Tournament HPL5 - Announcement and Manager Signups

Manager (Pair): Shivam_Z and AhmedxWaleed

Timezone: GMT +5.5, 5

Relevant Accomplishments: Hindi Room's Current Prize Winner and 2 times prize winner in a row
1v1 ladder tournament 5th place ,Active person and Well Known in the Hindi Room

My co is Monotype Tours Night Host, also writes Monotype Analyses, Currently going to play for WCOR for team Asia and ...... is KKR fan.

It never hurts to see new faces for HPL

We win these >:)
When Legends Meet History is made Confirming to manage with Shivam_Z
Manager (Pair): Wesleyy Longestbanana Timezone: Gmt+1 & Gmt+2 Relevant Accomplishments: We haven't found the actual results in tournaments we're looking for and both haven't managed a tour so far. We find this a good first chance to get deeper into the scene especially with my success in the previous season of HPL. We are both team tour grinders with the time, motivation and commitment to take our team to the top. Our previous team tournament experiences are: Teamballo (finals) OUPL (Playoffs), EPL (finals), a previous season of HPL (Semi finals), ZUPL, LCPL, SMPL, SSPL(these 4 are currently ongoing), Ubers World cup & WCoP Qualifiers.

We will put our all in this and hope to be given the chance to prove ourselves
Manager (Pair): Wesleyy Longestbanana Timezone: Gmt+1 & Gmt+2 Relevant Accomplishments: We haven't found the actual results in tournaments we're looking for and both haven't managed a tour so far. We find this a good first chance to get deeper into the scene especially with my success in the previous season of HPL. We are both team tour grinders with the time, motivation and commitment to take our team to the top. Our previous team tournament experiences are: Teamballo (finals) OUPL (Playoffs), EPL (finals), a previous season of HPL (Semi finals), ZUPL, LCPL, SMPL, SSPL(these 4 are currently ongoing), Ubers World cup & WCoP Qualifiers.

We will put our all in this and hope to be given the chance to prove ourselves
This would be a big chance:woop:
Manager (Pair): me and TBD(if anyone interested then plz contact
Relevant Accomplishments:hiii I am arpit and I am here to gain reaction point so plzz reacts everyone plz react

Aim 10+ reacts on my post

IF u react then ur chances of getting drafted/selected as a manager will be increased so don't forget to react
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