Pet Mod Ironmons (Slate 4)

My sub so ofc I'll hype it up. It's not a sweeper per say hut it can be used that way, main goal is to pull up with instant dual STAB after holding a Booster Energy. Rock Flying is an underrated STAB combo, especially when Earthquake is around to smack Steels that resist the combo hard. No attacking boosting move made sense here so I just left that up to chance tbh. Maybe you run a Booster Energy Attack variant.

Annoying, but nothing teams won't be abke to handle, since it shouldn't be that hard to punish without Knock nor Scald. Spikes is pretty cool though, and it has the bulk to take alot of punishment. I ultimately think this won't do much else that it's parent won't.

Mixed bag. It really is kinda sidegrade Pory-Z, who is stronger but has the much worse STAB option. NP Tbolt Ice Beam can go a long way for a mon like this, and I can see it causing many balance squads a little trouble off that alone. But still, I believe it would be relatively easy for an offensive team to bully this due to it's very common weaknesses. I think this would be UUBL level.

Worse Machamp sub won tbh. I don't get the appeal of this, because I kniw Pet Modders didn't vote for a Focus Blast reliant wallbreaker. So, did people really sit down and vote for something because it's named...Iron Man? Signature move is a waste of time as well since nothing good gets Electric Terrain.

Yeah I'm not really interested in this mod anymore based on the trajectory of what type of subs are winning. Stuff like Iron Glider, Iron Iron and now to a lesser extent Big Shot and Iron Man (really) makes it really hard to take this mod seriously as a competitive metagame. Mons are winning solely because they have funny names for Pete's sake.
Name: Fierce Impression
Original Pokémon: Lokix
Type: Bug / Fighting
Ability: Protostnthesis
Stats: 75 / 135 / 85 / 65 / 85 / 125 = 570 BST
Paradox: Past

New Moves: Last Impression
Removed Moves:

Physical Attack
Type: Fighting
BP: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20 Max: 32
Description: The user gives one last kick before switching out. Bypasses Protect type moves.

Competitive Look: Fierce Impression is a fast pivot that hits hard. It can revenge-kill, be speed control, or a devastating nuke with Band.

The Lore: In the past, this variant of Lokix were Pokémon to be feared. These Pokémon andapt with the seasons and camouflage so.

Appearance: The arms should end as small stone daggers and there should be an old grey scarf wrapped around the neck. Maybe there could be variants too, like Winter: White, Spring: Light Green, Summer: Orange, Fall: Brown.

:sv/Altaria mega:
Name: Cloudy Pixel
Original Pokémon: Mega-Altaria
Type: Dragon / Fairy
Ability: Protostnthesis
Stats: 95 / 75 / 115 / 95 / 135 / 75 = 590 B
Paradox: Past

New Moves: Alluring Voice / Fairy Sap / Calm Mind

Removed Moves: Thief / Fire Spin / Bulldoze / Earthquake / Outrage

Status Move
Type: Fairy
BP: ——
10 Max: 16
Description: Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Special Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Special Attack stat stage is -6.

Competitive Look: A strong Wall with great defensive typing, a plethora of utility moves and a decent Special Attack. It could be Hazard removal via Defog or a Special wall via the combination of Calm Mind, Roost, and Fairy Sap.

The Lore: In the past, sightings of this majestic fairy were rare and considered once in a lifetime. If found, it would pour some of its pixie dust on the explorer. Thdust is said to bring good luck.

Appearance: Kinda the same except maybe some pixie dust falling, and something that makes it look more past-like.

Name: Iron Pillar
Original Pokémon: Conkeldurr
Type: Fighting / Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 110 / 150 / 110 / 50 / 100 / 50 = 570 BST

New Moves: Steel Beam / Iron Head / Pillar Smash / Iron Defense

Removed Moves: None

Physical Move
Type: Steel
BP: 60
PP: 10 Max: 16
Accuracy: 100%
Description: The user throws down the pillars it holds at the target, then sometimes rams the target with its head. Hits twice. 30% chance to hit a third time.

Competitive Look: Hard hitting Mon with great bulk, although is slow. Seems like sets will be pretty predictable and the Mon is easily burned, although there is priority in Mach Punch.

The Lore: Conkeldurrs’ in the future have decided they needed more of a challenge and have chosen to lift steel pillars over stone ones.

Appearance: Conkeldurr except there are random pieces of steel stuck all over the Pokémon. The Nose is steel and the pillars are steel.

Name: Iron Fluff
Original Pokémon: Ampharos
Type: Electric / Fairy
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 70 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 100 / 100
Paradox: Future

New Moves: Flamethrower / All-Out Fluff / Volt Switch / Alluring Voice
Removed Moves: Dragon Tail

Special Attack
Type: Electric
BP: 120
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16 / Max: 25
Effect: The User summons all the static in its fluff to unleash a devastating attack, but its Defense and Special Defense lowers after use.

Competitive Look: Finally, a win for Future Paradoxes! A Bulky Mon with a respectable speed tier, pivoting, a useful Fairy Typing, and hits like a hammer.

The Lore: The Ampharos’ of the future seem to have gained a Fairy powers. Their tail lights glow with the pattern of a rainbow.

Appearance: The Tail should have a more flowing hair-like appearance, with the bulb at the end shining with rainbow colors. The black stripes should be pink and glowing instead and the body iron silver. The eyes should be pink too and glowing. The red bulb on top should be Blue and glowing. Ampharos should also get some white hair like the Mega form, but shorter.

(I beg for my precious HGSS Ampharos to get a paradox form)
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So, we back boys.

Name: Spinning Rat
Original Pokemon: :raticate-alola:
Type: Dark / Flying
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 97 / 123 / 91 / 51 / 97 / 111
Paradox: Past
Weight: 30 kg

New Moves: Hyper Spin*, Acrobatics, Air Slash, Arial Ace, Air Cutter, Defog, Rapid Spin, Fly, Gust, Ice Spinner, Fire Spin, Earthquake
Removed Moves
: Toxic, Endeavor, Super Fang

Hyper Spin
Physical Type: Flying PP:16
BP: 90 Accuracy: 100%
Description: The user spins a lot, enough to free it from basically anything.
Effect: Same effect than Rapid Spin, except the speed boost.

Description: This rat spins so much it becomes an helicopter.
Very interesting documentary about this mon:
Thanks to Hyper Spin, we finally can have a mon able to remove hazards against Gholdengo. It has enough atk to OHKO a purely offensive Gholdengo with Knock Off (with Boots). You are also able to outspeed and one shot Ogerpon-Wellspring with Hyper Spin, and in general this mon is a quite solid offensive pivot AND an universal spinner.

Name: Might Wall
Original Pokemon: :aggron-mega:
Type: Steel / Ground
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 91 / 123 / 231 / 45 / 65 / 35
Paradox: Past
Weight: YES (999.9 kg)

New Moves: Big Wall*, Spikes
Removed Moves: Autotimize, Rock Polish, Toxic, Avalanche, Head Smash

Big Wall
Physical Type: Steel PP:16
BP: 100 Accuracy: 100%
Description: The wall blocks any weakling that may think they can outstand it. No matter if they give their all, they all are gonna be crushed.
Effect: If the user is hit by a physical move this turn before it can execute this move, user's defense is raised by one stage (same priorities than Beak Blast)

The wall is unbreakable, and it's gonna crush them all.

91 / 231 in physical bulk. That's so gigantic you can just run this madman with tera water and even a Gouging Fire under sun won't kill it.
Evidence here: +1 252+ Atk Protosynthesis Gouging Fire Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Protosynthesis Tera Water Aggron-Mega in Sun: 105-124 (27.2 - 32.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
But how can this mon be killable then ? Welp, just use a special attacker ? Not like there's a lack of this kind of mon in this metagame.
Big Wall can be really funny to use combined with Body Press, making this thing also able to deal really high damages. On the other hand, it has the Great Tusk/Landorus-T syndrome: you have no way to heal, except leftovers.

Name: Iron Watcher
Original Pokemon: :watchog:
Type: Normal / Fighting
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 100 / 130 / 90 / 60 / 120 / 70
Paradox: Future
Weight: 25 kg

New Moves: Deadeye*, Close Combat, Superpower, Outrage, Electric Terrain, Double-Edge, Wild Charge, Temper Flame, Thrash, Drain Punch, Bulk Up
Removed Moves
: Hypnosis because it's too strong for this metagame (lol)

Physical Type: Fighting PP:24
BP: 100 Accuracy: 100%
Description: The target will never escape. NEVER.
Effect: Has a -1 priority. If the target tries to switch out, it will deal damages before it can get out of the field (in the same way than Pursuit).

Description: The vice principal in Super Mystery Dungeon became a totalitarist.

A really good special bulk combined with a pseudo trap move (the only available one in this metagame btw). Thanks to this, you are able to switch into 4of the 5 ghosts in OU and to threaten them with Deadeye if they are locked on Shadow Ball. They want to just click on Shadow Ball ? Good luck with that, 'cause it has the same amount of total PP, Iron Watcher has access to Stomping Tantrum and to Knock Off. If a trapper is not to your taste, you may play this mon with a Bulk Up set combined with Drain Punch (not something incredible, but at least it exists I guess).

Movepools are based on National Dex. I consider that only the moves that disappeared in Gen 9 are considered as "dexited".
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wowza guys i have th e originsal accoun anwyas we gonna do the funny sub

:zamazenta-crowned: :sv/forretress: :kingambit:
Name: Iron Citadel
Type: Steel / Fighting
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 98 / 44 / 180 / 106 / 80 / 62
Paradox: Future
Weight: 680.8 kg

New Moves: Doom Desire, Spiky Shield, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Autotomize, Focus Blast, Bulk Up, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Superpower, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Electric Terrain
Removed Moves: no

Explanation: Forretress commits fortress. anyways hes the ironpress funny guy, or just physdef utility wall, the bulk is through the roof and he has a great support movepool with pivoting n stuff to be just a solid mon all around. While it lacks recovery, lefties, protect, bulk setup, and even giga drain if you’re crazy enough give it good survivability. Also Doom Desire is a funny lil move.

:scizor-mega: :sv/trapinch: :haxorus:
Name: Big Chomp
Type: Ground / Bug
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 81 / 147 / 81 / 69 / 101 / 91
Paradox: Past
Weight: 42 kg

New Moves: U-turn, Pit Maul, Lunge, Fire Fang, Scale Shot, Sunny Day, Pin Missile, Rock Blast, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: none

Pit Maul
(Ground Type Pursuit)

Explanation: so ya know how scizor's pinsirs look like a trapinch mouth? now imagine a trapinch having the bite of an msciz. regardless, this is a nuclear bug breaker, its kinda slow but has a huge fimp to threaten on switch, as well as a really strong form of trapping. unfortunately it has a middling defensive typing, and middling speed, and is completely walled by flyings, but nah this thing is a hella threat and fulfils a niche similar to old gens ttar in a lot of ways.

:landorus: :sv/Tornadus: :thundurus:
Name: Iron Incarnate
Type: Flying / Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 98 / 112 / 80 / 112 / 82 / 106
Paradox: Future
Weight: 69.0 kg

New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Wild Charge, Spark, Volt Switch, Supercell Slam, Earth Power, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Spikes, Swords Dance, Moonblast, Play Rough, Fairy Wind, Windbolt Storm, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Steel Beam, Sandsear Storm, Springtide Storm, Electric Surge, Leadlink Storm

Leadlink Storm
100 BP, Special, Steel
80% Acc, Hits both Opponents, Can’t miss in rain
30% Chance to drop opponents Defense by 1

Removed Moves: U-Turn, Foul Play, All Fighting Moves,

If I had a nickel for every Tornadus paradox I’ve subbed to a pet mod: a mechanical mesh of all four genies, mankind’s attempt to seize control of the weather once and for all. A true titan of post-modern engineering. Anyways this guy is a much more offensive take on the typical steel/flying, with coverage from all four genies movepool, spikes, pivoting and setup, it’s a nice Jack of all trades it’d also function rlly well on rain with Thunder, Hurricane, Sandsear and Springtide all being 100% accurate. Ofc it has the downside compared to the other steel/flyings of less bulk, pivoting blocked by grounds, and no longevity, but overall it fills a unique role and gives more nuance to the choice of “you want spikes or pivoting?” That people make when deciding on their big metal bird.

:armarouge: :sv/cacturne: :typhlosion-hisui:
Name: Dusken Deputy
Type: Fighting / Dark
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 127 / 127 / 89 / 65 / 73 / 89
Paradox: Past
Weight: 42 kg

New Moves: Swords Dance, Close Combat, Slack Off, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Curse, Spite, Power Whip, Night Shade, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Sunny Day, Fire Lash
Removed Moves: All grass moves
Explanation: old timey sheriff in an abandoned town, protector of the spirits and whomever remains in his domain, silent and stoic, lying in wait until the time is ripe, much like a rattlesnake.
uh yeah sherrify guy with some snake elements and overall just lean even harder into the far western theme, hes cool gameplaywise basically just strange shifu-s but not broke or a wicked blow bot
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Name: Iron Savage
Original Pokemon: Mandibuzz
Type: Dark/Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 108 / 106 / 92 / 50 / 124 / 88 (570 BST)
Paradox: Future
Weight: 92.4 lbs (Low Kick/Grass Knot BP: 60)
New Moves: Electric Terrain, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Haze, Steel Beam, Thunder Wave
Removed Moves: Heat Wave, Air Cutter, Acrobatics, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Spite, Sunny Day

Description: A relic of the past, brought back to life using advanced futuristic technology. Unlike many other paradoxes of its kind, this pokemon appears to have some organic components to it instead of being fully robotic, and studies have estimated that this creature is around 15-20% organic. It is highly aggressive and territorial and is known to especially pick on weaker Pokemon, a trait similar to its organic counterpart: Mandibuzz.
Competitive Description: We need more hazard removal that Gholdengo doesn't completely null, and this seems like a great way to achieve it. Dark/Steel is a potentially interesting defensive typing that isn't particularly seen at its fullest potential because its only representative primarily uses it offensively. To this extent, Iron Savage utilizes the typing's defensive potential with its amazing special bulk letting it fulfill a specially defensive role, and while its physical bulk isn't as good, it is decent enough to let it live a stronger hit in a pinch. Combined with its other good utility options in Haze, Toxic, Knock Off, and U-turn, it is capable of avoiding being a "do-nothing" sort of wall and can in turn provide back to its team. Unfortunately, as good as Dark/Steel is, it can't quite cover everything, especially when you are riddled with common weaknesses to all of Ground, Fire, and Fighting (and is a Steel that is neutral to Fairies). In addition, because of how much utility it could provide, it suffers a little bit from 4MSS, as it can't fit (and wants) all of Knock Off/Defog/Roost/U-Turn/Thunder Wave/Toxic/Foul Play, which consequently means it may not be able to check some of the things that it wants to.

Name: Terracotta Titan
Original Pokemon: Metagross-Mega
Type: Ground/Psychic
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 103 / 57 / 123 / 129 / 81 / 97 (590 BST)
Paradox: Past
Weight: 692.4 lbs.
New Moves: Warp Blast, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Cosmic Power, Calm Mind, Earth Power
Type: Psychic
Category: Special
Power: 95
Priority: 0
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Flags: Protect, Pulse
Effect: Sets Gravity for 5 turns after use.
Removed Moves: Sludge Bomb, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Hard Press, Trailblaze, Metal Claw, Gryo Ball, Grass Knot, Body Press, Psychic

Description: An ancient, yet highly advanced and powerful entity bearing resemblance to Mega Metagross. Its body is smooth yet rough at the same time, with mysterious runes carved into its body. It uses a mysterious psychic energy to attack and is capable of manipulating gravitational pull to create special stasis fields where its foes are trapped.
Competitive Description: A late-game cleaner via Booster Energy Speed + CM (or Booster Energy SpAtk + Agility but that's not as effective) or just a powerful special wallbreaker with good coverage. The main draw, of course, is its signature move, which while not extraordinarily powerful, is a potent tool that can be used to subvert Flying-types (and subsequently hit them via Earth Power) and make its Focus Blasts significantly more accurate. Unfortunately, 97 speed isn't exactly great without Agility or Booster Energy to remedy those flaws, so without boosting, this will be outsped pretty heavily by a lot of the meta. In addition, while it can use its good physical bulk to take a beating or two, that is subverted by its Ground/Psychic typing, which is unfortunately quite poor defensively (but amazing offensively).
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Name: Iron Beetle
Original Pokemon: Heracross-Mega
Type: Bug/Ground
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 80/130/110/62/110/98
Paradox: Future
Weight: 88k
New Moves: Sticky Web, U-Turn, Smack Down, Electric Terrain
Removed Moves: Swords Dance, Sunny Day, Rain Dance
Description: I love spidergross (creates a good web and spike setter that can be decent into a few other mons)
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Name: Orichalcum Fists
Original Pokemon: Lucario-Mega

Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 71 / 109 / 87 / 111 / 91 / 121
Paradox: Past
New Moves:
Anubis' Mirage*
Removed Moves:
Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Upper Hand, Work Up, Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Bullet Punch, Agility
Description: strong breaker that can go both ways, but now loses out on espeed shenanigans
85 BP / 100% Acc /
/ Physical / Targets opponents Sp.Def / 16PP
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Name:Inferno Dancer
Original Pokemon: :Bellossom:

New Moves: Defog,U-Turn,Recover,Fire Blast,Flamethrower,Weather Ball,Heal Bell,Taunt,Will O Wisp.
Removed Moves:None.

Description: The Dancing Pokemon captures its attention by maticulously Dancing till the prey has been subdued where it will attack using its miticulous dancing skills. It used to be a massive pokemon that used to rule Paldea. It was later destroyed to poor Bellasome to keep it in Check. Once it was told by Some time travellers how people used to mock its "evolution" it became so mad it managed to travell to the future to kill the Bella haters.

Name:Ancient Plumer
Original Pokemon: :Vileplume:
Stats: 115/69/125/81/129/51

New Moves:Defog,Recover,U-Turn,Heal Bell,Earthquack,Earth Power,Nasty Plot,Taunt,Weather Ball,Scoarching Sands
Removed Moves:None

Description: It never died during its time of reign in Ancient Paldea and was thus called the "Balance Pokemon" as it checked Inferno dancer in Check and kept balance in Eco Synstem however it was just as vicious.

Let poor bella be finally good. Lets goo.
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Iron plague (:SM/venomoth:)



Hex + venoshock + status (either t wave against fastmons and mons that are immune to toxic or toxic for BOs and stall), quiver dancing sweeper, bulky wall that can spread status and actually do some dmgs thanks to venoshock/hex, it has it all, and I think that it’s only being weak to both tusk and gambit that makes it less splatchable, still pretty great against iron valiant thou.
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Veto time!

Name: Fierce Impression
Original Pokémon: Lokix
Type: Bug / Dark
Ability: Protostnthesis
Stats: 75 / 135 / 85 / 65 / 85 / 125 = 570 BST
Paradox: Past

New Moves: Last Impression
Removed Moves:

Physical Attack
Type: Dark
BP: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20 Max: 32
Description: The user gives one last kick before switching out. Bypasses Protect type moves.

Competitive Look: Fierce Impression is a fast pivot that hits hard. It can revenge-kill, be speed control, or a devastating nuke with Band.

The Lore: In the past, this variant of Lokix were Pokémon to be feared. These Pokémon andapt with the seasons and camouflage so.

Appearance: The arms should end as small stone daggers and there should be an old grey scarf wrapped around the neck. Maybe there could be variants too, like Winter: White, Spring: Light Green, Summer: Orange, Fall: Brown.

Technically the rule isn't there, but no Paradox has the same typing as the original mon, so maybe you could change Lokix' typing? It would also make it separate enough in niche.

Name: Iron Watcher
Original Pokemon: :watchog:
Type: Normal / Fighting
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 100 / 130 / 80 / 70 / 120 / 70
Paradox: Future
Weight: 25 kg

New Moves: Deadeye*, Close Combat, Superpower, Outrage, Electric Terrain, Double-Edge, Wild Charge, Temper Flame, Thrash, Drain Punch, Bulk Up
Removed Moves
: Hypnosis because it's too strong for this metagame (lol)

Physical Type: Fighting PP:24
BP: 100 Accuracy: 100%
Description: The target will never escape. NEVER.
Effect: Has a -1 priority. If the target tries to switch out, it will deal damages before it can get out of the field (in the same way than Pursuit) and ignores the ghost type of the target.

Description: The vice principal in Super Mystery Dungeon became a totalitarist.

A really good special bulk combined with a pseudo trap move (the only available one in this metagame btw). Thanks to this, you are able to switch into 4of the 5 ghosts in OU and to threaten them with Deadeye if they are locked on Shadow Ball. They want to just click on Shadow Ball ? Good luck with that, 'cause it has the same amount of total PP, Iron Watcher has access to Stomping Tantrum and to Knock Off. If a trapper is not to your taste, you may play this mon with a Bulk Up set combined with Drain Punch (not something incredible, but at least it exists I guess).

Movepools are based on National Dex. I consider that only the moves that disappeared in Gen 9 are considered as "dexited".

After discussion with the council, we feel like Iron Watcher's sig would be fine without the Ghost immunity bypass, as it is extremely welp... a bit too overtuned.

:landorus: :sv/Tornadus: :thundurus:
Name: Iron Incarnate
Type: Flying / Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 98 / 116 / 80 / 116 / 74 / 106
Paradox: Future
Weight: 69.0 kg

New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Wild Charge, Spark, Volt Switch, Supercell Slam, Earth Power, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Spikes, Swords Dance, Moonblast, Play Rough, Fairy Wind, Mystical Fire, Windbolt Storm, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Steel Beam, Sandsear Storm, Springtide Storm, Electric Surge, Leadlink Storm

Leadlink Storm
100 BP, Special, Steel
80% Acc, Hits both Opponents, Can’t miss in rain
30% Chance to drop opponents Defense by 1

Removed Moves: U-Turn, Foul Play, All Fighting Moves

If I had a nickel for every Tornadus paradox I’ve subbed to a pet mod: a mechanical mesh of all four genies, mankind’s attempt to seize control of the weather once and for all. A true titan of post-modern engineering. Anyways this guy is a much more offensive take on the typical steel/flying, with coverage from all four genies movepool, spikes, pivoting and setup, it’s a nice Jack of all trades it’d also function rlly well on rain with Thunder, Hurricane, Sandsear and Springtide all being 100% accurate. Ofc it has the downside compared to the other steel/flyings of less bulk, pivoting blocked by grounds, and no longevity, but overall it fills a unique role and gives more nuance to the choice of “you want spikes or pivoting?” That people make when deciding on their big metal bird.

This one scares us, as it has a great defensive profile and good enough bulk, an excellent movepool, great mixed stats, Nasty Plot for the setup, great STABs... so welp, it's a bit too overtuned as well, I think you'd be fine with idk... removing a bit of coverage? Or removing Nasty Plot? Or removing a bit of Atk and SpA...

Name: Orichalcum Fists
Original Pokemon: Lucario-Mega

Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 71 / 121 / 83 / 125 / 79 / 111
Paradox: Past
New Moves:
Anubis' Mirage*
Removed Moves:
Extreme Speed
Description: strong breaker that can go both ways, but now loses out on espeed shenanigans
85 BP / 100% Acc /
/ Physical / Targets opponents Sp.Def / 16PP

You're basically subbing Iron Valiant on crack. Fighting/Ghost is almost unwallable, this one has Swords Dance AND Nasty Plot, as well as good STABs on both sides, priorities and stuff... This is literally better Valiant.

Name:Inferno Dancer
Original Pokemon: :Bellossom:

New Moves: Defog,U-Turn,Recover,Fire Blast,Flamethrower,Weather Ball,Heal Bell,Taunt,Will O Wisp.
Removed Moves:None.

Description: The Dancing Pokemon captures its attention by maticulously Dancing till the prey has been subdued where it will attack using its miticulous dancing skills. It used to be a massive pokemon that used to rule Paldea. It was later destroyed to poor Bellasome to keep it in Check. Once it was told by Some time travellers how people used to mock its "evolution" it became so mad it managed to travell to the future to kill the Bella haters.

Name:Ancient Plumer
Original Pokemon: :Vileplume:
Stats: 115/70/125/110/130/20

New Moves:Defog,Recover,U-Turn,Heal Bell,Earthquack,Earth Power,Nasty Plot,Taunt,Weather Ball,Scoarching Sands
Removed Moves:None

Description: It never died during its time of reign in Ancient Paldea and was thus called the "Balance Pokemon" as it checked Inferno dancer in Check and kept balance in Eco Synstem however it was just as vicious.

Let poor bella be finally good. Lets goo.

Where do I even begin...

These 2 subs are vetoed for multiple reasons. First of all, the stats don't fit the rules. You sub 2 Past Paradoxes yet they have both odd and even stats, so nope, it's not OK, please change.

Inferno Dancer is so broken beyond repair like, it has Quiver Dance, Protosynthesis, is Fire type... you're subbing Gouging Fire but special and possibly even better, and it has bulk and longevity.

Ancient Plumer is unkillable, it has Strength Sap, Recover, U-turn, Heal Bell, 115/125/130 bulk, Poison/Ground is a great typing, it's not passive with 110 SpA... basically you're subbing better Clodsire. You're gonna need to nerf it a lot.

Iron moth-2 (:SM/venomoth:)



Hex + venoshock + status (either t wave against fastmons and mons that are immune to toxic or toxic for BOs and stall), quiver dancing sweeper, bulky wall that can spread status and actually do some dmgs thanks to venoshock/hex, it has it all, and I think that it’s only being weak to both tusk and gambit that makes it less splatchable, still pretty great against iron valiant thou.

This one is OK but for the love of God, please find a better name than Iron Moth 2.

You have 24 hours to adjust your subs!
Aight, only Inferno Dancer and Ancient Plume are still vetoed. Now is voting time!

Vetos are done! So now it's voting time!
  • You will vote by category (in this case, Past and Future).
  • There is no limit on the amount of submissions you can vote for. First Place will count for 3 points, Second Place for 2, and all others will count for 1 point. If you only vote for two submissions in a category, First Place will count for 2 points and Second Place will count for 1 point. If you only vote for one submission in a category, that vote will only count for 1 point.
  • Self-Votes cannot be put on First Place and have a limit of 6 points total.
Past: Sub1, Sub 2 (SV), Sub 3
Future: Sub1, Sub 2, Sub 3 (SV), Sub 4

Voting lasts for 48 hours!
My votes now:
-Might Wall :aggron-mega:
-Spinning Rat :raticate-alola:
-Terracota Titan :metagross-mega:

-Iron Plague :venomoth:
-Iron Watcher :watchog:
-Iron Beetle :heracross-mega:

I trully am devastated, but there isn't enough subs for a top 5.
And I don't have enough motivation to search for explosions jpg.
1.Orichalcum Fists:Lucario mega:
2.Cloudy Pixel:altaria mega:
3.Terracotta Titan:metagross mega:

1.Iron Savage:mandibuzz:
2.Iron Fluff:Ampharos:
3.Iron Beetle:Heracross-Mega:
Past Paradox:

Spinning Rat
Terracotta Titan
Cloudy Pixel
Might Wall

Future Paradox:

Iron Beetle
Iron Savage
Iron Plague
Iron Watcher
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Iron Incarnate
Iron Savage (SV)
Iron Beetle
Iron Pillar

Dusken Deputy
Terracotta Titan (SV)
Big Chomp
Cloudy Pixel

1. Terracotta Titan:metagross mega:
2. Dusken Deputy (sv) :cacturne:
3. Big Chomp (sv) :trapinch:
4. Fierce Impression :lokix:

1. Iron Savage :mandibuzz:
2. Iron Incarnate (sv) :tornadus:
3. Iron Bird :tapu koko:
4. Iron Beetle :heracross mega:
Might Wall: 2
Spinning Rat: 5
Terracotta Titan: 11
Orichalcum Fists: 3
Cloudy Pixel: 4
Dusken Deputy: 5
Big Chomp: 2
Fierce Impression: 1

Iron Plague: 2
Iron Watcher: 3
Iron Beetle: 9
Iron Savage: 10
Iron Fluff: 2
Iron Incarnate: 5
Iron Pillar: 1
Iron Bird: 1


Name: Iron Savage
Original Pokemon: Mandibuzz
Type: Dark/Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 108 / 106 / 92 / 50 / 124 / 88 (570 BST)
Paradox: Future
Weight: 92.4 lbs (Low Kick/Grass Knot BP: 60)
New Moves: Electric Terrain, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Haze, Steel Beam, Thunder Wave
Removed Moves: Heat Wave, Air Cutter, Acrobatics, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Spite, Sunny Day

Description: A relic of the past, brought back to life using advanced futuristic technology. Unlike many other paradoxes of its kind, this pokemon appears to have some organic components to it instead of being fully robotic, and studies have estimated that this creature is around 15-20% organic. It is highly aggressive and territorial and is known to especially pick on weaker Pokemon, a trait similar to its organic counterpart: Mandibuzz.
Competitive Description: We need more hazard removal that Gholdengo doesn't completely null, and this seems like a great way to achieve it. Dark/Steel is a potentially interesting defensive typing that isn't particularly seen at its fullest potential because its only representative primarily uses it offensively. To this extent, Iron Savage utilizes the typing's defensive potential with its amazing special bulk letting it fulfill a specially defensive role, and while its physical bulk isn't as good, it is decent enough to let it live a stronger hit in a pinch. Combined with its other good utility options in Haze, Toxic, Knock Off, and U-turn, it is capable of avoiding being a "do-nothing" sort of wall and can in turn provide back to its team. Unfortunately, as good as Dark/Steel is, it can't quite cover everything, especially when you are riddled with common weaknesses to all of Ground, Fire, and Fighting (and is a Steel that is neutral to Fairies). In addition, because of how much utility it could provide, it suffers a little bit from 4MSS, as it can't fit (and wants) all of Knock Off/Defog/Roost/U-Turn/Thunder Wave/Toxic/Foul Play, which consequently means it may not be able to check some of the things that it wants to.

Name: Terracotta Titan
Original Pokemon: Metagross-Mega
Type: Ground/Psychic
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 103 / 57 / 123 / 129 / 81 / 97 (590 BST)
Paradox: Past
Weight: 692.4 lbs.
New Moves: Warp Blast, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Cosmic Power, Calm Mind, Earth Power
Type: Psychic
Category: Special
Power: 95
Priority: 0
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Flags: Protect, Pulse
Effect: Sets Gravity for 5 turns after use.
Removed Moves: Sludge Bomb, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Hard Press, Trailblaze, Metal Claw, Gryo Ball, Grass Knot, Body Press, Psychic

Description: An ancient, yet highly advanced and powerful entity bearing resemblance to Mega Metagross. Its body is smooth yet rough at the same time, with mysterious runes carved into its body. It uses a mysterious psychic energy to attack and is capable of manipulating gravitational pull to create special stasis fields where its foes are trapped.
Competitive Description: A late-game cleaner via Booster Energy Speed + CM (or Booster Energy SpAtk + Agility but that's not as effective) or just a powerful special wallbreaker with good coverage. The main draw, of course, is its signature move, which while not extraordinarily powerful, is a potent tool that can be used to subvert Flying-types (and subsequently hit them via Earth Power) and make its Focus Blasts significantly more accurate. Unfortunately, 97 speed isn't exactly great without Agility or Booster Energy to remedy those flaws, so without boosting, this will be outsped pretty heavily by a lot of the meta. In addition, while it can use its good physical bulk to take a beating or two, that is subverted by its Ground/Psychic typing, which is unfortunately quite poor defensively (but amazing offensively).
Name: Iron Beetle
Original Pokemon: Heracross-Mega
Type: Bug/Ground
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 80/130/110/62/110/98
Paradox: Future
Weight: 88k
New Moves: Sticky Web, U-Turn, Smack Down, Electric Terrain
Removed Moves: Swords Dance, Sunny Day, Rain Dance
Description: I love spidergross (creates a good web and spike setter that can be decent into a few other mons)
:armarouge: :sv/cacturne: :typhlosion-hisui:
Name: Dusken Deputy
Type: Fighting / Dark
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 127 / 127 / 89 / 65 / 73 / 89
Paradox: Past
Weight: 42 kg

New Moves: Swords Dance, Close Combat, Slack Off, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Curse, Spite, Power Whip, Night Shade, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Sunny Day, Fire Lash
Removed Moves: All grass moves
Explanation: old timey sheriff in an abandoned town, protector of the spirits and whomever remains in his domain, silent and stoic, lying in wait until the time is ripe, much like a rattlesnake.
uh yeah sherrify guy with some snake elements and overall just lean even harder into the far western theme, hes cool gameplaywise basically just strange shifu-s but not broke or a wicked blow bot
So, we back boys.

Name: Spinning Rat
Original Pokemon: :raticate-alola:
Type: Dark / Flying
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 97 / 123 / 91 / 51 / 97 / 111
Paradox: Past
Weight: 30 kg

New Moves: Hyper Spin*, Acrobatics, Air Slash, Arial Ace, Air Cutter, Defog, Rapid Spin, Fly, Gust, Ice Spinner, Fire Spin, Earthquake
Removed Moves
: Toxic, Endeavor, Super Fang

Hyper Spin
Physical Type: Flying PP:16
BP: 90 Accuracy: 100%
Description: The user spins a lot, enough to free it from basically anything.
Effect: Same effect than Rapid Spin, except the speed boost.

Description: This rat spins so much it becomes an helicopter.
Very interesting documentary about this mon:
Thanks to Hyper Spin, we finally can have a mon able to remove hazards against Gholdengo. It has enough atk to OHKO a purely offensive Gholdengo with Knock Off (with Boots). You are also able to outspeed and one shot Ogerpon-Wellspring with Hyper Spin, and in general this mon is a quite solid offensive pivot AND an universal spinner.

What's coming next? Well, let's say this mod has been discontinued due to a lack of time and, let's be real, interest. We'll be discussing with council about what will come in the next slate. Stay tuned!
Drop Spinning Rat out of the two once you realize. Spinning Rat…….. just because it can spin against Ghold….. why?!!!!
wait hol up did teracotta titan not win?
it has the most votes but aint in the winners post

It did win! Actually I just let it in the same post as Iron Savage, but yeah, it won! And well, no need to drop Spinning Rat or any other sub because we just let them in lol