hi, i'm not Psiana, but, let me help you answer your question. as the rules stated you may only request on featured Pokemon every week. however, you cannot request the previous week Pokemon anymore once the week has ended.since i didnt get kartana im assuming you couldnt find it so i re posted.
wanted kartana, deposited lv 26 female fearow with chinese characters, ign roydinho
but kartana is from the current featured week?hi, i'm not Psiana, but, let me help you answer your question. as the rules stated you may only request on featured Pokemon every week. however, you cannot request the previous week Pokemon anymore once the week has ended.
unfortunately, it was last two weeks featured Pokemon.but kartana is from the current featured week?
Two weeks ago, I gave out the Ultra Beasts I think. You are a little bit late ;)but kartana is from the current featured week?