La Forza del Destino (Gen. 4 final)

La Forza del Destino
*It means "The Force of Destiny" in Italian*

Alright, so final (Gen. 4) RMT, this time its around a very underrated threat, Choice Specs Kingdra. I was bored to death by building similar teams, time and time again. It was all, Heatran/Shaymin/Suicune/Scarf Rotom-W/Filler/Filler. Though those teams were doing really well for me on the ladder, they were just too stale. So I was browsing through the Contributions & Corrections forum, and stumbled upon Kingdra's Choice Specs set in one of its recent updates. From that moment I knew that I was going to build my team around this unconventional yet powerful threat. Most people see Kingdra and scream, "CHESTO REST" or "SUB DRAGON DANCER", and send in Flygon immediately to revenge kill it, or send in Scarf Rotom to trick it and make it set-up useless. Choice Specs Kingdra lures in these threats and nails them on the switch in with a devastating Draco Meteor. So I suppose one could consider this Kingdra as a lure of sorts. The other members are there to take advantage of the things that Kingdra dents, and depending on the remainder of the opposing team, its usually Flygon or Infernape who get the finishing blows, due to Kingdra severely weakening the Bulky Waters that are a pain for Infernape and Flygon to face. The reason I'm posting this team here is because school's going to start in a week, and generation 5 is getting closer, and I'm as bored as fuck, and want to post it because I love it so much.
*Credit for format to Vashta and his team: Welcome Home*​





So I started of with these three. I decided I wanted to build a Spike Stacking Offensive team. Kingdra, like any other Choice Specs user, loves Spikes support, while at the same time, Skarmory prevents the opposition from setting down entry hazards, namely Toxic Spikes that ruin Kingdra. Skarmory also lures in Heatran like a magnet, something Kingdra can take advantage of to fire off Hydro Pump and Draco Meteor. Life Orb Heatran was chosen for the highly crucial Stealth Rock, and its ability to lure in Water-type attacks for Kingdra to switch into and wreck havoc.

So I needed something fundamental, a Spin Blocker. Rotom-W does this very well, and I used a Scarf Rotom-W for sometime. It helped check Swords Dance lucario, Dragon Dance Gyarados, amongst others. I realized I was putting a bit too much pressure on the poor washing machine, and decided to try a Sub PainSplit set that works well with Spikes. Though I'm currently testing a defensive subsplit set to better handle Gyarados.

The final two members went through a lot of shifting. In Infernape's slot, I used to run Swords Dance Lucario, but then I decided I really needed an early game scout, as well as some priority against Dragon Dance Tyranitar and other Swords Dance Lucario, and Rotom-W was simply not enough for that, thus I went with Infernape, who can effectively clean up late game when the other members, and the entry hazards have eaten away at the opponent's health. I used to run Mixed Flygon, and even thought of Mixed Dragonite, but in the end decided to run Scarf Flygon since I made Rotom a SubSplit set. Flygon is my secondary check to Gyarados after Rotom, as well as Jolly Lucario, Dragon dance Tyranitar and Dragonite. The two also form a potent scouting duo early game and cause the opponent to eat up more entry hazard damage.

Through the Microscope


Heatran (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 174 HP/84 Spd/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Taunt
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Overheat
- Stealth Rock

Set Analysis:

Heatran is probably one of the best leads in this metagame, taking down some of the most troublesome leads around, namely Swampert, Metagross, and of course, Machamp. Its immensely powerful Special Attack stat further boosted by Life Orb allows it to come back mid-game and fry steel types who would otherwise hinder Kingdra from launching its vigorous Draco Meteor and Dragon Pulse. Heatran also has very important resistances to Dragon-, Dark-, Ghost- while also having decent bulk with the EVs listed. The EVs allow it to switch into neutral and/or not very effective attacks from the likes of Rotom formes trying to revenge my own Rotom-W or trying to stop Skarmory from setting up multiple layers of Spikes. Heatran is also a very big threat to Stall teams, using Taunt to shut down common stall members such as, Skarmory, Forretress, Rest-talkers, and especially Blissey. Speaking of Blissey, this set stops Blissey cold from crippling my team with Paralysis or Poison, which are two things Infernape, Kingdra and Rotom hate the most. I run Modest over Timid since there isn't much I will be outpacing with a mere 84 EVs in Speed. Modest doesn't help achieve any specific KOs, but imo its good to have that extra kick in your attacks. The moveset is very simple; Outside of the lead spot Heatran can come in on Bullet Punch and fire off Overheat, while it can use it in the lead spot to OHKO Machamp and Metagross. Hidden Power Grass is to destroy lead Swampert, and put the hurt on incoming Vaporeon, Suicune and Starmie.
EVs & Nature:
As I already mentioned 174 HP gives it a decent amount of bulk coming in on resisted and some neutral attacks aimed for other team members. For example, Draco Meteor aiming for Kingdra or Flygon, or Shadow Ball for Rotom. The HP EVs also come in handy for taking Outrage better from Scarf Flygon, in case Skarmory has gone down. 252 Satk+Modest is for maximum damage input, and everything that 252 Speed+Timid outspeeds is handled by other team members. 84 Speed EVs, as there really isn't any other place to put them, and outpacing Rest Talk Rotom-A is always a plus.
Other Options
I've been toying with the idea of using Lead Metagross for sometime, since Aerodactyl leads are kind of annoying to face, and I don't like revealing Rotom so early because of the threat of Pursuit, or locking Flygon too early into Stone Edge, but other than that Heatran's been a pretty potent mid game Special Attacker and an excellent lead.
Lead Comparison
How Heatran fares against the top 10 leads using the statistics of August 2010:
: I hate Azelf leads a lot because of their unpredictability. They may be Colbur, Banded, or Sashed. I usually just Overheat twice, because when I bring in Rotom to absorb Explosion, they use Psychic instead ~_~

: Overheat deals with it well as most just stay in expecting a weak Shucatran Fire Blast (not really weak, but you get what I'm saying...)

: Used to be a pain in the ass when I had Mixed Flygon and Scarf Rotom, because Hydro Pump always missed, *sigh*. Anyway, since I play very conservatively early game, I switch out immediately to Flygon and 2HKO with Stone Edge. This is one of the main reasons I have Stone Edge over Thunder Punch, as locking yourself early into an Electric type attack is far worse.

: Overheat, moving on...

: ==>>Hidden Power Grass<<== Unless there's some weird ass Rindo Berry variant..

: Tricky, switch to Rotom on the obvious Fake Out/Close Combat, send in Flygon and Earthquake twice, though Close Combat hurts :(

: Opposing Life Orb Heatran and Shuca Berry Heatran have Earth Power, so its wise to switch to Flygon and Earthquake.

: They almost always U-turn out, so I get Stealth Rock up safely. Some players get ballsy and trick, which Heatran doesn't mind too much. One guy even tried Iron Heading Heatran =/

: How the hell is this peep squeak a #9 lead? Anyway, I set up Stealth Rock, go to Skarmory, and Whirlwind it out or the recipient it baton passes to.

: Gah, I usually just stay in and Overheat hoping for Sleep Powder to miss, one of the main reasons why I was thinking about using Lum Berry Metagross over Heatran, as Toxic Spikes really hampers Kingdra and Infernape.



Skarmory (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP/56 Spd/200 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Taunt
- Whirlwind
- Spikes
- Roost

Set Analysis:

Specially Defensive Skarmory is the best Spiker I've used. Basically, I needed a Spiker that can set up on the majority of unboosted/neutral Special Attacks, while also taking most common Physical hits as well (Bullet Punch, Earthquake). Skarmory fit the bill well, while also stopping set up attempts from stall teams, that I hate with a strong passion. Skarmory is usually my go to Pokemon versus Scarf Flygon as well as Dragon Dance Dragonite that lack Fire Punch. Usually I don't set up Spikes when I first send in Skarmory, because then I run the risk of something deadly scaring Skarmory away, and setting up a substitute (Heatran, Breloom). Against offensive teams, I just whirlwind away to see what their Skarmory stopper is, and versus Stall teams I just Taunt the incoming switch in, and catch a Gliscor or Forretress. After I'm done with setting-up three full layers of Spikes, I use Whirlwind to reveal most, if not all of the opponent's team. Late-game Skarmory serves as a shield versus last Pokemon Choice Scarf Flygon, which just spam Outrage, and also against Crocune and Cursepert, as both are shut down by a well timed Taunt. Finally, Skarmory is a huge prick to Agility Metagross lacking Thunder Punch, and I like to irritate them with Skarmory before going to Flygon or Rotom-W to revenge/cripple with W-o-W.
EVs & Nature:

The EVs are biased towards Special Defense, to take Draco Meteors from the likes of Mixed Flygon, Mixed Dragonite, and Kingdra. It also allows easy set up against Vaporeon, Roserade without Special Attack investment or without Hidden Power Fire. The Speed EVs are enough to outrun Standard Skarmory, that I've seen many people still run, especially on stall teams. (I ripped this set off LoveDestiny's team, which was made in the Latias era.)
Other Options

I've tried Roserade over Skarmory, but I find myself missing Taunt to stop Stall teams. If I run Rest over a Hidden power, I find myself switching out more often than not, since Grass Knot/Energy Ball/Leaf Storm alone doesn't offer *great* coverage. If I run a Hidden Power, then I miss the recovery Rest brings. I've been pondering about whether or not Forretress will fit well, since although it lacks Taunt, it does have Rapid Spin to waste Stall's hard work, but the lack of recovery, especially since this team doesn't have Wish support, really hampers its ability to tank hits well.



Rotom-W @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/4 SAtk/252 Spe
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Toxic/ Will-o-Wisp
- Thunderbolt
- Substitute
- Pain Split

Set Analysis

This is probably the best Rotom set I've used. I found the standard defensive set to be easily walled and crippled by Blissey. I played so cautiously with the Scarf set as I was afraid of Scarf Tyranitar coming in on Shadow Ball/Trick/Thunderbolt and killing with Pursuit/Crunch. Some people say, "Ew, this shit's outclassed by Gengar" "It's faster, stronger, and has better offensive stats". Although that may be true, keep in mind Rotom's superior bulk, resistance to Electric, the ability to switch in easier, and the power to check bulky waters, especially Gyarados and Offensive Suicune. I suppose people could call this a "stall breaker". I usually send this out on their Rest-talk Gyarados or Forretress, and force them to send out Blissey. From there, I set up a Substitute, use Toxic, and watch Blissey fall victim to the intensifying Poison. The hilarious thing is, most people just keep Blissey in and let the Poison strengthen. However, if they do switch out, they'll be coming back in and losing a hefty chunk of health due to entry hazards+the damage Toxic inflicted. Rotom has always been an awesome counter to Dragon Dance Gyarados, Adamant Lucario, and cripples several non-Steel type Stall members with Toxic, namely, Hippowdon, Swampert, Blissey, Celebi, etc. Now I know people may think that only one attacking move, Thunderbolt, is not good enough. But really, Thunderbolt is only resisted by Ground types, which are crippled by Toxic. So I suppose you could say Toxic+Thunderbolt grant this set "perfect coverage".
EVs & Nature:

Timid + 252 Speed EVs are absolutely necessary to outrun Adamant Lucario, +0 Jolly/Adamant Gyarados, Suicune, and Kingdra. 252 HP is for optimal bulk, as this is meant to switch into (bulky) Gyarados and kill with Thunderbolt. Thats all that needs to be said about that.
Other Options

I alternate between the Offensive SubSplit and this one very often, I can't decide which to use. The Offensive set does more damage to +1 Suicune, yet it can't switch in on Gyarados as safely. This set has an easier time with Stall, and Gyarados, but doesn't do as much damage as I'd want it to on Suicune, perhaps you guys can weigh in on this? Also, I alternate between Toxic and Will-O-Wisp. Will-O-Wisp isn't the best status versus Blissey, but it cripples Swampert, Gliscor, and most importantly Tyranitar, who hates Will-O-Wisp more than Toxic. I've also been thinking about trying out Gengar over Rotom-W, but I really will miss the ability to check bulky waters, as well as the bulk. But Gengar does have superior offensive stats, and is a decent Infernape check.



Kingdra (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Surf

Set Analysis

AKA the :pimp:
Anywho this thing is the mid-game opener after Infernape and Flygon have brought in something to get bullied via U-turn. Basically come in on a resisted attack, like Heatran's Fire Blast, Scizor's Bullet Punch, or Vaporeon's Surf, and unleash the destruction. In Heatran's case, he's likely to switch out to something that can take the predicted Waterfall (Vaporeon, Shaymin, Celebi, Dragonite), or revenge kill Dragon Dance Kingdra (Flygon, Scarf Rotom?). Both categories are hit incredibly hard by Draco Meteor, and can aid the rest of the team in breaking through the opponent's team depending on which of their counters get nailed on the switch in. Vaporeon or Flygon's death means Infernape and Heatran are going to have a field day, which are probably my two favorite targets. Hydro Pump is used in the mid game when I've maimed their Bulky Water with Draco Meteor. Surf and Dragon Pulse are reliable clean up moves late game, thanks to their perfect accuracy and good base power. Kingdra is probably the supporter of the team. He's my only resist to Water types in case you haven't noticed, but he's a darn sturdy one with x4 resist. Starmie does about 37% maximum with Ice beam, and they tend to stay in anyway, and get smashed with Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse, which helps Infernape A LOT in the long run. The way Kingdra supports the team is because it opens opportunities for Flygon and Infernape to wreck havoc. Most people send in their physical walls, such as Swampert, Skarmory, Forretress to stop a potential DD sweep, by hitting them with Hydro Pump, I'm free to abuse Draco Meteor and Dragon Pulse. Flygon also loves Kingdra for that, as nothing will be able to take its Dragon Claw/Outrage reliably. Basically Kingdra+Infernape+Flygon = Offense core

EVs & Nature:

Standard really. 252 Satk for maximum damage input, and 252 Speed + Timid Nature to outrun Jolly Gyarados, Timid Heatran, Adamant Lucario and speed tie with Timid Suicune. The added bonus of 252 Speed and +Speed nature is, I outrun opposing Rain Dance team Kingdra, as most go for an Adamant nature, because their speed goes up in the rain anyway. So I suppose you can say Kingdra is a check to Rain Dance team, outspeeding many key threats like Kabutops, Quilifish and Ludiculo. (A rain boosted+STAB+Specs Hydro Pump hurts, just sayin)
Other Options

None atm.



Infernape (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk/192 Spd/64 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch
- U-turn
- Overheat

Set Analysis

So a Lucario has popped up on -2 Kingdra locked into Draco Meteor, and has a Swords Dance up. Rotom has been KOed, Kingdra risks getting killed by ExtremeSpeed and so does Flygon, while Heatran and Skarmory don't stand a chance. This is where Infernape comes in (obviously I don't mean directly switch into Lucario) and KOs Lucario with Mach Punch. Mach Punch has saved my ass many times, against a number of Choice scarf users as well as Stat uppers if Flygon, or any other check I had against them has died. I'm talking things like Scarf Heatran, Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Swords Dance and ESPECIALLY Agility Lucario. Infernape was the last Pokemon I chose on the team. My team seemed weak to Blissey, sure Skarmory can Taunt it, Heatran can Taunt it, and Rotom can Toxic Stall. But that's about it, I also needed some priority against the aforementioned threats, and something that can scout alongside Flygon.
EVs & Nature:

252 Atk for maximum damage output, and hitting for max damage on the main targets, Heatran, Tyranitar, Lucario, and most importantly, Blissey. 64 Satk gives that boost to Overheat making it nearly as strong as the Specially Based set's Fire Blast, which is important for Specially Defensive Skarmory and Forretress. Mach Punch is for handling weakened Kingdra, and picking off Heatran, Tyranitar and Lucario. U-turn to lure in Starmie and do huge amounts, and simply for scouting purposes.
Other Options

Probably the weakest link of the team, and the most changeable member. I was thinking about an anti-stall Pokemon such as Stone Edge Lucario, or Specially Based Mixape. Outside of handling Stall, I have also thought about Specially Defensive Swords Dance Scizor, to handle Gengar better, while still revenging dangerous sweepers with Bullet Punch, while simultaneously handling Blissey.



Flygon (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Claw/Outrage
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

Set Analysis
The final, catch all member of the team. Early game he's a valuable scout, mid game he's a reliable revenge killer against many stat uppers, and late game, he's a potent cleaner once the entry hazards have done their job, and the Steel-types removed. He's my revenge killer to Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Gyarados, Dragonite, Heatran, opposing Flygon, Agility Empoleon, Agility Metagross, and more. The reason I have Dragon Claw as the main option, is because I hate locking myself into Outrage, and letting some Scizor Bullet Punch me to death, or any Steel type come in and either set up or kill me right there. If that happens, well there goes my revenge killer. Dragon Claw doesn't have that raw power of Outrage, but most of the time when I use Dragon Claw, Spikes are already set up, which aids in weakening the foe, so Dragon Claw can finish them off. However, I do use Outrage sometimes, when I find the power underwhelming, and don't get a chance to set up hazards. Sometimes I even try Draco Meteor with a Naive nature over Stone Edge, just to nail the common (non Steel) physically bulky switch ins.
EVs & Nature:

Standard spread for any revenge killer. Jolly lets me outspeed Metagross and Empoleon after an Agility, and tie with opposing Scarf Flygon and Scarf Jirachi.
Other Options

Nope. <3 Flygon :)



So that's my final, and probably one of the better teams I've made in this entire generation. Its unfortunate that I came up with it at the near end of Gen. 4, but yeah lets all have a great time in Gen. 5

I always get haxed on ladder no matter how well I play, so I stopped laddering some time ago. This team didn't have any tournament or any achievement like that, sadly. But it stopped the endless losing streaks I kept getting with my other teams, so I'm glad that I kept trying and finally made a good product.

Thanks for reading, and all the best for Generation V.
Decent team.Toxic rotom is so underestimated. Although there are some things that need tweaking. Thunder Punch is a good option over stone edge on flygon. This is because you lack a consistent check to LO gyarados after 1 DD.Over all, Not much that i can fix. You do however have a problem with overheat/CC Infernape. But as long as you keep flygon healthy and spikes and rocks on the field this should not be much of a problem.
Congrats for getting a team that finally gels with you.

Contrary to what Curtains has said, I don't see Gyarados having an easy time with this team at all. Half your team either outruns or survives to KO back.

I can definitely see why Gengar and Starmie would give you problems, especially if Starmie is more careful in switching into your Infernape rather than your Heatran or something. Jolteon seems to be under the same vein, though you can definitely play around it. As well, it seems that you rely heavily on Skarmory to switch into physical attackers, which might become a huge problem if Magnezone decides to ruin that party. On the other hand, I can also see how SpD Skarmory can be very helpful, especially with Leftovers.

Because of all this, I think that you should go ahead and replace Infernape with SpD SD Scizor, as you thought about doing. You'll lure in and KO Magnezone (though Scarf HP Fire is ugh). It will also help against Starmie and Thunderbolt Gengar, setting up on the latter very reliably while also being likely to scare off the former to set up SD. If Lucario proves to be too much of a problem after this change, you can always change back.

Good luck with the team :)
Contrary to what Curtains has said, I don't see Gyarados having an easy time with this team at all. Half your team either outruns or survives to KO back.

And who would that be? Heatran and Infernape get set up on easy, pretty much skarm too especially if Gyara has Taunt. Kingdra can even get set up on locked into surf or hydro pump, and rotom gets damaged heavily, plus the chance for a flinch. So I think thunderpunch would be a good idea as curtains said, it's not much but it will help a little.
And who would that be? Heatran and Infernape get set up on easy, pretty much skarm too especially if Gyara has Taunt. Kingdra can even get set up on locked into surf or hydro pump, and rotom gets damaged heavily, plus the chance for a flinch. So I think thunderpunch would be a good idea as curtains said, it's not much but it will help a little.

Well, Taunt variants are weak as hell. Even Kingdra can survive a +1 move and OHKO (or get pretty close to doing so) with Draco Meteor. It's just not worth placing a move on there like ThunderPunch that is easily exploited and set up on. Stone Edge also helps him against Zapdos (and hits Gyarados pretty hard as well).
And stone edge isn't easily exploited? Also stone edge won't do shit to any defensive zapdos with roost unless it's already taken ~60% and it'll pressure stall your ass. Stone Edge doesn't OHKO Gyara after SR unless it is offensive and has taken LO damage, then it has a chance to ohko, but when it gets that second DD it's pretty much gg. And stone edge will probably miss anyways
I generally dislike moves on Choice Scarf Pokemon that are just for one Pokemon. Stone Edge has utility in that it hits fliers hard without locking yourself into Outrage. ThunderPunch is only for Gyarados. Plus, not all Zapdos are defensive.

I feel guilty raiding this guy's thread -- Let's save this discussion for another time.
Regarding the "half your team" comment, I was commenting more about LO Gyarados than the other variants:

Thunder Punch is a good option over stone edge on flygon. This is because you lack a consistent check to LO gyarados after 1 DD.
Rotom has bulk invested, Flygon is Scarfed and actually does enough with Stone Edge to have LO Gyarados kill itself with Life Orb recoil, and Kingdra also survives. Skarmory is 2HKOed by +1 Waterfall but it can still Roost stall or Whirlwind or whatever. (SpD Skarm isn't supposed to take on setup sweepers anyway.) Regardless, Gyarados (in general) definitely can sweep this team, but it will take some effort. Maybe ThunderPunch is the better move on this Flygon, but it doesn't seem like THAT big a deal to me.
Yeah, thanks for the rates everybody. Capefeather, I don't really find Starmie as troublesome as the other special attackers you mentioned, I try to lure out an Hydro Pump via Heatran/Infernape for Kingdra and kill it with Draco Meteor or Dragon Pulse the latter after Spikes damage. It does around ~37% with Ice beam, and switches out fearing Chesto Kingdra, which is built to set up on Starmie. Yes, Gengar and Jolteon are very annoying, and I will test the Special Defensive SD Scizor that came to mind. Gengar is one of the main reasons I run Dragon Claw on Flygon, since it just repeatedly uses Substitute when Flygon uses Outrage to induce confusion. Curtains/Cost: Yes I will try out Thunder Punch because of superior accuracy, and better damage versus Gyarados. Its true that a move for one Pokemon is not a good thing, neither is being locked into and Electric attack, but LO Gyarados comes out late game whenever I've faced it, and Kingdra and Rotom have been sufficiently weakened by then, so yeah will test.
Hey man,

Very solid team, can't see many weaknesses and you have plenty of threats covered. Gengar and Jolteon are very annoying for your team to face, and Sub variants are guaranteed atleast one kill if they manage to get one up. The Specially Defensive SD Scizor suggested by capefeather sounds really good for checking these threats, but I'd suggest trying it over Skarmory instead. Between Taunt Heatran, Rotom and Infernape I frankly don't see you having any problems with stall, and I don't see why your team needs the extra hazards when you are able to maintain such good offensive pressure with U-turn and with Heatran and Kingdra blowing holes in the opponents team. Skarmory itself can slow down offensive momentum, and the fact that it gets forced out so easily could mean trouble. If you really feel like Spikes are necessary, by all means try out the Scizor over Infernape. A set of Swordss Dance/Bullet Punch/Brick Break/Roost sounds good. Don't know too much about this set's EVs, but enough HP and Sp Defense to not get 2HKOed by Gengar's Life Orb Focus Blast with Rocks sounds like a good benchmark. Great job, 5 stars.
Rating by request.

Hi The LegendKiller, sorry I'm so late with this rate. I was on vacation for the last week and a half or so, so I haven't touched anything Smogon related other than the Tour in a while! So this is one of the more solid teams I've seen posted recently, and I really like it a lot. There are just a few minor nitpicks I have which should help make your team a little better. First of all, I really think Thunderpunch > Stone Edge on Flygon for this team. With Rotom-A slightly weakened, you'll find that Taunt + DD Bulky Gyarados can just rip through your entire team, surviving a Stone Edge from Flygon to nab another dance. As for my other nitpick, I find that Modest + Taunt on lead Heatran is not very useful. I think in 80% of your matches, you'll find Explosion to have more utility overall, and even with a Modest nature, Explosion will do a shitton. Finally, I would like to support Franky's suggestion of SD specially bulky Scizor over Skarmory's place. I think Infernape is great for your team and will likely KO Starmies who think they're cute and can switch in, which is important for you. Skarm on the other hand probably helps a lot with Spikes stacking + U-turn support, so I was a bit reluctant to suggest this, but I think with the rising popularity of Gengar, throwing Scizor in is a bit more important for your team. Both can obviously work and it's a matter of preference, but I think Scizor is the way to go here. Finally, I just wanted to say that I really love the use of Specs Kingdra and Sub + Toxic Rotom-A here. Fucks up Blissey and proceeds to rip bulky teams apart! If the star-rating system was still around, I would have definitely 5-starred this. Instead, I'll "Like" this thread for now! Great job, and best of luck in the future :)
Thanks IB and Phil for the rates. Yeah, I've been thinking about using Scizor for a long time as said in the OP, and was really thinking about which member was the most replaceable, and not have I once considered Skarmory. I realize now that Spikes are important and all, but Gengar at #3 according to August statistics is even more important. Specially Defensive SD Scizor works really well over Skarmory, with the set posted by IronBullet, but I've been using Iron plate over lefties for the surprise, and the "oomph" for Bullet Punch, and it has been getting many set up opportunities as of late. Flygon is really loving Thunderpunch, and although Taunt does help against Stall teams on Heatran, Explosion's been working out really well over it on threats thinking I'll just switch out due to Overheat's recoil.

Again, thanks a lot for the rates everyone, and the luvdiscs. :)