Old Gens [GSC OU] Machamp


Banned deucer.

Machamp @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Cross Chop
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake / Hidden Power Ghost / Fire Blast
- Curse

Machamp is an excellent Pokemon in GSC OU thanks to its decent bulk, amazing STAB move in Cross Chop, great coverage and access to Curse. Machamp is best known for being able to threaten Snorlax. With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist it, and thanks to its increased critical hit rate, an opponent still has to think twice about staying in with their Snorlax, even if it is ahead in Curse boosts. Rock Slide provides good coverage against Flying-types, most importantly Zapdos. The third moveslot depends on the team; Earthquake can be used against foes such as Raikou, Nidoking and Gengar, Hidden Power Ghost hits Psychic-types such as Starmie and Exeggutor and Ghost-types like Misdreavus, while Fire Blast OHKOes Forretress and hits Skarmory while functioning as coverage for Exeggutor. Paralysis support from Exeggutor and Zapdos helps make up for Machamp's low Speed. Beyond providing Spikes, which are generally useful, Cloyster also lures Starmie in and can take it out with Explosion at the right time, helping to pave the way for Machamp to wreak havoc.
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With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to teams that lack a resist and after a Curse, it can even threaten out Snorlax.
It usually threatens Snorlax out even without a Curse. One of its biggest selling point as a sweeper is being able to threaten Snorlax without needing to rely on a setup move. The increased crit rate also makes Snorlax think twice about staying in vs Machamp, even if it is ahead in boosts.

Rock Slide provides good coverage against the few Fighting-resists that exist such as Zapdos and Jynx.
Jynx doesn't resist fighting. I suggest just saying "flying types, most importantly Zapdos" here instead of fighting resists.

Earthquake can be used to preserve Cross Chop PP against foes such as Golem and Steelix
More importantly, it hits Nidoking and Gengar. If you want to keep the point of your current sentence, I would change the focus on the 100% accuracy (can finish off weakened pokemon like the above without risking a CC miss).

Hidden Power Ghost hits Gengar and Misdreavus
EQ is better vs Gengar. HpGhost also hits Starmie and Exeggutor.

Fire Blast is to OHKO Forretress and prevent it from crippling Machamp with status
It's just as important to immediately hit Skarm harder, coverage for Exeggutor and being threatening to Heracross.

So things such as Body Slam Snorlax, Thunder Wave Zapdos and Spikes are appreciated. They also, alongside a Ground-type, check Machamp's best answers in Special Attackers. Jynx, Starmie and Gengar are all very threatening to Machamp before it can get a Curse off.
Sammarise them as paralysis support and mention Stun Spore Exggutor as well as good partner. Maybe remove Body Slam Snorlax, because sometimes it wants to run a Double Edge Sleep Talk set with a coverage attack. This would also make it a more reliable Jynx and electrics check. While Machamp doesn't like to take hits from electrics, I think it is fine to leave ground type out of your sentence as they don't really counter the mons you mentioned as threats (Jynx, Star, Gengar). You can also mention that your Spiker could potentially take out Starmie with Explosion (or at least hit it with Toxic).
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Machamp is best known for being able to threaten out Snorlax without a Curse, Cross Chops increased critical hit rate also means Snorlax would have to switchout even if it is ahead in Curse boosts
The meaning of the first sentence is not clear to a reader I think. Is Machamp without a Curse or the Snorlax without a Curse? In some cases a boosted Snorlax should risk staying in vs Machamp, with emphasis on risk. I like your initial sentence before the edit if we make a few minor changes.
With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to teams that lack a resist and after a Curse, it can even threaten out Snorlax.
"With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist it and thanks to its increased critical hit rate, an opponent still has to think twice about staying in with their Snorlax even if it is ahead in Curse boosts. " would be my suggestion but feel free to phrase it differently.

Earthquake can be used to against foes such as Golem and Steelix without risking a chance to miss
This is only a secondary purpose. More important is hitting Gengar and Nidoking (also good vs other mons like Raikou or Tentacruel but CC is still threatening to Raikou and Tentacruel is not as common, so no need to mention them in the spotlight analysis).

Hidden Power Ghost hits Starmie, Exeggutor and Misdreavus
I would add "Psychic types such as" and maybe just replace Misdreavus with "Ghost types". Or list them both, just make sure it doesn't seem as if Misdreavus is a Psychic type.

Machamp appreciates partners that increase its chances at breaking holes in the opposing team with Curse.
I think this statement it too general and doesn't contain concrete information so can be removed
Having a Spikes user that can threaten out Starmie with either Explosion or Toxic is also ideal.
This is misleading because when paired with Machamp, usually it is not the goal for the Spiker to threaten Starmie out but to lure it in and poison or explode it.
My suggestion would be something like "Besides the general usefulness of a Spikes setter like Cloyster that is found on most offense teams, it now provides the additional benefit of potentially luring Starmie in and taking it out with Explosion at the right time, helping to pave the way for Machamp to wreak havoc, and thus making an excellent team mate for it".

Should be good after this, just reply to the thread once you have edited it
Machamp @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Cross Chop
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake / Hidden Power Ghost / Fire Blast
- Curse

Machamp is an excellent Pokéemon in GSC OU thanks to its decent bulk, amazing STAB move in Cross Chop, great coverage and ability to be a very potent Curse sweeper, and access to Curse. Machamp is best known for being able to threaten out Snorlax. With Cross Chop, Machamp can deal a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist it, and thanks to its increased critical hit rate, an opponent still has to think twice about staying in with their Snorlax, even if it is ahead in Curse boosts. Rock Slide provides good coverage against Flying-types, most importantly Zapdos. The third moveslot option depends on the team Machamp finds itself on; Earthquake can be used to against foes such as Raikou, Nidoking, and Gengar, Hidden Power Ghost hits Psychic-types such as Starmie, Exeggutor as well as and Exeggutor and Ghost-types like Misdreavus, whereas Fire Blast is to OHKO Forretress, hit Skarmory and also functionsile Fire Blast OHKOes Forretress and hits Skarmory while functioning as coverage for Exeggutor. Paralysis support helps Machamp get off its feet with partners such as Stun Spore Exeggutor and Thunder Wave Zapdos. Besides the general usefulness of a Spikes setter like Cloyster that is found on most offense teams, it now provides the additional benefit of potentially luring Starmie in and takingfrom Exeggutor and Zapdos helps make up for Machamp's low Speed. Beyond providing Spikes, which are generally useful, Cloyster also lures Starmie in and can take it out with Explosion at the right time, helping to pave the way for Machamp to wreak havoc, and thus making an excellent team mate for it.
I had to reword/cut a few things here, partly to get it under the character limit, but also partly because some of it was a little hard to understand in its previous form. Feel free to ping me on Discord if I cut anything too important/you disagree with how I worded something. 1/1