Jellicent (Special Wall)

On it! Also, Jellicent checking JellyOs' Jellicent: pure beauty!

name: Special Wall
move 1: Scald
move 2: Recover
move 3: Toxic / Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Shadow Ball / Ice Beam
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SDef


<p>Although Jellicent's typing and stat distribution make it an excellent special wall, it can also viably play the part of special wall on a team.(redundant) This set's niche is through a more concentrated form of stall, as this set's primary objective is to tank hits, inflict status,(comma) and slowly wear the opponent down. This set is extremely viable over other walls such as Blissey and Chansey because of arguably better typing, dual STAB, and the ability to spinblock against nearly every Rapid Spinner. To add to that, Jellicent has a great ability in Water Absorb for recovery whenever a Water-type move is used. The EV spread allows for maximum special bulk, with a little Defense. The 36 EVs guarantee that Starmie's Psyshock will never 2HKO Jellicent.</p>

<p>Scald is the crux of this set, providing a strong, special STAB attack and giving a chance for nasty status infections. Recover is to allows Jellicent to survive much longer in tandem with Leftovers, and is a necessity for this set. The choice between Toxic and Will-O-Wisp is one based on preference. Toxic allows for the stalling of threats quicker than Will-O-Wisp, but doesn't give the defense Attack drop which enables Jellicent to stay in on physical threats. Toxic is the preferred option because it is quick, it hits Volcarona, (a dangerous special threat), and because absorbing physical threats is not this set's goal. A choice between Shadow Ball and Ice Beam is also viable, although Shadow Ball is generally better due to it's ability to hit Latias, Latios, and Celebi much harder than Ice Beam can. It also provides for good super-effective coverage on Alakazam, Gengar,(comma) and other Jellicents, while hitting Dragon-types neutrally. Ice Beam can be used for coverage against Dragonite, Salamence,(comma) and Ground-types Grass-types (Scald hits Ground-types SE), if one wishes.</p>


<p>In addition to the moves already listed, Jellicent has several more other attacking options. Surf can be(space)used for a higher damage output, although it doesn't score any additional KOs and loses a helpful chance to inflict status. Energy Ball can hit both Gastrodon and Quagsire super effectively while still mainting good coverage with Scald. Night Shade can be used in place of Shadow Ball for consistent damage, although Blissey and Chansey are immune to it. Compunding upon the aforementioned offensive options, Jellicent can be tweaked for more defensive ones too. Jellicent can reliably set up Trick Room to help teammates, although this is relatively niche because there are more offensive options for such a role. Taunt and more speed EVs can be used to mimic the Utility Counter set, although it involves taking special defense away, which is not recommended. Jellicent can also change its ability to Cursed Body to disable an opponent's move, hindering them and aiding Jellicent. Finally, Jellicent can add more EVs in Defense to increase overall bulk. 60 Defense EVs avoid the 2HKO from Mixed Infernape's Stone Edge and 140 allow Jellicent to live after taking two Stone Edge's from Scarf Terrakion.</p>

<p>Excellent teammates for this set are ones that lay down hazards while resisting Jellicent's weaknesses. Examples of Pokemon like such as this are Ferrothorn, Heatran, Celebi and Skarmory. This set also enjoys teammates who that can get rid of Pursuit users like such as Scizor and Tyranitar,(comma) such as one's own Scizor, Magnezone,(comma) and Terrakion. Gliscor also makes a great teammate because it can tank physical hits that Jellicent cannot while the two also cover each other's weaknesses quite well. Common counters to this set include Pokemon who that abuse Substitute to avoid status and Pursuit abusers. Jellicent can help against counteract these problems by carrying the proper coverage moves against key Pokemon.</p>

I'm Jelly, so I'll crash your party by unleashing the power of the New World.


Ready for GP's!

name: Special Wall
move 1: Scald
move 2: Recover
move 3: Toxic / Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Shadow Ball / Ice Beam
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SDef


<p>Jellicent's typing and stat distribution make it an excellent special wall. This set's niche is through for a more concentrated form of stall, as this set's primary objective is to tank hits, inflict status, and slowly wear the opponent down. This set is extremely viable over other walls such as Blissey and Chansey because of arguably better typing, dual STAB, and the ability to spinblock against nearly every Rapid Spinner. To add to that, Jellicent has a great ability in Water Absorb<comma> which provides it with valuable for recovery whenever it is hit by a Water-type move.a Water-type move is used. The EV spread allows for maximum special bulk, with a little Defense. The 36 EVs guarantee that Starmie's Psyshock will never 2HKO Jellicent.</p>

<p>Scald is the crux of this set, providing a strong, special STAB attack and giving a chance for a nasty status affliction.infections. Recover allows Jellicent to survive much longer in tandem with Leftovers, and is a necessity for this set. The choice between Toxic and Will-O-Wisp is one based on preference. Toxic allows for the stalling of threats quicker Jellicent to stall out dangerous threats faster than Will-O-Wisp, but doesn't give the Attack drop which enables Jellicent to stay in on physical threats. Toxic is the preferred option because it is quick, it hits Volcarona (a dangerous special threat)<comma> and because absorbing physical threats attacks is not this set's goal. A choice between Shadow Ball and Ice Beam is also viable, although Shadow Ball is generally better due to it's ability to hit Latias, Latios, and Celebi much harder than Ice Beam can. It also provides for good super-effective coverage on Alakazam, Gengar<comma> and other Jellicents, while hitting Dragon-types neutrally. Ice Beam can be used for coverage against Dragonite, Salamence, and Grass-types, if one wishes.</p>


<p>In addition to the moves already listed, Jellicent has several other attacking options. Surf can be used for a higher damage output, although it doesn't score any additional KOs and loses a helpful chance to inflict status. Energy Ball can hit both Gastrodon and Quagsire super effectively while still mainting good coverage with alongside Scald. Night Shade can be used in place of Shadow Ball for consistent damage, although Blissey and Chansey are immune to it. Compunding Compounding upon the aforementioned offensive options, Jellicent can be tweaked for more defensive ones a more defensive niche too. Jellicent can reliably set up Trick Room to help teammates, although this is relatively niche gimmicky because there are more superior offensive options for such a role. Taunt and more speed Speed EVs can be used to mimic the Utility Counter set, although it involves taking special defense Special Defense away, which is not recommended. Jellicent can also change its ability to Cursed Body to disable an opponent's move<period>, hindering them and aiding Jellicent. Finally, Jellicent can add more EVs in Defense to increase its overall bulk. 60 Defense EVs avoid the 2HKO from Mixed Infernape's Stone Edge and 140 allow Jellicent to live after taking two Stone Edge's from Scarf Terrakion.</p>

<p>Excellent teammates for this set are ones that lay down hazards while resisting Jellicent's weaknesses. Examples of these such Pokemon such as this are Ferrothorn, Heatran, Celebi<comma> and Skarmory. This set also enjoys teammates that can get rid of Pursuit users<comma> such as Scizor and Tyranitar, such as these include one's own Scizor, Magnezone, and Terrakion. Gliscor also makes a great teammate because it can tank physical hits that Jellicent cannot while the two also cover each other's weaknesses quite well. Common counters to this set include Pokemon that abuse Substitute to avoid status and Pursuit users. Jellicent can<space>counteract these problems by carrying the proper coverage moves against key Pokemon.</p>

