Tournaments GSC Grand Slam II - GSC PU Open - [won by Sanke Carp]

MrSoup and I will be holding the Live GSC PU Round 4 (Replays Required) Reverse Draft for this round between us. Here are the basic rules for all those interested:

  • We will each "draft" 12 GSC PU mons for the other player to use, in order back and forth backyard style.
  • Each player can use the 12 GSC PU mons that the opponent drafted for them as they wish in their various teams for the round.
  • Each player cannot use any other GSC PU mons other than the ones drafted for them by their opponent.
  • All ZU mons are still useable.
  • Instead of a Bo3, it will be a Bo5, since GSC lower tiers need more game playing representation.

The draft will be held live at the Detroit Convention Center one night this weekend. Tickets start at $9. Message SANKE CARP if interested in participating.
cherryb0ng hi bit of a weird situation

PS has been down for the last 30-45+ minutes, as has smogtours, at our game time. I have messaged my opp at game time and haven't received a response 15 minutes after my message. I can't really take on any other times at this time. I accepted a last minute extension on sunday as I just wanted to play gsc pu, but I think I need to call act here?

nvm opp gave win lol
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I profusely apologise for this inconvenience from my end. I will try to better next time.

I wasn't quite sure whether I needed to do a three way finals and unfortunately this blocked me from doing something as simple as involving the three winners of last round.