Jellicent @ Choice Specs
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Water Spout
- Surf / Hydro Pump
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
Jellicent haunts the PU tier with its powerful Choice Specs-boosted Water Spout! Its STAB Water Spout is nigh-unwallable at full HP, with only a select few Pokemon, such as Eldegoss and Ferroseed, being able to switch in. Its solid defensive typing lets it come in on common Pokemon like Charizard and Weezing in a pinch. When Jellicent is low on HP, Surf provides consistent damage and still threatens foes like Sandaconda and Regirock. Hydro Pump is a more powerful alternative that makes it easier to break through walls like Audino and Togedemaru, but sacrifices accuracy for power. Shadow Ball hits bulky Water-resistant Pokemon like Lanturn and Ferroseed for solid damage, wearing them down over time. Trick cripples switch-ins like Audino and Scrafty, making it easier for teammates to take advantage of them. Charizard and Sandslash are great partners; Charizard deals with Grass-types like Eldegoss and Ferroseed and appreciates the pressure Jellicent puts on Gigalith and Wishiwashi with Trick, and Sandslash provides valuable entry hazard removal that keeps Jellicent healthy for more powerful Water Spout.
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