ZU Ivysaur


Banned deucer.

Ivysaur @ Eviolite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Growth
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

With the sunlight flourishing, Ivysaur blooms radiantly in ZU! It is a powerful Chlorophyll wallbreaker, as Growth and near-perfect coverage gives it tremendous sweeping power. Thanks to its Eviolite-boosted bulk and immunity to Toxic, Ivysaur can comfortably initiate its sweep by setting up Growth against common Pokemon like Tangela, Palossand, and Sawk. Then, hardly anything can withstand its attacks; Solar Beam and Sludge Bomb are monstrous STAB moves while Weather Ball ignites Steel- and Poison-types, such as Klinklang and Silvally-Poison. Ivysaur relies on sun setters that pivot out, such as Liepard and Uxie. However, Ivysaur struggles against common walls such as Rapidash, Altaria, Articuno, and Uxie. Hence, Ivysaur works best on hyper offensive teams with partners like Shiftry, Leafeon, and Rapidash that can all take advantage of sun and weaken shared checks to overwhelm unprepared teams.

Want to try Ivysaur? Here’s a staple sun team by Tuthur:

Characters (excluding the link and spaces): 857
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Ivysaur @ Eviolite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Growth
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

With the new flourishing sunlight, Ivysaur blooms radiantly in the ZU tier! Primarily as a Chlorophyll wallbreaker, access to Growth and near-perfect coverage supercharges its sweeping power. Thanks to its Eviolite-boosted bulk and Toxic immunity, Ivysaur can comfortably initiate its sweep by setting up Growth i'd mention some common mon it can setup on to (tangela, palossand, sawk come to mind). Then, hardly anything can withstand its attacks: Solar Beam and Sludge Bomb are monstrous STAB moves, while Weather Ball ignites Steel- and Poison-types, such as Klinklang and Silvally-Poison. Ivysaur relies on sun setters that pivot out, such as Liepard and Uxie, who also provide Taunt and hazard support. fluff tbh and liepard scarcely even runs taunt However, Ivysaur struggles against defensive Fire- and Psychic-types common walls such as Rapidash, CoalossalAltaria, Articuno, and Uxie, this isn't really type based and can be revenge-killed by Priority-users like Abomasnow, Kangaskhan and Shiftry. priority users outside thwackey are quite niche in zu, i wouldn't mention them at all Hence, forming a hyper-offensive team with other Sun abusers such as Shiftry, Leafeon or Exeggutor Rapidash (sun eggy is quite uncommon) that can weaken such checks will likely overwhelm unprepared teams.

Want to try Ivysaur? Here’s a sample Sun team by Tuthur and Corthius: that's not my team, i think my sun team is superior to corth's one

qc 1/1
Ivysaur @ Eviolite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Growth
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

With the new flourishing sunlight, Ivysaur blooms radiantly in the ZU tier! Primarily as a Chlorophyll wallbreaker, access to Growth and near-perfect coverage supercharges its sweeping power. Thanks to its Eviolite-boosted bulk and Toxic immunity, Ivysaur can comfortably initiate its sweep by setting up Growth i'd mention some common mon it can setup on to (tangela, palossand, sawk come to mind). Then, hardly anything can withstand its attacks: Solar Beam and Sludge Bomb are monstrous STAB moves, while Weather Ball ignites Steel- and Poison-types, such as Klinklang and Silvally-Poison. Ivysaur relies on sun setters that pivot out, such as Liepard and Uxie, who also provide Taunt and hazard support. fluff tbh and liepard scarcely even runs taunt However, Ivysaur struggles against defensive Fire- and Psychic-types common walls such as Rapidash, CoalossalAltaria, Articuno, and Uxie, this isn't really type based and can be revenge-killed by Priority-users like Abomasnow, Kangaskhan and Shiftry. priority users outside thwackey are quite niche in zu, i wouldn't mention them at all Hence, forming a hyper-offensive team with other Sun abusers such as Shiftry, Leafeon or Exeggutor Rapidash (sun eggy is quite uncommon) that can weaken such checks will likely overwhelm unprepared teams.

Want to try Ivysaur? Here’s a sample Sun team by Tuthur and Corthius: that's not my team, i think my sun team is superior to corth's one

qc 1/1
Implemented everything! Changed the team to what Jett sent me as well. Please let me know if there is anything else to change, otherwise this is ready for GP! GP Team
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Ivysaur @ Eviolite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Growth
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

With the new what is "new," could it just be "the sunlight flourishing"? flourishing sunlight, Ivysaur blooms radiantly in the ZU tier! Primarily as a It is a powerful Chlorophyll wallbreaker, access to as Growth and near-perfect coverage supercharges its give it tremendous sweeping power. Thanks to its Eviolite-boosted bulk and Toxic immunity immunity to Toxic, Ivysaur can comfortably initiate its sweep by setting up Growth, especially against common Pokemon like Tangela, Palossand, (comma) and Sawk. Then, hardly anything can withstand its attacks:; make semicolon Solar Beam and Sludge Bomb are monstrous STAB moves, (comma) while Weather Ball ignites Steel- and Poison-types, such as Klinklang and Silvally-Poison. Ivysaur relies on sun setters that pivot out, such as Liepard and Uxie. However, Ivysaur struggles against common walls such as Rapidash, Altaria, Articuno, and Uxie. Hence, forming a hyper-offensive team with other Sun abusers Ivysaur works best on hyper offense teams with partners like Shiftry, Leafeon or Leafeon, and Rapidash that can all take advantage of sun and weaken such shared checks will likely to overwhelm unprepared teams.

Want to try Ivysaur? Here’s a staple sun team by Tuthur:
GP 1/1!


GP Team done