Machamp @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Cross Chop
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake / Hidden Power Ghost / Fire Blast
- Curse
Machamp is an excellent Pokemon in GSC OU thanks to its decent bulk, amazing STAB move in Cross Chop, great coverage and access to Curse. Machamp is best known for being able to threaten Snorlax. With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist it, and thanks to its increased critical hit rate, an opponent still has to think twice about staying in with their Snorlax, even if it is ahead in Curse boosts. Rock Slide provides good coverage against Flying-types, most importantly Zapdos. The third moveslot depends on the team; Earthquake can be used against foes such as Raikou, Nidoking and Gengar, Hidden Power Ghost hits Psychic-types such as Starmie and Exeggutor and Ghost-types like Misdreavus, while Fire Blast OHKOes Forretress and hits Skarmory while functioning as coverage for Exeggutor. Paralysis support from Exeggutor and Zapdos helps make up for Machamp's low Speed. Beyond providing Spikes, which are generally useful, Cloyster also lures Starmie in and can take it out with Explosion at the right time, helping to pave the way for Machamp to wreak havoc.
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