
What about a set of Claw Sharpen/Blizzard/Thunder/X-Scissor? Thunder is better than Zap Cannon being that apparently Claw Sharpen only boosts Zap Cannon to ~67% or so after one accuracy boost which is...well, we need something that learns Zap Cannon and No Guard sometime. Ugh, 67% is bad. While Blizzard/Thunder have over 90%...and Thunder has the same base power as Zap Cannon as well as 30% chance of paralysis. The only thing this doesn't like is it's odd speed which makes it slower than max speed base 100s...then again most don't do that or run Choice Scarf in which case it doesn't really matter. X-Scissor gets a boost from Download in case you accidentally get an attack boost and gets stab and it really hurts special defensive walls and Psychics. A Downloaded Life Orb X-scissor 2 hit koes Blissey though. Thunder 2 hit koes Nattorei and what exactly is Nattorei going to do to the bug? Thunderwave won't be fun but other than that it can't really do much. The jelly dies to Thunder with a Download boost but is 2 hit koed otherwise but it certainly can't wall you.

Geno has a lot of cool attacking special moves. If only he actually had physical ones other than X-Scissor to play with that are actually any good since Download is such a cool ability. Oddly, Thunder can kill no hp invested Shandera with a Download and Life Orb boost so unless Shandera is Choice Scarf or packing hp, you ko if you hit which after Claw Sharpen is nearly guaranteed.
I've been Theorymonning a more support-oriented Genosect, given its excellent defensive typing and decent bulk. I'm thinking this set might be of use:

Sassy; 252 HP / 36 Def / 44 SpA / 176 SpD

Ice Beam
Thunder Wave

The defensive EVs allow Genosect to avoid the 2HKO from both SpecsLatios Surf and SpecsLatios Draco Meteor, falling only to HP Fire. Trick is a mixed bag, as it then becomes a bulky special attacker that still has 296 SpA and a potential Download boost, combined with BoltBeam coverage.

On the physical end of the spectrum, it can take Jolly Garchomp's +2 LO Outrage even after coming into Stealth Rock. Meanwhile, Garchomp is OHKOd by Ice Beam while Yache-Chomp takes a minimum 79% from a downloaded Ice Beam.

Meanwhile, STAB U-Turn hits 4/0 Sazandora for about 60%, while unboosted Ice Beam hits for about the same. Thunder Wave allows it to spread paralysis, as it doesn't necessarily fear ground-types and can strike them with a Download-boosted Ice Beam.

Paired with some Wish support, or perhaps Rain, Genosect makes a great initial switch-in to the dragons so long as it avoids a fire-attack. It also makes a decent check to Gyarados, threatens Grass-types with U-Turn, and hits everything else with paralysis.
I personally don't see any use of his signature move, unless you REALLY want a water move. He looks like he could actually pose a decent threat
The signature move is so elaborate yet so pointless.
I wonder if they forgot to code the power boost.
85 BP is so puny when it has better moves that don't need an item.
Claw Sharpen + Zap Cannon is foolhardy, IMO. :0 With a Claw Sharpen boost, Zappers' accuracy is only raised to 66%, which makes the notoriously-haxy Stone Edge look surefire.
I've been Theorymonning a more support-oriented Genosect, given its excellent defensive typing and decent bulk. I'm thinking this set might be of use:

Sassy; 252 HP / 36 Def / 44 SpA / 176 SpD

Ice Beam
Thunder Wave

The defensive EVs allow Genosect to avoid the 2HKO from both SpecsLatios Surf and SpecsLatios Draco Meteor, falling only to HP Fire. Trick is a mixed bag, as it then becomes a bulky special attacker that still has 296 SpA and a potential Download boost, combined with BoltBeam coverage.

On the physical end of the spectrum, it can take Jolly Garchomp's +2 LO Outrage even after coming into Stealth Rock. Meanwhile, Garchomp is OHKOd by Ice Beam while Yache-Chomp takes a minimum 79% from a downloaded Ice Beam.
why would chomp be using outrage when it can STAB EQ for neutral? even with jolly and yache berry EQ is hitting for 84.7% min, nearly guaranteed OHKO with rocks or1 layer of spikes.
I wish Techno Buster didn't completely suck. Why is the base power so low? It's lower than that of the beams/bolts making it completely useless. If it was physical or 100 base power or so, it would be a really good move if losing your item didn't really matter to you. Oh well.
I wish Techno Buster didn't completely suck. Why is the base power so low? It's lower than that of the beams/bolts making it completely useless. If it was physical or 100 base power or so, it would be a really good move if losing your item didn't really matter to you. Oh well.
100 BP ice buster still deals less damage than a LO ice beam.

Using water wouldn't be worth it since Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam and Flamethrower give great coverage already.
Techno Buster would need to do something really impressive in order to make it better than anything.
I've been seeing a lot of Scarf Genosekuto leads on Pokemon Online. All they do is U-Turn, but it can be a hell of a strong U-Turn. Thoughts?
I've been seeing a lot of Scarf Genosekuto leads on Pokemon Online. All they do is U-Turn, but it can be a hell of a strong U-Turn. Thoughts?
Should be left to Scizor if you ask me.. He was built to do that stuff, has the movepool to make it work and will hit harder.

You could go for 3 special attacks and u-turn for early game scouting, but that u-turn won't hit very hard. And in the end, it'll be more of a revenge killer.
You can try Choice Scarf. With Choice Scarf, it can outspeed most of the pokemon. If Attack is boosted, you U-turn. Or if Sp.A is boosted, you Bug Buzz. or other special move like ice beam, flamethrower, thunderbolt...

Chou Toshio

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This thing IS a massive bitch to fight. It aims at your weak spots, and its U-Turns are extremely annoying. It's not so easy to take out either.

That said, and while I hate fighting them, I can't help but ask myself (when considering it for my own teams) . . . why would I use this instead of ScarfChomp for my scarfer?
LoL what a useless signature move for a guy who can already learn a move of every type of the cassettes (aside water). Couldn't they give it a nice effect at least? Like hits opponents defense but is based of SpA (like psycho shock), or cause confusion on a fairly high chance... Those seem fairly plausible at least. O gf, you do love to toy with your creations don't you
This thing IS a massive bitch to fight. It aims at your weak spots, and its U-Turns are extremely annoying. It's not so easy to take out either.

That said, and while I hate fighting them, I can't help but ask myself (when considering it for my own teams) . . . why would I use this instead of ScarfChomp for my scarfer?
Because it has a Download boost?

Chou Toshio

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And Garchomp gets STAB on its best moves, which have significantly higher base power than Bug Buzz. Power is not really an issue for either.

Oh wait . . . I thought of a better reason to use this as your scarfer . . . Scarf U-Turn. No U-turn is the biggest disappointment for those who replaced their Flygon with Garchomp.

STAB U-Turn with no SR weak coming from 120 ATK is pretty appealing I have to say.

Sorry for answering my own question with a really obvious answer that's already been pointed out by many experienced Genosukuto users in this thread. :/
Rash 236 Spe Scarf Genosekt outspeeds Deoxys-A :)

Who runs U-turn / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Flamethrower and who runs Bug Buzz over one of those?
That's a big if.
With many opposing pokemon you can switch in knowing which boost you are going to get. Either way while he is no Scizor he is definitely one of the best users of U-Turn

Rash 236 Spe Scarf Genosekt outspeeds Deoxys-A :)

Who runs U-turn / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Flamethrower and who runs Bug Buzz over one of those?
I actually haven't tried a set with both U-turn and Bug Buzz, since I figure this guy needs the coverage. I've had the above set as a scarfer, and it worked great. I've also ran max speed on him just to get the jump on CS Sazandora, but it almost seems like a waste

I've also used it as an RP sweeper with RP / Bug Buzz / Ice Beam / Flamethrower, though Shandera wrecks it and RP really screws its coverage so you have to build your team around eliminating its counters. After using it I personally think Tbolt over Ice Beam provides the better coverage, but I never got to test it. The CS U-turner is definitely more of a team player in a Scizor like fashion - the ability to scout and revenge kill various threats
Well the main reason you are going to Use Scarf Genosect (Which is really really crappy Imo with that troll speed) is probably going to be because of the Steel typing.Generally in 5th gen the steels are somewhat harder to come by and there aren't too many viable ones and you basicly always need a dragon resist in your team.It also has that appealing type coverage that might be useful and if you need something that beats certain stuff that other revenge killers or garchomp or w/e cant like Nuttre or Gliscor.The Ability is also pretty nice.It mostly comes down to what you want your revenge killer to do really.But in general Garchomp is a far better revenge killer Imo.
That said id much rather use Scizor if i wanted to Steel typed revenge killer for the most part.Its still awesome.And i disagree with comparing him to Flygon.Because there just completely differant and U turn is always great to have.The main reason people use Garchomp over Flygon is because of the really really bad offensive stats Flygon has.This isnt Genosect's problem really.
Scarf Genosect is amazing. It's like ScarfChomp in a sense that it is a great "glue" piece. It's a great revenge killer because of wonderful coverage and a very good speed stat. Even without investing in bulk, it has the typing to switch into unboosted and resisted attacks and retaliate with the appropriate move.
I typically run U-Turn/Flash Cannon/ T-Bolt/Flamethrower with a Hasty nature and Max speed/Max Sp.Atk with the 4 leftover into attack.

The best thing about ScarfSect is that it's great movepool allows you to tailor it to revenge/check specific pokemon your team is weak to.
I have a different variant of ScarfSect, and it works incredibly.

Genosect @ Choice Scarf
[112 Atk / 176 SpA / 220 Spe]
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)
-Ice Beam

This is mainly a scout that abuses it's Download boosts; it's U-Turn hits like a fucking truck after a boost. BoltBeam provide near-perfect coverage, and also hit like a fucking truck after a boost. Explosion should only be used if you get the Attack boost, and then it again hits like said truck.

220 EVs outspeeds Base I-Can't-Remembers without Scarves (I think) and there's really no point in giving it max Speed unless you want to outrun Scarfed Sazandora and Onono.
100 BP ice buster still deals less damage than a LO ice beam.

Using water wouldn't be worth it since Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam and Flamethrower give great coverage already.
Techno Buster would need to do something really impressive in order to make it better than anything.
Water techno buster if you reeeeaaallly hate Rotom-H lol


Sweet and bitter as chocolate.
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No, seriously. Don't use the Cassettes. Life Orb and Choice items are more useful in this case than they should be for a normal Pokemon because of a high-coverage movepool and the existence of a U-Turn Pokemon at our hands. Rotom-H isn't even popular enough to advocate Water, and even Rotom can be taken care of by the right teammates.

November Blue

A universe where hot chips don't exist :(
is a Contributor Alumnus
I used a scarf genesect in tandem with kojondo (u-turn, fake out, hi jump kick and stone edge) a while ago. The momentum it gave me was incredible. You can 'turn back and forth to get a free fake out every time kojondo switches in. Between his physical coverage and genesect's special attacks, it tore shit up.
I am guessing you used Regeneration, since that would allow you to switch Kojondo in much easier. A Scarf is probably the ebst item for Genosect, since he can scout well with U-Turn and Download, and revenge kill with his excllent coverage. That said, since you are going to be switching in and out a lot, you need to make sure that there arent too many hazards on your side.

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