Tournament HPL 3 Week 1


Banner by in the hills
Approved by Nol and Teclis .

Welcome to the first week of the third edition of the Hindi Premier League. This is a team tour with 8 teams. Each team will consist of 12 players 8 of which will start in a tie. 6 out of the 8 starters have to be Hindi speakers and the rest is open to the public. Similarly 8 of the 12 players in a team have to be Hindi speakers. The winning team will win a custom avatar. Good luck everyone and get ready to fight for glory !

Please include replays in your winpost here. Matches without a replay will not be counted

Random battles will be BO3 and 1V1 will be BO5. Everything else is BO1

Spreadsheet (Courtesy Ticken )

Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines


Iron Fists
(5) VS (3) Chandelures

SS OU So Noisy VS airfare
SS LC Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
SS Ubers RuthlessDragon6 VS Holymolycrabby
SS Monotype style.css VS memedose46
SS 1V1 Mattorr Is Cute VS Raj 00
SS Random Battles Thetwinking VS Piyush25
Nat Dex AG Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Mega Rays (3) VS (5) Ruiners

SS OU Abhi VS Greentea570
SS OU pannuracotta VS Alpha1013
SS Ubers Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
SS Monotype Atiultra VS sasha
SS 1V1 Nick VS Baleblaze
SS Random Battles Zap VS Premmmm
Nat Dex AG Archiiiie17 VS MTB

Weaviles (4) VS (4) Victinis

SS OU Harshal08 VS Internal
SS OU Yippie VS Eichorrnia
SS LC TGA VS Axelsior
SS Ubers Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
SS Monotype Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
SS 1V1 PG is PG VS frostyicelad
SS Random Battles Saurav the great VS articoo
Nat Dex AG Shivam3299 VS kDCA

Lumineons (2) VS (6) Mistwaves

SS OU nvk VS myjava
SS OU Freezerman VS Sahki
SS LC Tushar Cool VS Latias
SS Ubers crying VS GeniusFromHoenn
SS Monotype silver grace VS Hurtadoo
SS 1V1 greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
SS Random Battles Blui VS Mikaav
Nat Dex AG WSun1 VS pichus

Deadline Sunday 28th August 2359 IST (GMT +5:30)

Iron Fists (1) VS (0) Chandelures

SS OU: So Noisy VS airfare
SS OU: Plunder VS TDNT
SS LC: Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
SS Ubers: RuthlessDragon6 VS Holymolycrabby
SS Monotype: style.css VS memedose46
SS 1V1: Mattorr Is Cute VS Raj 00
SS Random Battles: Thetwinking VS Piyush25
Nat Dex AG: Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Mega Rays (0) VS (1) Ruiners

SS OU: Abhi VS Greentea570
SS OU: pannuracotta VS Alpha1013
SS Ubers: Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
SS Monotype: Atiultra VS sasha
SS 1V1: Nick VS Baleblaze
SS Random Battles: Zap VS Premmmm
Nat Dex AG: Archiiiie17 VS MTB

Weaviles (0) VS (1) Victinis

SS OU: Harshal08 VS Internal
SS OU: Yippie VS Eichorrnia
SS LC: TGA VS Axelsior
SS Ubers: Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
SS Monotype: Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
SS 1V1: PG is PG VS frostyicelad
SS Random Battles: Saurav the great VS articoo
Nat Dex AG: Shivam3299 VS kDCA

Lumineons VS Mistwaves

SS OU: nvk VS myjava
SS OU: Freezerman VS Sahki
SS LC: Tushar Cool VS Latias
SS Ubers: crying VS GeniusFromHoenn
SS Monotype: silver grace VS Hurtadoo
SS 1V1: greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
SS Random Battles: Blui VS Mikaav
Nat Dex AG: WSun1 VS pichus

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Iron Fists VS Chandelures

So Noisy VS airfare
Plunder VS TDNT
Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
RuthlessDragon6 VS Holymolycrabby
style.css VS memedose46
CallMeK VS doc1203
Twinkiexg VS Piyush25
Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Mega Rays VS Ruiners

Abhi VS Greentea570
pannuracotta VS Alpha1013
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
Atiultra VS sasha
Nick VS Baleblaze
Zap VS Premmmm
Archiiiie17 VS MTB

Weaviles VS Victinis

Harshal08 VS Internal
Yippie VS Eichorrnia
TGA VS Axelsior
Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
PG is PG VS frostyicelad
Saurav the great VS articoo
Shivam3299 VS kDCA

Lumineons VS Mistwaves

nvk VS myjava
Freezerman VS Sakhi
Tushar Cool VS Latias
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace VS Hurtadoo
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
WSun1 VS pichus

My totally biased Ubers predict:
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
Fogbound Lake
VS Gareeb
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn but rooting for my friend hoenn :sphearical:
Unbiased predicts for ubers games

Ruthlessdragon vs holymolycrabby
The extremely casual player crabby is going down here

Hrishioo vs Rhmsitb
My personal favorite for this week. Creative hrishioo is definitely going to give bhai a tough game however defeating bhai is very difficult for any person

Crying vs Geniusfromhoenn
Yes i have actually bolded hoenn. Crying made it so far in grandslam & winning the money tour of ubers but my research says it was because of unexpected sets they brought which caught opponents offguard ( not questioning the plays made ) , hoenn is the type of opponent to have decent techs up his sleeves which would be the key factor here assuming he uses them! This is a tech vs tech battle in my opinion lol fun one to watch for sure

Biased predicts for others
Twinkiexg VS piyu piyu - rooting for my unite partner who apparently is bad at it
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predicts for SS 1v1

Call me PK vs doc1203 - cmpk would win if doc didnt have stravench support, my dearest, stravench. also doc is the better clicker

Nick vs Baleblaze - my favourite matchup in the whole tour probably, if they both bring funny shit like in masters then its more of a 50/50 but otherwise i think nick is the better clicker and builder

PG is PG vs frostyicelad - i thought these guys got swag god why would you start frosty esp at ss

greenandgrey77 vs Ad067 - both are bad, green is the better cg from what ive seen but ad has jamez support
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12 am predicts dont mind me and take these seriously

Iron Fists (3) VS Chandelures (5)

So Noisy VS airfare
Plunder VS TDNT
Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
VS Holymolycrabby
style.css VS memedose46
CallMeK VS doc1203
Twinkiexg VS Piyush25
Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Mega Rays (4) VS Ruiners (3)

Abhi VS Greentea570
VS Alpha1013
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb (highlight game i dont know who to pick)
Atiultra VS sasha
VS Baleblaze
Zap VS Premmmm
Archiiiie17 VS MTB

Lumineons (6) VS Mistwaves (2)

nvk VS myjava
VS Sakhi
Tushar Cool VS Latias
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace VS Hurtadoo
VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
WSun1 VS pichus
Predicts for my 100th post.

Iron Fists (4) VS Chandelures(4)

So Noisy VS airfare
Plunder VS TDNT
Leafium Z
VS Elfuseon
RuthlessDragon6 VS Holymolycrabby
style.css VS memedose46
CallMePK VS doc1203
TheTwinKing VS Piyush25
Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Mega Rays(3) VS Ruiners(5)

Abhi VS Greentea570
pannuracotta VS Alpha1013
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
VS sasha
Nick VS Baleblaze
Zap VS Premmmm

Weaviles(4) VS Victinis(3)

Harshal08 VS Internal
Yippie VS Eichorrnia
TGA VS Axelsior
Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
PG is PG
VS frostyicelad
Saurav the great VS articoo

Lumineons (5)VS Mistwaves(3)

nvk VS myjava
VS Sakhi
Tushar Cool VS Latias
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace
VS Hurtadoo
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
WSun1 VS pichus
12 am predicts dont mind me and take these seriously

Iron Fists (3) VS Chandelures (5)

So Noisy VS airfare
Plunder VS TDNT
Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
VS Holymolycrabby
style.css VS memedose46
CallMePK VS doc1203
Twinkiexg VS Piyush25
Opnoob 598 VS Swas

Weaviles (4) VS Victinis (4)

Harshal08 VS Internal
Yippie VS Eichorrnia
TGA VS Axelsior
Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
PG is PG VS frostyicelad
Saurav the great
VS articoo
Shivam3299 VS kDCA

Lumineons (4) VS Mistwaves (4)

nvk VS myjava
Freezerman VS Sahki
Tushar Cool VS Latias
VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace VS Hurtadoo
VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
WSun1 VS pichus
Mega Rays (4) VS Ruiners (4)

Abhi (45%) VS Greentea570 (55%) - Cool MU, personally I'm rooting for my bro abhk here.
pannuracotta (70%) VS Alpha1013 (30%) - Pannu may win it either easily, or Alpha may cause a big upset, alpha got immense potential.
Zephyri VS DOOR MONEY - Idk anything about LC and Idk the players well too, so a random predict.
Hrishioo7 (40%) VS Rhmsitb (60%) - To win against Rhm, at least 2 of these 3 things are needed, Extremely good prep, Extremely Good MU, Extremely good Rng, and Hrishioo has been on a break as of late, rhm should win this.
Atiultra VS sasha - I have this random feeling.
Nick VS Baleblaze - Nick is one of the best SS players rn in my view, idk Blaze much, so yeah.
Zap VS Premmmm - Just a feeling.
Archiiiie17 VS MTB - Just a feeling.

Weaviles (7) VS Victinis (1)

Harshal08 VS Internal - Just a feeling.
Yippie VS Eichorrnia - Just a feeling.
TGA VS Axelsior - I feel so.
Fogbound Lake (55%) VS Gareeb (45%) - As much as I want my brother Gareeb to win, defeating Fogbandit Lake is no joke, if not the best, definitely one of the best SS players in the tour, meanwhile bhaiya gareeb is also one of the best SS players around here, if there is someone who I would never wanna face in the tour, its Gareeb, for me this is the Ubers MU of the week, Skill Vs Skill, Tech Vs Tech, I hope hax does not spoil the epic game.
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos - Just a feeling.
PG is PG VS frostyicelad - 1v1 MU of the week, PG can never be taken lightly, and I just have a the feeling that he will overcome the frosty challenge.
Saurav the great VS articoo - Fabio may win this.
Shivam3299 VS kDCA - Just a feeling, rooting for shivam.

Lumineons VS Mistwaves

nvk VS myjava - Myjava shall start where they left HPL 2.
Freezerman VS Sakhi - Sahki has an upperhand i think.
Tushar Cool VS Latias - Just a feeling.
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn - Cool MU, could go either way, I fully agree with what Eledyr said above.
silver grace VS Hurtadoo - Rooting for my bro silver.
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067 - Can go either way, great MU.
Blui VS Mikaav - Blui did great last time.
WSun1 VS pichus - Random feeling.

Don't take these predicts seriously, feel free to prove me wrong. :blobthumbsup:
Mega Rays (4) VS Ruiners (4)

Abhi (45%) VS Greentea570 (55%) - Cool MU, personally I'm rooting for my bro abhk here.
pannuracotta (70%) VS Alpha1013 (30%) - Pannu may win it either easily, or Alpha may cause a big upset, alpha got immense potential.
Zephyri VS DOOR MONEY - Idk anything about LC and Idk the players well too, so a random predict.
Hrishioo7 (40%) VS Rhmsitb (60%) - To win against Rhm, at least 2 of these 3 things are needed, Extremely good prep, Extremely Good MU, Extremely good Rng, and Hrishioo has been on a break as of late, rhm should win this.
Atiultra VS sasha - I have this random feeling.
Nick VS Baleblaze - Nick is one of the best SS players rn in my view, idk Blaze much, so yeah.
Zap VS Premmmm - Just a feeling.
Archiiiie17 VS MTB - Just a feeling.

Weaviles (7) VS Victinis (1)

Harshal08 VS Internal - Just a feeling.
Yippie VS Eichorrnia - Just a feeling.
TGA VS Axelsior - I feel so.
Fogbound Lake (55%) VS Gareeb (45%) - As much as I want my brother Gareeb to win, defeating Fogbandit Lake is no joke, if not the best, definitely one of the best SS players in the tour, meanwhile bhaiya gareeb is also one of the best SS players around here, if there is someone who I would never wanna face in the tour, its Gareeb, for me this is the Ubers MU of the week, Skill Vs Skill, Tech Vs Tech, I hope hax does not spoil the epic game.
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos - Just a feeling.
PG is PG VS frostyicelad - 1v1 MU of the week, PG can never be taken lightly, and I just have a the feeling that he will overcome the frosty challenge.
Saurav the great VS articoo - Fabio may win this.
Shivam3299 VS kDCA - Just a feeling, rooting for shivam.

Lumineons VS Mistwaves

nvk VS myjava - Myjava shall start where they left HPL 2.
Freezerman VS Sakhi - Sahki has an upperhand i think.
Tushar Cool VS Latias - Just a feeling.
crying VS GeniusFromHoenn - Cool MU, could go either way, I fully agree with what Eledyr said above.
silver grace VS Hurtadoo - Rooting for my bro silver.
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067 - Can go either way, great MU.
Blui VS Mikaav - Blui did great last time.
WSun1 VS pichus - Random feeling.

Don't take these predicts seriously, feel free to prove me wrong. :blobthumbsup:

Sinjoh ruiners winning this, just a feeling
Mator wants likes so Mator does Predicts.

Mega Rays(4) VS Ruiners(3)

Abhi VS Greentea570
VS Alpha1013
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
Atiultra VS sasha
Nick VS Baleblaze
Zap VS Premmmm

Weaviles(4) VS Victinis(1)

Harshal08 VS Internal
Yippie VS Eichorrnia
TGA VS Axelsior
Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos
PG is PG VS frostyicelad
Saurav the great VS articoo
Shivam3299 VS kDCA

Lumineons(2) VS Mistwaves(3)

nvk VS myjava
Freezerman VS Sakhi
Tushar Cool VS Latias
VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace VS Hurtadoo
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
WSun1 VS pichus
only going to predict some 1v1 matches and highlights:
SS 1V1 Call me PK VS doc1203
SS 1V1 Nick VS Baleblaze
SS 1V1 PG is PG VS frostyicelad
SS 1V1 greenandgrey77 VS Ad067 idk tbh?!

SS OU Yippie VS Eichorrnia
SS OU pannuracotta VS Alpha1013

Nat Dex AG WSun1 VS pichus
My First ever predictions for a tour: (Entirely based on how I know the player) (Biased towards my Team)
(3) Iron Fists VS Chandelures (5)

So Noisy
VS airfare alr happened
Plunder VS TDNT
Leafium Z VS Elfuseon
VS Holymolycrabby
style.css VS memedose46
CallMeK VS doc1203
Twinkiexg VS Piyush25
Opnoob 598 VS Swas

(0) Mega Rays VS Ruiners (7)

Abhi VS Greentea570
pannuracotta VS Alpha1013
Hrishioo7 VS Rhmsitb
Atiultra VS sasha
Nick VS Baleblaze
Zap VS Premmmm
Archiiiie17 VS MTB

(3) Weaviles VS Victinis (5)

VS Internal
Yippie VS Eichorrnia
TGA VS Axelsior Will be close
Fogbound Lake VS Gareeb alr happened
Seo. VS PrinceOfAllTacos alr happened
PG is PG VS frostyicelad
Saurav the great VS articoo
Shivam3299 VS kDCA

(4) Lumineons VS Mistwaves (4)

nvk VS myjava
Freezerman VS Sakhi
Tushar Cool VS Latias
VS GeniusFromHoenn
silver grace VS Hurtadoo
greenandgrey77 VS Ad067
Blui VS Mikaav
VS pichus
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