STAB Keldeo [DONE]


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name: Choice Specs
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: Steam Eruption
move 4: Focus Blast / Water Shuriken
item: Choice Specs
ability: Justified
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Keldeo's incredible Special Attack stat and STAB combination make it a potent wallbreaker when equipped with Choice Specs. It matches up positively against common top tier threats like Tyranitar, Heatran, and Excadrill. Furthermore, Keldeo's STAB moves have excellent neutral coverage; common Water-type checks like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad fear its Fighting-type attacks, while Fighting-resistant foes like Clefable and Tornadus-T cannot stomach Water Spout. Keldeo also has a solid Speed tier, outspeeding and threatening opposing wallbreakers like Nidoking, Thundurus-T, and Kyurem. Water Spout OHKOes common defensive foes like Corviknight and Buzzwole and even nets 2HKOs against frailer Water-resistant Pokemon like Rotom-W, Hydreigon, and Urshifu-R. Secret Sword does good damage against common Water-type checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn while also hitting special walls like Blissey and Gastrodon. Steam Eruption is a more reliable Water-type attack if Keldeo is at low health and can cripple some of its checks like Toxapex. Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, OHKOing Rotom-W after Stealth Rock, Seismitoad after minor chip, and Ferrothorn outright, though its poor accuracy makes it less reliable. Alternatively, Water Shuriken can be used to revenge kill faster threats like Aerodactyl, Cinderace, and Sand Rush Excadrill. Due to its reliance on Water Spout, Keldeo appreciates teammates with entry hazard removal options like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Clefable, as they can prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. Future Sight support from Slowking deters Assault Vest users that otherwise check Keldeo like Toxapex and Tornadus-T from switching in. Teammates that can pivot Keldeo into the field safely like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Toxapex are important to keep it healthy as it attempts to wallbreak. Paralysis support from teammates like Clefable and Melmetal can slow down faster foes like Tornadus-T, Aerodactyl, and Cinderace to prevent Keldeo from being revenge killed.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta. 517892], [in the hills, 324242]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662], [UT, 523866]]
Last edited:
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: Steam Eruption
move 4: Focus Blast / Water Shuriken
item: Choice Specs
ability: Justified
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


High offensive stats and a dangerous STAB combination make Choice Specs Keldeo a potent wallbreaker. I think u need to elaborate that its STAB-typing is so appealing on paper because not only does it have fantastic match-ups against many top-tier pokemon like Tyranitar, Heatran, etc its also a Water-type that can beat common water-type resists like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Ferrothorn, while being a Fighting-type that common fighting resists like Torn-T, Clefable, and Thundurus-T cant switch into. Furthermore its got a good Speed-stat which not only let it revenge kill and pressure some of the tiers many "mid-speed" breakers like Nidoking, Thundurus-T, and Kyurem. It possess a spammable, no-drawback, and most of this is fluff or just untrue incredibly high Base Power STAB move in Water Spout that can significantly chunk every neutral foe in the metagame, even OHKOing tier staples like Clefable, Tornadus-T, and Corviknight and 2HKO common Water-resistant foes like Rotom-W and Hydreigon if Keldeo is at full HP. Secret Sword hits sturdier Water-resistant and -immune foes like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad as well as specially defensive walls like Blissey. does impressive damages, threatening to OHKO common defensive foes like Clefable, Corviknight, and Buzzwole, even netting 2HKOes against frailer resists like Rotom-W, Hydreigon, and Urshifu-R. Secret Sword does good damage against common Water-type checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn, while also hitting special walls like Blissey and Gastrodon. Steam Eruption is a reliable Water-type attack if Keldeo is at low health and can cripple some of its checks like Ferrothorn, Galarian Slowking, and Toxapex. Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, notably OHKOing Ferrothorn, Volcanion, and Rotom-W and potentially Seismitoad after Stealth Rock. mention that its terrible accuracy should deter you from clicking it Alternatively, Water Shuriken can be used to revenge kill faster threats like Aerodactyl, Cinderace, and Sand Rush Excadrill. Due to its reliance on Water Spout, it loves being in pristine condition at all times: wants to stay healthy if possible, making teammates that can help in this regard valuable. Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Excadrill Clefable can provide Defog or Rapid Spin to prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. Future Sight support from Slowbro or Slowking, remember to edit in glowing if deetah responds to ur dm can let Keldeo break through deter Assault Vest users that otherwise check Keldeo like Slowking, Toxapex, and Tornadus-T from switching in. Tornadus-T, Corviknight, Slowbro, and Slowking are also exceptional partners that can bring Keldeo into the field safely. Teammates that can pivot Keldeo onto the field safely like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Toxapex are important to let Keldeo deal out damage while hopefully avoiding damage. Optional but i think para support from teammates like Clefable (glare, not T-wave) or Melmetal can help keldeo immensely cuz one of the best ways to deal with it is faster revenge killers like Torn-T, Aero, and Cinderace.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

hmu when you've implemented this, i wanna look over this again
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: Steam Eruption
move 4: Focus Blast / Water Shuriken
item: Choice Specs
ability: Justified
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


High offensive stats and a dangerous Its incredible Special Attack stat and STAB combination make Choice Specs Keldeo a potent wallbreaker. It matches up positively against common top tier threats like Tyranitar, Heatran, and Excadrill. Furthermore It can fire off its STAB attacks freely due to beating common Water-resistant foes like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Ferrothorn with its Fighting-type attack, while Fighting-resistant ones like Tornadus-T, Clefable, and Thundurus-T fear its Water-type attack. how well its STABs complement each other; common Water-type resists like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad cant safely switch in because of its threatening fighting-type moves, while Fighting-resists like Clefable and Tornadus-T cant switch into its Water-type moves safely. Keldeo also posses a solid Speed tier, outspeeding and threatening opposing wallbreakers like Nidoking, Thundurus-T, and Kyurem. It possess a incredibly high Base Power STAB move in Water Spout that threatens to OHKO common defensive foes like Clefable, Corviknight, and Buzzwole, even netting 2HKOes against frailer resists like Rotom-W, Hydreigon, and Urshifu-R. Secret Sword does good damage against common Water-type checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn, while also hitting special walls like Blissey and Gastrodon. Steam Eruption is a more reliable Water-type attack if Keldeo is at low health, and can cripple some of its checks like Ferrothorn and Toxapex. Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, notably OHKOing Ferrothorn, and Rotom-W and potentially Seismitoad after Stealth Rock, though its poor accuracy makes it a less spammable attack in most options. Alternatively, Water Shuriken can be used to revenge kill faster threats like Aerodactyl, Cinderace, and Sand Rush Excadrill. Due to its reliance on Water Spout, it wants to stay healthy if possible, making teammates that can help in this regard valuable; Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Clefable can provide Defog or Rapid Spin to prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. Future Sight support from Slowking deter Assault Vest users that otherwise check Keldeo like Slowking, Toxapex, and Tornadus-T from switching in. Teammates that can pivot Keldeo into the field safely like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Toxapex are important to let Keldeo deal out damage while hopefully avoiding damage as well. Paralysis support from teammates like Clefable and Melmetal can slow down faster foes like Tornadus-T, Aerodactyl, and Cinderace to prevent Keldeo from being revenge killed.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta. 517892], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: Steam Eruption
move 4: Focus Blast / Water Shuriken
item: Choice Specs
ability: Justified
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Its incredible Special Attack stat and STAB combination make Choice Specs Keldeo a potent wallbreaker nitpicky but i dont like the first sentence of the analysis starting with "Its". It matches up positively against common top tier threats like Tyranitar, Heatran, and Excadrill. Furthermore, It can fire off its STAB attacks freely due to how well its STAB attacks complement each other; common Water-resistant Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad can't safely switch in because of its threatening Fighting-type moves, and vice versa with Fighting-resistant ones like Clefable and Tornadus-T. Keldeo also posses a solid Speed tier, outspeeding and threatening opposing wallbreakers like Nidoking, Thundurus-T, and Kyurem. It possess a incredibly high Base Power STAB move in Water Spout that threatens to OHKO common defensive foes like Clefable, Corviknight, and Buzzwole, even netting 2HKOes against frailer resists like Rotom-W, Hydreigon, and Urshifu-R. Secret Sword does good damage against common Water-type checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn, while also hitting special walls like Blissey and Gastrodon. Steam Eruption is a more reliable Water-type attack if Keldeo is at low health, and can cripple some of its checks like Ferrothorn and Toxapex. Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, notably OHKOing Ferrothorn, and Rotom-W and potentially Seismitoad after Stealth Rock, though its poor accuracy makes it less spammable GP probably will suggest a change to spammable but idk one lol. Alternatively, Water Shuriken can be used to revenge kill faster threats like Aerodactyl, Cinderace, and Sand Rush Excadrill. Due to its reliance on Water Spout, it wants to stay healthy if possible, making teammates that can help in this regard valuable; Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Clefable can provide Defog or Rapid Spin to prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. Future Sight support from Slowking deter Assault Vest users that otherwise check Keldeo like Slowking, Toxapex,(Remove commas) and Tornadus-T from switching in. Teammates that can pivot Keldeo into the field safely like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Toxapex are important to let Keldeo deal out damage while hopefully avoiding damage as well. Paralysis support from teammates like Clefable and Melmetal can slow down faster foes like Tornadus-T, Aerodactyl, and Cinderace to prevent Keldeo from being revenge killed.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta. 517892], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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QC 2/2
Great work!
AM GP Check, implement if you feel like it
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name: Choice Specs
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: Steam Eruption
move 4: Focus Blast / Water Shuriken
item: Choice Specs
ability: Justified
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk (Teambuilder does this automatically)


Keldeo's incredible Special Attack stat and STAB combination make it a potent wallbreaker when equipped with Choice Specs. It matches up positively against common top tier threats like Tyranitar, Heatran, and Excadrill. Furthermore, It Keldeo's STAB moves have excellent neutral coverage; common Water-type checks like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad fear its Fighting-type attacks, while Fighting-resistant foes like Clefable and Tornadus-T cannot stomach Water Spout. can fire off its STAB attacks freely due to how well they complement each other; common Water-resistant Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Seismitoad can't safely switch in because of its threatening Fighting-type moves, and vice versa with Fighting-resistant ones like Clefable and Tornadus-T. Keldeo also has a solid Speed tier, outspeeding and threatening opposing wallbreakers like Nidoking, Thundurus-T, and Kyurem. It possess a incredibly high Base Power STAB move in Water Spout OHKOes that threatens to OHKO common defensive foes like Clefable, already mentioned Corviknight,(comma) and Buzzwole,(comma) and even netsting 2HKOs against frailer Water-resistant Pokemon like Rotom-W, Hydreigon, and Urshifu-R. Secret Sword does good damage against common Water-type checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn,(comma) while also hitting special walls like Blissey and Gastrodon. Steam Eruption is a more reliable Water-type attack if Keldeo is at low health,(comma) and can cripple some of its checks like Ferrothorn and (you just explained how it beats ferro, so not a check) Toxapex. Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, notably OHKOing Ferrothorn, and Rotom-W and potentially Seismitoad after Stealth Rock Focus Blast gives Keldeo another strong STAB attack, OHKOing Rotom-W after Stealth Rock, Seismitoad after minor chip, and Ferrothorn outright, though its poor accuracy makes it less spammable reliable. Alternatively, Water Shuriken can be used to revenge kill faster threats like Aerodactyl, Cinderace, and Sand Rush Excadrill. Due to its reliance on Water Spout, it Keldeo appreciates teammates with entry hazard removal options like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Clefable, as they can prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. wants to stay healthy if possible, making teammates that can help in this regard valuable; Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Clefable can provide Defog or Rapid Spin to prevent Keldeo from taking unnecessary entry hazard damage. Future Sight support from Slowking deters Assault Vest users that otherwise check Keldeo like Toxapex and Tornadus-T from switching in. Teammates that can pivot Keldeo into the field safely like Tornadus-T, Corviknight, and Toxapex are important to keep it healthy as it attempts to wallbreak.let Keldeo deal out damage while hopefully avoiding damage as well. Paralysis support from teammates like Clefable and Melmetal can slow down faster foes like Tornadus-T, Aerodactyl, and Cinderace to prevent Keldeo from being revenge killed.

- Written by: [[royalfluxh, 493260]]
- Quality checked by: [[pannuracotta. 517892], [in the hills, 324242]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Last edited:
GP 1/1! Stamping this as-is, no notes. Please credit both of us woo free credits.


GP Team done