Kenhorou (QC Approved 0/2)

I don't think I'm going to add that set, as there is utterly, completely outclassed by nearly every Normal/Flying Pokemon (especially Guts Swellow).
Name: UtilityBird
Move 1: U-turn
Move 2: Hypnosis
Move 3: Roost / Tailwind
Move 4: Taunt / Toxic / Wish
Item: Leftovers / Choice Scarf
Nature: Careful
Ability: Pigeon Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

I have a few problems with this.

Why would you opt to use Pigeon Heart over Super Luck? First, there aren't many defense-dropping attacks that are used competitively. Second, even if there were, this little bird is way too frail to need to cling to his defense. The occasional critical hit on U-Turn would be much more useful over this ability.

My next problem also relates to his frailty. Why would you opt for Toxic on the set? Kenhorou can't use it to his advantage because he can barely take a hit, so he should stick to either Taunting or Wishing, providing more legitimate forms of support for his team.
A Careful nature doesn't really seem like a good choice. Its Special Defense is very poor and you're not even investing in it.

Also, isn't that set just a worse Crobat/Evo Stone Golbat? The only thing Kenhorou has over them is Wish, so that should be emphasized.

In fact, Wish is basically the only thing it has to differentiate itself. As an attacker, it's completely outclassed by Staraptor, Swellow, Dodrio, Wargle and even Fearow, while as a supporter it's outclassed by Golbat/Crobat. This is ridiculous.
I have a few problems with this.

Why would you opt to use Pigeon Heart over Super Luck? First, there aren't many defense-dropping attacks that are used competitively. Second, even if there were, this little bird is way too frail to need to cling to his defense. The occasional critical hit on U-Turn would be much more useful over this ability.

My next problem also relates to his frailty. Why would you opt for Toxic on the set? Kenhorou can't use it to his advantage because he can barely take a hit, so he should stick to either Taunting or Wishing, providing more legitimate forms of support for his team.

I changed it to Super Luck. I accidentally got Pigeon Heart mixed up with Hyper Cutter.

You say that Toxic is a poor option on Kenhorou. I disagree, as Kenhorou is not meant to be ToxicStalling anything. Kenhorou uses Toxic as a quick crippling device. To also answer Pokemontage's reply about using Wish, I have boosted up Wish as a better option than Toxic, yet it doesn't change the fact that Kenhorou is a very poor user of Wish. In most situations, Taunt is more useful. I'm keeping Careful as an option to balance out Kenhorou's defensive stats, but I added Impish as the primary nature.
Kenhorou's defenses are poor, especially with no investment, so it's not going to be taking hits anyway.
Why not just give it a Jolly nature? You'll troll max Speed Waruvial and outspeed some other things like max Speed Roserade and Nidoking.

Also, you mine as well stick an attacking set in there. It's obviously outclassed, but the supporter set is completely outclassed by Golbat/Crobat as well (on top of plenty of other things). Plus, its Attack is its best stat.

This Pokemon makes me almost as sad as Pidgeot does (and even Pidgeot gets Brave Bird...)
I'll add a mention for an all out attacking set in Optional Changes, but if anything Kenhorou is even more outclassed attacking than it is supporting.