Help with my Rain Dance team

I'm really having problems with the rain dance team. I need a physical sweeper and a rapid spinner but i just can't seem to find one.. I'm thinking of adding a Kabutops or a Qwilfish. Give me some suggestions on what to add. Here is my team

Lead Rain Dancer: Azelf @Damp Rock
Nature: Jolly nature / Levitate
Ev: 252 hp, 4 atk, 252 Speed
Moves: Rain Dance, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Explosion

With it's massive speed, I rain dance if the opponent's lead doesn't have stealth rock. If he does have one, I use taunt to automatically shut it down. After the Rain dance, I use Stealth rock to get some of my rocks set up. After that, if it's not a ghost type, I explode right in their face, leaving some dent in his pokemon.


Special Sweeper: Kingdra @Life Orb
Nature: Modest nature / Swift Swim
Ev: 32 hp, 252 Sp. atk, 224 Speed
Moves: Dragon Pulse, HP (Electric), Signal Beam, Surf

I was going to use this Kingdra as a physical sweeper but when I actually battled with it, I didn't get many time time to set up DDances or Rain Dance. So, I thought about using it as a Special Sweeper instead. The Signal Beam is for Celebi users that think they can set up on me while I play Kingdra. HP (electric) is for bulky waters such as Gyarados. Dragon Pulse, Surf is for STAB.


Rain Dance/Dual Screen: Bronzong @Damp Rock
Nature: Impish nature / Levitate
Ev: 252 hp, 128 atk, 128 def
Moves: Rain Dance, Reflect, Light Screen, Explosion

My bronzong doesn't get to stay in the battle very long, he uses up 3 moves, and then, What da fu** Boom! With it's High def. stats, this pokemon is one of the best to set up rain dances and screens. There is not much to add, so I'll move on to the next one.


Rain Dance/Special Sweeper No. 2: Ludicolo @Life Orb
Nature: Modest nature / Swift Swim
Ev: 44 hp, 252 Sp. atk, 212 Speed
Moves: Surf, Grass knot, Ice beam, Rain Dance

This Ludicolo has helped me a lot in the few battles I've battled. Surf is for STAB and Grass knot is for all those other water types such as Suicune, Milotic, Gyarados, etc. Ice beam for those annoying Dragons and Rain Dance for when Rain runs all out.


Revenge Killer(?)/Physical Sweeper: Scizor @Choice Band
Nature: Adament nature / Technician
Ev: 116 hp, 252 atk, 140 Speed
Moves: Bullet Punch, U-turn, Pursuit, Super Power

The most threat to Rain Dance teams are Pokemon such as ttar, Abomasnow, and Hippowdon. The job for scizor is to get rid of these threats fast and well. Bullet Punch is for STAB and a way to kill ttar and abomasnow. U-turn is to scout, Pursuit for those tricky ghost type pokemons trying to switch out. Super Power is to kill ttar faster. I know I should've put more ev in to hp, but I thought I needed the speed to kill these threats faster. Hey, Who knows? A ttar could out-speed my scizor and land a fire punch on me.

Kabutops @Life Orb
Nature: Adament Nature
Ev: 32 hp, 252 atk, 20 def, 204 Speed
Moves: Swords Dance, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Aqua Jet

Now this is where the problem begins.. I don't know what to put for the 6th slot of my Rain Dance Team. I need another Physical Sweeper and a Rapid Spinner for those Toxic Spikes. I'm thinking of 3 Pokemons right now. Kabutops, Qwilfish, Starmie. Kabutops for Physical Sweeping, Qwilfish for Physical Sweep and to absorb Toxic Spikes, and Starmie for rapid Spin. Kabutops under rain is a force to be reckoned with, especially once it manages to obtain a Swords Dance. Waterfall and Stone Edge give me excellent STAB moves to choose from while Aqua Jet gives me some priority to use if rain happens to be gone. Life Orb gives me more power and makes Kabutops insanely strong. Please give me some advice.. Thank you