Impeh's X/Y PokeSHOP! Updated : Adamant Murkrow (HA)

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CMT for Female


level: 1
nature: Adamant
ability: Prankster
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31
EVs: None
Egg Moves:
Brave Bird
Sorry everyone! On my phone atm. My internet is down and won't be up until Thursday! SO sorry for the delay ><
Alright! Internet's back, and I'm ready to go with enough stock and more for everyone! PM me, and I'll be online all night tonight for trading!
I have a shiny gyarados and shiny luvdisc and a 5iv ghastly
Hey there! I'll take the shiny Luvdisc!
Hey, this is my trade shop. I got interested in your adamant Murkrow and in your Bold Bulbasaur. Would you happen to want anything mine for them?
Hey! I'll grab a Bunnelby, but not really interested in anything else! Do you have something else of value? ><
Sure and its ready to trade now. are you online?
Alright! I'll be online all day today!
Interested in Murkrow. CMT plox
Hey there! Interested in an adamant harvest tropius! Thanks!
I'm interested in Murkrow, are you interested in a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Prankster Cottonee with Grass Whistle / Encore / Memento / Switcheroo?
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