Durant has the unique combination of Hustle, First Impression, and a solid Speed stat, making it seem appealing as a niche wallbreaker and revenge killer, It's able to revenge kill common Pokemon like Nihilego and Cobalion, as well as OHKOing faster threats like Azelf, Choice Scarf Hydreigon, and Zygarde-10%. It also possesses other good attacks like Rock Slide to hit Salamence and Rotom-H, Superpower to KO Cobalion, and Iron Head to better threaten the likes of Nihilego, Mamoswine, and Hatterene. However, it's near-entirely outclassed by fellow Bug / Steel type Scizor, and to a lesser extent Cobalion. Besides those two providing utility options like pivoting, Knock Off, and Stealth Rock, both have much better defensive presences. In practice, Durant fails to come in safely and efficiently wallbreak, since it has poor bulk and can't significantly damage common Pokemon like Rotom-W and Slowking after it uses First Impression. It is also easily worn down through Life Orb recoil, Rocky Helmet users like Skarmory and Amoonguss, and entry hazards. Hustle also makes Durant incredibly inconsistent as a wallbreaker, and since it is incredibly frail, it is likely to be KOed in the same turn after missing a move.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: First Impression
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Superpower
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
First Impression allows Durant to KO bulky Pokemon like Rotom-W and Slowking from high HP thresholds, and it forces out faster threats like Azelf, Lycanroc-D, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. Bug Bite can be used over First Impression to hit Pokemon like Slowking and Tangrowth beyond the first turn, but losing out on First Impression makes Durant much worse at revenge killing Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Azelf. Iron Head is needed to threaten the likes of Nihilego and Hatterene and attain solid neutral coverage versus Hippowdon and Primarina. Rock Slide hits Fire- and Flying-types like Rotom-H, Salamence, Moltres, and Crobat. Salamence, however, isn't OHKOed by Rock Slide due to Intimidate, and it can KO back with Flamethrower or Hurricane. Superpower smashes Cobalion, as well as knocking out Skarmory and Chansey; while the former still needs sufficient chip damage to be OHKOed outright, Superpower at least deters it from switching in. Choice Band can be used over Life Orb for a higher power boost and no recoil damage, but locking Durant into any of its moves is easily exploitable. Choice Band does, however, make physical walls Skarmory and Hippowdon less safe as switch-ins. Hustle is required to give Durant the extra power it needs to break through or dent Pokemon like Chansey, Cobalion, and Hippowdon, but it still fails to KO Hippowdon and Skarmory. It is incredibly hard to make this set work, as Durant is heavily lacking in many other areas besides Speed and power, so trying to shore up its weaknesses through teammates is almost never worth the effort.
- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Durant has the unique combination of Hustle, First Impression, and a solid Speed stat, making it seem appealing as a niche wallbreaker and revenge killer, It's able to revenge kill common Pokemon like Nihilego and Cobalion, as well as OHKOing faster threats like Azelf, Choice Scarf Hydreigon, and Zygarde-10%. It also possesses other good attacks like Rock Slide to hit Salamence and Rotom-H, Superpower to KO Cobalion, and Iron Head to better threaten the likes of Nihilego, Mamoswine, and Hatterene. However, it's near-entirely outclassed by fellow Bug / Steel type Scizor, and to a lesser extent Cobalion. Besides those two providing utility options like pivoting, Knock Off, and Stealth Rock, both have much better defensive presences. In practice, Durant fails to come in safely and efficiently wallbreak, since it has poor bulk and can't significantly damage common Pokemon like Rotom-W and Slowking after it uses First Impression. It is also easily worn down through Life Orb recoil, Rocky Helmet users like Skarmory and Amoonguss, and entry hazards. Hustle also makes Durant incredibly inconsistent as a wallbreaker, and since it is incredibly frail, it is likely to be KOed in the same turn after missing a move.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: First Impression
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Superpower
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
First Impression allows Durant to KO bulky Pokemon like Rotom-W and Slowking from high HP thresholds, and it forces out faster threats like Azelf, Lycanroc-D, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon. Bug Bite can be used over First Impression to hit Pokemon like Slowking and Tangrowth beyond the first turn, but losing out on First Impression makes Durant much worse at revenge killing Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Azelf. Iron Head is needed to threaten the likes of Nihilego and Hatterene and attain solid neutral coverage versus Hippowdon and Primarina. Rock Slide hits Fire- and Flying-types like Rotom-H, Salamence, Moltres, and Crobat. Salamence, however, isn't OHKOed by Rock Slide due to Intimidate, and it can KO back with Flamethrower or Hurricane. Superpower smashes Cobalion, as well as knocking out Skarmory and Chansey; while the former still needs sufficient chip damage to be OHKOed outright, Superpower at least deters it from switching in. Choice Band can be used over Life Orb for a higher power boost and no recoil damage, but locking Durant into any of its moves is easily exploitable. Choice Band does, however, make physical walls Skarmory and Hippowdon less safe as switch-ins. Hustle is required to give Durant the extra power it needs to break through or dent Pokemon like Chansey, Cobalion, and Hippowdon, but it still fails to KO Hippowdon and Skarmory. It is incredibly hard to make this set work, as Durant is heavily lacking in many other areas besides Speed and power, so trying to shore up its weaknesses through teammates is almost never worth the effort.
- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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