Impeh's X/Y PokeSHOP! Updated : Adamant Murkrow (HA)

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Ill do female for you would you like a female?

Yes please!

i have a adamant larvitar 31/31/31x/31/31 egg moves dragon dance, stealth rock or a adamant axew moldbreaker 31/31/31/x/31/31

I'll take the adamant axew :)

I'm available now for trade.

I'll contact you guys by PM when ready! so many orders x.x

CMT for Female Murkrow

Modest Nidoran male please!

Jolly Heracross Moxie with RB for Murkrow

For a MoxieKrow with 5IVs, I can offer:

5IV Timid Flash Fire Houndour
5IV Adamant Overgrow/Bulletproof Chespin w/ Synthesis
5IV Jolly Moxie/Shed Skin Scraggy w/ Ice, Thunder, Drain Punches and Dragon Dance
5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Ice Punch
5IV Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Belly Drum and Aqua Jet
5IV Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power
5IV Impish Sturdy Aron w/ Stealth Rock
5IV Jolly Sand Rush/Sand Force Drilbur

They are all perfect spreads.

Let me know if you're interested. A few may have to be bred for more. Also let me know if you want a nickname, I have a nickname in mind for the Murkrow : )
CMT for Rattled Magikarp and/or Prankster Murkrow.
female 31/x/31/31/31/31 drought vulpix for a female prankster Murkrow?
CMT for Female Murkrow
CMT for female murkrow w/ prankster
CMT for Female Murkrow
Jolly Heracross Moxie with RB for Murkrow

To everyone who wants a murkrow, I have a stock of 5 males and one female right now. I'd like a female request pokemon in return if you would like the female murkrow, and I'll be working on breeding more! You're all added and I'll be online and trading right now for a few hours!

do you have the chlorophyl modest bulbasaur right now? ill trade it for that

FC: 2938-7138-0277 IGN: JOhn

I do, and ready to trade whenever!

For a MoxieKrow with 5IVs, I can offer:

5IV Timid Flash Fire Houndour
5IV Adamant Overgrow/Bulletproof Chespin w/ Synthesis
5IV Jolly Moxie/Shed Skin Scraggy w/ Ice, Thunder, Drain Punches and Dragon Dance
5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Ice Punch
5IV Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Belly Drum and Aqua Jet
5IV Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power
5IV Impish Sturdy Aron w/ Stealth Rock
5IV Jolly Sand Rush/Sand Force Drilbur

They are all perfect spreads.

Let me know if you're interested. A few may have to be bred for more. Also let me know if you want a nickname, I have a nickname in mind for the Murkrow : )

I'll grab that Aron for a murkrow! let me know the nickname!

CML for murkrow

An inkay please, thanks!
To everyone who wants a murkrow, I have a stock of 5 males and one female right now. I'd like a female request pokemon in return if you would like the female murkrow, and I'll be working on breeding more! You're all added and I'll be online and trading right now for a few hours!

I do, and ready to trade whenever!

I'll grab that Aron for a murkrow! let me know the nickname!

An inkay please, thanks!
do you also have a bold chlorophyll bulbasaur 31/x/31/31/31/31?
Hey, I'm interested in a calm bulbasuar, here's what I have to offer:

Timid Gengar w/ disable
Jolly gible w/ outrage
Adamant Mawile
Adamant Torchic
Adamant Marill
Adamant Scizor
Jolly Larvitar w/ rocks and dragon dance
Timid Larvesta
Hey, I'm interested in a calm bulbasuar, here's what I have to offer:

Timid Gengar w/ disable
Jolly gible w/ outrage
Adamant Mawile
Adamant Torchic
Adamant Marill
Adamant Scizor
Jolly Larvitar w/ rocks and dragon dance
Timid Larvesta

Available now, I'll grab a timid Larvesta!
Interested in swapping magikarps. I have an adamant 5iv swift swim. Looking for a jolly rattled

Not interested for another magikarp, sorry!

Same, whenever you're ready request a trade :)

Doing it now :)

Oh, my bad apparently I traded my last one away, sorry about that. :(

If you're interested in anything else my fc is: 3883-6033-4131

Sorry, I have a copy of all others ><
CMT for female

level: 1
nature: Adamant
ability: Prankster(Moxie when Honchkrow)/Super luck/insomnia
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31
EVs: None
Egg Moves:
Brave Bird
Wing Attack (lol)
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