It's abundantly clear that we did not adequately communicate our decision-making process. This post is an attempt to rectify that mistake and clarify how we came to the decision we made.
Apart from RBY, every slot across all trophy team tours has always been Bo1.
D4 Repertoire's post in the original thread already covers much of the reasoning why we believe Bo1 is the optimal format for team tours. Obviously, there is slightly more variance in any individual match in a Bo3 vs a Bo1, but in the team's opinion, the drawbacks clearly outweigh the benefits. The primary factor in our consideration was the workload increase across the team that comes with more Bo3 slots, which will inevitably exclude some players who can't commit the increased time and cause fatigue in both the players and supporters of each slot over the course of a tour. Additionally, at the end of the day, these are team tours and each week's result is determined by a team-wide Bo8/10/12 series. We don't think these drawbacks are offset by team reusability either, as that inherently diminishes the creativity on display each week.
We also believe that playerbase votes on Bo1 vs Bo3 are flawed in practice, which is why we denied this proposal in the original thread. A vote before auction absolutely does not guarantee it'd match with the preferences of the players that actually end up playing the tier over the course of the season. A vote after the auction, with each team's starter submitting their preference, comes with its own issues. First, the players signing up have no idea if they'll be playing Bo1 or Bo3, and since they have to be prepared for Bo3, this ends up being exclusionary to those dissuaded by the format for the reasons mentioned above. In addition, it means managers will be forced to draft without full knowledge of what exactly they are drafting for and simply have to pray that the player they buy ends up having the same preference as the majority to avoid negative impact.
With the above 2 conclusions, we were convinced that team tours should generally be Bo1 and that playerbase votes are not a practical solution to determine the match format within a tour. This led us to consider the status of the only outlier in trophy team tours: RBY Bo3. RBY Bo3 has been the status quo since SPL 6, where it was created because the TDs, 9 years ago, believed RBY was too luck-based (relevant screenshots:
two) to be Bo1 and also didn't require prep due to the mechanics of the generation. Both of these things have proven to be untrue over the years, as any RBY player would argue that the tier is indeed competitive, and while the nature of prep may be different from other tiers, it is not minimal. Given the flawed reasoning for the original decision and
similar sentiments echoed by players with significant RBY accomplishments in the thread, we believe it's right to reverse that legacy decision. Bo1 treats RBY as an equal to every other tier in trophy tournaments and keeps our tours completely consistent and standardized as they should have been all along.
We understand that this timing is far from ideal; however, we felt it better to resolve this before the upcoming SPL instead of having another year of inaction on this thread only to come to the same conclusions outlined above. We apologize for the initial miscommunication on our end, but hope you can understand our perspective a bit better after this post.