I Like Cheese, a UU RMT (V. 1)

Hey, as you can see, this is a UU RMT

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Venusaur (Salad) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
~ Sleep Powder
~ Leech Seed
~ Grass Knot
~ Sludge Bomb
Description: Venusaur is just a little starter, he starts off in the battle, to Leech Seed and Sleep Powder to tweek with. You can kind of consider Sludge Bomb part of that because of the posion. Leftovers are a natural, they really help. Bold Nature also contributes because Salad could always use more defense, espcially when starting a battle.

Azumarill (Raindeer) @ Salac Berry
Ability: Huge Power
Evs:252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
~ Belly Drum
~ Substitue
~ Waterfall
~ Return
Description: Azumarill has speed! He has even more speed due to Salac Berry, and due to Jolly Nature. I'm not using Belly Drum because of the attack, I'm using it because of the speed :naughty:. I use Substitute because if I can set up Substitute and go first, I can get a real head start on the battle. I use Return because obviously, I will make Raindeer like me, so it does more damage. Waterfall has some nice STAB plus Belly Drum if I feel like killing something.

Steelix (.....) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
~ Stealth Rock
~ Earthquake
~ Toxic
~ Explosion
Description: After Venasaur faints, depending on what the battling Pokemon is, I will probably send out Steelix. He's been modified to be a strong, good defensive type. Leftovers, well, you know why those one's are there... His evs are pretty solid as well. Earthquake is just domination. Toxic really helps against the enemies (>-)) Explosion is a good in-trouble move. Yeah, defensive huh?

Hitmonlee (Punchy Man) @ Life Orb
Ability: Limber
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
~ Close Combat
~ Mach Punch
~ Earthquake
~ Sucker Punch​

Description: Punchy Man is the main attack guy (or girl 0___0) Sucker Punch is a nice little treat to start off with. Limber helps because being Paralyzed can't be fun. Close Combat has quite a bit of power, extra when STAB. Mach Punch is a nice first attack move. Earthquake is just traditional. His attack evs are awesome.

Lanturn (Luminary) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
Evs: 40 HP / 216 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunderwave
~ Confuse Ray​

Descrition: Lanturn is a useful defense. Whenever I play the UU Metagame I normally use Lanturn. Lanturn has some defensive features which are really nice. Confuse Ray can cause some pain to the opponet, when combined with Thunderwave, it does even more pain! :pirate: Surf and Thunderbolt have some nice STAB. Volt Absorb is a little extra health if they don't know my ability.

Honchkrow (Nightwing) @ Choice Band
Ability: Insomnia
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
~ Sucker Punch
~ Drill Peck
~ Superpower
~ Night Slash
Description: Insomnia can really help because you can stay asleep for a really long time. Sucker Punch like I said, is a nice start. Drill Peck can deal some massive damage. Superpower can too. Night Slash has STAB and a hit critital hit ratio. Jolly Nature can speed Nightwing up a bit. Not much is to be said about Nightwing

Conclusion: Review tips always help, the more tips, the faster I will make v. 2!!!! bye!!!​
I think your explanations may need a little expansion.

Venusaur (Salad) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
~ Sleep Powder
~ Leech Seed
~ Grass Knot
~ Sludge Bomb​

Description: Venusaur is just a little starter, he starts off in the battle, to Leech Seed and Sleep Powder to tweek with. You can kind of consider Sludge Bomb part of that because of the posion. Leftovers are a natural, they really help. Bold Nature also contributes because Salad could always use more defense, espcially when starting a battle.
An interesting lead, but I think you should try using Steelix as your lead. And if you do use Steelix as a lead, then you should use a timid nature on Venusaur. I recommend the use of Energy Ball over Grass Knot as well. However, if you don't want Steelix to be your lead, then I think a Uxie might help.
Uxie @ Leftovers
Bold Nature, 252 HP, 252 DEF, 6 SPD
-Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock on Turn 1. Yawn the next and U-Turn out. Protect is for scouting and U-Turn lets you break a sash if your opponent doesn't switch.

Azumarill (Raindeer) @ Salac Berry
Ability: Huge Power
Evs:252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
~ Belly Drum
~ Substitue
~ Waterfall
~ Return​

Description: Azumarill has speed! He has even more speed due to Salac Berry, and due to Jolly Nature. I'm not using Belly Drum because of the attack, I'm using it because of the speed :naughty:. I use Substitute because if I can set up Substitute and go first, I can get a real head start on the battle. I use Return because obviously, I will make Raindeer like me, so it does more damage. Waterfall has some nice STAB plus Belly Drum if I feel like killing something.
This Azumarill is ok. I feel that Aqua Jet is much more useful than Waterfall is. Aqua Jet is better because it has priority. Also, I think you should try using an Adamant Nature because Azumarill isn't that fast. Yes you have Salac Berry, but priority Sucker Punch would take Azumarill down in a flash (coming from Absol or Honchkrow). I also think you should use an Adamant Nature instead of Jolly.

Steelix (.....) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
~ Stealth Rock
~ Earthquake
~ Toxic
~ Explosion​

Description: After Venasaur faints, depending on what the battling Pokemon is, I will probably send out Steelix. He's been modified to be a strong, good defensive type. Leftovers, well, you know why those one's are there... His evs are pretty solid as well. Earthquake is just domination. Toxic really helps against the enemies (>-)) Explosion is a good in-trouble move. Yeah, defensive huh?
I think this should be your lead. It has better defences than Venusaur does and it allows you to open up with SR. If you use Uxie as the lead, then you should change Stealth Rock to maybe Stone Edge. I also think you should have 252 HP, 148 ATK, 110 SPD. This gives Steelix a little offensive push and lets it deal more damage before it explodes.

Hitmonlee (Punchy Man) @ Life Orb
Ability: Limber
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
~ Close Combat
~ Mach Punch
~ Earthquake
~ Sucker Punch​

Description: Punchy Man is the main attack guy (or girl 0___0) Sucker Punch is a nice little treat to start off with. Limber helps because being Paralyzed can't be fun. Close Combat has quite a bit of power, extra when STAB. Mach Punch is a nice first attack move. Earthquake is just traditional. His attack evs are awesome.
Seeing as you already have Sucker Punch, I question the use that Mach Punch has on Hitmonlee. I think you should change Mach Punch to Stone Edge. Otherwise, this one is quite good. If you're feeling really weird (in a good way), then try Rapid Spin over Mach Punch.

Lanturn (Luminary) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
Evs: 40 HP / 216 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunderwave
~ Confuse Ray​

Descrition: Lanturn is a useful defense. Whenever I play the UU Metagame I normally use Lanturn. Lanturn has some defensive features which are really nice. Confuse Ray can cause some pain to the opponet, when combined with Thunderwave, it does even more pain! :pirate: Surf and Thunderbolt have some nice STAB. Volt Absorb is a little extra health if they don't know my ability.​
Lanturn's only other ability is Illuminate, which is useless. So everyone assumes it has Volt Absorb. However, I think you can change the nature to Modest to add a little punch to your attacks.

Honchkrow (Nightwing) @ Choice Band
Ability: Insomnia
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
~ Sucker Punch
~ Drill Peck
~ Superpower
~ Night Slash​

Description: Insomnia can really help because you can stay asleep for a really long time. Sucker Punch like I said, is a nice start. Drill Peck can deal some massive damage. Superpower can too. Night Slash has STAB and a hit critital hit ratio. Jolly Nature can speed Nightwing up a bit. Not much is to be said about Nightwing​

I believe that you might want to try Pursuit over Night Slash. If its a Pokemon you counter, then they will always try to switch. Which is where Pursuit is useful. Also, have you tried an Adamant Nature on Honchkrow? It allows Honchkrow's Attack Stat to rise up to 383. Also, why Choice Band? Life Orb helps quite a bit and it allows you to switch attacks if you need to.

Interesting team as a whole. I think maybe expanding your descriptions would help everyone rate this team better.
^He has pretty much said everthing needed to say
If you are going to keep venasaur try running blacksludge over leftovers.
If you know something is Choiced and its going to trick you , blacksludge is always a nice thing to trade with:)

If you lead with Venusaur, it's better to scarf him. This way you can put to sleep your opponents lead right away. This will almost always prevent your opponent from getting Stealth Rock up in the first turns. besidest a scarfer can be a good revenge killer, and you can bring him back in again later in the game when your opponent has a fast threat. Venusaur has quitte good defenses so you can bring him in fairly easy:

Venusaur @ choice scarf/ timid/ overgrow
56 HP, 252 SAtk, 200 Spe

- Sleep Powder
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power (fire)
- Earthquake

--> The moveset is quitte simple. Sleep Powder destroys opposing leads by putting them to sleep. Leaf Storm is a STAB'ed powerfull attack, especialy on something as fast as a scarfer. Hidden Power (fire) let's you deal with opposing Grass types (especially opposing SD Venusaur). And Earthquake gives you a sollution to Sub CM Raikou, who could pose some problemes otherwise.

I agree with Seshi on trying Aqua Jet instead of Waterfall and Adamant instead of Jolly. You could also trade his item for Leftovers here.

Stone edge is indeed a better option on Hitmonlee.

On Lanturn you could try Discharge instead of Thunderbolt. The paralysis chance gives you to opportunity to change Thunderwave for Heal Bell. This allows you to keep your team healthy.

I suggest to replace Honchrow for Mismagius. Simply because you have no special sweeper. Besides you keep your immunity to ground moves but as an extra you get an immunity to fighting moves, which could really hurt Steelix in the long run:


Mismagius @ leftovers/ timid/ levitate
4 HP, 252 Spe, 252 SAtk

- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power (fighting)

--> Like a said you need a special sweeper. Moveset is obvious again. Substitute first when your opponents switches out. With a Sub up you're protected agains status and guards you from SE attacks (especially Sucker Punch). Nasty Plot up and start your sweep. Shadow Ball is your main attack move and get's STAB. Hidden Power (fighting) is suggested over Thunderbolt so that you could do something against Registeel. Besides you have Lanturn for elecric attacks.

Hope this helped!
Replace your Lanturn with a Milotic as Steelix easily counters Raikou. Also give Steelix Crunch so it can counter NP Mismagius and Charge Beam Rotom, both two big threats to your team.
Aqua Jet and Belly Drum is a illegal move combination. So ignore those suggestions.

Try out Heal Bell, Ice Beam, Surf, T-Bolt Lanturn. Venusuar is very common and limiting his longevity will really beneifit your team

Use Brave Bird over Drill Peck on Honchkrow.

Change Mach Punch to Stone Edge to hit Moltres, Altaria, ect hard.

Try leading with Steelix as VEnusaur won't accomplish much in the lead position.
