General Introduce yourself!


Nomad, vagabond, call me what you will
I hate intros... u_u;

But hi, I'm Nico and I'm basically here to lurk about and learn stuff, I guess. I largely enjoy lower tier pokes and the metagame around there, even if I don't really participate myself. I just kind of build pokes and faff about in the Maison. So... yeah.
Hello grassbladed!
Welcome to Smogon! That's perfectly fine if you don't want to take part in the discussions or whatever, but if you ever feel like you'd want to give it a try, go ahead (provided you're knowledgeable on the subject)! I also like the lower tier Pokemon, but I don't really play much of RU, NU, etc. I do play LC quite often, however. I don't really play at the Battle Maison, but I do like teambuilding. If you need anything while you're here, feel free to ask any questions you might have in the Questions threads or ask me, chester0334, EonX, or Fluke. I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hi, my name is Fontz, I love Pokemon and my favorite tiers are Ubers and OU.
Meet you on the server!
Hey welcome to smogon. If you need some help building teams let me know and I can help you over the server. I'm not the biggest fan of OU however I do like the lower tiers including RU. I never played ubers I should try it out sometime to. If you need something else feel free to message me or QueBien, EonX, Fluke, or TheHoodedGamer. Hope you enjoy smogon.
Hey welcome to smogon. If you need some help building teams let me know and I can help you over the server. I'm not the biggest fan of OU however I do like the lower tiers including RU. I never played ubers I should try it out sometime to. If you need something else feel free to message me or QueBien, EonX, Fluke, or TheHoodedGamer. Hope you enjoy smogon.
Thanks, actually I used to play P/S a while ago and already know the basics of teambuilding and such, just gotta get used to the newer metas haha
Howdy y'all, I've been pretty into competitive pokemon since back in the netbattle days but I always saw Smogon as more of a resource than a community to join, guess it's time to change that!
I've got a deep love for little cup, though I've been focusing on OU lately and I like nothing more than getting in depth about battling.

The main alt I'm using on showdown is xXBongHurricaneXx, hope we have fun together.
Howdy y'all, I've been pretty into competitive pokemon since back in the netbattle days but I always saw Smogon as more of a resource than a community to join, guess it's time to change that!
I've got a deep love for little cup, though I've been focusing on OU lately and I like nothing more than getting in depth about battling.

The main alt I'm using on showdown is xXBongHurricaneXx, hope we have fun together.
Welcome Buttson! Welcome to Smogon,

Nice to have you around here, it's always cool to see new people here on Smogon. Do you have any favorite Pokemon from the Little Cup who is unmissable from your team? I always find it hard choosing a favorite one, but you might have one ;). If you are in need for some battling tips check out the Battling101 forum or if you want to do anything Wifi related you should check out the wifi forums.

Enjoy your stay here at Smogon!

Hello, Im new to smogon, but not new to Pokemon and Pokemon Showdown.
Hey LinkFromLoz! Nice to meet you and welcome to Smogon!

Not new to Pokemon, ey? That's a shocker ;)! What is it you normally do with these games? Do you have any special love for a tier or are you just doing it for fun? I am, I can't pick a favorite tier because I like all Pokemon equally; strange isn't it? Well, if you are in need for some battling tips check out the Battling101 forum or if you want to do anything Wifi related you should check out the wifi forums.

Enjoy your stay here at Smogon!
Hello everyone I am glitch.I've been playing for awhile been playing two years competitively I play OU and under.
What's up Glitch, welcome to Smogon! I've also been playing a lot of competitive Pokemon lately. You've been playing for a while, so I'm guessing you're quite good. Do you play on Wi-Fi, Showdown, or both? Maybe we can battle sometime :)

If you have any questions for now, you should definitely check out the Have a Question? Ask it here! thread. Or you can always ask me, chester0334, QueBien or TheHoodedGamer about them.

Make sure to have a good time here. See you around!
What's up Glitch, welcome to Smogon! I've also been playing a lot of competitive Pokemon lately. You've been playing for a while, so I'm guessing you're quite good. Do you play on Wi-Fi, Showdown, or both? Maybe we can battle sometime :)

If you have any questions for now, you should definitely check out the Have a Question? Ask it here! thread. Or you can always ask me, chester0334, QueBien or TheHoodedGamer about them.

Make sure to have a good time here. See you around!
Thanks for the welcoming.I play showdown and on Wifi.
Hey y'all! My name is Meldu Hanash and I am new to this place. Hope I have a good time here and if you want to cheer up, feel free to drop-by a message! That being said, I'll try my best to get involved into the community positively and perhaps not trouble anyone, so if you have any complaints at all, kindly do not hesitate to bring up the matter to me. Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Hey y'all! My name is Meldu Hanash and I am new to this place. Hope I have a good time here and if you want to cheer up, feel free to drop-by a message! That being said, I'll try my best to get involved into the community positively and perhaps not trouble anyone, so if you have any complaints at all, kindly do not hesitate to bring up the matter to me. Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Hey yo Meldu Hanash, welcome. Good attitude you have there. I sometimes think some people forget that it's all based on fun and positivity, and you're definitely bringing that to the table. You made me curious about your interests though. What aspects of Pokemon do you enjoy the most? And are you here to further explore them?
Hey yo Meldu Hanash, welcome. Good attitude you have there. I sometimes think some people forget that it's all based on fun and positivity, and you're definitely bringing that to the table. You made me curious about your interests though. What aspects of Pokemon do you enjoy the most? And are you here to further explore them?
Hello there fellow! Thank you for the warm welcome and thank you for the appreciation as well! About my interests, I'm not actually really into any part of Pokemon at the moment, but I have played the Pokemon games a lot more than watching the anime. In fact, I have beaten all main storyline games on the GBA and NDS, though I never bought a 3DS to enjoy X/Y or OR/AS.

I have to say though, I really enjoy levelling up my Pokemon and making them learn newer moves, so I basically would show interest in competitive Pokemon as I shuffled through the subforums. For now though, it looks totally confusing, haha. I guess I'd enjoy that part, but I love to write and type as well, so perhaps if there was a place here for that stuff too, I might fit. Though obviously, that is non-Pokemon related!
I wish i had found this thread back in the day i didn't know anything.
Hey guys, as some of you might know, i'm SkarmSteel, i'm currently 15 years old and this is most likely my first year in Smogon and my second year in PS!. I've played Pokemon since the RSE era but I joined PS! back in 2014 because i lost my 3DS (or rather, got stolen) and i still wanted to play Pokemon. I started my competitive life then, and started playing OU, but after a few months i got bored of it and started playing VGC, which has been the metagame i slowly started to master. Made really good friends and trustable partners here, and believe me, the Smogon community is really friendly and comfortable.
I hope we can meet on the ladder or i can get to rate one of your teams!
Hello everyone! I am Azazel, the Demonic Gamer. As an enormous Pokemon nerd since early childhood, I began to love Pokemon as a teen but felt it lacked challenge. I've known about Smogon for a while, and I've played Showdown a while back under the moniker "MenacingRelic98", but recently I decided to make a fresh start with a new username (my current one) in Showdown, and finally decided to join this forum.

I mostly play OU and UU, in part because I utterly suck at NU. I also engage in random battles quite often.

I prefer balanced teams, mostly because I can sometimes lack patience for stall teams, and am always afraid of total annihilation on Hyper Offensive teams.

Oh, and don't be bugged by my username. Not that you would, but just in case, know that I'm a nice person, if a bit hot-tempered at times. I can also crack jokes, which for me are either pure comedic gold or utterly cringe worthy. There is no in-between.

I do (sometimes regrettably) write fanfiction. I've been told by, well, everyone who's read it that it's amazing (my creativity is so high that it looks like insanity until you break it down and be wowed). The problem is not getting distracted and finishing it.

I can also rap just a little, making me part of the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% of white people who can.

Finally, I'm a massive video game nerd in general, a massive comic book nerd, and a not massive but quite large anime nerd, so feel free to talk to me about nerdy things. (Hell, even science if you're THAT kind of nerd. I'm not really, but I do find some things really cool)
hello people, Thatonemon here. I've actually been lurking for a while, and only recently signed up, as I've finally decided to join the community.

I always play Ubers, and usually like to run unconventional teams, like charge beam assault vest ho-oh, to see if I can come up with a new strategy that is unknown to the majority of players.

I am currently thinking of something to submit for the CAP project.
I wish i had found this thread back in the day i didn't know anything.
Hey guys, as some of you might know, i'm SkarmSteel, i'm currently 15 years old and this is most likely my first year in Smogon and my second year in PS!. I've played Pokemon since the RSE era but I joined PS! back in 2014 because i lost my 3DS (or rather, got stolen) and i still wanted to play Pokemon. I started my competitive life then, and started playing OU, but after a few months i got bored of it and started playing VGC, which has been the metagame i slowly started to master. Made really good friends and trustable partners here, and believe me, the Smogon community is really friendly and comfortable.
I hope we can meet on the ladder or i can get to rate one of your teams!
Yo Skarm_Steel! It's never to late to say hello! I can't really say welcome, 'cause you've been here for some time now, so the only thing I can say is: Don't leave us ;)!

Hello everyone! I am Azazel, the Demonic Gamer. As an enormous Pokemon nerd since early childhood, I began to love Pokemon as a teen but felt it lacked challenge. I've known about Smogon for a while, and I've played Showdown a while back under the moniker "MenacingRelic98", but recently I decided to make a fresh start with a new username (my current one) in Showdown, and finally decided to join this forum.

I mostly play OU and UU, in part because I utterly suck at NU. I also engage in random battles quite often.

I prefer balanced teams, mostly because I can sometimes lack patience for stall teams, and am always afraid of total annihilation on Hyper Offensive teams.

Oh, and don't be bugged by my username. Not that you would, but just in case, know that I'm a nice person, if a bit hot-tempered at times. I can also crack jokes, which for me are either pure comedic gold or utterly cringe worthy. There is no in-between.

I do (sometimes regrettably) write fanfiction. I've been told by, well, everyone who's read it that it's amazing (my creativity is so high that it looks like insanity until you break it down and be wowed). The problem is not getting distracted and finishing it.

I can also rap just a little, making me part of the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% of white people who can.

Finally, I'm a massive video game nerd in general, a massive comic book nerd, and a not massive but quite large anime nerd, so feel free to talk to me about nerdy things. (Hell, even science if you're THAT kind of nerd. I'm not really, but I do find some things really cool)
Hello DGA, welcome to Smogon!

That's quite a story you are telling here. So, first thing first; OU and UU! That's cool a tier to play in. I'm not that picky about tiers, so you can see me everywhere. I just want to catch them all, train them and battle with them. Do you have any favorite Pokemon in the tiers you are playing in? Also, your name isn't really bothering me. It's the avatar doing all that XD! Nah, just kidding. The way you are describing yourself is basically how I would describe myself. Very strange, but very cool at the same time. I can't rap, though... So don't start asking for a concert.

I think most of us are geeks here (I hope I'm not offending anyone here...)! What kind of other games do you play? Do you have any favorite comic or anime?

Well, if you are in need for some battling tips check out the Battling101 forum or if you want to do anything Wifi related you should check out the wifi forums. If you need it, that is. There are tons of people here who can help you with anything. Enjoy your stay here at Smogon!
Yo Skarm_Steel! It's never to late to say hello! I can't really say welcome, 'cause you've been here for some time now, so the only thing I can say is: Don't leave us ;)!

Hello DGA, welcome to Smogon!

That's quite a story you are telling here. So, first thing first; OU and UU! That's cool a tier to play in. I'm not that picky about tiers, so you can see me everywhere. I just want to catch them all, train them and battle with them. Do you have any favorite Pokemon in the tiers you are playing in? Also, your name isn't really bothering me. It's the avatar doing all that XD! Nah, just kidding. The way you are describing yourself is basically how I would describe myself. Very strange, but very cool at the same time. I can't rap, though... So don't start asking for a concert.

I think most of us are geeks here (I hope I'm not offending anyone here...)! What kind of other games do you play? Do you have any favorite comic or anime?

Well, if you are in need for some battling tips check out the Battling101 forum or if you want to do anything Wifi related you should check out the wifi forums. If you need it, that is. There are tons of people here who can help you with anything. Enjoy your stay here at Smogon!
Thanks! I'm probably going to go to the teambuilding section. A lot of my favorite Pokemon are awkward to use in battle, and I want to see them put to use.

A lot of my favs are NU Pokemon, sadly. There are a bunch I do like regardless, though. I have a soft spot for tree monsters (Groot anyone?) so Trevenant is an immediate favorite. I also love many bug types, namely Pinsir, Scizor, and Scolipede. Truth be told though, I like most pokemon in some way....

....except for Diggersby.

I prefer Marvel to DC (usually) but love both, and prefer high action games or intense strategy games......or Dangan Ronpa, for no reason I can discern. I'm a big Fire Emblem fan, and a bigger fighting game fan. I especially like Mortal Kombat.
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hi, my name is terra! i'm a 17 year old girl from ireland that's not really into competitive battling right now - i've only started learning the basics recently! ive been reading articles and stuff on smogon and other sites and it's all interesting! regardless of my inexperience, i hope to learn more and sorry if i make any simple mistakes or whatever!

my favourite pokémon is weavile, and i love dark types in general. also i have a deep love for team magma, my first game having been emerald. i own/have owned every main series game from ruby and sapphire onwards, and i just love pokémon in general. glad to be here!
.........heh. Crap.

I, uh, honestly find it butt-ugly. That would normally be whatever to me, but it's cry sounds like more of a fart than Skuntank's, and at least it makes sense for Skuntank to fart because it's a skunk.

It has some good, unique typing and decent stats, but it seems like a fat gross old

Now excuse me everyone, I have to run for my life. *flees*

EDIT: I actually meant a burp. But y'know, same effect. *flees again*
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Hello, everyone. I'm Pikeldeo (some of you have probably seen my username on Pokemon showdown), a 14 yr old Pokemon fanatic who's played Pokemon Showdown for a while, just never really got into Smogon forums and contributing. And today, I'm glad to have become a part of smogon. :)

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