Help With Team

so i made a team earlier for single battle, but i liked triple better but my team didnt flow well in triple so now im making a trick room team so plz do help, i only know 5 of the 6 i am using so ideas and comments would be appreciated

whimsicott- lead trick room
item: light clay
sassy, 252 HP, 128 Def, 128 SpDef
Ability: prankster
light screen
helping hand
trick room

this is just to pull of an immediate trick room and support after

conkeldurr- phys sweep
flame orb
brave, 212 hp, 252 atk, 44 def
rock slide
hammer arm
drain punch

starts next to whimsicott w/ whimsicott in a corner and it uses rock slide on all opponents so someone will prlly flinch since it is a 30% chance so with 3 targets it gives a good chance, then gets helping hands from whimsicott to take out other threats to whimsicott
flame orb to activate guts

scrafty- phys sweep
chople berry
brave, 252 hp, 252 atk, 6 def
fake out
drain punch

starts with fake out on the middle pokemon to prevent any attacks on whimsicott first turn then just keeps taking stuff out

reuninculus- special sweep, backup trick room
life orb
quiet, 192 hp, 64 def, 252 spatk
magic guard
focus blast
shadow ball
trick room

functions as special sweep if needed and trick room replacement if whimsicott dies

snorlax-phys sweep
normal gem
brave, 12 hp, 252 atk, 60 def, 180 spdef
thick fat
last resort
rock slide

turns its low speed into a blessing and allows me to start most turns and, depending on if whimsicott is out and if it replaced conkeldurr, it can benefit from all the helping hands
last resort is a strong stab move, crunch covers ghosts and psychic and rock slide can deal damage to all and take care of steel types