1v1 [GP 0/1] - SS Zeraora


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name: Choice Band
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Play Rough
move 4: Close Combat / Outrage / Blaze Kick
item: Choice Band
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists OHKOes most Urshifu-R, Celesteela, Tapu Fini, and non-Custap Berry Primarina, and as an added bonus it makes Normal-type moves Electric-type, which lets Zeraora absorb them with Volt Absorb. This is useful versus non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. Knock Off defeats Dragapult and Spectrier and has good odds to win against Naganadel. Play Rough OHKOes Urshifu-S and non-Choice Scarf Haxorus. Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan, non-Chople Berry Tyranitar, and some Heatran. Outrage beats many Dragon-types, such as Dracovish, Dracozolt, and occasionally Goodra. It also guarantees beating Naganadel, but Knock Off is usually adequate there, as Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor only occasionally OHKOes Zeraora. Blaze Kick OHKOes Ferrothorn and Kartana.

The Speed investment and the Jolly nature are for opposing Zeraora and Dragapult; the Special Defense is for surviving Choice Specs-boosted Hyper Beam from Regieleki.

Usage Tips
Choice Band Zeraora is quite straightforward; use the move that does the most damage.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Outrage / Close Combat
move 4: Close Combat / Iron Tail / Fire Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Adamant
evs: 136 HP / 164 Atk / 92 Def / 116 Spe


Set Description
Zeraora can hold an Assault Vest to take on various special attackers, such as Sylveon and Porygon-Z, which other sets typically struggle with. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat all Haxorus with Outrage and Heatran with Close Combat. Iron Tail helps out versus Sylveon and Aromatisse; it 2HKOes bulky Sylveon, and Iron Tail + Plasma Fists 2HKOes Aromatisse. Fire Punch OHKOes Kartana and 2HKOes Ferrothorn.

The HP investment allows Zeraora to survive Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam; the Defense investment is for Choice Scarf Haxorus's Earthquake. The Speed is for outspeeding base 110 Speed Pokemon, such as Archeops and Latios.

Usage Tips
In most matchups, use the move that does the most damage.

Against Haxorus and Heatran, use Knock Off and then a super effective move. This removes any counterplay option they may have, including a Choice Scarf or a Custap Berry.

name: Bulky Life Orb
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Bulk Up / Knock Off / Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 44 HP / 160 Atk / 44 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Close Combat is for various Fighting-weak Pokemon, such as Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and non-Chople Berry Tyranitar. Taunt + Bulk Up allows Zeraora to break through walls like Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat Spectrier and some Dragapult, and Knock Off + Close Combat defeats Magnezone. Play Rough allows Zeraora to defeat most Urshifu-S.

The Speed investment is for the best chances to outspeed Dragapult and other Zeraora, the HP and Defense allow Zeraora to reliably defeat Galarian Zapdos, and the Special Defense investment is for surviving Tapu Lele's Psychic.

If you do not have Knock Off, a basic spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe is a fine alternative for more damage output. The Special Defense investment is for surviving Choice Specs Regieleki's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Life Orb Zeraora aims to deal as much damage as possible while occasionally removing opposing counterplay with Taunt and Bulk Up or Knock Off.

Against passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola, Zeraora should use Taunt turn 1 for the best chance to win. Zeraora wins against Chansey with the following sequence: Taunt to block Charm or Toxic, then two Bulk Ups, and then Close Combat. To shut down stall Registeel, use Taunt, and then use Bulk Up three times to OHKO it with Close Combat. If Registeel reveals Earthquake, it is Assault Vest Registeel, so a +2 Close Combat will OHKO if Zeraora survives long enough. Galarian Corsola does not usually use a damaging move, so it will probably use Struggle until it faints. However, if it has Night Shade, it will win if it uses that every turn. If it doesn't use Night Shade turn 1, Zeraora can still win by using Taunt, Bulk Up, Knock Off, and then Plasma Fists.

Against Magnezone, Zeraora should use Knock Off to break Sturdy and remove a potential Custap Berry or Choice Specs.

Versus Regieleki, use Bulk Up and then Close Combat so that Choice Specs-boosted Hyper Beam doesn't KO Zeraora after Life Orb recoil.

The EV spread allows Zeraora to use Knock Off safely against Galarian Zapdos and Tapu Lele on turn 1, proceeding to finish them off with Plasma Fists. If Tapu Lele consumes Psychic Seed, do not use Knock Off.

Other Options
Weakness Policy Zeraora is a somewhat common Metagross lure, since all other sets are quite unreliable against it. With an EV spread of 8 HP / 176 Atk / 176 Def / 148 Spe, an Adamant nature, and Bulk Up + Knock Off, it defeats all Metagross variants bar Jolly Choice Scarf.

Air Balloon Zeraora with Fake Out and Outrage defeats some Ground-types and some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Landorus, Nidoking, Galarian Darmanitan, and Haxorus.

Quick Attack or Protect on Life Orb Zeraora allows it to check Custap Berry users like Primarina better.

A special Zeraora set can lure in a few answers to Zeraora, but it is usually not advisable. If a team requires it, use Fake Out + Thunderbolt for Avalugg, Grass Knot for Swampert and Rhyperior, and Thunder for Crustle.

- Written by: [[Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[zo, 249890], [doc1203, 526135]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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name: Choice Band
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Play Rough
move 4: Close Combat / Outrage / Blaze Kick
item: Choice Band
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is Zeraora’s main STAB attack, used to OHKO most Urshifu-R, Celesteela, Tapu Fini, and non-Custap Berry Primarina. Knock Off defeats Dragapult, Spectrier and has good odds against Naganadel. Play Rough OHKOs Urshifu-S and non-Choice Scarf Haxorus. Close Combat OHKOs Galarian Darmanitan, non-Chople Berry Tyranitar, and some Heatran. Outrage beats many Dragon-types, such as Naganadel, Dracovish, Dracozolt, and occasionally Goodra. Blaze Kick OHKOes Ferrothorn and Kartana.

The Speed investment and the Jolly nature are for opposing Zeraora and Dragapult; the Special Defense is for Choice Specs Hyper Beam from Regieleki.

Usage Tips
Choice Band Zeraora is usually quite straightforward; use the move that does the most damage.

Outrage over Knock Off has marginally better odds versus Naganadel, as Zeraora is only occasionally OHKOed by Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor. While Outrage does guarantee the matchup, opting for Close Combat or Blaze Kick over Outrage doesn’t mean sacrificing the Naganadel matchup.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Outrage / Close Combat
move 4: Close Combat / Iron Tail / Blaze Kick
item: Assault Vest
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Adamant
evs: 136 HP / 164 Atk / 92 Def / 116 Spe


Set Description
Zeraora can hold the Assault Vest to take on various Special attackers, such as Sylveon and Porygon-Z, which other sets typically struggle with. Knock Off provides utility, allowing Zeraora to defeat all Haxorus with Outrage and all Porygon-Z with Close Combat (this IS a 50/50, but its kinda zera favored? idk if id include it here its a very dicey mu that requires some skill to maneuver, pz techs it and zera techs it back). Iron Tail helps out versus Sylveon and Aromatisse; Iron Tail + Plasma Fists 2HKOs Aromatisse and Iron Tail 2HKOes bulky Sylveon. Blaze Kick OHKOes Kartana and 2HKOes Ferrothorn. (had this discussion already but i think fire punch is just more optimal since its same matchups better accuracy, however im not adding/rming anything because i wanna sort this out w set comp first)

The HP investment allows Zeraora to survive Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam; the defensive investment is for Choice Scarf Haxorus's Earthquake. The Speed is for base 110s, such as Archeops and Latios.

Usage Tips
In most matchups, use the move that does the most damage.

Against Haxorus and Porygon-Z, use Knock Off and then a super-effective move. This removes any counterplay they may have, including a Choice Scarf or a Custap Berry.

name: Bulky Life Orb
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Taunt / Bulk Up
move 4: Bulk Up / Knock Off / Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 44 HP / 160 Atk / 44 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is used as Zeraora’s STAB attack, with an added bonus of absorbing Normal-type moves, which is useful versus non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. Close Combat is for various Fighting-weak Pokemon, such as Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and non-Chople Berry Tyranitar. Bulk Up allows Zeraora to live attacks from slower physical attackers, like some weaker Metagross. With Taunt, it allows Zeraora to break through walls like Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat Spectrier and some Dragapult, and when paired with Close Combat, all Magnezone and Jolly Choice Band Aggron (what luser said, worth noting that you SUPER lose vs adamant in combination w LO recoil but you do beat jolly.). Play Rough allows Zeraora to defeat most Urshifu.

The Speed investment is for the best chances against Dragapult and other Zeraora, the HP and Defense allows Zeraora to reliably defeat Galarian Zapdos, while the Special Defense investment is for Tapu Lele's Psychic.

If you do not have Knock Off, a basic spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 4 252 Spe may be better. The Special Defense investment is for Choice Specs Regieleki's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Life Orb Zeraora looks to deal as much damage as possible, while occasionally removing opponent’s counterplay with Taunt, Knock Off and Bulk Up.

Against passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola, Zeraora should Taunt turn 1 for the best chance to win.

Against Pokemon with the Sturdy ability, such as Magnezone and Aggron, (what luser said pt2) Zeraora should use Knock Off to break Sturdy and remove potential Custap Berries or Choice items.

Versus Regieleki, use Bulk Up and then Close Combat so that you are not KOed by Choice Specs Hyper Beam + Life Orb recoil.

The EV spread allows Zeraora to use Knock Off safely against Galarian Zapdos and Tapu Lele on turn 1 before finishing off with Plasma Fists. If Tapu Lele consumes Psychic Seed, do not use Knock Off.

Other Options
Weakness Policy Zeraora is a somewhat common Metagross lure, since all other sets are quite unreliable against it. With an EV spread of 8 HP / 176 Atk / 176 Def / 148 Spe, an Adamant nature, and Bulk Up + Knock Off, it defeats all variants bar Jolly Choice Scarf.

Air Balloon Zeraora with Fake Out and Outrage defeats some Ground-types, such as Landorus and Nidoking, as well as some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Quick Attack or Protect on Life Orb Zeraora allows it to check Custap Berry users like Primarina better.

- Written by: [[Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
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already discussed on discord but im here to revise this check in case i feel i missed something

name: Choice Band
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Play Rough
move 4: Close Combat / Outrage / Blaze Kick
item: Choice Band
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is Zeraora’s main STAB attack, used to OHKO most Urshifu-R, Celesteela, Tapu Fini, and non-Custap Berry Primarina. Knock Off defeats Dragapult, Spectrier and has good odds against Naganadel. Play Rough OHKOes Urshifu-S and non-Choice Scarf Haxorus. Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan, non-Chople Berry Tyranitar, and some Heatran. Outrage beats many Dragon-types, such as Naganadel, Dracovish, Dracozolt, and occasionally Goodra. Blaze Kick OHKOes Ferrothorn and Kartana.

The Speed investment and the Jolly nature are for opposing Zeraora and Dragapult; the Special Defense is for Choice Specs Hyper Beam from Regieleki.

Usage Tips
Choice Band Zeraora is usually quite straightforward; use the move that does the most damage.

Outrage over Knock Off has marginally better odds versus Naganadel, as Zeraora is only occasionally OHKOed by Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor. While Outrage does guarantee the matchup, opting for Close Combat or Blaze Kick over Outrage doesn’t mean sacrificing the Naganadel matchup.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Outrage / Close Combat
move 4: Close Combat / Iron Tail / Blaze Kick Fire Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Adamant
evs: 136 HP / 164 Atk / 92 Def / 116 Spe


Set Description
Zeraora can hold the Assault Vest to take on various Special attackers, such as Sylveon and Porygon-Z, which other sets typically struggle with. Knock Off provides utility, allowing Zeraora to defeat all Haxorus with Outrage and all Porygon-Z Heatran with Close Combat (this IS a 50/50, but its kinda zera favored? idk if id include it here its a very dicey mu that requires some skill to maneuver, pz techs it and zera techs it back) cool observation from past me, but i realize this leaves you without a knock + cc example; as such, i added heatran instead, hopefully that suffices since its the most relevant threat i could think of and raw cc is a bad play. Iron Tail helps out versus Sylveon and Aromatisse; Iron Tail + Plasma Fists 2HKOes Aromatisse and Iron Tail 2HKOes bulky Sylveon. Blaze Kick OHKOes Kartana and 2HKOes Ferrothorn. (had this discussion already but i think fire punch is just more optimal since its same matchups better accuracy, however im not adding/rming anything because i wanna sort this out w set comp first) giving you the go ahead to replace blaze kick with fire punch as i dont think it was met with any disagreement in setcomp chat and we might as well include it here even if set comp isnt fully updated regarding it yet (and also because i did the calcs and double checked them and im certain fire punch is good here)

The HP investment allows Zeraora to survive Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam; the defensive investment is for Choice Scarf Haxorus's Earthquake. The Speed is for base 110s, such as Archeops and Latios.

Usage Tips
In most matchups, use the move that does the most damage.

Against Haxorus and Heatran, i know this looks very messy but bear with me use Knock Off and then a super-effective move. This removes any counterplay they may have, including a Choice Scarf or a Custap Berry.

name: Bulky Life Orb
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Taunt / Bulk Up
move 4: Bulk Up / Knock Off / Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 44 HP / 160 Atk / 44 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is used as Zeraora’s STAB attack, with an added bonus of absorbing Normal-type moves, which is useful versus non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. Close Combat is for various Fighting-weak Pokemon, such as Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and non-Chople Berry Tyranitar. Bulk Up allows Zeraora to live attacks from slower physical attackers, like some weaker Metagross. With Taunt, it allows Zeraora to break through walls like Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat Spectrier and some Dragapult, and when paired with Close Combat, all Magnezone and Jolly Choice Band Aggron (what luser said, worth noting that you SUPER lose vs adamant in combination w LO recoil but you do beat jolly.). Play Rough allows Zeraora to defeat most Urshifu.

The Speed investment is for the best chances against Dragapult and other Zeraora, the HP and Defense allows Zeraora to reliably defeat Galarian Zapdos, while the Special Defense investment is for Tapu Lele's Psychic.

If you do not have Knock Off, a basic spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 4 252 Spe may be better. The Special Defense investment is for Choice Specs Regieleki's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Life Orb Zeraora looks to deal as much damage as possible, while occasionally removing opponent’s counterplay with Taunt, Knock Off and Bulk Up.

Against passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola, Zeraora should Taunt turn 1 for the best chance to win. this is a great example for taunt, but these 3 matchups have pretty deep nuances even if we exclude registeels av set; i think maybe you should go over the sequences for defeating registeel and corsola, the most important ones - chansey should be fairly intuitive (taunt knock bu cc) although theres even nuance there if they choose to stoss turn 1 reading life orb

Against Pokemon with the Sturdy ability, such as Magnezone and Aggron, (what luser said pt2) i checked again and there really arent any other relevant sturdy pokemon, so this is fine Zeraora should use Knock Off to break Sturdy and remove potential Custap Berries or Choice items.

Versus Regieleki, use Bulk Up and then Close Combat so that you are not KOed by Choice Specs Hyper Beam + Life Orb recoil.

The EV spread allows Zeraora to use Knock Off safely against Galarian Zapdos and Tapu Lele on turn 1 before finishing off with Plasma Fists. If Tapu Lele consumes Psychic Seed, do not use Knock Off.

Other Options
Weakness Policy Zeraora is a somewhat common Metagross lure, since all other sets are quite unreliable against it. With an EV spread of 8 HP / 176 Atk / 176 Def / 148 Spe, an Adamant nature, and Bulk Up + Knock Off, it defeats all variants bar Jolly Choice Scarf.

Air Balloon Zeraora with Fake Out and Outrage defeats some Ground-types, such as Landorus and Nidoking, as well as some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Quick Attack or Protect on Life Orb Zeraora allows it to check Custap Berry users like Primarina better.

maybe include special set, catches noobs off guard fairly consistently if they dont expect it, techs shit like rhyp and lugg iirc, obviously state that its a very niche set but good on lure teams
- Written by: [[Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[zo, 249890], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Last edited:
bit late but i saw on discord, qc 1/2


Just a few minor suggestions, otherwise very well written :blobthumbsup:

name: Choice Band
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Play Rough
move 4: Close Combat / Outrage / Blaze Kick
item: Choice Band
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is Zeraora’s main STAB attack, used to OHKO most Urshifu-R, Celesteela, Tapu Fini, and non-Custap Berry Primarina. Knock Off defeats Dragapult, Spectrier and has good odds against Naganadel. Play Rough OHKOes Urshifu-S and non-Choice Scarf Haxorus. Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan, non-Chople Berry Tyranitar, and some Heatran. Outrage beats many Dragon-types, such as Naganadel, Dracovish, Dracozolt, and occasionally Goodra. Blaze Kick OHKOes Ferrothorn and Kartana.

The Speed investment and the Jolly nature are for opposing Zeraora and Dragapult; the Special Defense is for Choice Specs Hyper Beam from Regieleki.

Usage Tips
Choice Band Zeraora is usually quite straightforward; use the move that does the most damage.

Outrage over Knock Off has marginally better odds versus Naganadel, as Zeraora is only occasionally OHKOed by Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor. While Outrage does guarantee the matchup, opting for Close Combat or Blaze Kick over Outrage doesn't mean sacrificing sacrifice the Naganadel matchup.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Outrage / Close Combat
move 4: Close Combat / Iron Tail / Fire Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Adamant
evs: 136 HP / 164 Atk / 92 Def / 116 Spe


Set Description
Zeraora can hold the Assault Vest to take on various Special attackers, such as Sylveon and Porygon-Z, which other sets typically struggle with. Knock Off provides utility, allowing Zeraora to defeat all Haxorus with Outrage and Heatran with Close Combat Iron Tail helps out versus Sylveon and Aromatisse; Iron Tail + Plasma Fists 2HKOes Aromatisse and Iron Tail 2HKOes bulky Sylveon. Fire Punch OHKOes Kartana and 2HKOes Ferrothorn.

The HP investment allows Zeraora to survive Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam; the defensive investment is for Choice Scarf Haxorus's Earthquake. The Speed is for base 110 speed Pokemon (i think this is how you write it, feel free to disregard), such as Archeops and Latios.

Usage Tips
In most matchups, use the move that does the most damage.

Against Haxorus and Heatran, use Knock Off and then a super-effective move. This removes any counterplay they may have, including a Choice Scarf or a Custap Berry.

name: Bulky Life Orb
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Taunt / Bulk Up
move 4: Bulk Up / Knock Off / Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 44 HP / 160 Atk / 44 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is used as Zeraora’s STAB attack, with an added bonus of absorbing Normal-type moves, which is useful versus non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. Close Combat is for various Fighting-weak Pokemon, such as Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and non-Chople Berry Tyranitar. Bulk Up allows Zeraora to live attacks from slower physical attackers, like some weaker Metagross (can another example be added here). With Taunt, it allows Zeraora to break through walls like Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat Spectrier and some Dragapult, and with Close Combat, Magnezone. Play Rough allows Zeraora to defeat most Urshifu.

The Speed investment is for the best chances against Dragapult and other Zeraora, the HP and Defense allows Zeraora to reliably defeat Galarian Zapdos, while the Special Defense investment is for Tapu Lele's Psychic.

If you do not have Knock Off, a basic spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe may be better. The Special Defense investment is for Choice Specs Regieleki's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Life Orb Zeraora looks aims to deal as much damage as possible, while occasionally removing the opponent’s counterplay with Taunt, Knock Off and Bulk Up.

Against passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola, Zeraora should Taunt turn 1 for the best chance to win.

Zeraora wins against Chansey loses to Zeraora (reordered to make it more direct) with the following sequence: Use Taunt to block Charm or Toxic, then use Bulk Up twice, and finish with Close Combat.

To shut down stall Registeel, use Taunt, then use Bulk Up 3 times and OHKO it with Close Combat. If Registeel reveals Earthquake, it is AV Registeel, so it will be OHKOed by a +2 Close Combat if Zeraora survives long enough.

Galarian Corsola does not usually use a damaging move, so it will probably use Struggle until it faints. However, if it has Night Shade, it will win if it uses that repeatedly. If they opt to not use Night Shade turn 1, Zeraora can still win by using Taunt, Bulk Up, Knock Off, and then Plasma Fists.

Against Magnezone Zeraora should use Knock Off to break Sturdy and remove a potential Custap Berry or Choice Specs.

Versus Regieleki, use Bulk Up and then Close Combat so that you are not KOed by Choice Specs Hyper Beam after Life Orb recoil.

The EV spread allows Zeraora to use Knock Off safely against Galarian Zapdos and Tapu Lele on turn 1 before finishing off with Plasma Fists. If Tapu Lele consumes Psychic Seed, do not use Knock Off.

Other Options
Weakness Policy Zeraora is a somewhat common Metagross lure, since all other sets are quite unreliable against it. With an EV spread of 8 HP / 176 Atk / 176 Def / 148 Spe, an Adamant nature, and Bulk Up + Knock Off, it defeats all variants bar Jolly Choice Scarf.

Air Balloon Zeraora with Fake Out and Outrage defeats some Ground-types, such as Landorus and Nidoking, as well as some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus. ( in my experience shuca with bulk is usually better but for an analysis air balloon might be more appealing so consider this if you want to.)

Quick Attack or Protect on Life Orb Zeraora allows it to check Custap Berry users like Primarina better.

A special Zeraora set can lure in a few answers to Zeraora, but it usually not advisable. If you wish to use this required, use Fake Out + Thunderbolt for Avalugg, Grass Knot for Swampert and Rhyperior, and Thunder for Crustle.

- Written by: [[Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[zo, 249890], [doc1203,526135]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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name: Choice Band
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Play Rough
move 4: Close Combat / Outrage / Blaze Kick
item: Choice Band
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is Zeraora’s main STAB attack, used to OHKO OHKOes most Urshifu-R, Celesteela, Tapu Fini, and non-Custap Berry Primarina. Knock Off defeats Dragapult, Spectrier Dragapult and Spectrier and has good odds against to OHKO (or like "to beat") Naganadel. Play Rough OHKOes Urshifu-S and non-Choice Scarf Haxorus. Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan, non-Chople Berry Tyranitar, and some Heatran. Outrage beats many Dragon-types, such as Naganadel, Dracovish, Dracozolt, and occasionally Goodra. It also guarantees beating Naganadel, but Knock Off is usually adequate there, as Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor only occasionally OHKOes Zeraora. (I imagine this makes sense?) Blaze Kick OHKOes Ferrothorn and Kartana.

The Speed investment and the Jolly nature are for opposing Zeraora and Dragapult; the Special Defense is for surviving Choice Specs-boosted Hyper Beam from Regieleki.

Usage Tips
Choice Band Zeraora is usually (if it sometimes is not straightforward, you should give an example situation where it isn't straightforward) quite straightforward; use the move that does the most damage.

Outrage over Knock Off has marginally better odds versus Naganadel, as Zeraora is only occasionally OHKOed by Modest Naganadel's Draco Meteor. While Outrage does guarantee the matchup, opting for Close Combat or Blaze Kick over Outrage doesn't sacrifice the Naganadel matchup completely. (moved into set comments)

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Outrage / Close Combat
move 4: Close Combat / Iron Tail / Fire Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Adamant
evs: 136 HP / 164 Atk / 92 Def / 116 Spe


Set Description
Zeraora can hold the an Assault Vest to take on various Special special attackers, such as Sylveon and Porygon-Z, which other sets typically struggle with. Knock Off provides utility, allowing allows Zeraora to defeat all Haxorus with Outrage and Heatran with Close Combat. (added period) Iron Tail helps out versus Sylveon and Aromatisse; it 2HKOes bulky Sylveon, and Iron Tail + Plasma Fists 2HKOes Aromatisse and Iron Tail 2HKOes bulky Sylveon. Fire Punch OHKOes Kartana and 2HKOes Ferrothorn.

The HP investment allows Zeraora to survive Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam; the defensive Defense investment is for Choice Scarf Haxorus's Earthquake. The Speed is for outspeeding base 110 Speed Pokemon, such as Archeops and Latios.

Usage Tips
In most matchups, use the move that does the most damage.

Against Haxorus and Heatran, use Knock Off and then a super effective (removed hyphen) move. This removes any counterplay option they may have, including a Choice Scarf or a Custap Berry.

name: Bulky Life Orb
move 1: Plasma Fists
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Bulk Up / Knock Off / Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Volt Absorb
nature: Jolly
evs: 44 HP / 160 Atk / 44 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Plasma Fists is used as Zeraora's (fixed apostrophe to straight) STAB attack, with an added bonus of absorbing Normal-type moves, which is and its added bonus of making Normal-type moves Electric-type—which lets Zeraora absor them with Volt Absorb—is (is this worth noting on any other sets? up to you) useful versus non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. Close Combat is for various Fighting-weak Pokemon, such as Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and non-Chople Berry Tyranitar. Taunt + Bulk Up allows Zeraora to break through walls like Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola. Knock Off allows Zeraora to defeat Spectrier and some Dragapult, and Knock Off + Close Combat defeats Magnezone. Play Rough allows Zeraora to defeat most Urshifu. (specify forme; if both, "Urshifu-S and Urshifu-R")

The Speed investment is for the best chances against to outspeed Dragapult and other Zeraora, the HP and Defense allows allow Zeraora to reliably defeat Galarian Zapdos, while and the Special Defense investment is for surviving (or like "avoiding the 2HKO from", etc.) Tapu Lele's Psychic.

If you do not have Knock Off, a basic spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe may be better. is a fine alternative, since outspeeding Dragapult is less important. (I imagine this makes sense? if 252/4/252 is actively better when lacking knock off, it should be the phrimary ev spread, bc knock off isnt the primary option listed) The Special Defense investment is for surviving Choice Specs Regieleki's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Life Orb Zeraora aims to deal as much damage as possible (RC) while occasionally removing the opponent’s opposing counterplay with Taunt, Knock Off Taunt and Bulk Up or Knock Off.

Against passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Registeel, and Galarian Corsola, Zeraora should use Taunt turn 1 for the best chance to win. (removed paragraph break) Zeraora wins against Chansey with the following sequence: Use Taunt to block Charm or Toxic, then use Bulk Up twice, and finish with two Bulk Ups, and then Close Combat. (removed paragraph break) To shut down stall Registeel, use Taunt, and then use Bulk Up 3 three times and to OHKO it with Close Combat. If Registeel reveals Earthquake, it is AV Assault Vest Registeel, so it will be OHKOed by a +2 Close Combat will OHKO if Zeraora survives long enough. (removed paragraph break) Galarian Corsola does not usually use a damaging move, so it will probably use Struggle until it faints. However, if it has Night Shade, it will win if it uses that repeatedly. If they opt to not every turn. If it doesn't (I imagine?) use Night Shade turn 1, Zeraora can still win by using Taunt, Bulk Up, Knock Off, and then Plasma Fists.

Against Magnezone, (AC) Zeraora should use Knock Off to break Sturdy and remove a potential Custap Berry or Choice Specs.

Versus Regieleki, use Bulk Up and then Close Combat so that you are not KOed by Choice Specs Hyper Beam Choice Specs-boosted Hyper Beam doesn't KO Zeraora after Life Orb recoil.

The EV spread allows Zeraora to use Knock Off safely against Galarian Zapdos and Tapu Lele on turn 1, (AC) before finishing proceeding to finish them off with Plasma Fists. If Tapu Lele consumes Psychic Seed, do not use Knock Off.

Other Options
Weakness Policy Zeraora is a somewhat common Metagross lure, since all other sets are quite unreliable against it. With an EV spread of 8 HP / 176 Atk / 176 Def / 148 Spe, an Adamant nature, and Bulk Up + Knock Off, it defeats all Metagross variants bar Jolly Choice Scarf.

Air Balloon Zeraora with Fake Out and Outrage defeats some Ground-types and some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Landorus and Nidoking, as well as some strong Pokemon with Ground-type coverage, such as Galarian Darmanitan Landorus, Nidoking, Galarian Darmanitan, and Haxorus.

Quick Attack or Protect on Life Orb Zeraora allows it to check Custap Berry users like Primarina better.

A special Zeraora set can lure in a few answers to Zeraora, but it is usually not advisable. If required, a team requires it, (I imagine? if not maybe clarify on or replace "required") use Fake Out + Thunderbolt for Avalugg, Grass Knot for Swampert and Rhyperior, and Thunder for Crustle.

- Written by: [[Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[zo, 249890], [doc1203, 526135]] (removed color)
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

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