Pet Mod Generation X (Region 2 - Completed, Playtesting)

No one of the Starter Movepools submissions included an exclusive move. Do we want them?

  • Make the submitters of the winning movepools suggest the exclusive moves (they won't be voted)

  • Make a slate overlapped with the next one to decide them

  • We don't need exclusive moves, not all starters had them

Results are only viewable after voting.
:yveltal:Generation X:zygarde:
Hi y'all! Welcome to this new creative and extravagant Pet Mod!
These days GF keeps upsetting its fans with not-so-convenient choices for gameplay, not fully exploited concepts for the main series game, so we'll make them see how Smogon users have some very good ideas. We'll be creating a whole new generation of Pokémon, as if we were designing the new generation of Pokémon games of the main series. This means that, one slate after the other, we'll come up with everything that a generation needs, so with a new PokéDex from starters to legendaries, a new region inspired to an existing place on planet Earth and some new characters and trainers to act our new story. But let's be more detailed...

:gallade: :gardevoir:
Each and every slate will start with a post from one of our council members, namely me and DuoM2, that settles the theme and the categories you can run for. Then you'll be free to submit one entry for each category, respecting the rules imposed in the judge's post. For what concerns the submissions, in some slates we'll have a new set of rules, a bit different from previous Pet Mods.
  • Fixed types: sometimes you'll have to submit a concept that fullfils a category so specific, that you will limit the typing for one or more of your subs.
    :sceptile: :emboar: :empoleon: :pikachu:
  • BST limits: every slate we'll establish in the fist post the maximum and minimum values for the Base Statistics Total of your subs, so that they respect the power level expected by their category; there are also some general rules, that are:
    • A Pokémon's Attack must amount to at least 1/8 of its base stat total or 10 points less than its Special Attack (whichever is lower); similarly, a Pokémon's Special Attack must amount to at least 1/8 of its base stat total or 10 points less than its Attack (whichever is lower); this is intended to not have blatant minmaxing - making an unused stat exceedingly low to squeeze more power out of a small base stat total. Still, if you just want to make a Pokémon with low offenses in general, that's okay! This rule is just meant to avoid Pokémon with one good offense and one super low offense - as long as you keep the gap between the two small, you can go as low as you want.
    • While you should be careful with balancing, don't be afraid to let your Pokémon excel in at least one of its stats, even if it's an early-game Pokémon that you want to look weak! Almost all fully evolved Pokémon have at least one stat above 100, and a large number go higher than 110 or 120 with their highest stat.
    • You can use this spreadsheet (kindly offered by Hematite) to compare your sub's stats to those of existing Pokémon.
  • :arceus: :deoxys-attack: :slaking: :arcanine:
  • Counterparts and trios: in some slates you'll be able to submit some counterparts, for example version-specific Pokémon or small groups of 2-3 Pokémon that are related by any characteristic, like typing, BST, habitat, prey and predator, etc.; for this type of sub, components of the group will be voted as a whole, you won't be allowed to vote only for just one (or two if it's a trio) of them; some other slates the rules of the slate will impose you to submit a trio or a couple of counterparts, other ones will totally deny you to do so.
    :sawk: :throh: :zangoose: :seviper:
Other than that, most of the times we are free to submit whatever we want. Most slates will allow new fakemons, regional forms and evolutions or even new regular evolutions for Pokémon of generations 1-8. Each slate, in the opening post, we as a council will specify every limitation that will be imposed to the subs of the following slate. Any disrespect to those limits is warned and, if the submission isn't edited to fit correctly, it won't be allowed for successive phases.

:charizard-mega-x: :charizard-gmax: :charizard-mega-y:
Consider that some slates are going to involve dristibuting new abilities and moves that were added by any submission if the author wants them not to be exclusive, and deciding if we want to add a new formechange like Megaevolutions and Dyna/Gigantamax Pokémon and how it has to work, or doing just a distribution of new Megaevolutions to existing and new Pokémon, or even nothing, a poll will determine the way we'll do. In another slate we are also going to add new moves to the movepools of old and new Pokémon, that don't specifically need to be related to a specific Pokémon, and we are going to have another one to apply a few changes to existing moves and abilities (like 8-10 moves and 4-6 abilities), specifically those with low Ability Ratings. Clones of existing moves and abilities are always allowed, but you can also submit a totally new effect and we as coders (me and Hematite) will judge if it can be codeable or it has to be simplified. It's not allowed to submit the exact clone of an existing ability with a new name, so we won't have any such thing as Battle/Shell Armor, yours must have one or more characteristics changed from the existing feature (such clones would be for example "-ilate" abilities, Storm Drain, Sap Sipper, Lighting Rod, etc., Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Surf, Sludge Bomb, etc., and you should have figured out how it works).

:electabuzz: :magmar: :jynx:
Each new Fakemon, Regional Form/Evolution or group of counterparts (2-3 Pokémon) will be voted singularly, so votes will look like this:
User1's Fakemon
User2's Fakemon1 and Fakemon2
User2's Regional Pokémon1, Pokémon2 and RegionalEvolution
The number of votes depends from the slate's decided category, if the vote is ranked or not will be determined in each slate.
Each slate has a Submission Phase (7-10 days), a Voting Phase (2-5 days), and a Discussion Phase (0-2 days, won't coincide with next submission phase only if there is something specific to discuss). We'll start with an Opening Phase of two days to let people ask questions and for us to correct this OP.

:azelf: :uxie: :mesprit:
Now some Submission Templates:
Name: the new move's name, try to use combinations of words never used before in Pokémon games (not how I did with Dragon Fangs in Sylvemons :/ ).
Type: again, you can use this link:
Base Points: try to balance this, PP, effect and accuracy; only multiples of 5 are allowed as values.
Power Points: specify just the max PP if you want; allowed values are 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64.
Precision: write -- if it never misses
Miscellaneous: optional; write here if it makes contact or not, or if it's a sound, biting or a punching move, or others.
Effect: rules specified outside of the template are valid, try not to be to complicate.
Distribution: list of Pokémon that will receive the submitted move.
Name: as we said, this can't be the only thing that changes.
Effect: try to keep it balanced and don't combine too many effects, usually they should apply a maximum of 2 boosts/drops.
Distribution: list of Pokémon that will receive the submitted ability.
Name: the name for your Fakemon.
Counterpart(s): write the names of the counterpart of the Fakemon, write none or omit the field if there isn't any.
Typing: the typing of your Fakemon, remember to respect the rules, you can use these link for images:
Ability: the ability of your Fakemon, this can be exclusive or new only in some cases.
Base Stats: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe (BST) you can write these in any configuration you want, the important thing is that you write a matching BST that also fits with slate-specific and general rules.
Notable Moves: try not to use too many moves, keep the role clear.
New Features: describe the effect of the new moves you introduce with your sub, specify if new ability/ies and moves are to be exclusive to this Fakemon or if they have to be featured in the slate dedicated to the dristribution of new moves and abilities to old and new Pokémon.
Flavour/Design: you can write anything you wnat about your new Pokémon and its interaction with its habitat.
Potential Competitive Role: you can describe the role that your Fakemon will have in the new metagame, considering previous Pokémon and potential new competitors; specify the intended tier, considering SS OU NatDex order.
Base Species: name of the original Pokémon, try to avoid already made ones
Typing: you can change both types, but at least one has to be added or changed
Ability: it can have 1-3 abilities, but they have to be the same number or less thatn previous evolution's ones, this can be exclusive or new only in some cases.
Base Stats: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe (BST) you can write these in any configuration you want, the important thing is that you write a matching BST that also fits with slate-specific and general rules.
New Moves: you can add any number of new moves, but they have to be the same number as the removed ones or less.
Removed Moves: they obviously need to be the same number or more than added ones; you cannot only use uncompetitive moves.
New Features: describe the effect of the new moves you introduce with your sub, specify if new ability/ies and moves are to be exclusive to this Fakemon or if they have to be featured in the slate dedicated to the dristribution of new moves and abilities to old and new Pokémon.
Flavour/Design: you can write anything you wnat about your new Pokémon and its interaction with its habitat.
Potential Competitive Role: you can describe the role that your Fakemon will have in the new metagame, considering previous Pokémon and potential new competitors; specify the intended tier, considering SS OU NatDex order.
Name: if it's gonna be an alternative evolution, try to make name at the right balance with difference and similarity to existing Pokémon's one.
Prevo: must be a regional form, you can use the other template for regular new evolutions; only Pokémon with 485 or less BST are allowed to have new evolutions.
Typing: you have to keep at least one typing from previous evolution.
Abilities: it can have 1-3 abilities, but they have to be the same number or less thatn previous evolution's ones; if the ability is exclusive, it should be the only one ability if it represents a defining trait of the submission (we'll decide case by case).
Base Stats: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe (BST) you can write these in any configuration you want.
New Moves: you can add any number of new moves.
New Features: describe the effect of the new moves you introduce with your sub, specify if new ability/ies and moves are to be exclusive to this Fakemon or if they have to be featured in the slate dedicated to the dristribution of new moves and abilities to old and new Pokémon.
Flavour/Design: you can write anything you wnat about your new Pokémon and its interaction with its habitat.
Potential Competitive Role: you can describe the role that your Fakemon will have in the new metagame, considering previous Pokémon and potential new competitors; specify the intended tier, considering SS OU NatDex order.
Name: if it's gonna be an alternative evolution, try to make name at the right balance with difference and similarity to existing Pokémon's one.
Prevo: must be an existing Pokémon (gen. 1-8); only Pokémon with 485 or less BST are allowed to have new evolutions.
Typing: you have to keep at least one typing from previous evolution.
Abilities: it can have 1-3 abilities, but they have to be the same number or less thatn previous evolution's ones; if the ability is exclusive, it should be the only one ability if it represents a defining trait of the submission (we'll decide case by case).
Base Stats: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe (BST) you can write these in any configuration you want.
Added Moves: you can add any number of new moves.
Flavour/Design: you can write anything you wnat about your new Pokémon and its interaction with its habitat.
Potential Competitive Role: you can describe the role that your Fakemon will have in the new metagame, considering previous Pokémon and potential new competitors; specify the intended tier, considering SS OU NatDex order.
:unown-exclamation: :smeargle: :unown-question:
Here is our Discord Channel if you want to contribute and discuss in more real-time.
Check our Spreadsheet to see where we got until now. (Loria Spreadsheet)
Last thing is, I'm gonna decorate this OP with any piece of art contributors will submit, so be creative and don't be shy if your concept seems too abstract, or if you think you can't draw, ask me and I'll give a shot at drawing your sub.
Try to be original submitting, and have fun!!
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If you want, i can also make an discord myself! this will need things like #coding, #spriting, #slates and #general in the pet mod creation thread and an metagame discussion thread with #rmt, #comp-discussion, #buffs-nerfs or something, #teambuilding and #corebuilding.
also, is ms paint art allowed?
If you want, i can also make an discord myself! this will need things like #coding, #spriting, #slates and #general in the pet mod creation thread and an metagame discussion thread with #rmt, #comp-discussion, #buffs-nerfs or something, #teambuilding and #corebuilding.
also, is ms paint art allowed?
Every kind of art is allowed, from sprites to crochet!
We are making the discord channel, I'll put the link here today or tomorrow.
yes, please. In general don't do too many consecutive posts, they look like flooding.

Here is our discord channel:

Now let me present you our first beginning Slate:

- Legends and Setting -
:ss/zekrom: :ss/reshiram:
For this first slate you'll each have to submit a complete Legendary Trio, full with name, typing, stats abilities and most notable moves, and in addition to that, you've to provide a screen of GoogleMaps that portraits the zone of the real world you want your Region to be inspired to. A bit of lore for that region would also be great.

Rules are:
- Each component of the main legendary trio must have a Base Stat Total between 660 and 680
- They can all have an altered forme that changes their BST to a maximum of 780; they can change or add a maximum of 1 type, and if one of the two main legendary counterparts has an altered forme, the other one must have it too.
You can show changes to stats, typing and abilities by putting an "->" arrow next to the original ones.

Name: try to sound epic and solemn.
Counterpart(s): if this is a mascot, write the name of the other one, if it's the third Legendary, write both the names of the mascots.
Typing: the typing of your Legendary, you can use these link for images:
Ability: in this case, new abilities are very appreciated, especially for the altered formes (not compulsory tho); just don't make them exact copies of other abilities, please, and don't exaggerate with effects.
Base Stats: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe (BST) you can write these in any configuration you want, the important thing is that you write a matching BST that also fits with slate-specific and general rules.
Notable Moves: try not to use too many moves, keep the role clear; an exclusive move for each of them would also be cool (not compulsory tho).
New Features: describe the effect of the new moves and/or abilities you introduce with your sub, they will have to be exclusive to this specific Legendary.
Flavour/Design: what's the role of this component of the trio?, is it the main one or is it part of the two mascots?, what are their relationships like?
Potential Competitive Role: you can describe the role that your Fakemon will have in the new metagame, considering previous Pokémon and potential new competitors; they'll have to compete for SS Natdex Ubers or AG.
Name: Provide a cool name for your region.
Inspiration: What zone of the real world are you inspiring to?, write the name and post a screen. Example (Kalos):
Lore: Explain what is the history of this region and what role the legendaries have or had in it, and also what is happening at the time of the game.
You have 7 days to submit, this slate will end on October 1st.
Good luck!
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Name: Brazdo (brazdian for regional forms)
Inspiration: fuck electrical, ur going to brazil
Captura de tela 2020-09-23 104113.png
Lore: Its considered the younger brother of unova, and it is an mix of a lot of cultures from kanto, kalos, galar, unova, etc.
now for the legends:
Name: Amzodulan-Titan and Ancient forms
Counterpart(s): Flowiai
Typing: Grass, Dragon-T, Grass-A
Ability: Deep forest-T, Regenerator-A
Base Stats: 110, 155, 120, 80, 90, 125, 680-T, 110, 125, 70, 80, 90, 105, 580-T
Notable Moves
: Forest rage, Grassy glide, Leaf blade, Power whip, Dragon claw, Outrage, Leech life, Pursuit, Knock, Wild charge, Body press, Close combat, Acrobatics, High horsepower, Facade, Return, Frustration, Rapid spin, Stone edge, Steel roller, Aromatherapy, Grass whistle, Leech seed, Strengh sap, Dragon dance, Sticky web, Taunt, Bulk up, Defog, Protect, Substitute, Wish, Toxic, Rest
New Features: Forest rage: 85 bp, Phys, Bypasses resistances,Deep forest: fairy aua clone for grass type moves
Flavour/Design: Its the protector of the forests. its inspired by the amazon forest or something.

Name: Flowiai-also Titan and Ancient forms
Counterpart(s): Amzodulan
Typing: Water, Dragon-T, Water-A
Ability: Deep sea-T, Drizzle-A
Base Stats: 110, 80, 90, 155, 120, 125, 680-T, 110, 80, 90, 125, 70, 105, 580-A
Notable Moves
: River wrath, Hydro pump, Scald, Surf, Draco meteor, Dragon pulse, Dark pulse, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Focus blast, Hurricane, Shadow ball, Energy ball, Ice beam, Facade, Return, Frustration, Psyshock, Flash cannon, Switcheroo, Taunt, Thunder wave, Moonlight, Defog, Aromatherapy, Haze, Protect, Substitute, Wish, Toxic, Calm mind, Rest,
New Features: River wrath: 85 bp, Special, Bypasses resistances, Deep sea: dark aura clone for water type moves
Flavour/Design: Its the protector of the rivers. its inspired by all the rivers in brazil.
so basically titan formes are meant for ubers and amcient forms are meant for ou


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Name: Brunica (Brunician for regional prefix)
Inspiration: Canada but more specifically New Brunswick, with a few parts from Ontario and Vancouver (metropolis), and have the ocean side, the cold climate (colder and harsher winter than their American neighbor), interest on winter sports and the variety of environments. Also have an emphasis on solidarity between the communities.
Canada Map.png

Sources: Google Map (left), Fredericton Tourism website (right)
Lore: The Brunica region was largely unknown in the Pokémon world, does to it's uncharted territories and the attention given to Unova, it's nearby neighbor region. However, for it's relatively small size, it does have a lush, lively environment full of lives, under the guard of Lutakon. Unfortunately, the region is in constant risk of being overrun by the two dangerous Legendary Pokémon, Akhut (dweller of dry lands and the sea) and Wendora (dweller of tundras and the North Pole), forcing Lutakon to seal itself by releasing a calming aura that even Akhut and Wendora calms down for centuries.

Likely New Pokémon Concepts:
  • Mammals: Moose, Raccoon, American Pika, Lynx, Wolverine, Black Bear, Musk Ox, Snowshoe Hare and Snow Rabbit, Arctic Wolf,
  • Birds: Blue Jay, Hawk Owl, Cardinal, Finch
  • Reptiles: Skink, Timber Rattlesnake, Short-Horned Lizard, Painted Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle
  • Plants: Tomato, Mountain Aven, Fireweed, Purple Saxifrage, Sugar Maple, Spruce, Balsam Fir
  • Intervertebral: Dragonflies (Common Whitetail or Chalk-Fronted Corporal), American Dog Tick, Crab Spider, Long Legged Fly, Scorpionfly, Twin Stabbed Lady Beetle
  • Aquatic: Atlantic Sturgeon (fish), Fallfish, Brook Stickleback, Lake Trout, Leech, Torpedo Ray, Blue Angels (Glaucus atlanticus)
  • Mythical Critters: Lake monsters (yes, there is a lot of them considering the amount of lakes in Canada), Mishepishu, Kogukhpuk, loup-garou (Werewolves and wereanimals, but with human conscience).
  • Others: Maple Syrup, Curling, Hockey, Skiing/Sledding, Snow/Ice Sculpture
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Bidoof line, Shinx line, Delibird, Deerling line, Volbeat + Illumise, Zangoose + Seviper, Kricketot line, Cutiefly line, Hoothoot line, Ledyba line, Emolga, Skunky line, Teddiursa line, Cubchoo line, Seel line, Rufflet line, Sneasel line, Sunkern line, etc.

The devouring terror...
Name: Akulut
Counterpart(s): Wendora (Main counterpart) and Lutakon (Third)

Ability: Evil Devourer
Base Stats: 100 HP / 163 Atk / 123 Def / 92 SpA / 92 SpD / 110 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Brutal Maul (New), Crunch, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Taunt, Torment, Snarl, Roar, Iron Head, Outrage, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Close Combat, Earthquake, Waterfall, Liquidation, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Rock Slide, Power Trip, Dark Pulse, Lash Out
New Features: Evil Devourer (Ability - When it uses contact move, it recovers 12,5% of it's maximum HP), Brutal Maul (Move - Dark - Physical - 120 Base Power - 90 Accuracy - 8 PP - Contact - 10% chance for the target to have their Defense lowered by 1 stage).
Flavour/Design: Heavily based of the Akhlut, a wolf-orca hybrid mythical creature that dwells in the land and beaches. Despite what the people of Brunica region were saying it was a necessary evil to control overpopulating humanity and Pokémon, Akhlut aim to eradicate and devour every single living being of the land as it despises presence of everything softer than it. While often busy confronting Wendora, it can singlehandedly responsible for several extinct Pokémon a very long time ago. Dark red and white color scheme.
Potential Competitive Role: As there isn't any Uber-leveled Water-type or Dark-type Pokémon known for physical prowess, Akulut will fill this gap. Although basic at first, Brutal Maul is an exceptionally powerful Dark-type move, or it can use Pursuit to chase down Lugia and non-Mega Mewtwo. Having 110 Speed is higher than average, allowing to use Choice Scarf to revenge kill, or equip a Life Orb to enhance their physical prowess further without worry of HP draining thanks to Devourer. In short, a Water/Dark type physical wallbreaker, sweeper or Psychic/Ghost trapper.
The creep with a cold heart...
Name: Wendora
Counterpart(s): Akulut (Main counterpart) and Lutakon (Third)

Ability: Coldest Heart
Base Stats: 90 HP / 112 Atk / 90 Def / 144 SpA / 100 SpD / 144 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Shadow Cruelty (New), Crunch, Knock Off, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Aurora Veil, Ice Shard, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Icy Wind, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Mythical Fire, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Psyshock, Moonblast, Earth Power, Focus Blast
New Features: Coldest Heart (Ability - Reduce Speed of opposing Pokémon upon switching in), Shadow Cruelty (Move - Ghost - Special - 120 Base Power - 90 Accuracy - 8 PP - No Contact - 10% chance for the target to have their Special Defense lowered by 1 stage).
Flavour/Design: The Wendigo is one of Canada's most famous mythical creatures, so you would know what one would looks like. Barely humanoid, it bends forwards with a skeleton-like disposure that reveals icicles letting out of it's corpse-like body, with messed up horns sprouting out of it's forehead. A malevolent Legendary Pokémon of Brunica, it thrives to bring eternal suffering to all of the region by turning it into an unlivable icy palace for it to live in, and devour anything that tries to survive in such a cruel environment. Although it often conflicts with Akalut, it otherwise lives in the coldest tundra that not even the bravest Trainer dared to explore before.
Potential Competitive Role: Another new Legendary that many Psychic-type will despise to confront. With an abnormally blistering Speed of 144 and equally powerful 144 Special Attack, even Mega Gengar couldn't outspeed this thing so easily. It's Coldest Heart Ability allows it to revenge kill anything wearing a Choice Scarf, and it's Shadow Cruelty is an exceptionally powerful Ghost-type move that is more practical than Shadow Force. Ah, screw it, Coldest Heart in general will mess with speedy Ubers Pokémon, including the mighty Mega Rayquaza in AG, allowing for smooth revenge killing. Being immune of Extreme Speed also helps, but it have to watch for Marshadow that have Shadow Sneak.
And the sleeping guardian.
Name: Lutakon
Counterpart(s): Akulut and Wendora (nemesis)
Form: Resting (default), Awakened (hold the Awaken Seed)

Ability: Nature Guardian
Base Stats: [Resting] 100 HP / 120 Atk / 90 Def / 120 SpA / 130 SpD / 90 Speed (BST: 670) > [Awakened] 100 HP / 150 Atk / 150 Def / 150 SpA / 150 SpD / 70 Spe (BST: 770)
Notable Moves: Elder Recovery (New), Earthquake, Earth Power, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Grassy Glide, Dazzling Gleam, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Giga Drain, Calm Mind, Rest, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Growth, Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Aromatherapy, Recover, Synthesis, Wood Hammer, Heal Pulse, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Psychic, Flash Cannon, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Sleep Powser
New Features: Nature Guardian (Ability - Make Grass-type allies greatly resist (technical 4x damage reduction to make an effective x2 resistance) Fire and Ice type attacks, including the user), Elder Recovery (Move - Grass - Status - Self - 8 PP - Recover HP by 50% while increasing Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage each - exclusive to Awakened Lutakon that have Synthesis; that move is replaced by Elder Recovery under Awakened form and turns back to Synthesis when back to Resting form).
Flavour/Design: Combines aspect of a lutin (gnome) and a variety of elder trees (including the mythical Yggdrasil). The Resting form is surprisingly small, looking like a small but stout tree having resemblance to a gnome. The Awakened form is much more fierce, larger and magnificent looking, with a colorful array of different leaves and green "Tron lines" that energizes up when about to attack or use a recovery move. The Awakened form have multiple arms, referring that a tree have multiple branches, not just two.
Potential Competitive Role: Decided to go a little unorthodox; a pure Grass-type Legendary sounds bad on Ubers, but it have an unique Ability that allows it to turn their Fire and Ice weaknesses into resistances. This allows it to deal with Primal Groudon as it will effectively resist both Fire and Ground, while also being able to handle a myriad of Water-type Ubers like Kyogre without worry of getting hit by Ice Beam. Bug and Poison Ubers are not very numerous, leaving Flying a common threat to it. The Awakened Form is especially threatening, having access to a recovery move that also boosts both it's Attack and Special Attack in additional of huge but well rounded bulk, and no one knows if it would be physical or special! It's slow Speed would definitely gives it grievance when facing Dynamaxed opponents and wallbreakers.
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Name: Poderon (Poderonian) (Based on Poder, Spanish for Power)
Inspiration: Spain, with plenty of focus on Madrid and Barcelona (being the two major cities), and sports.
Lore: Poderon was known since ancient times, having lush lands and towering castles. The region was known for its long-standing monarchy, believed to have been placed down by a legendary Pokémon called Regalodon, the Royal Pokemon, believed to be created by Arceus itself. Regalodon is also believed to have created the Poderon Region. Regalodon is also believed to have created two legendaries called Conquisardon, the Conquest Pokemon, so that future kings of the region will be trained to conquer in the name of the region, and Inquisardon, the Inquisitor Pokemon, to remove any kind of heresy in the region. Conquisardon and Inquisardon are more of the box-art legendaries. Regalodon is also able to fuse with both of them, just like Kyurem. During the past centuries, Poderon was involved in an invasion of Galar, which failed horribly. This led to Poderon declining in power and passed it to Galar and Kalos. Eventually, the royal family of Kalos took power in Poderon, but the two regions never united.

The monarchy was removed multiple times. The first of which happened after peasants revolted and replaced the monarch who was ruling. Another republican revolt happened a few decades later. Eventually, 5 years later, a civil war erupted in Poderon and a dictator took power 3 years into the civil war. He ruled for 36 years, and the monarchy returned afterwards.

Likely New Pokémon Concepts: Galleon Pokemon, New Bull Pokemon, Football Pokemon
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Pawniard Line (regional line), Shelmet Line, Karrablast Line, Dragapult Line, Bouffalant Line, Shinx Line, Litleo Line, Scorbunny (gift Pokemon), Sobble (gift Pokemon for doing a quest), Grookey (gift Pokemon from champion post-game), Kanto Starters (through Pokemon Home)

Name: Regalodon
Counterpart(s): Conquisardon and Inquisardon
Typing: Steel/Ground
Ability: Absolutism (Gale Wings Clone — This Pokémon’s Steel-type moves have their priority increased by 1 when at full health)
Base Stats: 110 HP / 162 Atk / 103 Def / 97 SpA / 102 SpD / 106 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types.
Flavour/Design: Regalodon is based on the Spanish royalty, who ruled most of the time in absolute rule. Some of which were tyrants or basically did nothing the entire time, which is why Regalodon will look like a T-Rex.
Potential Competitive Role: Regalodon will prove to be a dangerous threat. It has a devastating Attack stat, and blistering Speed. It also has well-rounded 110/103/102 bulk. It will definitely be a setup sweeper thanks to Dragon Dance boosting its already high Attack and Speed. It also functions as a revenge killer thanks to Absolutism giving +1 priority to its Steel-type moves at full health.

Name: Conquisardon
Counterpart(s): Inquisardon (Main) Regalodon (Third)
Typing: Steel/Fighting
Ability: Divide and Conquer
Base Stats: 120 HP / 100 Atk / 115 Def / 167 SpA / 91 SpD / 87 Spe (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Hydro Pump
New Features: Divide And Conquer — If the target has less than 50% of its health left, this Pokémon’s attacks do twice as much damage.
Flavour/Design: Conquisardon is based on conquistadors. They have the Fighting-type because they aggressively claimed land for colonization. They have the Steel-types because of their weapons, mainly cannons and guns.
Potential Competitive Role: Conquisardon is able to take advantage of worn down Pokémon to basically OHKO them most of time thanks to Divide and Conquer. However, it is held back by its below-average Speed-tier, which means it can be easily outsped all the time. Nonetheless, it makes up for it in its physical bulk and its powerful offenses.

Name: Inquisardon
Counterpart(s): Conquisardon (Main) Regalodon (Third)
Typing: Steel/Dark
Ability: Heretic Pursuit
Base Stats: 117 HP / 121 Atk / 127 Def / 102 SpA / 112 SpD / 101 Spe (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Bloody Inquisition, Iron Head, Knock Off, Spikes, Swords Dance, U-turn, Play Rough
New Features: Heretic Pursuit - This Pokémon’s moves do super effective damage against Pokémon that are neutral against its STAB. Bloody Inquisition - Dark-type, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, This Pokemon deals super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally resist this move.
Flavour/Design: Inquisardon is based on inquisitors, who participated in inquisitions to eliminate heresy and other things contrary to Catholicism. They were extremely feared, prosecuting 150,000 people and executed 2% of them in the Spanish Inquisition (insert the memes).
Potential Competitive Role: Inquisardon, unlike its two counterparts, is meant for National Dex AG, since dealing super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally be dealt neutral damage will be extremely broken. In AG, it will be used as a setup sweeper. If a Swords Dance is used, it can potentially OHKO everything that doesn’t have Unaware, Sturdy, or holds Focus Sash.

Altered Forms:

Name: Regalodon-Conquistador (Fusion of Regalodon and Conquisardon), simply Regalodon-C
Counterpart(s): Regalodon-Inquisitor
Typing: Ground/Fighting
Ability: Divide and Conquer
Base Stats: 110 HP / 170 Atk / 105 Def / 147 SpA / 102 SpD / 146 Speed (BST: 780)
Notable Moves: Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types. Divide And Conquer — If the target has less than 50% of its health left, this Pokémon’s attacks do twice as much damage.
Flavour/Design: In a state of emergency such as the invasion of the region by foreign powers, Regalodon will merge with Conquisardon to become Regalodon-Conquistador. Regalodon-C is also summoned by the evil team of the region in order to strike fear into the region and gain power, but is eventually stopped by the player. In order to gain Regalodon-C you need DNA Splicers.

Name: Regalodon-Inquisitor (Fusion of Regalodon and Inquisardon), simply Regalodon-I
Counterpart(s): Regalodon-Conquistador
Typing: Dark/Fighting
Ability: Heretic Pursuit
Base Stats: 140 HP / 120 Atk / 115 Def / 147 SpA / 112 SpD / 146 Speed (BST: 780)
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash, Bloody Inquisition, Knock Off, Spikes, Swords Dance, U-turn, Play Rough
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types. Heretic Pursuit - This Pokémon’s moves do super effective damage against Pokémon that are neutral against its STAB. Bloody Inquisition - Dark-type, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, This Pokemon deals super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally resist this move.
Flavour/Design: In a state of emergency such as the decreasing number of religious people (who believe in Arceus), Regalodon will merge with Inquisardon to become Regalodon-Inquisitor. Regalodon-I is also summoned by the evil team of the region in order to strike fear into the region and gain power, but is eventually stopped by the player. In order to gain Regalodon-I you need DNA Splicers.

Both altered forms are definitely meant for NatDex AG, especially Regalodon-I. Regalodon-C can function extremely well as a mixed wallbreaker/cleaner, being able to take advantage of its coverage to deal good chunks of damage against targets. Regalodon-I meanwhile can function as a revenge killer, physical wallbreaker, and physical sweeper thanks to its high Attack stat in conjunction with its ability.
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Name: Delsey (I am bad with naming things)
Inspiration: South Jersey and the Philadelphia Area (everything I want covered is circled in the map)
Lore: About 244 years ago a group of men wrote a declaration that would separate them from the rule of the galarian king. They claimed him to be a tyrant and wished to found a land of liberty. It's said that with the help of some powerful pokemon they managed to do that. That was how Delsey came to be. Unlike those monarchal Galarians or Unovans they built a republic with one man being chosen to govern the region as he appointed twelve others to help aid him in his task. This republic still stands to this day, and those 13 positions eventually became the champion of the region, the elite four, and the gym leaders of the region. In the modern time Delsey is currently in a crisis: disease is spreading, pollution is more widespread, and the republic has become corrupted due to corporate lobbyists manipulating them to work for them instead of the people, especially the megacorp that is Comco. More and more people are rebelling due to the republic that was to serve them, is working against them. Now people are claiming to see three winged creatures flying throughout the region! What is going on?!

Name: Bellraptor
Counterpart(s): Columpax

Ability: Warlord-When attacking this pokemon the damage for this pokemon target's the weaker defense stat (ie it's uses the weaker of defense or special defense when calculating damage) It cannot be negated.
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 90 / 130 / 90 / 140 (BST 680)
Notable Moves: Dive Bomb-It's just a fighting type brave bird clone
Flavour/Design: Bellraptor is based on a hawk as well as the concept of war, hence the fighting type. The reason for this is the fact that for a time the US used the terms Hawk and Dove as terms for someone who is for war or against war respectively. While it doesn't hate Columpax, it's not a fan of it either. The relationship it has with Columpax is not one of hatred but rather a tense one as it knows it cannot exist without the other.
Potential Competitive Role: Okay so it's clearly aiming to be a sweeper given the everything it has going for it, however it can also break walls given its ability. However it might be outclassed as a sweeper since Pheramosa and Zacian exist, thus it might end up being a wallbreaker against whatever walls Ubers has. I'll be honest I don't know the ubers metagame at all. Also like most things, it gets bodied by crowned zacian.

Name: Columpax
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor

Ability: Peace Maker-When being attacked the damage dealt by the move is based on the higher defense stat. It cannot be negated
Base Stats: 100 / 90 / 135 / 130 / 135 / 90 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Olive Branch-It's a clone of protect that when the opponent attacks the user, their attack and special attack go down by one stage.
Flavour/Design: Columpax is based on a dove, and the concept of peace, and it's fairy because I really didn't know what other type would represent peace all to well. It holds a similar view of Bellraptor and Bellraptor has with it. In a sense of one cannot exist without the other. If there is war there must be peace.
Potential Competitive Role: Now despite all the peace stuff this thing can hold its own, however it would be more defensive. Being a bird it gets reliable healing with roost, and it has a protect clone that can help bolster its defenses. However once again it gets bodied by crowned zacian.

Name: Remaquil
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor, Columpax

Ability: Filibuster-It squawks and screes at the opponent for so long that the first attack the opponent makes is negated-(OG Disguise)
Base Stats: 100 / 116/ 116 / 116 / 116 / 116 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Pursuit of Happiness-Normal Type, Status. The user raises its highest stat by 2 stages and gets happier.
Flavour/Design: Remaquil is a somewhat large two headed eagle. The two heads try to be cordial to each other, even though they have different ideals. Now what this two headed eagle is based on could be anyone's guess. I mean it's so ambiguous. It sways between favoring Bellraptor or the Columpax, depending on what is neccesary for the time.
Potential Competitive Role: This would be a set up sweeper of sorts since it has OG disguise and good stats I think it'd be fine in ubers. However it is a normal/flying type and as such the fighting types that most flying types would resist, it doesn't.

Name: Remaquil-Corrupted
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor, Columpax

Ability: Filibuster-It squawks and screes at the opponent for so long that the first attack the opponent makes is negated-(OG Disguise)
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 60 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Mutually Assured Destruction-Dark Type, Special, Base Power: 255, Accuracy 100%. When the user uses this move it faints in a fiery explosion.
New Features: It's form is dependent on weather or not it holds the Comco Check
Flavour/Design: Remaquil-Corrupted is a massive, sorta bloated, two headed eagle. The two heads rarely get along and are generally awful to each other. It sways between favoring Bellraptor or the Columpax based on what seems to help them get more shiny things. It is easily distracted by shiny things, and will really only function if given said shiny things. It focuses more on shiny things than anything else, including its own trainer.
Potential Competitive Role: This would be a set up sweeper of sorts since it has OG disguise and good stats I think it'd be fine in ubers. of course it's signature move is the strongest move in the game, but it also faints when used so it's not so bad.
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Name: Siakan (SIGH-uh-kawn)
Inspiration: Based on Thailand, the people of this region are called Siakani, or simply as the Siakan.
Lore: The Siakan region is peaceful and idyllic, fitting into the stereotype of a tropical paradise for locals and tourists alike. The people are known for their religion, where among others, they worship the three legendary Pokemon who they believe constructed the cycle of existence: Pramaloka, the God of Creation, Vishrama, the God of Preservation, and Shimadeva, the God of Destruction. These power of these Pokemon are in balance, allowing the sacred cycle of birth, life, and death to continue as it has for eternity. However, in the shadows of the laid-back and peaceful Siakan society, a cult has been quietly growing in number and power. This cult intends to capture and use the power of the legendary Pokemon, using Shimadeva to destroy the world so they can create a new world to their liking. What will happen should they succeed? Is there anyone brave enough to seek them out and stop them?
Name: Pramaloka
Counterpart(s): Shimadeva

Ability: Power of Creation*
Base Stats: 125 / 90 / 100 / 150 / 120 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Emerging Light*, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunder, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Surf, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Creation* - The Pokemon and its allies come under positive weather-like effects (Fire, Water moves 1.25x power, Rock-types 1.25x SpD, all weather-dependent abilities activate, Synthesis etc. give increased recovery, Thunder, Hurricane, Blizzard raised to 85% accuracy). Nullifies opposing Power of Preservation or Power of Destruction, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Preservation or Power of Destruction.
Emerging Light* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Heals 50% of damage dealt, no contact
Flavour/Design: For the people of the Siakan region, it is believed that Pramaloka, not Arceus, was the one who created the universe. Arceus' "thousand arms" are believed to be incorrectly attributed, belonging instead to Pramaloka. Pramaloka resembles a very large man sitting in a meditative position, with a four-faced head and surrounded by many small floating hands that appear and disappear constantly. Its skin glows with a golden light, and the rare few who have gazed upon it report feelings of calmness and awe.
Potential Competitive Role: Pramaloka's ability powers up some its coverage moves like Fire Blast and Surf, while giving Thunder, Hurricane, and Blizzard more reliable accuracy. STAB Earth Power hits things like Primal Groudon, Zacian-C, Eternatus, Necrozma-DM, and Shimadeva, while its signature move provides strong damage with some recovery.

Name: Vishrama
Counterpart(s): Pramaloka, Shimadeva

Ability: Power of Preservation*
Base Stats: 125 / 150 / 120 / 90 / 100 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Unwavering Strike*, Close Combat, Liquidation, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Preservation* - The Pokemon and its allies recover 1/16th of their max hitpoints at the end of each turn, recovery from moves increased by 25%. Nullifies opposing Power of Creation or Power of Destruction, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Creation or Power of Destruction.
Unwavering Strike* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Ignores targets' stat changes, makes contact
Potential Competitive Role:

Name: Shimadeva
Counterpart(s): Pramaloka

Ability: Power of Destruction*
Base Stats: 125 / 150 / 80 / 150 / 80 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Decimating Blast*, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap, Earthquake, Earth Power, Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Focus Blast, Close Combat, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Destruction* - The opposing Pokemon lose 1/16th of their max hitpoints at the end of each turn, recovery from moves decreased by 25%. Nullifies opposing Power of Creation or Power of Preservation, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Creation or Power of Preservation.
Decimating Blast* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Damage inflicted depends on user's Atk or SpA, highest stat used to determine if move is Physical or Special, no contact
Potential Competitive Role: Shimadeva can run both physical and special attacking sets (or mixed) due to its high offenses and Photon Geyser-esque signature move. Its ability is detrimental to its opponent, especially against stall Pokemon.
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Wanted to do Inca Empire, but man are their gods hard to make into Pokemon! How do you create a literal sun?

Name: Orasia (Denonim: Orasian)
Inspiration: Australia (Oceania + Australia, I’m bad at naming things.) (Will include image later.)
Lore: They say that Arceus created Coltenper, and Coltenper created Orasia with its thrashings. Coltenper, after creating the two protectors, went to sleep. Now, thousands of years later, a young boy sets out on his quest to become champion. But things are changing; the temperatures are rising, fires are becoming stronger, and something is awakening...
Region is metropolitan along the coast, with luxury beaches for the rich. Smaller population than most. Used to be a territory of Galar, but declared independence more than a hundred years ago. Further inside are plains, desert and mountain ranges, creating beautiful and diverse views. This wide diversity of terrain creates many opportunities for interesting Pokemon (also confound Gamefreak for stealing kangaroos and koalas!).
New Aeselia (New Zealand) is a new region DLC add-on!

Name: Coltenper
Counterpart(s): Aiambe, Nubijil

Ability: Control of Water
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 105 / 130 / 105 / 110 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Quartz Storm, Most Ground-type moves, most Water-type moves, Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Recover, Thunder, Focus Blast, Superpower, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, etc.
Double Slap
Pay Day
Razor Wind
Swords Dance
Vine Whip
Sand Attack
Horn Attack
Fury Attack
Body Slam
Take Down
Tail Whip
Poison Sting
Sonic Boom
Water Gun
Hydro Pump

Bubble Beam
Hyper Beam
Seismic Toss
Mega Drain
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf
Solar Beam
Poison Powder
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Petal Dance
Dragon Rage
Fire Spin
Rock Throw
Double Team
Confuse Ray
Defense Curl
Light Screen
Focus energy
Mirror Move
Fire Blast
Skull Bash
Dream Eater
Poison Gas
Leech Life
Lovely Kiss
Rock Slide
Hyper Fang
Super Fang
Flame Wheel
Cotton Spore
Scary Face
Feint Attack
Sweet Kiss
Sludge Bomb
Mud Slap
Destiny Bond
Giga Drain
Mean Look
Sleep Talk
Heal Bell
Pain Split
Dragon Breath
Baton Pass
Iron Tail
Morning Sun
Hidden Power
Rain Dance
Sunny Day
Mirror Coat
Psych Up
Ancient Power
Shadow Ball
Future Sight
Rock Smash
Beat Up
Fake Out
Spit Up
Heat Wave
Follow Me
Nature Power
Helping Hand
Magic Coat
Knock Off
Skill Swap
Secret Power
Mud Sport
Poison Fang
Weather Ball
Fake Tears
Air Cutter
Rock Tomb
Cosmic Power
Water Spout
Signal Beam
Sand Tomb
Muddy Water
Bullet Seed
Aerial Ace
Bulk Up
Mud Shot
Poison Tail
Volt Tackle
Magical Leaf
Water Sport
Calm Mind
Dragon Dance
Rock Blast
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Miracle Eye
Healing Wish
Natural Gift
Close Combat
Psycho Shift
Heal Block
Trump Card
Wring Out
Power Trick
Castro Acid
Lucky Chant
Me First
Power Swap
Guard Swap
Last Resort
Worry Seed
Aqua Ring
Flare Blitz
Aura Sphere
Rock Polish
Dark Pulse
Night Slash
Aqua Tail
Seed Bomb
Air Slash
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Rush
Power Gem
Focus Blast
Energy Ball
Earth Power
Giga Impact
Nasty Plot
Height: 15.0m
Weight: 655.5kg
Said to have been created by Arceus itself, this Pokemon is said to slumber beneath Mount Lurulu.
Long and snakelike, with Grey-Yellow skin and cyan lines running down the length of its body.
New features:
Control of Water: Sets Heavy Rain; Water-type moves targeted at Coltenper Heal the amount of damage they would have otherwise dealt.
Quartz Storm:
| Special | 100BP | Is Water-type if the weather is rain.
Potential Competitive Role: Although it’s stats aren’t too high, it can go mixed effectively, and serves as a good check to Kyogre. It’s Speed is also high, allowing it to outspeed numerous other Pokemon in the tier. Access to Knock Off also helps it. I think it’ll fill a niche similar to normal Kyogre.

Name: Coltenper-Rage
Counterpart(s): Aiambe, Nubijil

Ability: Raging Wildfire
Base Stats: 120 / 175 / 85 / 175 / 85 / 110 (BST: 750)
Notable Moves: Flaring Destruction, Most Ground-type moves, most Water-type moves, Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Recover, Thunder, Focus Blast, Superpower, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, etc.
Height: 15.0m
Weight: 656.0kg
When Coltenper falls into a rage, it brings terrible drought and death. Few dare to confront it, for its rath is terrible to behold.
Long and snakelike, with Grey-Yellow skin and red lines sprouting flames running down the length of its body.
New features:
Raging Wildfire: Sets Harsh Sun; Non Fire-type opposing lose 10% of total health each turn.
Flaring Destruction:
| Physical or Special | 100BP | Is Physical or Special based on higher attacking stat. (Photon Geyser clone) (Defaults to Special)
Potential Competitive Role: Likely AG. Matches Rayquaza as an extremely powerful mixed attacker (MRay, however, is slightly stronger and maybe a bit bulkier, but also slower). Weak to Ground, and there are a lot of Ground-types around.
Name: Aiambe

Ability: Protector of the Weak
Base Stats: 140 / 100 / 135 / 100 / 135 / 70 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Nurture, Toxic, Thunder Wave, U-Turn, Heal Bell, Strength Sap, Recover, etc.
Height: 6.8m
Weight: 220.0kg
Before Coltenper fell into its slumber, it tasked Aiambe to protect its creation. This Pokemon is said to live in the clouds.
Humanoid figure shrouded in thick clouds.
New features:
Protector of the weak: All attacks deal reduced damage to user if at full health (Shadow Shield clone)
| Status | Increase all allies’ HP by 50% max.
Potential Competitive Role: Basically Giratina but maybe better, with a typing not so easily abused except by strong Electric-types and maybe Kyogre.
Name: Nubijil

Ability: Strength of the Strong
Base Stats: 100 / 140 / 105 / 90 / 105 / 140 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Blitz Strike, Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, etc.
Height: 6.8m
Weight: 220.0kg
Before Coltenper fell into its slumber, it tasked Nubijil to protect its creation. This Pokemon soars high above the ground.
Humanoid figure shrouded in thick clouds.
New features:
Strength of the strong: All user’s attacks are strengthened by 1.25* if at full health.
Blitz Strike:
| Physical | 100BP | Priority +3
Potential Competitive Role: Powerful Physical attacker marked by lack of other potentials Flying-type competitors. Zacian is pretty strong but has a largely different type and requires an item to be useful.
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Name: Marlika (Demonym: Marlikan)
Inspiration: Philippines
Name is based on the local term "maharlika", meaning a freeman.

Lore: Marlika was once colonized by the Kanto region. Seeking for freedom, the Marlikans went to a war with the Kantonians. This resulted to a lot of deaths, leaving both regions with few adult men as a result. Notable Kantonian survivors of the war include Lt. Surge and Lance. At the end of the war though, Marlika was able to get its long-awaited freedom. Few years later, tensions fizzled out between Kanto and Marlika and both countries now share good diplomatic relations. The legendary Pokemon of Marlika are anointed by the people to keep the peace within the region and prevent future wars from happening. (The lore is based on the Japanese, represented by Kanto here, occupation of the Philippines during World War 2 while also playing on the theory of a previous Pokémon war in Kanto due to the lack of adult male characters. After the war, Philippines and Japan now share good relationship.)

Likely New Pokémon Concepts:
  • Mammals: Mouse deer (Pilandok), Tarsier, Leopard cat, Philippine spotted deer, Fruit-eating bats
  • Birds: Eurasian tree sparrow, chestnut munia, Rufous hornbill
  • Reptiles: Philippine forest turtle, Monitor lizard
  • Plants: Mango, Narra, Strawberry, Bamboo
  • Intervertebral: Magellan Birdwing butterfly, Atlas moth
  • Aquatic: Milkfish, Whale Shark, Tawilis sardines, Tilapia
  • Mythical Critters: Half-snake Half-human creature that roams in a mall at night (urban legend), Aswang (Shape-shifting ghouls), Dwarfs, Kapre (muscular tree giants described as tall, big, black, terrifying, and hairy)
  • Others: Jeepney transportation, Christmas lanterns, Basketball
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Exeggcute line, Seel line, Meowth line, Rattata line, Taillow line, Oddish line, Poliwag line, Koffing line, Grimer line, Trubbish line, Sandshrew line, Corsola line, Krabby line, Goldeen line, Finneon line, Ducklett line, Tropius, Miltank, Growlithe line, Ponyta line, Torkoal, Wurmple line, etc.
Lots of Water-types because the region is an archipelago and lots of Fire-types because of the tropical climate. The Poison-types signify the pollution in the urban areas.

The legendary Pokemon in Marlika are inspired by Philippines' animals and mascots of notable top universities.


Name: Pheazul (Philippine Eagle + Azul)
Counterpart(s): Tamarock

Ability: Feather Shield
Base Stats: 110 / 130 / 154 / 96 / 95 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Aqua Wing, Brave Bird, Liquidation, Dual Wingbeat, Roost, Defog, Toxic, Acrobatics, Superpower, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Aromatherapy
New Features:
Feather Shield: Using a Flying-type move boosts the user's Defense stat by 1 stage
Aqua Wing: 100 BP, 95% Accuracy, Physical, Flying-type category, 10PP, Makes contact, Attack is both Flying-type and Water-type (Flying Press clone)
Flavour/Design: Based on the Philippine Eagle, the national animal of the Philippines. Pheazul flies through the air to keep the peace on everything that it sees.
Potential Competitive Role: Can be used as a wall and defogger when run with Heavy-Duty boots, and can also be used as a bulky set-up sweeper. Its typing and excellent Defense stat notably allows it to wall Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh. Not sure about the technicalities but Aqua Wing is a categorized Flying-type move that also deals Water-type damage, so maybe it can hit Primal Groudon with 4x damage to give it a powerful niche?


Name: Tamarock (Tamaraw + Rock)
Counterpart(s): Pheazul

Ability: Headstart
Base Stats: 130 / 154 / 96 / 95 / 95 / 110 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Wood Hammer, Horn Leech, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, High Horsepower, Megahorn, Head Charge, Body Press, Poison Jab, Stealth Rock, Bulk Up
Dual Horn Jab: Rock type Dual Wingbeat clone, also a physical move
New Features:
Headstart: User's recoil moves gain +1 priority as long as the user's HP is above 66%.
Flavour/Design: Based on the Tamaraw, an animal endemic to the Philippines. Tamarock keeps the peace on the forests and rural areas. It has the power to increase the harvest of the farmers.
Potential Competitive Role: It already has good Speed for an Uber Pokemon, but +1 priority is always good at revenge killing opponents off a 154 base Attack. Horn Leech can be used to heal itself and reactivate its ability. It can also support its team with Stealth Rock.


Name: Tigrace (Tiger + Graceful)
Counterpart(s): Pheazul, Tamarock (Third legendary)

Ability: Slasher Claws
Base Stats: 96 / 130 / 95 / 110 / 95 / 154 (680)
Notable Moves: Electropaw, Close Combat, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Cross Poison, Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Extreme Speed, Crunch, Iron Tail, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Taunt
New Features:
Slasher Claws: Moves with a high critical-hit ratio have their power boosted by 50%
Electropaw: 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15 PP, Electric-type, Physical category, Makes Contact, High critical-hit ratio (Electric-type clone of Leaf Blade)
Flavour/Design: While the tiger is not endemic to the Philippines like the other two legendaries, it is the mascot and symbol of the oldest university in the Philippines and in Asia that started in 1611. In the Pokemon world, Tigrace guards the people and Pokemon of Marlika from evil invaders.
Potential Competitive Role: Electric/Fighting is a poor defensive typing in Ubers anyway so I decided to go all-out offensive with this one. It has an incredibly high Speed stat that is only naturally outsped by Deoxys-S and Ninjask, while base 130 Attack supported by Slasher Claws allows it to break through bulky Pokemon. Slasher Claws in particular gives it 135 BP STAB and 105 BP coverage moves, all of which have a high chance for a critical hit. To keep it balanced, it is held back by its lack of defensive utility and below-average bulk.
Name: Teja
Inspiration: This region is based on the great state of Texas. The name comes from the Texas state motto, “Tejas” which means friendship

Ignoring the fact that it is hands down the best state, Texas has many qualities that lend itself to function well for this project. Texas has a surprisingly diverse range of biomes, with Mountains, Deserts, Forests, Swamps, Plains, Marshes, Scrubland, and Ocean locations all found throughout the state and the bordering Gulf of Mexico. This diversity leads to a surprisingly vast array of animals of all kinds calling Texas home, and the state’s proximity to Mexico leads to some surprisingly exotic creatures inhabiting it’s southern parts. Additionally, Texas has a wide array of legends and tall tales dating back to its old west days of cowboys and outlaws that could be used for inspiration. Lastly, The Lone Star State has a rich culture of sports and food that can also lend themselves to some incredible ideas.

Lore: Teja is a region of progress, with farmers still working their way into the region’s wild forests and prairies. However there are still a few cities that have developed into metropolises. The climate of this region is also extreme and unpredictable, with flash floods, tornadoes, heat waves, and dust storms often occurring without any prior notice. The main conflict of this regions lies in the clash between the wild and cultivation, represented best by the two of the region’s main legendaries, Stelyota and Agbosus. Stelyota is a creature of the night, and fights against the taming of the wilderness. Meanwhile Agbosus welcomes the change, and works from dawn to dusk plowing through the prairies and grasslands of Tejas. However the true threat lies in Cytrophe, whose destructive powers over the weather threaten both sides.


Legendary Trio (WIP):
Name: Stelyota (Stella + Coyote)
Counterpart: Agbosus

Ability: Grassy Surge, Nightfall (HA)
Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 100 / 140 / 140 / 130 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Flora Frenzy, Call of the Moon, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Earth Power, Moonblast, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, U-Turn, Leech Seed, Glare
New Features:
Ability: Nightfall
Effect: Sets a new weather condition, Starry Night, this condition gives all Dark type moves a 1.5x boost but halves the damage of Fighting type moves.
Distribution: Stelyota
Move: Flora Frenzy

Base Points: 90
Power Points: 8
Precision: 100
Designation: Special, Non-Contact
Effect: Deals 1.5x more damage when Grassy Terrain is active.
Move: Call of the Moon

Base Points: —
Power Points: 8
Precision: —
Designation: Status
Effect: Raises all Atk, Def, SpAtk, SpDef, and Spd by 1 stage, only works if used when Starry Night is active.
Flavour/Design: A giant coyote with glowing white eyes, it’s black fur is mixed with a lacework of yellowish-green grass and thorns.
Potential Competitive Role: Stelyota has the ability to function as a sweeper that can utilize that has two very viable abilities to help accomplish its goals, some support can also be provided with the help of Glare and Leech Seed. I’m not gonna claim to be knowledgeable in the slightest when it comes to Ubers so I’ll keep it short.
Name: Agbosus (Agriculture + Bos + Taurus)
Counterpart: Stelyota

Ability: Ground Surge, Drought (HA)
Base Stats: 130 / 140 / 140 / 90 / 100 / 80 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Harvest High, Worker’s Blade, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Iron Head, Steel Roller, Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Throat Chop, Superpower, Heat Crash, Body Press, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Ability: Ground Surge
Effect: Sets a new terrain, Ground Terrain. This condition grants a 1.3x boost to all Ground type moves, halves the damage of all Rock type moves, and prevents all hazards from being set (does not remove hazards already on the field).
Distribution: Agbosus
Move: Harvest High

Base Points: —
Power Points: 8
Precision: —
Designation: Status
Effect: Raises Atk by 1 stage and Spd by 2, only works if used when Ground Terrain is active.
Move: Worker’s Blade

Base Points: 100
Power Points: 8
Precision: 95
Designation: Physical, Contact
Effect: Raises SpDef by 1 in Harsh Sunlight
Flavour/Design: A giant longhorn with 2 enormous steel horns that run eventually run parallel to the ground while the bottom of the horns fade into more of a blade, resembling a plow.
Potential Competitive Role: Agbosus can function as a physically bulky Stealth Rocker that also has sweeping capabilities through its access to Harvest High and Bulk Up.
Name: Cytrophe (Cyclone + Entropy + Catastrophe)
Counterpart: Stelyota, Agbosus

Ability: Flash Weather
Base Stats
: 100 / 140 / 140 / 90 / 100 / 130 (700 BST)
Notable Moves: Weather Force, Weather Ball, Flare Blitz, Waterfall, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Work Up, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Hurricane, Air Slash, Dark Pulse
New Features:
Ability: Flash Weather
Effect: Upon entering the battle, this Pokemon randomly sets one of 5 weather conditions.
Distribution: Cytrophe
Move: Weather Force

Base Points: 50
Power Points: 16
Precision: 100
Designation: Physical, Non-Contact
Effect: Physical Weather Ball
Flavour/Design: A great Dragon with shimmering blue and red scales and furious red eyes. It’s top half sticks out of an enormous cyclone made of fire, water, sand, ice, and darkness.
Potential Competitive Role: Cytrophe functions as a fast and strong sweeper from both the Physical and Special side that overall just causes havoc.


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Stitch98 i think voting should have started by now
anyway, considering self votes are allowed: kakaks brazdo, amzodulan and flowiai
megaflareon marlika, pheazul, tamarock and tigrace
samtendo brunica, akulut, wendora, lutakon
Name: Brazdo (brazdian for regional forms)
Inspiration: fuck electrical, ur going to brazil
Lore: Its considered the younger brother of unova, and it is an mix of a lot of cultures from kanto, kalos, galar, unova, etc.
now for the legends:
Name: Amzodulan-Titan and Ancient forms
Counterpart(s): Flowiai
Typing: Grass, Dragon-T, Grass-A
Ability: Deep forest-T, Regenerator-A
Base Stats: 110, 155, 120, 80, 90, 125, 680-T, 110, 125, 70, 80, 90, 105, 580-T
Notable Moves
: Forest rage, Grassy glide, Leaf blade, Power whip, Dragon claw, Outrage, Leech life, Pursuit, Knock, Wild charge, Body press, Close combat, Acrobatics, High horsepower, Facade, Return, Frustration, Rapid spin, Stone edge, Steel roller, Aromatherapy, Grass whistle, Leech seed, Strengh sap, Dragon dance, Sticky web, Taunt, Bulk up, Defog, Protect, Substitute, Wish, Toxic, Rest
New Features: Forest rage: 85 bp, Phys, Bypasses resistances,Deep forest: fairy aua clone for grass type moves
Flavour/Design: Its the protector of the forests. its inspired by the amazon forest or something.

Name: Flowiai-also Titan and Ancient forms
Counterpart(s): Amzodulan
Typing: Water, Dragon-T, Water-A
Ability: Deep sea-T, Drizzle-A
Base Stats: 110, 80, 90, 155, 120, 125, 680-T, 110, 80, 90, 125, 70, 105, 580-A
Notable Moves
: River wrath, Hydro pump, Scald, Surf, Draco meteor, Dragon pulse, Dark pulse, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Focus blast, Hurricane, Shadow ball, Energy ball, Ice beam, Facade, Return, Frustration, Psyshock, Flash cannon, Switcheroo, Taunt, Thunder wave, Moonlight, Defog, Aromatherapy, Haze, Protect, Substitute, Wish, Toxic, Calm mind, Rest,
New Features: River wrath: 85 bp, Special, Bypasses resistances, Deep sea: dark aura clone for water type moves
Flavour/Design: Its the protector of the rivers. its inspired by all the rivers in brazil.
so basically titan formes are meant for ubers and amcient forms are meant for ou

Name: Brunica (Brunician for regional prefix)
Inspiration: Canada but more specifically New Brunswick, with a few parts from Ontario and Vancouver (metropolis), and have the ocean side, the cold climate (colder and harsher winter than their American neighbor), interest on winter sports and the variety of environments. Also have an emphasis on solidarity between the communities.
View attachment 277561

Sources: Google Map (left), Fredericton Tourism website (right)
Lore: The Brunica region was largely unknown in the Pokémon world, does to it's uncharted territories and the attention given to Unova, it's nearby neighbor region. However, for it's relatively small size, it does have a lush, lively environment full of lives, under the guard of Lutakon. Unfortunately, the region is in constant risk of being overrun by the two dangerous Legendary Pokémon, Akhut (dweller of dry lands and the sea) and Wendora (dweller of tundras and the North Pole), forcing Lutakon to seal itself by releasing a calming aura that even Akhut and Wendora calms down for centuries.

Likely New Pokémon Concepts:
  • Mammals: Moose, Raccoon, American Pika, Lynx, Wolverine, Black Bear, Musk Ox, Snowshoe Hare and Snow Rabbit, Arctic Wolf,
  • Birds: Blue Jay, Hawk Owl, Cardinal, Finch
  • Reptiles: Skink, Timber Rattlesnake, Short-Horned Lizard, Painted Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle
  • Plants: Tomato, Mountain Aven, Fireweed, Purple Saxifrage, Sugar Maple, Spruce, Balsam Fir
  • Intervertebral: Dragonflies (Common Whitetail or Chalk-Fronted Corporal), American Dog Tick, Crab Spider, Long Legged Fly, Scorpionfly, Twin Stabbed Lady Beetle
  • Aquatic: Atlantic Sturgeon (fish), Fallfish, Brook Stickleback, Lake Trout, Leech, Torpedo Ray, Blue Angels (Glaucus atlanticus)
  • Mythical Critters: Lake monsters (yes, there is a lot of them considering the amount of lakes in Canada), Mishepishu, Kogukhpuk, loup-garou (Werewolves and wereanimals, but with human conscience).
  • Others: Maple Syrup, Curling, Hockey, Skiing/Sledding, Snow/Ice Sculpture
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Bidoof line, Shinx line, Delibird, Deerling line, Volbeat + Illumise, Zangoose + Seviper, Kricketot line, Cutiefly line, Hoothoot line, Ledyba line, Emolga, Skunky line, Teddiursa line, Cubchoo line, Seel line, Rufflet line, Sneasel line, Sunkern line, etc.

The devouring terror...
Name: Akulut
Counterpart(s): Wendora (Main counterpart) and Lutakon (Third)

Ability: Evil Devourer
Base Stats: 100 HP / 163 Atk / 123 Def / 92 SpA / 92 SpD / 110 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Brutal Maul (New), Crunch, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Taunt, Torment, Snarl, Roar, Iron Head, Outrage, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Close Combat, Earthquake, Waterfall, Liquidation, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Rock Slide, Power Trip, Dark Pulse, Lash Out
New Features: Evil Devourer (Ability - When it uses contact move, it recovers 12,5% of it's maximum HP), Brutal Maul (Move - Dark - Physical - 120 Base Power - 90 Accuracy - 8 PP - Contact - 10% chance for the target to have their Defense lowered by 1 stage).
Flavour/Design: Heavily based of the Akhlut, a wolf-orca hybrid mythical creature that dwells in the land and beaches. Despite what the people of Brunica region were saying it was a necessary evil to control overpopulating humanity and Pokémon, Akhlut aim to eradicate and devour every single living being of the land as it despises presence of everything softer than it. While often busy confronting Wendora, it can singlehandedly responsible for several extinct Pokémon a very long time ago. Dark red and white color scheme.
Potential Competitive Role: As there isn't any Uber-leveled Water-type or Dark-type Pokémon known for physical prowess, Akulut will fill this gap. Although basic at first, Brutal Maul is an exceptionally powerful Dark-type move, or it can use Pursuit to chase down Lugia and non-Mega Mewtwo. Having 110 Speed is higher than average, allowing to use Choice Scarf to revenge kill, or equip a Life Orb to enhance their physical prowess further without worry of HP draining thanks to Devourer. In short, a Water/Dark type physical wallbreaker, sweeper or Psychic/Ghost trapper.
The creep with a cold heart...
Name: Wendora
Counterpart(s): Akulut (Main counterpart) and Lutakon (Third)

Ability: Coldest Heart
Base Stats: 90 HP / 112 Atk / 90 Def / 144 SpA / 100 SpD / 144 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Shadow Cruelty (New), Crunch, Knock Off, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Aurora Veil, Ice Shard, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Icy Wind, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Mythical Fire, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Psyshock, Moonblast, Earth Power, Focus Blast
New Features: Coldest Heart (Ability - Reduce Speed of opposing Pokémon upon switching in), Shadow Cruelty (Move - Ghost - Special - 120 Base Power - 90 Accuracy - 8 PP - No Contact - 10% chance for the target to have their Special Defense lowered by 1 stage).
Flavour/Design: The Wendigo is one of Canada's most famous mythical creatures, so you would know what one would looks like. Barely humanoid, it bends forwards with a skeleton-like disposure that reveals icicles letting out of it's corpse-like body, with messed up horns sprouting out of it's forehead. A malevolent Legendary Pokémon of Brunica, it thrives to bring eternal suffering to all of the region by turning it into an unlivable icy palace for it to live in, and devour anything that tries to survive in such a cruel environment. Although it often conflicts with Akalut, it otherwise lives in the coldest tundra that not even the bravest Trainer dared to explore before.
Potential Competitive Role: Another new Legendary that many Psychic-type will despise to confront. With an abnormally blistering Speed of 144 and equally powerful 144 Special Attack, even Mega Gengar couldn't outspeed this thing so easily. It's Coldest Heart Ability allows it to revenge kill anything wearing a Choice Scarf, and it's Shadow Cruelty is an exceptionally powerful Ghost-type move that is more practical than Shadow Force. Ah, screw it, Coldest Heart in general will mess with speedy Ubers Pokémon, including the mighty Mega Rayquaza in AG, allowing for smooth revenge killing. Being immune of Extreme Speed also helps, but it have to watch for Marshadow that have Shadow Sneak.
And the sleeping guardian.
Name: Lutakon
Counterpart(s): Akulut and Wendora (nemesis)
Form: Resting (default), Awakened (hold the Awaken Seed)

Ability: Nature Guardian
Base Stats: [Resting] 100 HP / 120 Atk / 90 Def / 120 SpA / 130 SpD / 90 Speed (BST: 670) > [Awakened] 100 HP / 150 Atk / 150 Def / 150 SpA / 150 SpD / 70 Spe (BST: 770)
Notable Moves: Elder Recovery (New), Earthquake, Earth Power, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Grassy Glide, Dazzling Gleam, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Giga Drain, Calm Mind, Rest, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Growth, Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Aromatherapy, Recover, Synthesis, Wood Hammer, Heal Pulse, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Psychic, Flash Cannon, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Sleep Powser
New Features: Nature Guardian (Ability - Make Grass-type allies greatly resist (technical 4x damage reduction to make an effective x2 resistance) Fire and Ice type attacks, including the user), Elder Recovery (Move - Grass - Status - Self - 8 PP - Recover HP by 50% while increasing Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage each - exclusive to Awakened Lutakon that have Synthesis; that move is replaced by Elder Recovery under Awakened form and turns back to Synthesis when back to Resting form).
Flavour/Design: Combines aspect of a lutin (gnome) and a variety of elder trees (including the mythical Yggdrasil). The Resting form is surprisingly small, looking like a small but stout tree having resemblance to a gnome. The Awakened form is much more fierce, larger and magnificent looking, with a colorful array of different leaves and green "Tron lines" that energizes up when about to attack or use a recovery move. The Awakened form have multiple arms, referring that a tree have multiple branches, not just two.
Potential Competitive Role: Decided to go a little unorthodox; a pure Grass-type Legendary sounds bad on Ubers, but it have an unique Ability that allows it to turn their Fire and Ice weaknesses into resistances. This allows it to deal with Primal Groudon as it will effectively resist both Fire and Ground, while also being able to handle a myriad of Water-type Ubers like Kyogre without worry of getting hit by Ice Beam. Bug and Poison Ubers are not very numerous, leaving Flying a common threat to it. The Awakened Form is especially threatening, having access to a recovery move that also boosts both it's Attack and Special Attack in additional of huge but well rounded bulk, and no one knows if it would be physical or special! It's slow Speed would definitely gives it grievance when facing Dynamaxed opponents and wallbreakers.

Name: Poderon (Poderonian) (Based on Poder, Spanish for Power)
Inspiration: Spain, with plenty of focus on Madrid and Barcelona (being the two major cities), and sports.
Lore: Poderon was known since ancient times, having lush lands and towering castles. The region was known for its long-standing monarchy, believed to have been placed down by a legendary Pokémon called Regalodon, the Royal Pokemon, believed to be created by Arceus itself. Regalodon is also believed to have created the Poderon Region. Regalodon is also believed to have created two legendaries called Conquisardon, the Conquest Pokemon, so that future kings of the region will be trained to conquer in the name of the region, and Inquisardon, the Inquisitor Pokemon, to remove any kind of heresy in the region. Conquisardon and Inquisardon are more of the box-art legendaries. Regalodon is also able to fuse with both of them, just like Kyurem. During the past centuries, Poderon was involved in an invasion of Galar, which failed horribly. This led to Poderon declining in power and passed it to Galar and Kalos. Eventually, the royal family of Kalos took power in Poderon, but the two regions never united.

The monarchy was removed multiple times. The first of which happened after peasants revolted and replaced the monarch who was ruling. Another republican revolt happened a few decades later. Eventually, 5 years later, a civil war erupted in Poderon and a dictator took power 3 years into the civil war. He ruled for 36 years, and the monarchy returned afterwards.

Likely New Pokémon Concepts: Galleon Pokemon, New Bull Pokemon, Football Pokemon
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Pawniard Line (regional line), Shelmet Line, Karrablast Line, Dragapult Line, Bouffalant Line, Shinx Line, Litleo Line, Scorbunny (gift Pokemon), Sobble (gift Pokemon for doing a quest), Grookey (gift Pokemon from champion post-game), Kanto Starters (through Pokemon Home)

Name: Regalodon
Counterpart(s): Conquisardon and Inquisardon
Typing: Steel/Ground
Ability: Absolutism (Gale Wings Clone — This Pokémon’s Steel-type moves have their priority increased by 1 when at full health)
Base Stats: 110 HP / 162 Atk / 103 Def / 97 SpA / 102 SpD / 106 Speed (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types.
Flavour/Design: Regalodon is based on the Spanish royalty, who ruled most of the time in absolute rule. Some of which were tyrants or basically did nothing the entire time, which is why Regalodon will look like a T-Rex.
Potential Competitive Role: Regalodon will prove to be a dangerous threat. It has a devastating Attack stat, and blistering Speed. It also has well-rounded 110/103/102 bulk. It will definitely be a setup sweeper thanks to Dragon Dance boosting its already high Attack and Speed. It also functions as a revenge killer thanks to Absolutism giving +1 priority to its Steel-type moves at full health.

Name: Conquisardon
Counterpart(s): Inquisardon (Main) Regalodon (Third)
Typing: Steel/Fighting
Ability: Divide and Conquer
Base Stats: 120 HP / 100 Atk / 115 Def / 167 SpA / 91 SpD / 87 Spe (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Hydro Pump
New Features: Divide And Conquer — If the target has less than 50% of its health left, this Pokémon’s attacks do twice as much damage.
Flavour/Design: Conquisardon is based on conquistadors. They have the Fighting-type because they aggressively claimed land for colonization. They have the Steel-types because of their weapons, mainly cannons and guns.
Potential Competitive Role: Conquisardon is able to take advantage of worn down Pokémon to basically OHKO them most of time thanks to Divide and Conquer. However, it is held back by its below-average Speed-tier, which means it can be easily outsped all the time. Nonetheless, it makes up for it in its physical bulk and its powerful offenses.

Name: Inquisardon
Counterpart(s): Conquisardon (Main) Regalodon (Third)
Typing: Steel/Dark
Ability: Heretic Pursuit
Base Stats: 117 HP / 121 Atk / 127 Def / 102 SpA / 112 SpD / 101 Spe (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Bloody Inquisition, Iron Head, Knock Off, Spikes, Swords Dance, U-turn, Play Rough
New Features: Heretic Pursuit - This Pokémon’s moves do super effective damage against Pokémon that are neutral against its STAB. Bloody Inquisition - Dark-type, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, This Pokemon deals super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally resist this move.
Flavour/Design: Inquisardon is based on inquisitors, who participated in inquisitions to eliminate heresy and other things contrary to Catholicism. They were extremely feared, prosecuting 150,000 people and executed 2% of them in the Spanish Inquisition (insert the memes).
Potential Competitive Role: Inquisardon, unlike its two counterparts, is meant for National Dex AG, since dealing super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally be dealt neutral damage will be extremely broken. In AG, it will be used as a setup sweeper. If a Swords Dance is used, it can potentially OHKO everything that doesn’t have Unaware, Sturdy, or holds Focus Sash.

Altered Forms:

Name: Regalodon-Conquistador (Fusion of Regalodon and Conquisardon), simply Regalodon-C
Counterpart(s): Regalodon-Inquisitor
Typing: Ground/Fighting
Ability: Divide and Conquer
Base Stats: 110 HP / 170 Atk / 105 Def / 147 SpA / 102 SpD / 146 Speed (BST: 780)
Notable Moves: Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types. Divide And Conquer — If the target has less than 50% of its health left, this Pokémon’s attacks do twice as much damage.
Flavour/Design: In a state of emergency such as the invasion of the region by foreign powers, Regalodon will merge with Conquisardon to become Regalodon-Conquistador. Regalodon-C is also summoned by the evil team of the region in order to strike fear into the region and gain power, but is eventually stopped by the player. In order to gain Regalodon-C you need DNA Splicers.

Name: Regalodon-Inquisitor (Fusion of Regalodon and Inquisardon), simply Regalodon-I
Counterpart(s): Regalodon-Conquistador
Typing: Dark/Fighting
Ability: Heretic Pursuit
Base Stats: 140 HP / 120 Atk / 115 Def / 147 SpA / 112 SpD / 146 Speed (BST: 780)
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Body Press, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Outrage, Regal Smash, Bloody Inquisition, Knock Off, Spikes, Swords Dance, U-turn, Play Rough
New Features: Regal Smash - Ground-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 12 PP, This move does double damage to opposing Ground-types and Steel-types. Heretic Pursuit - This Pokémon’s moves do super effective damage against Pokémon that are neutral against its STAB. Bloody Inquisition - Dark-type, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, This Pokemon deals super-effective damage to Pokemon that would normally resist this move.
Flavour/Design: In a state of emergency such as the decreasing number of religious people (who believe in Arceus), Regalodon will merge with Inquisardon to become Regalodon-Inquisitor. Regalodon-I is also summoned by the evil team of the region in order to strike fear into the region and gain power, but is eventually stopped by the player. In order to gain Regalodon-I you need DNA Splicers.

Both altered forms are definitely meant for NatDex AG, especially Regalodon-I. Regalodon-C can function extremely well as a mixed wallbreaker/cleaner, being able to take advantage of its coverage to deal good chunks of damage against targets. Regalodon-I meanwhile can function as a revenge killer, physical wallbreaker, and physical sweeper thanks to its high Attack stat in conjunction with its ability.
Name: Delsey (I am bad with naming things)
Inspiration: South Jersey and the Philadelphia Area (everything I want covered is circled in the map)
Lore: About 244 years ago a group of men wrote a declaration that would separate them from the rule of the galarian king. They claimed him to be a tyrant and wished to found a land of liberty. It's said that with the help of some powerful pokemon they managed to do that. That was how Delsey came to be. Unlike those monarchal Galarians or Unovans they built a republic with one man being chosen to govern the region as he appointed twelve others to help aid him in his task. This republic still stands to this day, and those 13 positions eventually became the champion of the region, the elite four, and the gym leaders of the region. In the modern time Delsey is currently in a crisis: disease is spreading, pollution is more widespread, and the republic has become corrupted due to corporate lobbyists manipulating them to work for them instead of the people, especially the megacorp that is Comco. More and more people are rebelling due to the republic that was to serve them, is working against them. Now people are claiming to see three winged creatures flying throughout the region! What is going on?!

Name: Bellraptor
Counterpart(s): Columpax

Ability: Warlord-When attacking this pokemon the damage for this pokemon target's the weaker defense stat (ie it's uses the weaker of defense or special defense when calculating damage) It cannot be negated.
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 90 / 130 / 90 / 140 (BST 680)
Notable Moves: Dive Bomb-It's just a fighting type brave bird clone
Flavour/Design: Bellraptor is based on a hawk as well as the concept of war, hence the fighting type. The reason for this is the fact that for a time the US used the terms Hawk and Dove as terms for someone who is for war or against war respectively. While it doesn't hate Columpax, it's not a fan of it either. The relationship it has with Columpax is not one of hatred but rather a tense one as it knows it cannot exist without the other.
Potential Competitive Role: Okay so it's clearly aiming to be a sweeper given the everything it has going for it, however it can also break walls given its ability. However it might be outclassed as a sweeper since Pheramosa and Zacian exist, thus it might end up being a wallbreaker against whatever walls Ubers has. I'll be honest I don't know the ubers metagame at all. Also like most things, it gets bodied by crowned zacian.

Name: Columpax
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor

Ability: Peace Maker-When being attacked the damage dealt by the move is based on the higher defense stat. It cannot be negated
Base Stats: 100 / 90 / 135 / 130 / 135 / 90 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Olive Branch-It's a clone of protect that when the opponent attacks the user, their attack and special attack go down by one stage.
Flavour/Design: Columpax is based on a dove, and the concept of peace, and it's fairy because I really didn't know what other type would represent peace all to well. It holds a similar view of Bellraptor and Bellraptor has with it. In a sense of one cannot exist without the other. If there is war there must be peace.
Potential Competitive Role: Now despite all the peace stuff this thing can hold its own, however it would be more defensive. Being a bird it gets reliable healing with roost, and it has a protect clone that can help bolster its defenses. However once again it gets bodied by crowned zacian.

Name: Remaquil
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor, Columpax

Ability: Filibuster-It squawks and screes at the opponent for so long that the first attack the opponent makes is negated-(OG Disguise)
Base Stats: 100 / 116/ 116 / 116 / 116 / 116 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Pursuit of Happiness-Normal Type, Status. The user raises its highest stat by 2 stages and gets happier.
Flavour/Design: Remaquil is a somewhat large two headed eagle. The two heads try to be cordial to each other, even though they have different ideals. Now what this two headed eagle is based on could be anyone's guess. I mean it's so ambiguous. It sways between favoring Bellraptor or the Columpax, depending on what is neccesary for the time.
Potential Competitive Role: This would be a set up sweeper of sorts since it has OG disguise and good stats I think it'd be fine in ubers. However it is a normal/flying type and as such the fighting types that most flying types would resist, it doesn't.

Name: Remaquil-Corrupted
Counterpart(s): Bellraptor, Columpax

Ability: Filibuster-It squawks and screes at the opponent for so long that the first attack the opponent makes is negated-(OG Disguise)
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 60 (BST 680) .
Notable Moves: Mutually Assured Destruction-Dark Type, Special, Base Power: 255, Accuracy 100%. When the user uses this move it faints in a fiery explosion.
New Features: It's form is dependent on weather or not it holds the Comco Check
Flavour/Design: Remaquil-Corrupted is a massive, sorta bloated, two headed eagle. The two heads rarely get along and are generally awful to each other. It sways between favoring Bellraptor or the Columpax based on what seems to help them get more shiny things. It is easily distracted by shiny things, and will really only function if given said shiny things. It focuses more on shiny things than anything else, including its own trainer.
Potential Competitive Role: This would be a set up sweeper of sorts since it has OG disguise and good stats I think it'd be fine in ubers. of course it's signature move is the strongest move in the game, but it also faints when used so it's not so bad.
Name: Siakan (SIGH-uh-kawn)
Inspiration: Based on Thailand, the people of this region are called Siakani, or simply as the Siakan.
Lore: The Siakan region is peaceful and idyllic, fitting into the stereotype of a tropical paradise for locals and tourists alike. The people are known for their religion, where among others, they worship the three legendary Pokemon who they believe constructed the cycle of existence: Pramaloka, the God of Creation, Vishrama, the God of Preservation, and Shimadeva, the God of Destruction. These power of these Pokemon are in balance, allowing the sacred cycle of birth, life, and death to continue as it has for eternity. However, in the shadows of the laid-back and peaceful Siakan society, a cult has been quietly growing in number and power. This cult intends to capture and use the power of the legendary Pokemon, using Shimadeva to destroy the world so they can create a new world to their liking. What will happen should they succeed? Is there anyone brave enough to seek them out and stop them?
Name: Pramaloka
Counterpart(s): Shimadeva

Ability: Power of Creation*
Base Stats: 125 / 90 / 100 / 150 / 120 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Emerging Light*, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunder, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Surf, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Creation* - The Pokemon and its allies come under positive weather-like effects (Fire, Water moves 1.25x power, Rock-types 1.25x SpD, all weather-dependent abilities activate, Synthesis etc. give increased recovery, Thunder, Hurricane, Blizzard raised to 85% accuracy). Nullifies opposing Power of Preservation or Power of Destruction, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Preservation or Power of Destruction.
Emerging Light* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Heals 50% of damage dealt, no contact
Flavour/Design: For the people of the Siakan region, it is believed that Pramaloka, not Arceus, was the one who created the universe. Arceus' "thousand arms" are believed to be incorrectly attributed, belonging instead to Pramaloka. Pramaloka resembles a very large man sitting in a meditative position, with a four-faced head and surrounded by many small floating hands that appear and disappear constantly. Its skin glows with a golden light, and the rare few who have gazed upon it report feelings of calmness and awe.
Potential Competitive Role: Pramaloka's ability powers up some its coverage moves like Fire Blast and Surf, while giving Thunder, Hurricane, and Blizzard more reliable accuracy. STAB Earth Power hits things like Primal Groudon, Zacian-C, Eternatus, Necrozma-DM, and Shimadeva, while its signature move provides strong damage with some recovery.

Name: Vishrama
Counterpart(s): Pramaloka, Shimadeva

Ability: Power of Preservation*
Base Stats: 125 / 150 / 120 / 90 / 100 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Unwavering Strike*, Close Combat, Liquidation, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Preservation* - The Pokemon and its allies recover 1/16th of their max hitpoints at the end of each turn, recovery from moves increased by 25%. Nullifies opposing Power of Creation or Power of Destruction, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Creation or Power of Destruction.
Unwavering Strike* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Ignores targets' stat changes, makes contact
Potential Competitive Role:

Name: Shimadeva
Counterpart(s): Pramaloka

Ability: Power of Destruction*
Base Stats: 125 / 150 / 80 / 150 / 80 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Decimating Blast*, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap, Earthquake, Earth Power, Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Focus Blast, Close Combat, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Power of Destruction* - The opposing Pokemon lose 1/16th of their max hitpoints at the end of each turn, recovery from moves decreased by 25%. Nullifies opposing Power of Creation or Power of Preservation, cannot be swapped/nullified except by opposing Power of Creation or Power of Preservation.
Decimating Blast* -
| 110 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Damage inflicted depends on user's Atk or SpA, highest stat used to determine if move is Physical or Special, no contact
Potential Competitive Role: Shimadeva can run both physical and special attacking sets (or mixed) due to its high offenses and Photon Geyser-esque signature move. Its ability is detrimental to its opponent, especially against stall Pokemon.
Wanted to do Inca Empire, but man are their gods hard to make into Pokemon! How do you create a literal sun?

Name: Orasia (Denonim: Orasian)
Inspiration: Australia (Oceania + Australia, I’m bad at naming things.) (Will include image later.)
Lore: They say that Arceus created Coltenper, and Coltenper created Orasia with its thrashings. Coltenper, after creating the two protectors, went to sleep. Now, thousands of years later, a young boy sets out on his quest to become champion. But things are changing; the temperatures are rising, fires are becoming stronger, and something is awakening...
Region is metropolitan along the coast, with luxury beaches for the rich. Smaller population than most. Used to be a territory of Galar, but declared independence more than a hundred years ago. Further inside are plains, desert and mountain ranges, creating beautiful and diverse views. This wide diversity of terrain creates many opportunities for interesting Pokemon (also confound Gamefreak for stealing kangaroos and koalas!).
New Aeselia (New Zealand) is a new region DLC add-on!

Name: Coltenper
Counterpart(s): Aiambe, Nubijil

Ability: Control of Water
Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 105 / 130 / 105 / 110 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Quartz Storm, Most Ground-type moves, most Water-type moves, Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Recover, Thunder, Focus Blast, Superpower, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, etc.
Double Slap
Pay Day
Razor Wind
Swords Dance
Vine Whip
Sand Attack
Horn Attack
Fury Attack
Body Slam
Take Down
Tail Whip
Poison Sting
Sonic Boom
Water Gun
Hydro Pump

Bubble Beam
Hyper Beam
Seismic Toss
Mega Drain
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf
Solar Beam
Poison Powder
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Petal Dance
Dragon Rage
Fire Spin
Rock Throw
Double Team
Confuse Ray
Defense Curl
Light Screen
Focus energy
Mirror Move
Fire Blast
Skull Bash
Dream Eater
Poison Gas
Leech Life
Lovely Kiss
Rock Slide
Hyper Fang
Super Fang
Flame Wheel
Cotton Spore
Scary Face
Feint Attack
Sweet Kiss
Sludge Bomb
Mud Slap
Destiny Bond
Giga Drain
Mean Look
Sleep Talk
Heal Bell
Pain Split
Dragon Breath
Baton Pass
Iron Tail
Morning Sun
Hidden Power
Rain Dance
Sunny Day
Mirror Coat
Psych Up
Ancient Power
Shadow Ball
Future Sight
Rock Smash
Beat Up
Fake Out
Spit Up
Heat Wave
Follow Me
Nature Power
Helping Hand
Magic Coat
Knock Off
Skill Swap
Secret Power
Mud Sport
Poison Fang
Weather Ball
Fake Tears
Air Cutter
Rock Tomb
Cosmic Power
Water Spout
Signal Beam
Sand Tomb
Muddy Water
Bullet Seed
Aerial Ace
Bulk Up
Mud Shot
Poison Tail
Volt Tackle
Magical Leaf
Water Sport
Calm Mind
Dragon Dance
Rock Blast
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Miracle Eye
Healing Wish
Natural Gift
Close Combat
Psycho Shift
Heal Block
Trump Card
Wring Out
Power Trick
Castro Acid
Lucky Chant
Me First
Power Swap
Guard Swap
Last Resort
Worry Seed
Aqua Ring
Flare Blitz
Aura Sphere
Rock Polish
Dark Pulse
Night Slash
Aqua Tail
Seed Bomb
Air Slash
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Rush
Power Gem
Focus Blast
Energy Ball
Earth Power
Giga Impact
Nasty Plot
Height: 15.0m
Weight: 655.5kg
Said to have been created by Arceus itself, this Pokemon is said to slumber beneath Mount Lurulu.
Long and snakelike, with Grey-Yellow skin and cyan lines running down the length of its body.
New features:
Control of Water: Sets Heavy Rain; Water-type moves targeted at Coltenper Heal the amount of damage they would have otherwise dealt.
Quartz Storm:
| Special | 100BP | Is Water-type if the weather is rain.
Potential Competitive Role: Although it’s stats aren’t too high, it can go mixed effectively, and serves as a good check to Kyogre. It’s Speed is also high, allowing it to outspeed numerous other Pokemon in the tier. Access to Knock Off also helps it. I think it’ll fill a niche similar to normal Kyogre.

Name: Coltenper-Rage
Counterpart(s): Aiambe, Nubijil

Ability: Raging Wildfire
Base Stats: 120 / 175 / 85 / 175 / 85 / 110 (BST: 750)
Notable Moves: Flaring Destruction, Most Ground-type moves, most Water-type moves, Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Recover, Thunder, Focus Blast, Superpower, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, etc.
Height: 15.0m
Weight: 656.0kg
When Coltenper falls into a rage, it brings terrible drought and death. Few dare to confront it, for its rath is terrible to behold.
Long and snakelike, with Grey-Yellow skin and red lines sprouting flames running down the length of its body.
New features:
Raging Wildfire: Sets Harsh Sun; Non Fire-type opposing lose 10% of total health each turn.
Flaring Destruction:
| Physical or Special | 100BP | Is Physical or Special based on higher attacking stat. (Photon Geyser clone) (Defaults to Special)
Potential Competitive Role: Likely AG. Matches Rayquaza as an extremely powerful mixed attacker (MRay, however, is slightly stronger and maybe a bit bulkier, but also slower). Weak to Ground, and there are a lot of Ground-types around.
Name: Aiambe

Ability: Protector of the Weak
Base Stats: 140 / 100 / 135 / 100 / 135 / 70 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Nurture, Toxic, Thunder Wave, U-Turn, Heal Bell, Strength Sap, Recover, etc.
Height: 6.8m
Weight: 220.0kg
Before Coltenper fell into its slumber, it tasked Aiambe to protect its creation. This Pokemon is said to live in the clouds.
Humanoid figure shrouded in thick clouds.
New features:
Protector of the weak: All attacks deal reduced damage to user if at full health (Shadow Shield clone)
| Status | Increase all allies’ HP by 50% max.
Potential Competitive Role: Basically Giratina but maybe better, with a typing not so easily abused except by strong Electric-types and maybe Kyogre.
Name: Nubijil

Ability: Strength of the Strong
Base Stats: 100 / 140 / 105 / 90 / 105 / 140 (BST: 680)
Notable Moves: Blitz Strike, Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, etc.
Height: 6.8m
Weight: 220.0kg
Before Coltenper fell into its slumber, it tasked Nubijil to protect its creation. This Pokemon soars high above the ground.
Humanoid figure shrouded in thick clouds.
New features:
Strength of the strong: All user’s attacks are strengthened by 1.25* if at full health.
Blitz Strike:
| Physical | 100BP | Priority +3
Potential Competitive Role: Powerful Physical attacker marked by lack of other potentials Flying-type competitors. Zacian is pretty strong but has a largely different type and requires an item to be useful.
Name: Marlika (Demonym: Marlikan)
Inspiration: Philippines
Name is based on the local term "maharlika", meaning a freeman.

Lore: Marlika was once colonized by the Kanto region. Seeking for freedom, the Marlikans went to a war with the Kantonians. This resulted to a lot of deaths, leaving both regions with few adult men as a result. Notable Kantonian survivors of the war include Lt. Surge and Lance. At the end of the war though, Marlika was able to get its long-awaited freedom. Few years later, tensions fizzled out between Kanto and Marlika and both countries now share good diplomatic relations. The legendary Pokemon of Marlika are anointed by the people to keep the peace within the region and prevent future wars from happening. (The lore is based on the Japanese, represented by Kanto here, occupation of the Philippines during World War 2 while also playing on the theory of a previous Pokémon war in Kanto due to the lack of adult male characters. After the war, Philippines and Japan now share good relationship.)

Likely New Pokémon Concepts:
  • Mammals: Mouse deer (Pilandok), Tarsier, Leopard cat, Philippine spotted deer, Fruit-eating bats
  • Birds: Eurasian tree sparrow, chestnut munia, Rufous hornbill
  • Reptiles: Philippine forest turtle, Monitor lizard
  • Plants: Mango, Narra, Strawberry, Bamboo
  • Intervertebral: Magellan Birdwing butterfly, Atlas moth
  • Aquatic: Milkfish, Whale Shark, Tawilis sardines, Tilapia
  • Mythical Critters: Half-snake Half-human creature that roams in a mall at night (urban legend), Aswang (Shape-shifting ghouls), Dwarfs, Kapre (muscular tree giants described as tall, big, black, terrifying, and hairy)
  • Others: Jeepney transportation, Christmas lanterns, Basketball
Examples of Returning Pokémon: Exeggcute line, Seel line, Meowth line, Rattata line, Taillow line, Oddish line, Poliwag line, Koffing line, Grimer line, Trubbish line, Sandshrew line, Corsola line, Krabby line, Goldeen line, Finneon line, Ducklett line, Tropius, Miltank, Growlithe line, Ponyta line, Torkoal, Wurmple line, etc.
Lots of Water-types because the region is an archipelago and lots of Fire-types because of the tropical climate. The Poison-types signify the pollution in the urban areas.

The legendary Pokemon in Marlika are inspired by Philippines' animals and mascots of notable top universities.


Name: Pheazul (Philippine Eagle + Azul)
Counterpart(s): Tamarock

Ability: Feather Shield
Base Stats: 110 / 130 / 154 / 96 / 95 / 95 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Aqua Wing, Brave Bird, Liquidation, Dual Wingbeat, Roost, Defog, Toxic, Acrobatics, Superpower, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Aromatherapy
New Features:
Feather Shield: Using a Flying-type move boosts the user's Defense stat by 1 stage
Aqua Wing: 100 BP, 95% Accuracy, Physical, Flying-type category, 10PP, Makes contact, Attack is both Flying-type and Water-type (Flying Press clone)
Flavour/Design: Based on the Philippine Eagle, the national animal of the Philippines. Pheazul flies through the air to keep the peace on everything that it sees.
Potential Competitive Role: Can be used as a wall and defogger when run with Heavy-Duty boots, and can also be used as a bulky set-up sweeper. Its typing and excellent Defense stat notably allows it to wall Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh. Not sure about the technicalities but Aqua Wing is a categorized Flying-type move that also deals Water-type damage, so maybe it can hit Primal Groudon with 4x damage to give it a powerful niche?


Name: Tamarock (Tamaraw + Rock)
Counterpart(s): Pheazul

Ability: Headstart
Base Stats: 130 / 154 / 96 / 95 / 95 / 110 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Wood Hammer, Horn Leech, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, High Horsepower, Megahorn, Head Charge, Body Press, Poison Jab, Stealth Rock, Bulk Up
Dual Horn Jab: Rock type Dual Wingbeat clone, also a physical move
New Features:
Headstart: User's recoil moves gain +1 priority as long as the user's HP is above 66%.
Flavour/Design: Based on the Tamaraw, an animal endemic to the Philippines. Tamarock keeps the peace on the forests and rural areas. It has the power to increase the harvest of the farmers.
Potential Competitive Role: It already has good Speed for an Uber Pokemon, but +1 priority is always good at revenge killing opponents off a 154 base Attack. Horn Leech can be used to heal itself and reactivate its ability. It can also support its team with Stealth Rock.


Name: Tigrace (Tiger + Graceful)
Counterpart(s): Pheazul, Tamarock (Third legendary)

Ability: Slasher Claws
Base Stats: 96 / 130 / 95 / 110 / 95 / 154 (680)
Notable Moves: Electropaw, Close Combat, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Cross Poison, Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Extreme Speed, Crunch, Iron Tail, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Taunt
New Features:
Slasher Claws: Moves with a high critical-hit ratio have their power boosted by 50%
Electropaw: 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15 PP, Electric-type, Physical category, Makes Contact, High critical-hit ratio (Electric-type clone of Leaf Blade)
Flavour/Design: While the tiger is not endemic to the Philippines like the other two legendaries, it is the mascot and symbol of the oldest university in the Philippines and in Asia that started in 1611. In the Pokemon world, Tigrace guards the people and Pokemon of Marlika from evil invaders.
Potential Competitive Role: Electric/Fighting is a poor defensive typing in Ubers anyway so I decided to go all-out offensive with this one. It has an incredibly high Speed stat that is only naturally outsped by Deoxys-S and Ninjask, while base 130 Attack supported by Slasher Claws allows it to break through bulky Pokemon. Slasher Claws in particular gives it 135 BP STAB and 105 BP coverage moves, all of which have a high chance for a critical hit. To keep it balanced, it is held back by its lack of defensive utility and below-average bulk.
Name: Teja
Inspiration: This region is based on the great state of Texas. The name comes from the Texas state motto, “Tejas” which means friendship

Ignoring the fact that it is hands down the best state, Texas has many qualities that lend itself to function well for this project. Texas has a surprisingly diverse range of biomes, with Mountains, Deserts, Forests, Swamps, Plains, Marshes, Scrubland, and Ocean locations all found throughout the state and the bordering Gulf of Mexico. This diversity leads to a surprisingly vast array of animals of all kinds calling Texas home, and the state’s proximity to Mexico leads to some surprisingly exotic creatures inhabiting it’s southern parts. Additionally, Texas has a wide array of legends and tall tales dating back to its old west days of cowboys and outlaws that could be used for inspiration. Lastly, The Lone Star State has a rich culture of sports and food that can also lend themselves to some incredible ideas.

Lore: Teja is a region of progress, with farmers still working their way into the region’s wild forests and prairies. However there are still a few cities that have developed into metropolises. The climate of this region is also extreme and unpredictable, with flash floods, tornadoes, heat waves, and dust storms often occurring without any prior notice. The main conflict of this regions lies in the clash between the wild and cultivation, represented best by the two of the region’s main legendaries, Stelyota and Agbosus. Stelyota is a creature of the night, and fights against the taming of the wilderness. Meanwhile Agbosus welcomes the change, and works from dawn to dusk plowing through the prairies and grasslands of Tejas. However the true threat lies in Cytrophe, whose destructive powers over the weather threaten both sides.


Legendary Trio (WIP):
Name: Stelyota (Stella + Coyote)
Counterpart: Agbosus
Typing: View attachment 278241 / View attachment 278242
Ability: Grassy Surge, Nightfall (HA)
Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 100 / 140 / 140 / 130 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Flora Frenzy, Call of the Moon, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Earth Power, Moonblast, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, U-Turn, Leech Seed, Glare
New Features:
Ability: Nightfall
Effect: Sets a new weather condition, Starry Night, this condition gives all Dark type moves a 1.5x boost but halves the damage of Fighting type moves.
Distribution: Stelyota
Move: Flora Frenzy
Type: View attachment 278272
Base Points: 90
Power Points: 8
Precision: 100
Designation: Special, Non-Contact
Effect: Deals 1.5x more damage when Grassy Terrain is active.
Move: Call of the Moon
Type: View attachment 278270
Base Points: —
Power Points: 8
Precision: —
Designation: Status
Effect: Raises all Atk, Def, SpAtk, SpDef, and Spd by 1 stage, only works if used when Starry Night is active.
Flavour/Design: A giant coyote with glowing white eyes, it’s black fur is mixed with a lacework of yellowish-green grass and thorns.
Potential Competitive Role: Stelyota has the ability to function as a sweeper that can utilize that has two very viable abilities to help accomplish its goals, some support can also be provided with the help of Glare and Leech Seed. I’m not gonna claim to be knowledgeable in the slightest when it comes to Ubers so I’ll keep it short.
Name: Agbosus (Agriculture + Bos + Taurus)
Counterpart: Stelyota
Typing: View attachment 278278 / View attachment 278279
Ability: Ground Surge, Drought (HA)
Base Stats: 130 / 140 / 140 / 90 / 100 / 80 (680 BST)
Notable Moves: Harvest High, Worker’s Blade, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Iron Head, Steel Roller, Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Throat Chop, Superpower, Heat Crash, Body Press, Stealth Rock
New Features:
Ability: Ground Surge
Effect: Sets a new terrain, Ground Terrain. This condition grants a 1.3x boost to all Ground type moves, halves the damage of all Rock type moves, and prevents all hazards from being set (does not remove hazards already on the field).
Distribution: Agbosus
Move: Harvest High
Type: View attachment 278281
Base Points: —
Power Points: 8
Precision: —
Designation: Status
Effect: Raises Atk by 1 stage and Spd by 2, only works if used when Ground Terrain is active.
Move: Worker’s Blade
Type: View attachment 278284
Base Points: 100
Power Points: 8
Precision: 95
Designation: Physical, Contact
Effect: Raises SpDef by 1 in Harsh Sunlight
Flavour/Design: A giant longhorn with 2 enormous steel horns that run eventually run parallel to the ground while the bottom of the horns fade into more of a blade, resembling a plow.
Potential Competitive Role: Agbosus can function as a physically bulky Stealth Rocker that also has sweeping capabilities through its access to Harvest High and Bulk Up.
Name: Cytrophe (Cyclone + Entropy + Catastrophe)
Counterpart: Stelyota, Agbosus
Typing: View attachment 278282 / View attachment 278283
Ability: Flash Weather
Base Stats
: 100 / 140 / 140 / 90 / 100 / 130 (700 BST)
Notable Moves: Weather Force, Weather Ball, Flare Blitz, Waterfall, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Work Up, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Hurricane, Air Slash, Dark Pulse
New Features:
Ability: Flash Weather
Effect: Upon entering the battle, this Pokemon randomly sets one of 5 weather conditions.
Distribution: Cytrophe
Move: Weather Force
Type: View attachment 278285
Base Points: 50
Power Points: 16
Precision: 100
Designation: Physical, Non-Contact
Effect: Physical Weather Ball
Flavour/Design: A great Dragon with shimmering blue and red scales and furious red eyes. It’s top half sticks out of an enormous cyclone made of fire, water, sand, ice, and darkness.
Potential Competitive Role: Cytrophe functions as a fast and strong sweeper from both the Physical and Special side that overall just causes havoc.

We'll have a ranked voting: you will vote for a maximum of 5 options and they will receive a number of points based the position they are in, so first voted gets 5 votes, second gets 4, etc. If you vote for less than 5 options, the first will still get 5 points, the second 4 and so on, the count will just stop at where you stop with votes. If you want to self-vote, you must do it as a third option for minimum, so this mean you have to put two other names in your post before yours.

Voting starts now and ends on Monday October 4th.
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