AAA Hadron Engine Sandy Shocks [Done]


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name: Hadron Engine
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Spikes
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Hadron Engine
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Hadron Engine Sandy Shocks is a powerful attacker with good STAB coverage and utility in Spikes. Choice Scarf outspeeds major threats like Iron Bundle, Dragapult, Choice Scarf Chi-Yu, and +2 Modest Polteageist, while Choice Specs better pressures opposing walls like Ice Scales Corviknight and Iron Treads. Spikes forces progress even when the opponent has a solid answer to Sandy Shocks, such as Ting-Lu. Sandy Shocks pairs well with strong attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, as they take advantage of weakened special walls and can fire off Terrain-boosted Thunderbolts. Sandy Shocks also appreciates Pokemon that can switch into Ground-type attacks, such as Corviknight, which also gives a slow U-turn to bring Sandy Shocks in safely, and Garchomp, which can also help with stacking entry hazards. Entry hazard removal is particularly helpful, as the Pokemon that usually switch into Sandy Shocks, like Ting-Lu, will often use the opportunity to set entry hazards.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662]]
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name: Hadron Engine
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Spikes
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Hadron Engine
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice item Sandy Shocks with Hadron Engine is a powerful hitter Hadron Engine Sandy Shocks is a powerful attacker with good STAB coverage and utility in Spikes. Choice Scarf allows it to ouspeed outspeeds major threats like Flutter Mane and Dragapult, as well as Choice Scarf Chi-Yu and +2 neutral Polteageist. Modest Polteageist, while Choice Specs helps Sandy Shocks get some important KO's, like OHKO Dragapult with Earth Power, and 2HKO common special walls like Corviknight, Iron Hands, and Iron Treads with the appropriate STAB better pressures opposing walls like Ice Scales Corviknight and Iron Treads. Spikes is the final move of choice to make use of the switches forced by Sandy Shocks and to make it difficult to switch into in the future forces progress even when the opponent has a solid answer to Sandy Shocks, such as Ting-Lu. Hadron Engine sets Electric Terrain that can be useful for its teammates as well, such as Dragapult. It also provides an extra boost to Sandy Shocks' Special Attack in the Terrain making it a very strong attacker. Pokemon such as Dragapult and Flutter Mane that can take advantage of Sandy Shocks' ability to severely damage or take out special walls, or the Electric Terrain set by it, make great teammates. It also appreciate Pokemon that can switch into Ground-type attacks such as Corviknight, which also gives a slow U-Turn to bring Sandy Shocks safely.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2!

name: Hadron Engine
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Spikes
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Hadron Engine
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Hadron Engine Sandy Shocks is a powerful attacker with good STAB coverage and utility in Spikes. Choice Scarf outspeeds major threats like Flutter Mane and Dragapult, as well as Choice Scarf Chi-Yu and +2 Modest Polteageist, while Choice Specs better pressures opposing walls like Ice Scales Corviknight and Iron Treads. Spikes forces progress even when the opponent has a solid answer to Sandy Shocks, such as Ting-Lu. Pokemon such as Dragapult and Flutter Mane that can take advantage of Sandy Shocks' ability to severely damage or take out special walls, or the Electric Terrain set by it, make great teammates. It also appreciates Pokemon that can switch into Ground-type attacks such as Corviknight, which also gives a slow U-Turn to bring Sandy Shocks safely. I would mention that having a mon to set rocks like chomp or something can create offensively-inclined hazard stacking cores. Would also mention entry hazard removal bc this mon's most reliable switch-ins are ground-types, [almost] all of which get spikes

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
qc stamp 1.gif
name: Hadron Engine
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Spikes
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Hadron Engine
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Hadron Engine Sandy Shocks is a powerful attacker with good STAB coverage and utility in Spikes. Choice Scarf outspeeds major threats like Flutter Mane aIron Bundle, Dragapult, as well as Choice Scarf Chi-Yu, and +2 Modest Polteageist, while Choice Specs better pressures opposing walls like Ice Scales Corviknight and Iron Treads. Spikes forces progress even when the opponent has a solid answer to Sandy Shocks, such as Ting-Lu. Pokemon such as Dragapult and Flutter ManeIron Valiant that can take advantage of Sandy Shocks' ability to severely damage or take out special walls, or the Electric Terrain set by it, make great teammates. ItSandy Shocks also appreciates Pokemon that can switch into Ground-type attacks, such as Corviknight, which also gives a slow U-Tturn to bring Sandy Shocks in safely, orand Garchomp, which can also help with stacking entry hazards. HEntry hazard removers of your own are also veral is particularly helpful, as the Pokemon that usually switch into Sandy Shocks, like Ting-Lu, will often use the opportunity to set their owntry hazards.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1Isaiah, 375662]]
GP 1/1
GP Team Done
Pokemon such as Dragapult and Flutter Mane that can take advantage of Sandy Shocks' ability to severely damage or take out special walls, or the Electric Terrain set by it, make great teammates.

Instead: Sandy Shocks pairs well with strong attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, as they take advantage of weakened special walls and can fire off Terrain-boosted Thunderbolts.