ORAS UU Hazard stacking

Hi everyone! Welcome to my first UU RMT!


My favorite playstyle has always been bulky offense. I love absorbing hits just to dish out some harder ones after. It is no surprise, that my favorite pokemon is Swampert, which is a good representation of my favorite playstyle. Each of my teams have Swampert in it, and this is no exception. This is also why I play UU and rarely other tiers.
However, this team turned out a bit different. Although it is still composed of decently bulky pokemon, the ultimate goal is to weaken the opposing team through entry hazards.
It should be noted that this team was made pre-Celebi and Alakazam drops, even though I tweaked the team to better deal with the new threats as well as the departure of old threats (looking at you Salamence).



As always, a Swampert is good to throw in a balanced team, providing the quintessential Stealth Rock and phazing support.


Then came Roserade, already forming a good core with Swampert, as Roserade can take quite a few special attacks as well as grass-type attacks aimed at Swampert. Roserade provides another type of entry hazards, either spikes or toxic spikes.

Now the team has already taken the direction of a hazard stacking team, so why not add another hazard user? I'll also need Rapid Spin to combat opposing hazard staking team. Forretress seemed like a good choice here, but ultimately, for a reason that I cannot remember I went with Tentacruel. I also needed anti-defog support. The most common defoggers in UU are Crobat, Gligar, Empoleon and Mandibuzz. A pokemon that deals with all of them is Mega-Aerodactyl. It also provides some nice help in the speed department, to revenge some threats that would have gotten out of control. There goes the mega slot.


At that point I knew I needed a fairy type to combat the dragons, as well as a ghost type to block rapid spin. I've considered Florges, Whimsicott, Sylveon (after she got thrown out of OU) and Diancie. Whimsicott was left out as I already have a grass type (notice I haven't said that about Swampert+Tentacruel, these two have pretty good synergy) I also realised that I needed a wincon, which at that point meant either CM Florges or CM Diancie. Up until now I have hazards stacking pokemon as well as toxic spikes, which actually is what Diancie loves. The ground weakness became very important, and there aren't many sturdy ghost type available in UU. Cofagrigus? Nahh too slow. Chandelure? Switching on Mega-Blastoise? Nahh. Doublade? Out of the question as that would make the ground type weakness even more important. Then I discovered a hidden gem, sitting in NU: Mismagius. She provides a very nice ground immunity and again speed, along with the ability to spinblock.


The team was far from perfect and autolost again Reuniclus; also the lack of steel type was very dissapointing, as their defensive prowess could be a huge help. I've tested Ferroseed and removed Roserade, but although it fared better against Salamence and other threats, the team was still a bit shaky and didn't like Ferroseed's passiveness. At the end I went with Forretress, which helped immensely versus the new pokemon in UU Celebi.




Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Def / 224 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Roost
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

My anti defogger, as explained in the team-building section. This thing is surprisingly durable. Taunt is a must, as it completely shuts down Gligar (super fang is annoying tho) and Mandibuzz as Foul play doesn't do a lot of damage. In a pinch it prevents opposing pokemon from setting up such as CM Florges or CM Cresselia, while also stopping their recovery. Sometimes I even use it against Suicune if it has been poisoned by toxic spikes, as most are using Aerodactyl as set up fodder, CMing up or setting up a Substitute.
Roost is mandatory to keep Aerodactyl alive. It is often almost the last pokemon to faint in this team aside from Diancie, as preserving Aerodactyl is key to the success of this team.
Stone Edge is its STAB attack, powerful enough to dent the likes of Hydreigon or Mamoswine, even without any attack investment.
Earthquake rounds out the coverage, forming the infamous EdgeQuake combo, and needed to revenge Nidoking as well as providing a reliable attack when I cannot afford Stone Edge to miss.

248 EV in HP so that it has a odd number and can switch once more if Stealth Rock is up, 224 Speed combined with a Jolly nature to outrun Mega-Sceptile, Mega-Beedrill, and most importantly +1 Gyarados; and the rest in defense to take hits better, surviving Mamoswine's Ice Shard.


Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 16 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Scald
- Roar

My Stealth Rocker of choice, and a very good one. Swampert's needed to discourage fire spam and random Tyrantrums, and providing an electric immunity which is helpful against the like of Mega-Ampharos.
The set is pretty standard, Scald > Ice Beam since Salamence is now gone, and Hydreigon could take several of those anyway. Roar over Protect/Toxic because I need an insurance against set up sweepers, as well as being a general annoyance, especially on a hazard stacking team.

240 HP makes it really bulky while minimizing burn damage (It will get burned, Entei, wisp Arcanine and wisp Rotom-H are all over the place, and a last resort phazing against the like of Suicune) I don't really mind it being burned, unless the opponent has something like Toxicroak. I maximised the defense since Swampert is taking physical hits anyways, and put the rest in attack).

Play very carefully with Swampert, and identify the threat that needs to be gone on the opposing team (usually there are several). Sometimes you need to counter the Mamoswine gone, sometimes it's the Toxicroak or Metagross, just don't let Swampert take any unnecessary hits such as Mega-Ampharos's Dragon Pulse. Try to work around immunities/resistances to get Swampert in a resisted attack. Use Stealth Rock asap.


Diancie @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Nowadays a Fairy type is necessary to check Hydreigon, even though she is blasted away should it have steel type coverage. In this team she is better than Florges or Sylveon because she can take on Mega-Beedrill and Tornadus as well as most physical attackers not named Mamoswine/Mega-Swampert/Metagross.
Diancie acts as my wincon as well as my status absorber. She is also quite bulky and can take on Darmanitan and friends when Swampert is weakened. Her light weight is a blessing, taking a pittance from Grass Knot.
The moves are pretty self-explanatory, it's a sort of CroCune, but with another typing. Moonblast is the STAB attack of choice because it scares off Fighting Types that Diancie can check rather easily with this physically defensive spread.
Since this set is uncommon to say the least try not to reveal Rest until late game, but you can usually takes some hits that Swampert does not want to take, for example Darmanitan's Flare Blitz when a Metagross is still on the opposing team. That said, try not to switch into Knock Off as leftovers can transform many 3HKO into 4HKO.


Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpDef
Sassy Nature
- Spikes
- Protect
- Bug Bite
- Volt Switch

Ah, the Spiker. Spikes are so annoying to face. Protect is here to scout for choiced pokemon as well as hidden powers. Having one more turn of recovery saved my ass several times, and it also gets one more turn of poison for the opposing pokemon. As Forretress is my sole counter to Celebi, I can't afford to lose it. Bug Bite is here solely for Celebi (and Reuniclus I guess). Volt Switch is really nice to gain momentum, especially since Mandibuzz and Mega-Blastoise love to switch on Forretress, so I can have a free switch to Aerodactyl or Mismagius.

The specially defensive spread is used to counter Celebi and "check" Sylveon, although the latter more often than not beats it. I use a -speed nature because I need all the power that I can get to at least damage Gyarados. If there is no Celebi on the opposing team then Forretress can be played a little bit less cautiously.


Tentacruel @ Leftovers
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Haze
- Rapid Spin

Tentacruel is a key member of this team. Toxic Spikes is really important, cutting down the staying power of Suicune and opposing Swampert. It also cripples most Diancie checks aside from steel types. Scald is here to spread random burns on the like of Gyarados and opposing Tentacruel.
Haze is really useful to reset the stat changes from CM Suicune, and is one of the reasons this team doesn't have any trouble with it. It can also catch some Gyarados by surprise.
Rapid Spin > Defog for this team as I don't want to remove the entry hazards that I've set.

Liquid Ooze is chosen as its ability as it prevents Chesnaught to set up spikes on it. A physically defensive spread is used, although I feel like a specially defensive spread would be better to take on Choice Specs Sylveon. But then Gyarados becomes a bit of a problem. Also leftovers because I don't want trick mind games. Diancie getting a black sludge is the worst thing to have.

Try to use Tentacruel early game, and don't be afraid of getting scald burned. If one layer of toxic spikes is on the opposing team then Tentacruel has done its job. Try to absorb toxic spikes for Swampert.


Mismagius @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpDef / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam

The glue 'mon who turned into a superstar. Mismagius does so much for this team it's incredible. It blocks rapid spin from pretty much anything in this tier. Will-O-Wisp is really useful against steels who doesn't get poisoned or flying types. It can also whittle down Hydreigon caught on the switch, prevents Mandibuzz to deal any meaningful damage and cuts down Forretress's Gyro Ball power.
Taunt is there again to stop Gligar/Empoleon from defogging, and is really helpful against Suicune or Reuniclus. These two moves are staple.
Shadow Ball is its STAB move, and if it gets a lucky special defense drop against defensive fairies it can win 1v1 thanks to taunt, especially if they are poisoned.
Dazzling Gleam is the fourth move:
0 SpA Mismagius Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Hydreigon: 264-312 (81.2 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
really beautiful isn't it?
I'm searching for a better EV spread, but 252 HP and 40 SpDef is just enough to prevent the OHKO from fully offensive Mega-Blastoise's Dark Pulse, 216 Spe coupled with a timid nature reaches a bonus point and gets the jump on positive natured base 100 such as Celebi. Leftovers provide a bit of longevity.

Mismagius can switch in on Rapid Spin and ground type attacks, and also against defensive defoggers, sometimes with the help of Forretress's Volt Switch. It's also good against Nidoking who is a nuisance to the team if played well. Usually it's a good idea to trade life against Suicune and especially Reuniclus if the opposing team doesn't have a defogger.

Several poison types: toxic spikes needs to be up at all time, otherwise i'm weak to a whole bunch of threats. Think Nidoking+Tentacruel or Beedrill. I can manage by KOing one of them but if they are more I'm in trouble.
Gyarados: offensive life orb DD with earthquake is a pain to deal with, but it can only set up on Tentacruel and Forretress. if it's Sub+taunt+dd then it's gg.
Hydreigon: life orb + steel coverage hits hard but it doesn't appreciate Mismagius or Aerodactyl's attacks.
Reuniclus: it is immune to toxic damage. Mismagius can trade life but if it has a calm mind up and packs shadow ball then i have already lost. Swampert can roar it away.
Sylveon: choice specs is a bad matchup for me, hopefully i'll have toxic spikes up, and forretress can stall for a bit with protect.
Swampert: mega-swampert with rain dance is a huge threat, OHKOing 4 members of my team and almost 2HKOing the last two.
Lucario: SD bullet punch can win alone once mismagius has taken a tiny bit of damage.

Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Def / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Taunt

Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 16 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Roar

Diancie @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Moonblast
- Sleep Talk

Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Bug Bite
- Volt Switch
- Spikes
- Protect

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Haze

Mismagius @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
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Hello cfdu1202! Your team is really solid but it's missing some things.

Mega Aerodactyl: Looking at your team, Mega Aerodactyl is the most offensive pokemon. Running Taunt over coverage moves like Aerial Ace or Pursuit/Aqua Tail sounds decent when you are running spikestack, but it doesn't allow Mega Aerodactyl's offensive pressure to shine. The set here would fit Mega Aerodactyl better seeing as the set allows Mega Aerodactyl to pressure Defoggers. The set also allows you to have longevity (by using Roost) while cleaning up teams!
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Wing Attack
- Earthquake
- Roost
Now that we fixed Mega Aerodactyl's set, let's fix your team!

Escavalier > Forretress: I know Forretress can do a lot of things in your team. It can check Sylveon, it can check Celebi, and it can provide hazards. It can use Volt Switch in addition to it's vast role compression. However, your team struggles with CM Reuniclus and Escavalier can check it. It can also check most of the pokemon that you are using Forretress to check and it provides another check to CurseLax. It utilizes Knock Off to knock off Gligar/Proygon2's Eviolite making Mega Aerodactyl's role easier. The set here is what I recommend:
Escavalier @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Atk / 204 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance

Chesnaught > Diancie: Chesnaught is going to be your Forrestress replacement. If you haven't noticed, Krookodile can beat EVERY wall you have on your team if they switch in. Chesnaught quickly solves that problem checking Krookodile and applying pressure on Gyarados and Mega Swampert. The set here is based for taking physical attacks:
Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Spiky Shield
- Drain Punch

Snorlax > Mismagius: Snorlax has better merit on your team than Mismagius. When using hazards, there are going to be some games where your hazards are Rapid Spin-ed or Defog-ed. Using Spinblockers is smart, but ask yourself: "Is the goal of Balance Offense Spikes Offense to constantly defend your hazards or pairing up pokemon with offensive/defensive synergy while applying pressure to the opponent with the use of hazards?" If you believe in the second choice, I strongly recommend Snorlax over Mismagius. It's a strong BAND user and it can check a lot of special attackers, mainly: Sylveon, Nidoking, and Chandelure. Using Snorlax will definitely benefit your team greatly. The set here is cool (you can run CurseLax as well):
Snorlax @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Facade
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
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Oh wow! You literally changed half of my team there.

Mega-Aerodactyl is not supposed to be an offensive threat, but rather a supportive one. Cleaning the opposing team is a job done by Diancie. Running taunt gives me a lot of insurance against set-up sweepers which this team doesn't like at all. Without it, CM sweepers just steamrolls through the team. I even use it against Suicune when I'm sure they will CM or rest. It also prevents Gligar from clicking Toxic/Defog/SR.
Running such an offensive spread means that I can't switch into things like Foul Play Mandibuzz or Tornadus. The only situation where I wish it packed Wing Attack is when I cannot afford to miss Stone Edge, but even then I still have a reliable attack in Earthquake.

Escavalier over Forretress is a good idea and I've actually considered this change. However, I would need to search for another spiker, and although Chesnaught can fix some holes in the team, such as against RD MegaPert, I really miss the ability to Volt Switch on the opposing defogger, which is the point of this team. I can easily gather momentum with Volt Switch, forcing the enemy to switch again and take hazards damage. Perhaps I didn't emphasize it enough, but really, the main goal is to keep hazards up at all time.
Also, while on paper I may seem weak to Krookodile, every member of the team has a way to cripple it, and Mega-Aerodactyl actually beats it if it isn't banded. Reuniclus is a problem, I agree, and I have to make some critical plays around Mismagius to beat it. Hovewer, Gligar, Porygon and CurseLax are no problem at all.
I'll still experiment with Escavalier, but replacing Diancie with Chesnaught will leave me without any wincon late game, since Escavalier isn't going to sweep teams by itself. Diancie is really the member who gives me late game control, as once opposing steels and Suicune are gone, which is easy to do, she will sweep, turning an insane amount of game from 1-3 or even 1-4 to 1-0.

Actually in the introduction, I said that my favorite playstyle is bulky offense, but also that this team turned out to be different. Mismagius has a very specific role which cannot be filled by any other pokemon (I'd rather have Gengar, but oh well). Also Snorlax > Mismagius also makes me weaker against Fighting types, even though Mismagius usually isn't the primary switch-in.

It might seem that I'm stubborn and refused all the changes that you adviced, but it is actually really helpful having another person give an insight to the team. Thank you for the rate, I really appreciate it! :)
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As a rater, I do have to accept the teambuilder's choice. Thank you for considering my point of view, and I hope you do well with your team with/without the team changes I suggested. :)
I think that Chandelure > Mismagius. Chandelure is better as it won't die do physical hits and can take special hits, you have an answer to Hydreigon already so your team won't miss it that much.

Chandelure @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
But Chandelure cannot spinblock (Mega)Blastoise, Tentacruel and even Donphan, nor can stop Mandibuzz or Gligar from Defogging due to lower speed (tie at best with Mandibuzz, but they usually run some speed EVs). Also it cannot stop Suicune from freely coming in and set up.
Mismagius, on the other hand, can do all of these things, and due to its good speed tier it can revenge the likes of Nidoking. Thanks to Levitate I can also play around Ground types for a free switch and throw a Shadow Ball at them. The Ground weakness will be too hard to cover if I chose Chandelure over Mismagius.

Thanks for your suggestion!