Pokedex #727
Base stats: 95 HP / 115 Att / 90 Def / 80 Sp.A / 90 Sp. D / 60 Speed


Pokedex #727
Base stats: 95 HP / 115 Att / 90 Def / 80 Sp.A / 90 Sp. D / 60 Speed
Blaze: When HP is below 1/3rd its maximum, power of Fire-type moves is increased by 50%.
Intimidate (HA): Upon entering battle, the opponent’s Attack lowers one stage. In a Double Battle, both opponents’ Attack are lowered.
*Notable moves highlighted in blue*
Egg Moves
Nasty Plot
Body Slam
Fake Out
Heat Wave
Level Up Moves
LV1 - Darkest Lariat
LV1 - Bulk Up
LV1 - Throat Chop
LV1 - Scratch
LV1 - Ember
LV1 - Growl
LV1 - Lick
LV4 - Growl
LV8 - Lick
LV11 - Leer
LV15 - Fire Fang
LV19 - Roar
LV24 - Bite
LV28 - Swagger
LV33 - Fury Swipes
LV38 - Thrash
LV44 - Flamethrower
LV49 - Scary Face
LV55 - Flare Blitz
LV60 - Outrage
LV66 - Cross Chop
Nasty Plot
Body Slam
Fake Out
Heat Wave
Level Up Moves
LV1 - Darkest Lariat
LV1 - Bulk Up
LV1 - Throat Chop
LV1 - Scratch
LV1 - Ember
LV1 - Growl
LV1 - Lick
LV4 - Growl
LV8 - Lick
LV11 - Leer
LV15 - Fire Fang
LV19 - Roar
LV24 - Bite
LV28 - Swagger
LV33 - Fury Swipes
LV38 - Thrash
LV44 - Flamethrower
LV49 - Scary Face
LV55 - Flare Blitz
LV60 - Outrage
LV66 - Cross Chop
TM01 - Work Up
TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic
TM08 - Bulk Up
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM12 - Taunt
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM21 - Frustration
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM28 - Leech Life
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double Team
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM41 - Torment
TM42 - Facade
TM43 - Flame Charge
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM47 - Low Sweep
TM48 - Round
TM50 - Overheat
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM56 - Fling
TM59 - Brutal Swing
TM60 - Quash
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp
TM62 - Acrobatics
TM63 - Embargo
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM78 - Bulldoze
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - U-Turn
TM90 - Substitute
TM95 - Snarl
TM97 - Dark Pulse
TM100 - Confide
Tutor Moves
Blast Burn
Fire Pledge
TM01 - Work Up
TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic
TM08 - Bulk Up
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM12 - Taunt
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM21 - Frustration
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM28 - Leech Life
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double Team
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM41 - Torment
TM42 - Facade
TM43 - Flame Charge
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM47 - Low Sweep
TM48 - Round
TM50 - Overheat
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM56 - Fling
TM59 - Brutal Swing
TM60 - Quash
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp
TM62 - Acrobatics
TM63 - Embargo
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM78 - Bulldoze
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - U-Turn
TM90 - Substitute
TM95 - Snarl
TM97 - Dark Pulse
TM100 - Confide
Tutor Moves
Blast Burn
Fire Pledge
New Moves
Darkest Lariat: The user swings both arms to hit the target, the target's stat changes are irrelevant to this attack's damage [
/ 85 BP / 100% Accuracy / 10 PP].
Throat Chop: The user chops the target's through, and the victim is unable to use sound-based moves for two turns [
/ 80 BP / 100% Accuracy / 15 PP].
Brutal Swing: The user swings its body around violently in such a way that this attack damages everything in its vicinity [
/ 60 BP / 100% Accuracy / 15 PP].
Usable Z Moves
- Breakneck Blitz [Max 200 BP Physical; 200 BP Special].
- All-Out Pummelling [Max 180 BP Physical; 190 BP Special].
- Supersonic Skystrike [Max 100 BP Physical].
- Tectonic Rage [Max 180 BP Physical].
- Savage Spin-Out [Max 160 BP Physical].
- Never-Ending Nightmare [Max 140 BP Physical].
- Inferno Overdrive [190 BP Physical; 200 BP Special].
- Blackhole Eclipse [160 BP Physical; 160 BP Special].
- Malicious Moonsault [180 BP Physical; only usable with Darkest Lariat].
Darkest Lariat: The user swings both arms to hit the target, the target's stat changes are irrelevant to this attack's damage [

Throat Chop: The user chops the target's through, and the victim is unable to use sound-based moves for two turns [

Brutal Swing: The user swings its body around violently in such a way that this attack damages everything in its vicinity [

Usable Z Moves

Competitive Analysis and Movesets
Tony the Tiger (Wallbreaker)
Incineroar @ Incinium Z / Life Orb / Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Cross Chop / Earthquake
- Leech Life / U-Turn / Fake Out
Spread Explanation:
The EV spread ensures that Incineroar outruns everything up to uninvested base 80 speed Pokemon. This allows it to outrun support Tyranitar, Clefable, Skarmory, Mega Venusaur, and Buzzwole naturally. Running more speed is not advised because of the fact that it will never be able to outrun base 70+ speed Pokemon that invest significantly in speed (Hoopa-U, Mamoswine, Gyarados, etc.), and running some HP investment helps to augment Incineroar's good bulk with intimidate. Since this set is designed to wallbreak and weaken defensive cores, maximum attack with an adamant nature is required. A life orb is preferred to hit as hard as possible, but an expert belt is also viable if you want to take advantage of its good natural bulk more effectively. Incinium Z provides Incineroar with a nuke that can blow past most neutrally hit Pokemon, and helps it break past stall as it can easily allow it to 2HKO Quagsire, Mega Sableye and Toxapex on the switch.
Moveset Explanation:
Looking at its movepool, fire and dark STAB is amazing and thus is a necessity. Flare Blitz is used to significantly dent anything that doesn't resist it, and Darkest Lariat provides it with a secondary STAB attack which is useful to hit Charizard X/Y, Dragons, Manaphy, Rotom-W, etc. The last two moveslots are customizable depending on the team. Earthquake allows Incineroar to OHKO Heatran, which can otherwise switch in fairly comfortably, while still netting a 2HKO on all Tyranitar variants. Cross chop can be used for better neutral coverage, and the ability to OHKO Tyranitar on the switch, but only grabbing a 2HKO on Heatran. In the last moveslot, Leech Life is a cool option to provide this set with more longevity, and is especially useful to negate life orb recoil. U-Turn can also be run to preserve offensive momentum; a slow U-Turn like Incineroar's is especially useful for giving free switches for frail sweepers (Weavile) or wallbreakers (Mega Medicham) who couldn't switch in otherwise free turns. Since this set struggles against fast offensive teams, fake out can also be run to get consistent chip damage and overall improve this Pokemon's matchup versus offensive teams.
Fat Cat (Defensive)
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Leech Life / U-Turn
- Darkest Lariat
- Flare Blitz / Roar / U-Turn
Spread Explanation:
This set takes advantage of Incineroar's great natural bulk with intimidate, and turns it into an offensive pivot that checks a plethora of offensive Pokemon in OU: Weavile, Bisharp, Mega Scizor, Victini, Jirachi and more! The EVs allows Incineroar to speed creep other base 60 speed Pokemon, such as Clefable, while the remaining EVs serve to augment its physical bulk, which allows it to check the aforementioned threats. Leftovers is needed because it is its only source of recovery, and without it, Incineroar cannot fulfil its defensive obligations effectively, as it will be outlasted by the Pokemon it is supposed to check.
Moveset Explanation:
Will-O-Wisp is a necessity on this set to cripple physical attacks, and also to cripple checks that attempt to switch in to Incineroar, such as Landorus-T, Garchomp, Azumarill and Tyranitar. Leech life is great on this set because Incineroar relies heavily on leftovers for recovery, and a lot of the Pokemon it is supposed to check carry knock off which removes this precious recovery. Darkest Lariat provides it with a decent STAB attack that prevents Incineroar from becoming setup bait for Pokemon immune to Will-O-Wisp, like Charizard-X and Volcarona. In the last slot, Flare Blitz can be run to provide Incineroar with a secondary STAB attack, though keep in mind that its recoil is counterproductive to the defensive nature of this set. Roar is also a good option to phase out substitute setup sweepers that don't mind Darkest Lariat should they attempt to setup on Incineroar (Gyrados, Keldeo, Raikou, Kyurem-Black and Zygarde 100% mainly). U-Turn is cool as well to maintain offensive momentum on forced switches, and is particularly useful for providing free switches for its teammates.
The Dancing Tiger (Dual Dance)
Incineroar @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flame Charge
- Darkest Lariat
- Earthquake / Cross Chop / Flare Blitz
Spread Explanation:
This set uses Incineroar's access to setup moves in order to allow it to sweep. Maximum speed with a jolly nature is needed for it to, after Flame Charge, outrun everything up to but not including base 115 speed Pokemon at +1. Leftovers is useful to help it come in on resisted attacks easier, and also gives it more setup opportunities against Pokemon it checks due to the recovery it gains. However, a life orb is an option in order to allow it to blow back its checks that can otherwise take a hit at +2 and retaliate, notably Alomomola, Clefable and Hippowdon. Finally, maximum attack investment is needed to make it hit as hard as possible.
Against Hippowdon
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 257-304 (119.5 - 141.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 198-234 (92 - 108.8%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
Against Alomomola
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 136 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 448-528 (88.7 - 104.5%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 136 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 582-686 (115.2 - 135.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Against Clefable
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 216+ Def Clefable: 426-503 (108.1 - 127.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 216+ Def Clefable: 328-387 (83.2 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 257-304 (119.5 - 141.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 198-234 (92 - 108.8%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
Against Alomomola
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 136 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 448-528 (88.7 - 104.5%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 136 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 582-686 (115.2 - 135.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Against Clefable
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 216+ Def Clefable: 426-503 (108.1 - 127.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 216+ Def Clefable: 328-387 (83.2 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
For other moves, swords dance serves to make it deadly against balanced teams, effectively allowing it to clean once its checks have been removed. Darkest Lariat serves as this set's main STAB attack and is used because dark has great neutral coverage overall, and Flare Blitz with Flame Charge is redundant coverage wise. In the last slot, Earthquake and Cross Chop are good options to provide excellent neutral coverage with Darkest Lariat (hitting fairies, fighting types, and Pokemon like Tyranitar and Heatran). Flare Blitz is also an option if the coverage provides by Cross Chop and Earthquake is not needed.
The idea behind this set is to come in on a Pokemon it can naturally check (Weavile, Bisharp, etc.) and either setup a Flame Charge or Swords Dance. Flame charge should be used against more offensive builds, while swords dance should be used against fatter teams. Incineroar usually doesn't have the luxury to setup both in a game, so pick which setup move to use depending on the matchup. Finally, this Incineroar variant should be preserved as a win condition that should only be brought in once its checks have been significantly weakened late game.
Tiger Jeet Singh (Bulk Up)
Incineroar @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 172 SpD / 88 Spe
Careful Nature
- Flare Blitz / Substitute
- Leech Life / Will-O-Wisp
- Darkest Lariat
- Bulk Up
Spread Explanation:
This set takes advantage of Incineroar's decent special defence, access to a recovery move in Leech Life, and its access to bulk up in order to give the team it's on a solid win condition against offensive and balanced teams. 88 speed allows Incineroar to outrun uninvested base 70 speed Pokemon like Skarmory, while the remaining EVs are placed in HP and special defence to help it setup on weak special attackers like Heatran, Tangrowth, Zapdos, Serperior and Amoonguss. Intimidate is run to help it setup on Pokemon it checks, like Bisharp and Weavile.
Moveset Explanation:
Running substitute allows Incineroar to avoid status from Pokemon it enjoys setting up on, notably toxic from Heatran, spore/sleep powder from Tangrowth and Amoonguss, and thunder wave from Clefable. Flare blitz is also an option to provide a secondary STAB option outside of Darkest Lariat, and can be run if avoiding status is not a concern. Leech life provides this set with a secondary source of recovery, and is useful to prevent Incineroar from being worn down quickly. Will-O-Wisp can be run instead, however, to cripple offensive checks that otherwise wall this set, such as defensive Landorus-T, Tyranitar and Garchomp. Due to its decent power, PP and neutral coverage, Darkest Lariat is the obligatory STAB move to use.
Moveset Explanation:
Running substitute allows Incineroar to avoid status from Pokemon it enjoys setting up on, notably toxic from Heatran, spore/sleep powder from Tangrowth and Amoonguss, and thunder wave from Clefable. Flare blitz is also an option to provide a secondary STAB option outside of Darkest Lariat, and can be run if avoiding status is not a concern. Leech life provides this set with a secondary source of recovery, and is useful to prevent Incineroar from being worn down quickly. Will-O-Wisp can be run instead, however, to cripple offensive checks that otherwise wall this set, such as defensive Landorus-T, Tyranitar and Garchomp. Due to its decent power, PP and neutral coverage, Darkest Lariat is the obligatory STAB move to use.
Closing Thoughts
Its good stat distribution, great movepool, access to setup moves, good ability, and nice support moves make Incineroar a threat that will definitely be something to watch out for in the future. It is overlooked now due to due to the existence of insanely broken Pokemon in the tier (Zygarde 100%, Pheramosa, Aegislash, etc.). However, as the metagame settles, and all the broken Pokemon are banned, Incineroar is a great Pokemon to consider for your team.
I hope that this thread was useful to you! Please leave a comment or feedback, I would really appreciate it! Also what are your thoughts on this Pokemon? What place do you think it'll have in the metagame? Comment below!
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