- I am not interested in breedject, or anything that can be bred. please do not offer me these, unless i specifically ask for them for whatever reason
- Self obtained pokemon ONLY
- I'd prefer if you PM me about any trades rather than posting in the thread. but either/or will work
- My Events are NFT (not for trade ). please have a little respect
Thing to note
- My events were injected WC's. if that bothers you then I don't know what to tell you. However i got my WCs from reliable sources. I also do Region spoofing on my 3ds so that the events match the region and location of the events( will give more information on this if requested )
- My events Were SR'd(soft reset'd) by a peice of software. i can not release the software now but if you need proof i can forfil that. the events are still obtained legit however. we'll talk more about the resetting software later
- these events ARE cloned with powersaves devices. sorry if that bothers you
- I can provide WC proof on request
What I'm looking for
- Any event that I Do Not Have. I do not want events that i already have. who would?
- I do take VGC16 legendaries if they are PERFECT.
- (not 100% sure if this is allowed) But i do also play the TCG Online so Hit me up in PMs if you have stuff there
Trainer Information
Trainer name - Jack
Trainer ID - 11146
TSV - 2012
Trainer name - Jack
Trainer ID - 11146
TSV - 2012
Now i promised you a bit more information about my Sring methods. I will Not Release this method to anyone as i was not the one to make it. A friend of mine made it for a bunch of us. Im aware that the "But my friend did it for me" is over done and usually points to being fake. I will show proof if needed that i do indeed obtain a method of automated Sring. I also obtain 5 3ds systems.( I buy broken ones for cheap and repair them ). This is how i get my IVs on my events. If this bothers you, oops.
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