Hol' Up- an RMT- Peaked at 114

Hol’ Up

I wrote this record while 30,000 feet in the air, stewarts complemen’ me on my nappy hair, if I could f*ck her in front of all of these passengers, they’ll probably think I’mma terrorist, eat my asparagus.


Well, I didn’t exactly write this team 30,000ft in the air, but I didn’t expect this team to fair as well as it did. What was just a team that was meant to test Mega Mewtwo- X and Xerneas faired very well, so I figured I would RMT it for everyone to try if they so choose to. So now that our little introduction is done, I guess it’s time we move on to the technical team building stuff and the reason why this team worked out.

Team Objective: To aid and support a sweep done by Mewtwo- X or Xerneas.

Normally if one cannot sweep, they normally are able to do enough damage to someone’s team in order to allow the other one to finish off the rest of the team, or allow Giratina to pick them off. This team is backed by a defensive core of Jirachi, Arceus- Grass, Kyogre, and to some extent Giratina-O. So let’s now dive into sets and spreads. Shall we?


Kyogre @ Leftovers

Ability: Drizzle

EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SAtk

Bold Nature

- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Roar
- Scald​

Ahhh good old Crogre. I haven’t played in a while, so coming back to find most Kyogres offensive was kind of surprising. However, I do believe that defensive Kyogre is still good and should not be over looked simply because of the weather nerfing. Kyogre still does a great job of sponging hits and being able to phase/ burn threats. This is just the standard 5th gen. set, nothing more nothing less. This set aids A-Grass in the checking of E-Killer. I’m able to take one ESpeed at +2 at full health and phase it out, if not, there is always a chance scald might burn too. Kyogre also helps manage other choice locked Kyogers by sponging Water Spouts and Ice Beams when needed. He also helps in managing Blaziken. With the combination of him and Giratina, Blaziken cannot touch my team, or it would otherwise tear it apart. Kyogre also helps in checking Reshiram, Kyurem-W, Groudon, and Ho-Oh as well. Also, Kyogre is great for stall wars with Lugia. Since Kyogre can just constantly rest up and cure the Toxic that Lugia puts on it. Over all, Kyogre is a strong back bone to this team, and have a large amount of responsibilities. While he might not pack the same punch offensive Oger does, he gets the job done, and done well at that.


Arceus (Arceus-Grass) @ Meadow Plate

Ability: Multitype

EVs: 216 HP / 88 Spd / 204 SDef

Calm Nature

- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Defog
- Judgment​

A-Grass is probably one of the most common Arceus types I’ve seen around in my Ubers adventures. With access to defog, good defensive typing and bulk, I can see why it got a place on many people’s teams. However, A-Grass has quite a few roles it must fulfill. One of its biggest roles is checking Zekrom and E-Killer. Zekrom can tear though my team in a minuet if I give it the chance since most Zekroms are mixed. However, with Will-O-Wisp, I’m able to cripple Zekroms physical attacks and easily sponge the special ones due to my A-Grass being Sp. Defensive. The same goes for E-Killer since I can normally bring it in while it SD’s and proceed to Will-O-Wisp it and shut it down. A-Grass also carries the burden of being my defogger, however there is a reason for this. Ferrothorn, Dilgia, Jirachi, Landerous-T, and other common hazard layers, tend to not be able to touch A-Grass too much. For granted Dilgia has Fire Blast/ Flamethrower, and Rachi and Lando can carry U-Turn, but it’s nothing A-Grass can’t sponge and recover off later. Also, this thing is great for stopping Ferrothorn dead in its tracks. Not only can you defog the hazards on it, but after the evasion lowering, you can w-o-w it without having to worry about missing it and a burnt Ferrothorn is half the battle already won! Also, if A-Grass’s job wasn’t enough already, he also serves as my Palkia check and Kyogre check. For granted I need to have the rain up in order to have an easier time handling Palkia, checking Kyogre is all in a day’s work for this guy. Specs Kyogre in the rain, only has about a 56% chance to 2HKO my spread in the rain:

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 216 HP / 204+ SpD Arceus-Grass in Rain: 201-237 (46.2 - 54.4%) -- 56.3% chance to 2HKO

But even then I run enough speed to outpace base 99 speed pokes that aren’t running a speed boosting nature. As for Palkia, like I said, with Rain up, it become much easier to check because Fire Blast doesn’t do as much, but it without rain it takes it’s toll on my A-Grass:

252 SpA Palkia Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 204+ SpD Arceus-Grass: 176-208 (39.6 - 46.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

As you can see, A-Grass bares A LOT of weight on his shoulders, (if he has them?) but with support from others, his job becomes much easier to handle.


Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 Atk / 224 HP / 32 Spd

Adamant Nature

- Toxic
- Roar
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge
- Shadow Sneak
Giratina-O, is not as bulky as his Alternate form, but he certainly packs a punch. Giratina is in charge of spin blacking (for the few who still run a spinner) but most importantly, he carries the only priority move on this team, which, when you look at this team, doesn’t have a ton of blinding speed behind it. Giratina also has an important job of helping check Mewtwo, and Deoxys-N,S, and A. Him and Jirachi have what I call my “one-two” combo. Since Rachi is normally my lead, I lead with Rachi, who can sponge whatever attack or hazard they might want to throw at him and proceed to U-Turn out into Giratina who then revenges with Shadow Sneak. This prevent either many hazard from going up, or my team from being punched through. I’m also sure by now you are asking why I have Roar and Toxic on this thing. Well let’s start with the Roar question, I have Roar over Dragon Tail for one reason: Xerneas. You would be amazed at the number of people who just leave in their Xerneas and Geomancy up as I sit there and roar them out, (it’s a great feeling when it happens too). But that is why, it prevents me from getting swept from Xerneas, provided Jirachi is gone. It’s also nice to have another phaser in case things get bad, or I lose Kyogre too early. As for Toxic, there are many things which switch in or Giratina in which I love getting Toxics off on. A-Ghost, Yeveltal, Giratina-A, and Lugia to name a few. Most people feel safe to switch into/ stay in and boost, rest, or whatever the feel like setting up on Giratina and I just click toxic on the switch or the Calm Mind and the threat has been taken care of. I use to run W-o-W on Giratina, but I always found myself liking Toxic more. (That and A-Grass has W-o-W already.)

So to recap, Giratina’s goal is to stop spin blocking, as well as be the main form of priority. He also supports with Toxic and phasing when needed.


Jirachi @ Leftovers

Ability: Serene Grace

EVs: 224 SDef / 252 HP / 32 Spd

Careful Nature

- Stealth Rock
- Wish
- U-turn
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Head​

While making this team, I began to notice how I have nothing for Xerneas and that in my head, was a problem. So I was thinking of using my custom A-Poison set once again as my Xerneas check, but I realized how bad I needed A-Grass on my team. Not only that, but I realized I needed a Stealth Rocker and to be even more picky, I wanted something with U-Turn so I could have come kind of pivot supporter. I knew Landerous-T could do all of that, but there was no way that Lando was going to even stand a chance agents Xerneas after a Geomancy. So after a lot of looking around, I realized that Jirachi did all of that. Jirachi’s purpose on this team is to be this team Xerneas check. Offensive Xerneas can only dream of touching Rachi here. While Focus Blast is a 2HKO on Sp. Defensive Rachi, they need to hit it twice in a row, unless Rachi is around 20%, then a Moonblast will be able to kill from that range. However, if it is Offensive Xerneas, Iron Head is ALWAYS a 2HKO after rocks and even has about a 56% chance to just 2HKO naturally. If it’s a bulky Xerneas, Rachi is able to sponge hits much easier and Iron Head become an almost guaranteed 3HKO after rocks (99.2%). Rachi is also the teams Stealth Rocker and Pivot. He and Giratina are also responsible to helping to check Mewtwo and the Dexoys forms. Rachi is also hear to help check dragons that are choice locked into a move. He also helps heal the team with wish support. I did try healing wish, but I often found times where I “wish” I just had Wish instead. Wishes are normally passed off to Mewtwo or Xerneas. Every now and then, it gets passed to a supportive team member as well. Often times the turn before the sweep I set up a wish and proceed to U-Turn out if I feel like it’s safe to bring in either Mewtwo or Xerneas that why they have the wish recovery. If I don’t feel safe, I can stay in and simply recover so health with Jirachi and try to wish pass again later.


Xerneas @ Power Herb

Ability: Fairy Aura

EVs: 200HP/ 252Sp.Atk/ 52Spd

Modest Nature

- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock
- Thunder​

Arguably the BIGGEST threat in the current Ubers meta game, when I joined back into the Ubers tier, I figured I would have to give this thing a go and so I did. Like I said from the start this team is designed to get either Xerneas or Metwo to sweep and I figured since I would be using Mewtwo X I would want a good partner for him and Xerneas is just that. I use the standard Power Herb set, nothing really fancy. I run Psyshock over Thunderbolt, Thunder, or whatever other moves are out there because, like I said earlier, I normally use A-Poison as my Xerneas check. I wasn’t too sure starting out how common A-Poison was in the tier so I ran it just to be safe because I run a Sp. Defensive A-Poison and to my spread alone:

252 +2 SpA Xerneas Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus-Poison: 300-354 (67.5 - 79.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Not only that, but I’ve noticed Ho-Oh has taken on the role of being a Xerneas check. And while I could run Thunder, I chose Psyshock because it still is a 2HKO on Ho-Oh and also helps with A-Poison.


Mewtwo @ Mewtwonite X

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP

Jolly Nature

- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch​

The OG Uber himself; Mewtwo, now with two new forms! You best believe I had to use them both! I ended up liking the X version better, mostly due to the fact that other than a nice speed boost, Mewtwo-Y is still weaker than regular Mewtwo with a Life Orb. Anyways though, this thing has 2 great STABs and the scary speed and attack stat to back those two STABS. I’ve gone with this spread because I find it to be the most benefiting set to this team. Bulk Up is great when you can predict a switch and get a free +1 making this thing even scarier. I have Drain Punch over Low Kick because I find the recovery aspect so much nicer. Not only does it deal the damage I need, but the pseudo recovery allows Mewtwo to stick around longer than most people want it to be around for. Other than that the rest of the set is fairly straight forward. It’s like the original Mewtwo set gone physical. In combination with Xerneas and other team support, Mewtwo is normally able to stand it’s own ground once it’s on the field. It also helps with E-Killer because while E-Killer SD’s up, you can Bulk up to take the incoming E-Speed and then KO with Drain Punch, gaining back most, if not all of the health you just lost.


Not every team is perfect and I understand this. This team is no exception to that rule. So here’s just a small list of this that this team has a hard time with:

- Yveltal- Due to the Steel nerf, I have absolutely NOTHING to switch into this thing

- Palika- While I said I do have A-Grass, it NEEDS the rain, if not, Palkia causes me problems

- Mega- Gengar- Such a problem… again due to the Steel nerf… I mean, there’s Giatina, but Shadown Sneak doesn’t KO w/o prior damage

- Rayquaza- Due to Air Lock Jirachi is not a good answer. It’s hard for me to deal with this thing w/o something taking a lot of damage.

- A-Steel- More of the supportive CM sets w/ W-o-W. Mewtwo X is my main answer but if it gets burnt, it’s a problem…

I think that’s about all I want to say. I hope you all enjoyed this RMT. Comments and questions are always appreciated. Thanks once again :]!
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Yeesh dude, I don't have time for rate, but for others who will rate, it looks like Xerneas is the only thing separating this team from death by LO Yveltal and/or Mega Gengar. That is not something good to be team weak to.
I recommend Thunder Wave>U-turn on Jirachi, you need it for checking Xerneas lol. Also, I feel like Scarf Kyogre would be better for this team since it helps a little bit with the Mega Gengar problem. Another thing I would really recommend is Will-o-Wisp > Toxic, Dragon Tail > Roar and Stone Edge > Dragon Claw on Giratina, Mega Kanga seems like a major threat and so does Ho-Oh, Giratina-O generally lures in Ho-Oh so hitting them with a nice n clean SE is always nice, as a last suggestion, Thunder > Psyshock on Xerneas, you'll see more Kyogre or Lugia than you'll see Amoonguss/Poisonceus and even then you still have Mewtwo X to check them.

I know Gengar is a problem as well as Yvelt. As for E-Killer, Oger and A-Grass do a great job of checking it. Also, I've run into scarf Zek. It honestly can't touch A-Grass at all and should it choose to Outrage (the hardest thing it can hit with on my spread) its an easy Xerneas switch or a nice WoW. As for ditto, anyone who knows how to play this game can avoid ditto being a problem, not to come of as harsh, but it easy to play around. There are plenty of things on my team ditto doesn't want to transform into.

Xerneas is the only thing separating this team from death by LO Yveltal and/or Mega Gengar

Like I said, I know these are problems, tbh, M-Gengar> Yvelt. I can dance around Yvelt a lot easier than M-Gengar.
Thunder Wave>U-turn on Jirachi

Didn't want to be that guy ya know? XD Naw, I've thought of it a few times tbh. As for Dragon Tail> Roar, the only reason I'm shaky on this is due to many times I've just honestly wished I've had roar.

Stone Edge > Dragon Claw on Giratina

I'll defo change that. I didn't even think of that tbh.

Thanks Edgar :]
Bump up your Grassceus speed to 96. This will make a huge difference for checking Palkia, since you'd be able to outspeed and recover spam fire blast pp. Also, it allows grassceus to comfortably switch in and avoid getting 2hko'd.

Your MMX set is a bit strange. I'd run taunt over ice punch if you want to maintain that set. However, if you want to use more offensive variant, then you can use taunt+3 attacks (helps with your stall weakness too!): taunt, low kick, stone edge, and iron tail.
Didn't want to be that guy ya know? XD Naw, I've thought of it a few times tbh. As for Dragon Tail> Roar, the only reason I'm shaky on this is due to many times I've just honestly wished I've had roar.

Thunder Wave is kinda necessary on this metagame, thunder wave is one of the most reliable checks to any offensive mon since you can't exactly check everything in this gen ffs. And about Dragon Tail, I don't know, I'm not that guy who stays in with Giratina-O on a fairy that can potentially OHKO me.
That you don't even recognize that the team is very ho-oh weak baffles me. It switches in for free on 1/3 of your team, half without sr. Since there is no toxic that breaks opposing support arcs on this team, any defog arc+ho-oh combo will have a field day. Lando-t on the team should generally help, but i think the team needs a lot of restructuring to be effective. Pm me if you want to go through such a process. Gl