NOC Great Idea Mafia-Game Over! Mafia, vonFiedler, and More Cowbell win!

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If Celever built a case / had a reason to lynch DLL that was different from the one stated by B_T, then there would be no problem. I wasn't suggesting that he bandwagon, I was saying that he should have established a case different from B_T. He also wasn't condemned for explaining things, he was rebuked for explaining things and basically reiterating things already expressed by B_T's post. I'm attacking him so he doesn't take pressure votes and turn them into "serious" lynches for no reason, something you clearly missed.

"The last person I played mafia with who was this intentionally antagonistic and abrasive was Metal Sonic, and you know what? He was mafia. My conclusion? While not exactly a defensive post, it certainly was a scummy one." -- This is using a meta case but applying it universally, when a meta case is only useful on a person by person basis. It is the definition of if a is b and b's are c's then all a's must be c's. That's not scum hunting logic, that's bad logic.
Sorry, but your first piece of logic is awful. Everyone must have different reasons as to why someone is lynched? So if I said here "by the way guys I'm mafia. My role is w, my partners are x and y and this is confirmed because z inspected me last night -- he was just shy about revealing it!" you wouldn't want people to lynch me because I just claimed mafia, you want to analyze posts and make sure everyone has good, unique reasons as to why? This is Day 1, there will be overlap in the votes, deal with it.

Something you have said multiple times now is "take pressure votes and turn them into "serious" lynches for no reason". Um... so you're still dead set on me not having explained my reasoning? Or is this that B_T didn't explain his? I don't know, any way that I look at that statement it doesn't make sense to me by looking back and seeing clear and obvious facts, so please explain to me what you mean by this..?

That second paragraph is interesting. You see, I did exactly the same thing with the infamous "defensive" post. With Obbmud and myself being comparable for not understanding RVS and then getting under fire and all that in two separate games? Why do you feel the need to point such a thing out now, with Walrein, rather than earlier with me? To me, this shows that you are being defensive in an offensive way. You're being defensive and trying to deter suspicion away from you by pushing it on someone else. First it was with me, and it still is, and now you're beginning to move on to Walrein. While I admit that this is a large part of mafia (I've been putting suspicion on you for a while now, but the only suspicion coming my way since I've started targeting you was from yourself lol) so you could say that this is "bad logic" it is also good logic in the way that you are acting defensively and abrasively all the while trying to give off an aggressive facade, presumably to look like LightWolf, who we consider village because of this. All of your posts are chock full of scum tells and that is why I really feel like we should lynch you today.
I have been lurking, yes! And I'll admit it right now; I will continue to lurk throughout the game. Learning purposes, for one, and also I'd think it'd help me actually make informed decisions. As I said before, I'd much rather not jump to conclusions, seeing as I have very little experience in scumreading. No one is here to hold my hand through this game like in Acklow's Big, so I can't really form opinions until I've spent a decent amount of time analyzing each post carefully. Thinking for yourself is hard. :(

With that said, I will try my absolute best to share my opinion when I'm confident enough to have actually formed one. I'd prefer quality over quantity, which isn't saying much because I'd think that my one post so far isn't very insightful, and I doubt this one will get heads turning.

So far I've just been reading the first few pages, trying to see how this whole mess started. I'd ask for a summary, but there's bias and personal agendas to consider in answers, and tack on the fact that I'm not too trustworthy to begin with, and people might not be giving me straight replies. I've come up with a few more questions, which you'll probably see a lot from me unless I end up killed soon.

One could argue that I've been stalking this game since it started, so I'd already be on key with what's going on. And to be honest, they'd be right. But I didn't really anticipate being slapped into the game so soon, so I just had a "look at 'em go" perspective for the most part, scanning some of the tl;drs and blindly guessing who was going to be killed by the day's end. Not smart in hindsight, I should've expected early drop-outs due to my experience last game.

Anyway, I can't exactly give out really good opinions at the moment considering how I haven't really formed any. I guess I could type up a few reads for players based on what I've already analyzed, but what I've read so far isn't the entire thread, and I'd think it'd be foolish to base my reads on the troll stages of the game. That said, I won't try to stall my reads with dumb excuses or try to feign activity with needless posts, outside of what I've already posted. I won't try to hide my lurking. If it ends up getting me killed, then so be it; a learning experience for next game I suppose. :)

Oh yes, and those new questions. Feel free to elaborate, give short yes/no answers or ignore. Once again, thank you in advance. :D
  1. This Day 1 in particular ends today, yes or no?
  2. The mafia is allowed outside contact in NOC in general, yes or no?
  3. If so, when are they allowed to have it? At Day or Night?
  4. "Prodded" involves a PM sent to the user by the host, yes or no?


no longer hibernating
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1) yes
2) either nights only, or day and night. We don't know which in this game, but at some point in the day and night, yes.
3) Oh I answered this above
4) Yes


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Just popping in to echo the fact that Felony is very much on the edge here and I doubt a simple defense of his could change opinions now, so I'd love a claim. Even if he turns up village this is likely the best course of action(basically please don't panic if we end up on the wrong end of the stick) most the day is chock full of arguments around him, we be sitting on a gold mine!


my favorite poem was the one i read to youuuuuuuuu
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hihi sorry for not posting as I had something important happening. I'm still in the loop of things though, so dw. I suspected Felony as a mafia as a gut feeling early on by his first real post, but the way he's posting now he's literally digging his own grave. I'm not one to join a bandwagon, but your over-aggro is really looking scummy as a way to just start bandwagon or something. Your logic I can't comprehendo. I'd like to vote, but you'd be on L-1 :\

My vote stays on obbmudd99 for now >.>
Sorry, but your first piece of logic is awful. Everyone must have different reasons as to why someone is lynched? So if I said here "by the way guys I'm mafia. My role is w, my partners are x and y and this is confirmed because z inspected me last night -- he was just shy about revealing it!" you wouldn't want people to lynch me because I just claimed mafia, you want to analyze posts and make sure everyone has good, unique reasons as to why? This is Day 1, there will be overlap in the votes, deal with it.

Something you have said multiple times now is "take pressure votes and turn them into "serious" lynches for no reason". Um... so you're still dead set on me not having explained my reasoning? Or is this that B_T didn't explain his? I don't know, any way that I look at that statement it doesn't make sense to me by looking back and seeing clear and obvious facts, so please explain to me what you mean by this..?

That second paragraph is interesting. You see, I did exactly the same thing with the infamous "defensive" post. With Obbmud and myself being comparable for not understanding RVS and then getting under fire and all that in two separate games? Why do you feel the need to point such a thing out now, with Walrein, rather than earlier with me? To me, this shows that you are being defensive in an offensive way. You're being defensive and trying to deter suspicion away from you by pushing it on someone else. First it was with me, and it still is, and now you're beginning to move on to Walrein. While I admit that this is a large part of mafia (I've been putting suspicion on you for a while now, but the only suspicion coming my way since I've started targeting you was from yourself lol) so you could say that this is "bad logic" it is also good logic in the way that you are acting defensively and abrasively all the while trying to give off an aggressive facade, presumably to look like LightWolf, who we consider village because of this. All of your posts are chock full of scum tells and that is why I really feel like we should lynch you today.
You're comparing two different situations.

No, the fact that you interpreted a pressure vote as a "serious" lynch and tried to explain it as such.

I didn't point yours out because all you did was look back at the same situation you were in that Obbmud is in now and consider him town. Stuff like that get thrown around a lot but are abandoned because they are completely meaningless. If you are saying it's wrong then there is your opinion rather than solidly backing it up. I don't care whether you think of me as town or mafia, I'm focused on hunting scum. The biggest thing that stuck out to you was the way I play, because it's the thing you care the most about. Congratulations on making a big post yet saying absolutely nothing of consequence.

I might as well claim at this point; I'm a Deputy.


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is a Community Contributor
You're comparing two different situations.

No, the fact that you interpreted a pressure vote as a "serious" lynch and tried to explain it as such.

I didn't point yours out because all you did was look back at the same situation you were in that Obbmud is in now and consider him town. Stuff like that get thrown around a lot but are abandoned because they are completely meaningless. If you are saying it's wrong then there is your opinion rather than solidly backing it up. I don't care whether you think of me as town or mafia, I'm focused on hunting scum. The biggest thing that stuck out to you was the way I play, because it's the thing you care the most about. Congratulations on making a big post yet saying absolutely nothing of consequence.

I might as well claim at this point; I'm a Deputy.
Then please, once again, explain what you mean. Completely off-topic reference would be like someone saying "Ahh the earth is shaking, get under the tables!" on a magnitude 1, and someone saying "Ahh the earth is shaking, get under the tables!" on a magnitude 10. It doesn't matter to what extremes an example is taken, at the core of the statements there was an earthquake and people dove under the tables. At the core of this statement, you don't like the fact that I voted for B_T without different logic. At the core of the statement I had in my previous post, everyone voted for the same person with the same logic. Would you have been mad if they did so? If not, then you have no reason to be mad now.

B_T said:
My vote wasn't a rand vote,
Why the heck did I interpret that as a serious lynch? My bad, it's clearly a rand vote.

In that whole paragraph I fail to see one good reason why you at least didn't point it out seeing how aggressive you have been playing. Besides, if "stuff like that gets thrown around a lot but are abandoned because they are completely meaningless" why did you feel the need to point it out for Walrein?


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is a Community Contributor
Oh yeah, and I forgot to add how convenient it is that you claimed Deputy - a role which means you have to survive for a while, and also one which means you can't do anything right now.
Lynch Scene Incoming!

The Starship Heart of Gold
1700 Hours

Trillian returned from the bridge into the main crew room, which was filled with 15 people arguing amongst themselves.

"What the hell's going on?" she asked, seeing the gallows that had appeared out of nowhere earlier in the day.

"They think there are bad guys hiding within their group, so they're choosing a person to kill," Ford explained, as if choosing someone to kill was the most natural thing in the world.

"How do they know there are bad guys in their group?"

"Everyone's a bad guy," moaned Marvin the Paranoid Android from the other side of the room, talking to the group of 15 people. "Might as well just kill someone anyways. What's the point in surviving when you're all going to blink out of existence when the Infinite Improbability drive fires again anyways?"

Day 1, Vote Count FINAL(Majority is 8 votes)

Ace Emerald (0):
Blue_Tornado (0): Obbmud99
Cancerous (0):
Celever (0): LightWolf
spiresquire (1): Celever starwarsfan Cancerous(votes cleared by substitution) starwarsfan
Felony (5): Memoric More Cowbell Celever Blue_Tornado Tesung LightWolf Walrein Lynched with L-3
LightWolf (1): Empoof
Memoric (0): Ace Emerald
More Cowbell (0): Obbmud99
Obbmud99 (2): More Cowbell Celever Walrein starwarsfan LightWolf Memoric
Paperblade (1): Walrein starwarsfan Felony
starwarsfan (2): Obbmud99 Walrein UllarWarlord Obbmud99 Walrein Paperblade UllarWarlord
Da Letter El Tesung (2): Felony Blue_Tornado Celever (votes cleared by substitute) Obbmud99 Ace Emerald More Cowbell
UllarWarlord (0): UllarWarlord Ace Emerald Da Letter El Cancerous starwarsfan More Cowbell
Walrein (0): Paperblade Blue_Tornado Tesung

Not Voting: nobody

Host Mistake Tally since most recent Deadline Review: 0
Overall: 1

"They're about to do it, look!" Arthur exclaimed, somewhat excited to see complete strangers killing each other for no discernable reason.

"I can't watch," said Trillian, turning away as the crowd led Felony up the steps to the gallows. They quickly tied a noose around his neck and flipped the trapdoor lever.

Felony broke his neck instantly from the drop.

Dear Felony, you are a Deputy. You want to become a cop, but you’re still in training right now. However, if a Watcher, Tracker, Cop, FBI Agent, or Talent Scout dies, you will assume their role and gain their night action. You win if the town eliminates all anti-town factions and players.
"Are you just going to sit here and watch them kill each other?" Trillian demanded, outraged.

"Yes," Marvin, Arthur, and Ford said together.

With no warning, the lights on the ship flicked out.

"No worries, everyone!" said the voice of Eddie, the ship's computer. "Just having a few improbability-related issues! Hang tight for about 24 hours or so!"

"Bloody hell..."

It is now Night 1. Felony may post one "crap I died" post that contains no game-related information. Everyone else may not talk until the next host post, which will be 24 hours after this post.

Night Deadline:
4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on May 3rd (24 hours away)

If you have an action, please get it in on time.

The lights flickered back on, but a new, more feminine voice was coming over the PA system.

"Hello, everyone. Unfortunately, Eddie could not make it today, so I'll be filling in. As my first act as temporary permanent head of this starship, I'll be turning the lights back on."

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Ford demanded.

"I'm GLaDos. But you can call me GLaDos," the voice said serenely. "In other news, Blue_Tornado is the most recent past president of the Being Alive club."

Dear Blue_Tornado, you are a Town Cop. At night, you may choose to perform an investigation on a player. You will be told whether they are Town or Not Town. You win when the town eliminates all anti-town factions and players.
Day 2, Vote Count 1

(13) Still Alive:

Ace Emerald (0):
Cancerous (0):
Celever (0):
Tesung (0):
spiresquire (0):
LightWolf (0):
Memoric (0):
More Cowbell (0):
Obbmud99 (0):
Paperblade (0):
starwarsfan (0):
UllarWarlord (0):
Walrein (0):

Not Voting: everyone


7. Felony-Village-Town Deputy-Lynched Day 1
2. Blue_Tornado-Village-Town Cop-Killed Night 1

Next Vote Count: 4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on May 4 (24 hours away)
Next Deadline Review: 4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on May 5 (24 hours away)
Current Deadline: 4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on May 6 (72 hours away)
Last edited:


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Well... Shit. We had a cop who gives the correct results die N1... And the deputy dying the day before. In other words, the town's 2 "best" sources of information died in the first cycle.

I'm on my iPad rn but I just wanted to post so that people know I'm nit avoiding their questions, since after yesterday I'm sure I'll be getting some. I'm hooked on Orphan Black rn though, so I should be awake all night :p
We know that the mafia are not targeting Memoric or Cancerous, because they would have either killed them or a bodyguard would have died. This tells me that the mafia members decided to kill him based off of who he suspected, or they had a grudge against him, and decided to randomly kill him. I'll research the former.


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
We know that the mafia are not targeting Memoric or Cancerous, because they would have either killed them or a bodyguard would have died. This tells me that the mafia members decided to kill him based off of who he suspected, or they had a grudge against him, and decided to randomly kill him. I'll research the former.
Why do you think that there is definitely a BG itg? This is RNG mafia, we might not even have an BG! >_>
Nametargeting is a thing in NOC, and since Blue_Tornado is one of the more experienced and better known players in the game, he was probably one of the more obvious targets. Any BG-like roles we had were probably put on either Cancerous or Memoric, since they are the confirmed villagers, leaving all other players open. Let's just hope we still have an extra info role, otherwise this is gonna be difficult.
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