when you're referring that you will check another user's thread in the future.

"Alright, I'll CYT after dinner."

CML = Check My List. This is for people who don't have trade threads and instead have a link to a single post or page outside of Smogon. A reason for having such a list is because the user doesn't actively trade any more or doesn't wish to have a trade thread at Smogon.

"Please CML for your Jolly Snow Cloak UT Mamoswine."

Fully Redis Pokemon = Fully Redistributable. These Pokemon are mostly around almost all trade threads and are usually easy to get your hands on. These Pokemon, if traded for, can be placed on a User's trade thread without a complaint. However, make sure to credit whoever's Pokemon it is as if you don't it, you could be blacklisted.

"User 1's Timid flawless international Smeargle is a fully redistributable Pokemon that anyone can put on their trade thread!"

Semi-Redis Pokemon = Semi-Redistributable. These Pokemon can only be traded by the person trading them or whoever the owner gives rights to for trading. If you receive a Pokemon under a semi-redis label, you can't put it on your Trade Thread.

"User 1's Raichu is semi-redis, so you can put it on your thread if you trade for User 1's Raichu, but if other people trade for User 1's Raichu from your thread, then they can't put it on their own threads."
VM = Visitor Message. This is where you go to someone's profile and leave a note on their wall. You would usually do this to get in easier contact with a person you're supposed to trade with. This helps avoid a "spammage" of posts appearing in one's thread.

"CMT for the UT Bold Celebi and VM me your answer please!"
Spitback = A Pokemon that has either the wrong nature but great IVs or a beneficial nature and good looking IVs but in the wrong area. Or, the Pokemon could have a beneficial nature and great IVs, but the user already has a better version of the Pokemon. Spitbacks can also be caused by forgetting to put on a needed Egg move on a Pokemon and, as such, causing the user to rebreed a Pokemon, creating the old Pokemon to become a spitback. Most of the time, these spitbacks make great breeding fodder.

"I have a Adamant 31/10/31/31/31/31 Salamence spitback because the IVs are really awesome, but its main stat, Attack, is missing out."

"My Impish 31/30/31/7/31/30 Skarmory has pretty awesome IVs, but I forgot to put on Whirlwind and Brave Bird, so it's a spitback. I plan to rebreed for those two necessary moves."

Fodder = A Pokemon used to trade for a free Pokemon or to serve as empty space for another purpose, such as transferring a Pokemon or giving a user an item. These Pokemon can generally be whatever Pokemon you don't deem important to yourself excluding the Pokemon you can't redistribute yourself.

"Okay, catch some fodders and get on so I can give you my giveaway Rattata and Metapod."

Credits = This is similar to how money is used in real life. You use up credits in exchange for Pokemon in a user's trade thread. To obtain such credits, you will have to do some services for the user (such as doing a Breeding/Capture Project, EV training, and other minor scenarios such as creating a banner or artwork for a user), gain them in a giveaway, or be lucky to gain credits for free from users. Some trade threads have a somewhat unique credit policy, such as one credit in exchange for one Pokemon, two credits in exchange for a single Pokemon, and so on. You will have to read up an individual's thread for more detail on how their policies work. Most of the time, however, a Pokemon will just be worth one credit while fully redistributable Pokemon will be worth half a credit (1/2).

"You have two credits in my shop. What would you like to spend them on? The Modest UT Gardevoir and the Adamant EVed Lucario?"

B/C P's = Breeding/Capture Projects. This is where you breed or capture a Pokemon for a user who wants the Pokemon. Generally, User 1 would do this if User 2 has a Pokemon User 1 wants but User 2 doesn't want any Pokemon User 1 has. Otherwise, a user would do this out of respect or even out of being bored. A user will usually have a section for breeding and capture projects labeled out, but in cases that there are no such sections, don't be afraid to ask what Pokemon a user would like to have. If you're asking for a breeding or capture project for yourself, do make sure that the Pokemon is possible to obtain by all means. At the end of a breeding or capture project, usually the breeder or capturer will gain a specific amount of credits or the Pokemon he/she wanted.

"Hey, want to do the Venusaur in my Breeding Project post? Make sure it has the IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30, Hasty nature, female gender, and the Egg move Power Whip. Doing this will whip you up eight credits for use for any Pokemon in my Trade Thread."

EV Training = This is usually a service in which you EV train a Pokemon or more for another user to gain credits or Pokemon from that user. Many Trade Threads have their own policies on how they want you to EV train their Pokemon. If you would like to learn how to EV train, Erodent wrote a guide on exactly how to do so here.

"Sorry, you got nothing. Perhaps you want to EV train my Timid Zapdos with 6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe for me? Doing this will net you the Pokemon you wanted."

Pending = This is when two users agree to trade but one or both of the users can't do the trade at that exact moment so they add the trade to their pending list. When both users have time, they can then meet up and complete the trade. It is very useful to keep a pending list or some kind of record in your trade thread so you don't forget about trades that you can't complete at that time.

"Alright, let's put our trade in pending. My DS's batteries died and I left the charger at my cousin's house."

Trophy Case = This is usually a section of a user's trade thread where they put Pokemon that have extra meaning and value then the other Pokemon in their trade thread. Most of the time, these Pokemon won't be traded as easily and are worth more credits if not redeemable by credits.

"See this Milotic? It's shiny, flawless, female, and caught in a Dive Ball. Best of all? It's from Emerald with all of the game's ribbons attached after months and months of hard work. Thus, it fits perfectly within my trophy case."

FC = This is short for "Friend Code", which is the code used to connect with someone online. You can access your Friend Code in your Pal Pad and enter other people's Friend Codes in there as well.

"Add my Diamond, 3462-7770-2264, for Seel. I'm to add 9326-2573-0196, correct?"

Whitelist = This is a list of users that have either helped or are really great friends of the user.

"User 1 has been a great pal to me and deserves to be on my whitelist. He has introduced me to the Wi-Fi forums, given me several free flawless Pokemon, and to top it off, he's my trade partner!"

Just trying to help out I think you know that though:). However, if you have a problem with this post or someone else does let me know and I will delete it right away.
If there is a problem with the post do let me know and I'll remove it. DogeForRealMC your a cool guy and I like the effort you made into making a second thread and also I like that you keep messaging me trying to learn a few new things. Hey dude it's tough trying to jump in the competitive pokemon world when your new to things. It's like throwing yourself into a sport you never played and joining a team it requires time and practice.

There is no need to breed this many beldum spitbacks let alone by masuda method plus the IV's you get in the end results aren't guaranteed to be perfect.

If you read that guide for two minutes you should be able to know how to get flawless shiny pokemon which will probably help you a lot rather then digging through 50 spitbacks and eating through tons of unnecessary box space.


....Yeah....You kinda have to list your IV's to your pokemon. If you don't have a flawless Pikachu and you only have spitbacks that should be fine. Just say then I have spitbacks of this pikachu and I would think that would be fine. I also whenever I like to breed like to breed one flawless pokemon and breed until I get a flawless pokemon. Something like this for a pikachu would be good 31/x/31/31/31/31. I used to put X/X/X/X/X/X a lot to in my very first trade thread. You should list your IV's though because people know what there trading for.

I also found this cool list of terms you should read
CMT = Check My Thread. This should be used when User 1 is interested in User 2's Pokemon and wants User 2 person to check User 1's thread for another Pokemon of interest. There's no limit to a CMT but it's unlikely that you can obtain all of a user's Pokemon all in one CMT. When you do a CMT, label what specific Pokemon you want. Also, if there is more then one person involved in the trade thread make sure to specify who you are asking. This can be done just by copy and pasting the Pokemon from the thread you're at onto your post or just by typing out the Pokemon simply. Beware though, because if you simply type the Pokemon, you may need to be more specific. For example, User 1 saying "CMT for Azelf" when User 2 has a Jolly and a Timid shiny Azelf is not clear. Instead, saying "CMT for the UT Timid shiny Azelf" would be better as we now know what exactly you want.

"Wow, awesome thread you got there! CMT for your Timid flawless UT Azelf and Mild HP Ice EVed Charizard please."

CYT = Check Your Thread. This isn't very often used because one really just needs to say "CMT" and a trade is created. Mostly, this term should be used when you're referring that you will check another user's thread in the future.

"Alright, I'll CYT after dinner."

CML = Check My List. This is for people who don't have trade threads and instead have a link to a single post or page outside of Smogon. A reason for having such a list is because the user doesn't actively trade any more or doesn't wish to have a trade thread at Smogon.

"Please CML for your Jolly Snow Cloak UT Mamoswine."

Fully Redis Pokemon = Fully Redistributable. These Pokemon are mostly around almost all trade threads and are usually easy to get your hands on. These Pokemon, if traded for, can be placed on a User's trade thread without a complaint. However, make sure to credit whoever's Pokemon it is as if you don't it, you could be blacklisted.

"User 1's Timid flawless international Smeargle is a fully redistributable Pokemon that anyone can put on their trade thread!"

Semi-Redis Pokemon = Semi-Redistributable. These Pokemon can only be traded by the person trading them or whoever the owner gives rights to for trading. If you receive a Pokemon under a semi-redis label, you can't put it on your Trade Thread.

"User 1's Raichu is semi-redis, so you can put it on your thread if you trade for User 1's Raichu, but if other people trade for User 1's Raichu from your thread, then they can't put it on their own threads."
VM = Visitor Message. This is where you go to someone's profile and leave a note on their wall. You would usually do this to get in easier contact with a person you're supposed to trade with. This helps avoid a "spammage" of posts appearing in one's thread.

"CMT for the UT Bold Celebi and VM me your answer please!"
Spitback = A Pokemon that has either the wrong nature but great IVs or a beneficial nature and good looking IVs but in the wrong area. Or, the Pokemon could have a beneficial nature and great IVs, but the user already has a better version of the Pokemon. Spitbacks can also be caused by forgetting to put on a needed Egg move on a Pokemon and, as such, causing the user to rebreed a Pokemon, creating the old Pokemon to become a spitback. Most of the time, these spitbacks make great breeding fodder.

"I have a Adamant 31/10/31/31/31/31 Salamence spitback because the IVs are really awesome, but its main stat, Attack, is missing out."

"My Impish 31/30/31/7/31/30 Skarmory has pretty awesome IVs, but I forgot to put on Whirlwind and Brave Bird, so it's a spitback. I plan to rebreed for those two necessary moves."

Fodder = A Pokemon used to trade for a free Pokemon or to serve as empty space for another purpose, such as transferring a Pokemon or giving a user an item. These Pokemon can generally be whatever Pokemon you don't deem important to yourself excluding the Pokemon you can't redistribute yourself.

"Okay, catch some fodders and get on so I can give you my giveaway Rattata and Metapod."

Credits = This is similar to how money is used in real life. You use up credits in exchange for Pokemon in a user's trade thread. To obtain such credits, you will have to do some services for the user (such as doing a Breeding/Capture Project, EV training, and other minor scenarios such as creating a banner or artwork for a user), gain them in a giveaway, or be lucky to gain credits for free from users. Some trade threads have a somewhat unique credit policy, such as one credit in exchange for one Pokemon, two credits in exchange for a single Pokemon, and so on. You will have to read up an individual's thread for more detail on how their policies work. Most of the time, however, a Pokemon will just be worth one credit while fully redistributable Pokemon will be worth half a credit (1/2).

"You have two credits in my shop. What would you like to spend them on? The Modest UT Gardevoir and the Adamant EVed Lucario?"

B/C P's = Breeding/Capture Projects. This is where you breed or capture a Pokemon for a user who wants the Pokemon. Generally, User 1 would do this if User 2 has a Pokemon User 1 wants but User 2 doesn't want any Pokemon User 1 has. Otherwise, a user would do this out of respect or even out of being bored. A user will usually have a section for breeding and capture projects labeled out, but in cases that there are no such sections, don't be afraid to ask what Pokemon a user would like to have. If you're asking for a breeding or capture project for yourself, do make sure that the Pokemon is possible to obtain by all means. At the end of a breeding or capture project, usually the breeder or capturer will gain a specific amount of credits or the Pokemon he/she wanted.

"Hey, want to do the Venusaur in my Breeding Project post? Make sure it has the IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30, Hasty nature, female gender, and the Egg move Power Whip. Doing this will whip you up eight credits for use for any Pokemon in my Trade Thread."

EV Training = This is usually a service in which you EV train a Pokemon or more for another user to gain credits or Pokemon from that user. Many Trade Threads have their own policies on how they want you to EV train their Pokemon. If you would like to learn how to EV train, Erodent wrote a guide on exactly how to do so here.

"Sorry, you got nothing. Perhaps you want to EV train my Timid Zapdos with 6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe for me? Doing this will net you the Pokemon you wanted."

Pending = This is when two users agree to trade but one or both of the users can't do the trade at that exact moment so they add the trade to their pending list. When both users have time, they can then meet up and complete the trade. It is very useful to keep a pending list or some kind of record in your trade thread so you don't forget about trades that you can't complete at that time.

"Alright, let's put our trade in pending. My DS's batteries died and I left the charger at my cousin's house."

Trophy Case = This is usually a section of a user's trade thread where they put Pokemon that have extra meaning and value then the other Pokemon in their trade thread. Most of the time, these Pokemon won't be traded as easily and are worth more credits if not redeemable by credits.

"See this Milotic? It's shiny, flawless, female, and caught in a Dive Ball. Best of all? It's from Emerald with all of the game's ribbons attached after months and months of hard work. Thus, it fits perfectly within my trophy case."

FC = This is short for "Friend Code", which is the code used to connect with someone online. You can access your Friend Code in your Pal Pad and enter other people's Friend Codes in there as well.

"Add my Diamond, 3462-7770-2264, for Seel. I'm to add 9326-2573-0196, correct?"

Whitelist = This is a list of users that have either helped or are really great friends of the user.

"User 1 has been a great pal to me and deserves to be on my whitelist. He has introduced me to the Wi-Fi forums, given me several free flawless Pokemon, and to top it off, he's my trade partner!"

Just trying to help out I think you know that though:). However, if you have a problem with this post or someone else does let me know and I will delete it right away.
The Pikachu was a example for the record. Thanks for the advice! That reddit post was helpful to! Thanks alot man.
I need this,

Ball: Timer Ball
IV's:31/X/31/31/31/0 Nat Quiet(?)
Moves: Destiny Bond /Shadow Sneak / Wide Guard / Metal Sound
Gender: Female

I can offer you one Swablu shiny (from hord) for the honedge or a Electivire lvl56 comp, used in pika cup
I need this,

Ball: Timer Ball
IV's:31/X/31/31/31/0 Nat Quiet(?)
Moves: Destiny Bond /Shadow Sneak / Wide Guard / Metal Sound
Gender: Female

I can offer you one Swablu shiny (from hord) for the honedge or a Electivire lvl56 comp, used in pika cup
I am sorry, but I will not be able to get this Pokemon in a timer ball. I do not own X or Y. Only Omega Ruby, and White 2. If you would be ok with Pokeball, or a different Pokemon, then ask away.
But I do want that Electivire... If you can offer that for next request. And please keep in mind your Pokemon may not come for another few days after request. I am trying to get a SHINY Beldum with Good IV's for someone... NIGHTMARE
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